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Pitru Stuti - Markandeya Puranam

॥ पितृ स्तुपत - मार्कण्डेय िुराणम् ॥

The following is a rare dual hymn on Pitrus by Ruci (Manu) and appears in Chapter
93/94 of Markandeya Puranam. Chapters 92-94 describe the Raucya Manvantara and the
story of Ruci Manu/Prajapati. Seeing Ruci living as a bachelor, his Pitrus questiion why he
has not taken to the path of house-holder which enables him to pay worship to Gods,
Pitrus, Rishis and Guests thereby getting gains in the celestial worlds. Though a heated
exchange of views about wedlock follows between Ruci and his ancestors, he becomes
perturbed by Pitru’s advice and therefore prays to Lord Brahma who in turn advises him to
pray to his Pitrus to get all he wanted and the following hymn was created by Ruci.
This hymn actually consists of two parts – the first part in Chapter 93 is the prayer by
Ruci seeking the blessing of ancestors and a maiden and the rest appears in Chapter 94. This
hymn also 31 classes of Pitrus – Vishva, Vishvabhug, Aradhya, Dharma, Dhanya,
ShubhAnana, Bhutida, Bhutikrit, Bhuti, Kalyana, Kalyanakartru, Kalya, Kalyatarashraya,
Kalyatahetu, Anagha, Vara, Varenya, Varada, Pushtida, Tushtida, Vishvapatri, Dhatru,
Mahat, Mahatman, Mahita, Mahimavan, Mahabala, Shukhada, Dhanada, Dharmada, and
His ancestors appear in the form of light pleased with his prayer. Ruci continues the
prayer with the second part. Pitrus grant the boon requested by Ruci as well as the boon
that he will become Prajapati. At the end, the Pitrus also sing the praise of this prayer and
the benefits one accrues by chanting this prayer at the time of Shraddha to forefathers, a
excerpt of which is given below:
“Whatever a man shall gratify us with this hymn in faith, we shall give him
enjoyments, sublime spiritual knowledge, perfect body health, wealth, progeny. We become
immensely pleased when this hymn is chanted by the man standing posture in front of the
Brahmanas. Even if the Shraddha is performed by a Brahmana who is devoid of Vedic
knowledge or done in a defective manner, or performed at a wrong time at a wrong place or
without faith, etc. This hymn thus chanted at the time Shraddha provides delight and
nourishment to us for 12 years if chanted in winter, 24 years if chanted in Hemanta Ritu, 16
years if chanted in spring/summer, and 15 years if chanted in autumn. We shall be present
at the time of Shraddha in whose house this hymn is available in written form always.”

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K. Muralidharan (
Pitru Stuti – Markandeya Puranam

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Pitru Stuti – Markandeya Puranam

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Pitru Stuti – Markandeya Puranam

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Pitru Stuti – Markandeya Puranam

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Pitru Stuti – Markandeya Puranam

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