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White Blood Cells (WBC) and Immunity –

Introduction –
 Pathogens cause disease in the human body – white blood cells in different forms
help destroy pathogens and in turn, disease.

Phagocytes –
 Phagocytes are a type of WBC.
 They will engulf pathogens and ingest them.
 They are non-specific – they will engulf and ingest anything which is not meant
to be there.
 This process is known as phagocytosis.

Lymphocytes –
 Pathogens have a chemical material called antigens on their surface.
 Lymphocytes will produce specific antibodies marking them out for destruction.
They are produced rapidly.
 Memory cells will also be produced in response – if that specific pathogen was to
enter the body once more, the antigens would be produced much quicker and the
body would carry a memory of how to make the specific antigen.

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