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Copitor v3 October 04 2017

Author: Mathieu Jacquin

You can download Copitor for free or Donnate here:


Copitor allow you to quick copy/paste selected objects to another Max scene or in
another Max if you have 2 3dsMax open.
I also like to use it like as a "quick backup" for try something, and to be sure to
loose nothing :)
-Slot 6 can also target an special folder (NAS for example) by clicking on the "+"
next the Copy_6 button
-In Copitor options you can toggle merge material from Copitor

Drop The file in max viewport and go to Customize ==> Customize User Interface ==>
Category: zOffTy Tools ==> Copitor
You can also check the gif Copitor_Tuto_Install.gif

Works well on 3dsMax 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
For 3dsMax 9 to 2013 I recommend to use Copitor 1.61 in the Previous_version folder

This tools will not replace "SAVE" or "SAVE AS". Use at your own risk!


What's new:

04/10/2017 v3
-Added Option button for toggle merge material from Copitor
-Fixed some issues when running copitor for the first time

04/08/2017 v2.5
-Slot6 ONLY can have a special folder to use it on lan network with NAS

03/07/2017 v2.3
-tested on Max 2018, all seem to be ok

08/05/2017 v2.2
-fix the undo state hidding grid and wire no more!
-thumbnail ratio change
-add 1 more slot

28/11/2016 v2.1
-Position of Copitor is now saved. If you want reset the position of copitor, go in
your autoback folder, and open "copytor.ini" then delete 2 lines of
-Fix Thumbnails size
-Fix the undo state always hidding grid and wire

05/05/2016 v2
-Better ui for 3dsmax 2014 and newer
-add 5e slots
-Fix some crash

07/03/2011 v1.61
-Added on Scriptspot
-Fix some crash

16/11/2010 v1.5
-Add a 4e slot

02/11/2010 v1.4
-Fix some crash

30/10/2010 v1.3
-Fix some crash

29/10/2010 v1.0 !
-Launch !


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