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The importance of a good work ethic to me is that everyone is able to stay focus and get done

what they are assigned to do. It helps them be successful in whatever career path they choose
along with forming good habits such as staying motivated and finishing tasks immediately.
Then define and give an example of the following 5 components of work ethic:
Integrity- trustworthy, reliable, practice and encourage open and honest communication,
responsible for your actions. An example of this is showing up at work on time and dedicating
yourself to the job.
Sense of Responsibility- holding yourself accountable for your actions. An example of this is
fulfilling a task that is expected of you to do by the boss.
Emphasis on Quality- Something that is of significance. An example of this is very good
Discipline- the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior. An example of this
is being trained at work to know how things are done.
Sense of Teamwork- members of a group that has the ability to work together toward a common
vision. An example of this would be a group of firefighters working together to put out a building
that is on fire.

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