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‫مركز مراقبة السموم والكيمياء الطبية الشرعية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة‬

Poison Control and Forensic Medical Chemistry

Centre in
Training Makkah Region
Day Time Activity/Title participant
Description the programme (OTARR) and its
12:00 12:30
‫اوتار‬ ‫ منصة الربط االلكتروني‬significance
‫ورشة عمل تدريبية على‬
12:30 13:00‫المكرمة‬ ‫الطواري بمكة‬Prayer
‫ اجياد‬Time
Wednes Emergency
day 13:00 13:15 14/04/2021‫م‬
Users authority management doctors/
14 April 13:15 14:00 TOX (Emergency Toxicology Service) nurses/IT
14:00 14:30 TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service)
14:30 15:00 DOS (Drug of Abuse – Suspected Service)

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