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Leyenda de colores:

Texto azul: introducción

Texto verde: Medios de comunicación usados, frecuencia y tipo de noticias.
Texto Marrón: Reportar lo que dijo Vizcarra + opinión.
Texto moradito: Conclusión y despedida.

Marjorie: Hi Guys, are you see the recently news?

B: Hi Marjorie. Yes, I saw the news on Monday night at TV. It has been terrible that the
congress vacated the president.

JUNIOR: Well, I usually watch the news in the morning

before going to work. I didnt imagine that on Monday
night President Martin Vizcarra would be removed from
the PREsidency of Peru by CONgress. Marjorie and
where do you watch the news?
Marjorie: Yes, I full agree with you. Well, I usually see the news at TV and read articles
at digital newspaper. I usually prefer the economy and art news. Nevertheless, today I
need information about politics, but I feel that the TV News is being manipulated for
the corrupt governments, I think the best place to know what really happen at the
protest march is on social networks because you can see reporters about the
experiences of your friends or independent reporters. But you take care, because
some people exaggerate reality and that could generate false speculations.

B: Also, the removal of Martín Vizcarra from the presidency of Peru has raised several
questions about its legality. DW consulted with experts in the country, where more
and more people are protesting against this Parliament decision.

JUNIOR: That's right guys, people are going to protest

what the congress did with Martín Vizcarra, since they
do not agree with that decision. Now it is necessary to
be more than informed, because this situation will not

JUNIOR: Do you remember the last press conference of

Martin Vizcarra as President of Peru?
A: Yes
C: Yes, I remember.

Marjorie: When he said that he will not take any legal action and he says the reason
was because he doesn’t want it to be misinterpreted as a will to exercise power.
I will believe him if in the future, he doesn’t present himself as a political candidate in
the next elections. Otherwise, it is possible that this was a strategy to ensure his future
as a politician.

B: He Said, He leaves with a clear conscience of the duty accomplished. Let's hope that
the future holds the best for Peruvians and hopefully we will soon find out what the
underlying reasons were for this decision, whether they are decisions for the best of all
Peruvians or for personal interests.

JUNIOR: This is all very sad. Martín Vizcarra also said that
he was leaving the government palace that same night,
he also said that he was grateful for the support of all
Peruvians. Finally, he said that he will not take legal
action against Congress.

By the way, did you see the police attacks on the

Marjorie: My friends who have been in the marches, said me that the police had
attacked the protesters without justifiable reason.

I am very sad about that, I have applauded the police for their courageous work in
taking care of us when the pandemic started and now, I fear them, they have
disappointed me. ANFORCHUNULI, I believe that we are all responsible for what is
happening, because we have chosen those congressmen. Now we must learn that each
vote is very important and we must responsibly choose the best candidate, we will
need to read the government plan, and be sure that what they offer is true and good
for our country before vote.

B: Yes, the protest was the center of the repression of police officers who used tear gas
and pellets against the protesters. The incident left 2 young people dead, 24 and 25
years old, as well as a hundred injured who were treated during the early hours of
JUNIOR: Seriously guys, I feel sad about this whole
situation. The journalists said that the police officers had
shot the journalists. Honestly, everything has gotten out
of control. On channel 4 they said that they had already
criminally denounced Mr. Merino for the death of the
AB: Well guys, see you on the peaceful march against corruption.

JUNIOR: I see you there friends.

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