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NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………. 
When was the National Assessment Programme For Literacy and Numeracy created? 
The National Assessment Programme For Literacy and Numeracy was created 10 years ago 

What skills to the tests cover? 

Where are test scores lowest? 

What pressing problems do the Aboriginal children have? 
 Families with depression, alcoholism, domestic violence, crimes

What do teenage girls do on purpose? 
Getting pregnant to collect the government 4000 $ bonus

Is it simply an aboriginal problem? 

What statisical information is given about test results and other aspects? 
 Crime has gone up, unemployment has gone up, drug abuse is at its highest rate ever

Why are the children not improving educationally? 
Because they do not apply what they learn
How should these students be tested? 
Focusing in educating, good knowledge and understanding how the world works
What is his vision for Aboriginal schools? 
Start school outdoors, study tracks, training the palls of observation, show what is out of place
in their surroundings. Teach them aboriginal languages and have elders do it.
What is said about Aboriginal languages? 
 There were initiatives of preserving aboriginal languages, they don’t belong in a museum, they
must live and flourish, but thwy aren’t because the funding for language education is not
reaching the right people.

Who should finance these changes? 

Private sponsors
What would be included in addition to bushcraft? 
Computer skills, national sciendes, aboritional history, wood work, metal work, farming
What is his revolutionary idea? 
Kids who know their rights
Does equal mean being the same? 
No, diversity should be encourage

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