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Knowing and Responding to God’s Call

Faithful Service (3)

CGCM Youth Fellowship

What do you prefer: calling someone or texting someone?
How often do you actually pick up a call from someone?

Review main points of the sermon:

Exodus 3:1-12; 4:1-7

I. Why don’t we hear God’s call for us?

- In order to hear God’s call for us, we need to actively seek Him.

II. How do we discern if a call is really from God?

- God will reveal His identity, intention, and assurance.

III. How should we respond to God’s calling for us?

- Respond with faith by focusing on God’s credibility rather than our imperfections.

I. Why don’t we hear God’s call for us?

- In order to hear God’s call for us, we need to actively seek Him.

1) In verses 3-4, God did not call out to Moses until Moses approached Him and turned to
see the phenomenon of why the burning bush was not consumed. God’s calling is heard
when we seek Him.

a) Have you ever heard God’s call to serve or do something before? If so, what
was the experience of how He called you? If not, have you ever wondered
why you have not heard God’s call?

b) Do you think you are actively seeking God? What does it mean to actively
seek God?

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

c) How does actively seeking God relate to hearing God’s call?

(From last week’s sermon, Romans 12:2 speaks of how renewing your mind
with God’s Word leads you to discern what is God’s will.)

d) The burning bush was a distraction to Moses’ usual routine. Often, we think
of many things distracting us from our relationship with God. But have you
considered the perspective of how our relationship with God can distract us
from our normal, daily, routine of life? What would that look like?

II. How do we discern if a call is really from God?

- God will reveal His identity, intention, and assurance.

2) In verse 6, God identified Himself when He called out to Moses. In verse 7-10, God gave
Moses a call with the intention of leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. In verse
12, God gave Moses the assurance that what He said will happen. These are three
features we can find in a true calling from God.

a) Have you ever had an experience of not being sure if something was from
God or not? How did you handle it?

b) Which of the three criteria do you feel is hardest to know when discerning a
call to serve?
1) That the calling is really from God (Identity)
2) That the calling has a specific purpose (Intention)
3) That you will be at peace with the calling (Assurance)

c) Do you feel there is someone available you can trust and can talk with to help
you discern what God may be calling you to serve or do?

III. How should we respond to God’s calling for us?

- Respond with faith by focusing on God’s credibility rather than our imperfections.
3) Moses made a lot of excuses about himself for not wanting to obey God’s call. But God
answered him by showing what He can do instead.

• Moses’ Excuse: Who am I to lead Israel out of Egypt? (3:11)

God’s Answer: I will be with you and assure you will return to this mountain

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

• Moses’ Excuse: The Israelites will not listen to me and doubt You spoke to me.
God’s Answer: Here are three miracles to show as signs that I have sent you (4:2-

• Moses’ Excuse: I’m not a good public speaker. (4:10)

God’s Answer: I made the mouth. I can make it mute and speak. (4:11)

• Moses’ Excuse: Please send someone else (4:13)

God’s Answer: I will send your brother, Aaron to help you. (4:14-16)

a) What kind of excuses have you made to God before? Why do you think we
may make excuses when we hear God’s calling for us to serve?

b) How can we remember God’s credibility over our imperfections?

c) How does it make you feel to know that God wants to involve us, despite our
imperfections, to serve and accomplish His will?


4) What is one thing you learned from the message today?

Share prayer requests and close in prayer.

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

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