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Options for Negotiation dollars worth of damage done to France, loss of life, and property. France wanted reparations. How much? Point of Option 1 ‘Option 2 Option 3 Negotiation ae War Guilt: who is to | Germany Germany and | No one is to blame [blame for WWI? Austria-Hungary: There was billions of | $12 Billion 333 Billion $100 Billion ‘German Military: how powerful should it be? Should it be destroyed, kept completely intact, or somewhere in between’? Reduced to 100,000 | men, Navy reduced to 36 ships, No tanks, submarines, or aircraft Reduced to 250,000 men, Nave reduced 10 50 ships. Allowed to keep some tanks, submarines, and aircraft All forces returned to prewar levels, ‘No destruction of ‘war materials ‘German Colonies | Germany gets to Split between France gets them Germany could rise to power again. It is Germany controlled | keep them France and England | all several territories in | ‘Aftica, Who gets | them _ Rhineland: the | Taken over by the | An international | Germany can keep industrial heart of | French as part of | force takes over the | control of the area Germany. With it | war reparations | Rhineland with Allied that will negotiate between disputing powers its members also on the boarder | with France. Alsace and Lorraine: | Returned to France | Kept by Germany | Made an taken from France independent by Germany in 1870. country. League of Nations: | No League of Teague of Nations | League of Nations an international Nations. with no power to | with power to put peacekeeping body enforce power over | economic sanctions. on its members, Treaty of Versailles — Negotiation Worksheet Points of Negotiation Record your deci n and who voted yea or nay Option The Vote | War Guilt: who was to blame for the war? ‘Reparations. how much should Germany pay for invading France? German Colonies What should happen to them? Rhineland: a dangerous part of Germany. Who controls it? Alsace-Lorraine: taken from France by Germany in 1870 (50 years ago) who gets i? German Armed Forces: how many troops/ships can Germany have? Teagire of Nations international peacekeeping body. | Should there be one? Clemenceau and France France had suffered very heavy casualties during the war (some 1.24 million military and 40,000 civilians dead; see World War I casualties), and much of the war had been fought on French soil. France wanted to be given control of many of Germany's factories. In wanting this, Clemenceau was representing the interests and opinions of the French public. Coal from the Ruhr industrial region was transported to France by train. French military had taken over towns in key locations such as Gau Algesheim, forcing homelessness upon its inhabitants. German railroad workers sabotaged coal shipments to France. Around 200 German railroad workers involved in sabotage were executed by French authorities. Clemenceau's intentions were therefore simple: punitive reparations and Germany’ military to be not only weakened for the time being, but permanently weakened so as never to be able to invade France again. Clemenceau also wanted to symbolically destroy the old, militaristic Germany — something that could have been achieved by never allowing the pre-1914 politicians back into politics and by hanging the Kaiser (who had abdicated towards the end of the war and fled to Holland). He also wanted to protect secret treaties and impose naval blockades around Germany, so that France could control trade imported to and exported goods from the defeated country. Territorily, France felt that Germany should be punished. Obviously, he demanded the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France, but also the demilitarisation of the Rhineland to act as a buffer zone against future attacks. Furthermore, Germany’ colonies should be taken from it and distributed between the victors. Clemenceau was the most radical member of the Big Four, and received the nickname "Le Tigre". France and Clemenceau «Born in 1841 he was 77 when the talks began in 1919, ‘+ He entered politics in 1871 and was Prime Minister from 1906 to 1909. ‘+ During the war he was critical of the French war leaders. ‘+ In 1917 he was elected again as leader. Clemenceau was an old man who had seen his nation be invaded by the Germans in 1870 and again in 1914. France had suffered greatly. The youth of the nation had been lost to war and the nation ravaged by it’s effects. Clemenceau was a hard uncomprimising man (nicknamed ‘the tiger’) and therefore he wanted Germany to pay for what it had done to his nation and in doing so make sure that it never would be allowed to threaten France again. Main issues to take to the Treaty ‘+ Clemenceau wanted French troops on the Rhineland guarding against any future German attack. ‘+ Clemenceau wanted Alsace-Lorraine back from Germany - they captured it in the war of 1870. ‘+ Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay for everything that the war cost - this, would cripple Germany and make France more powerful in Europe.

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