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‘TENTARA NASIONAL INDONESIA MARKAS BESAR ANGKATAN UDARA NOMENKLATUR JABATAN DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS. DI LINGKUNGAN TNI ANGKATAN UDARA DISAHKAN DENGAN KEPUTUSAN KEPALA STAF ANGKATAN UDARA NOMOR KEP/326/XI/2020 TANGGAL 27 NOVEMBER 2020 DAFTAR ISI DAFTAR ISI Halaman FILOSOFI DAN DOKTRIN Pancasila . Saptamarga Sumpah Prajurit Delapan Wajib TNI 11 Azas Kepemimpinan . Panca Prasetya Korpri. Tugas Pokok TNI Tugas TNI AU . Aba-Aba Baris Berbaris . . Do’a Apel Pagi & Siang . Korps/Kecabangan TNI AU . . Perbandingan Kepangkatan . Perbandingan Struktur Satu Tanda Jasa dan Tanda Kehormatan .. PaNAnr OYE xiii xiv BESES _ Keputusan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Nomor Kep/326/XI/2020 tanggal 27 November 2020 tentang Nomenklatur Jabatan Dalam Bahasa trearis . di Lingkungan TNI Angkatan Udara 12 He ORGANISASI JABATAN DI MABESAU A. ESELON PIMPINAN 3 3 B. ESELON PEMBANTU PIMPINAN 3. Itenau 3 4. Sabli 4 5. Srenaau 5 6. Sintelau .. 6 7. Sopsau 7 8. Spersau .. 8 9. Slogau 8 10. Spotdirgaau . 9 C. BADAN PELAKSANA PUSAT 11. Disinfolahtaau 9 12. Diskuau 10 13. Dislitbangau 10 14. Dispamsanau . iL 15. Dissurpotrudau . 12 16. Disbangopsau 12 17. Disopsiatau . 12 18. Disdikau 13 19, Diskesau 14 20, Disminpersau 14 21. Diswatpersau .. 22. Dispsiau 23. Disbintalidau 24. Lakespra Saryanto 25. RSPAU dr, Hardjolukito 26. Disadaau .. 27. Disaeroau 28. Diskonsau 29. Disbtbau ... 30. Diskomlekau 31, Dismatau 32. Dispenau 33. Diskumau ... 34. Puslaiklambangjaau .. 35. Puspotdirga . 36. Pusbekmatau . 37. Puspomau 38. 39. D. ESELON PELAKSANA STAF/PELAYANAN 40. Smin Kasau . 41, Puskodalau . 42, Setumau ... 43. Denmabesau ll. KOTAMA TNI AU DAN JAJARAN A. Kohanudnas .. 44, Kosek Hanudnas 45. Pusdik Hanudnas . B. Koopsau ... 46. Lanud 47. Wing Udara . 48. Skadron Udara 49. Skadron Teknik .. C. Kodiklatau . 50. Satuan Jajaran Kodiklatau ..... D. Koharmatan .. 51, Depohar E. Korpaskhas 52. Satuan Jajaran Korpaskhas TI. LAIN-LAIN IV. DAFTAR PERSONEL POKJA .. DAFTAR DISTRIBUSI 15 16 16 17 17 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25, 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 31 31 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 38 38 39 39 40 41 45 iii PANCASILA (FIVE PRINCIPLES) 1. Belief in One Supreme God. 2. A just and civilized humanity. 3. Unity of Indonesia. 4. Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people. 5. — Social justice for Indonesian People. SAPTA MARGA (SEVENFOLD PLEDGES OF THE SOLDIERS) 1. We, citizens of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are based on the state ideology, Pancasila. 2. We, Indonesian Patriots are the bearers and defenders of the state ideology, who are responsible and know of no surrender. 3. We, Indonesian knights, who devote ourselves to the Supreme God, and who defend honesty, truth and justice. 4. We, soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces, are guardians of the state and the people of Indonesia. 5. We, soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces, firmly uphold military discipline, and are obedient to the leader, and uphold the soldiers’ attitude and honor. 6. _ We, soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces, prioritize the knighthood spirit in conducting our task, and are always prepared to serve the state and nation. 7. We, soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces, are loyal and keep our vows and the soldier’s oath. iv SUMPAH PRAJURIT (SOLDIER’S OATH) In the name of Allah (God), I swear that: 1. Lwill be loyal to the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia which is based upon the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila, the state ideology. 2. Iwill abide by the law and firmly uphold military discipline. 3. I will be observant to the superior by not contradicting any order or decision. 4. Iwill carry out any duty with full of responsibility to the military institution and to the State of the Republic of Indonesia. 5. I will firmly keep military's confidentialities. 8 WAJIB TNI (THE EIGHT OBLIGATORY STANCES OF ‘THE INDONESIAN ARMED FORCES) 1. To be friendly to the people. 2. To be polite to the people. 3. To uphold the honor of women, 4. To guard one’s own honor in public. 5. To be an example for attitude and humility at all times. 6. Never put people in any unfavorable situation. 7. Never frighten or hurt the feelings of the people. 8. To be an example and the vanguards in overcoming the difficulties of the people in the surroundings. 11 ASAS KEPEMIMPINAN (ELEVEN PRINCIPLES OF TNI LEADERSHIP) 1. ‘Taqwa. Having deep faith to God the Almighty and be strongly obedient to Him. 2. Ing ngarso sung tulado. Giving good examples in front of one’s subordinates. 3. Ing Madya Mangun Karsa. Take part in the activity and inspire enthusiasm among one’s subordinates. 4, ‘Tat Wuri Handayani. Influencing and encouraging one’s subordinates from behind. 5. Waspada Purba Wisesa. Always vigilant in supervision and able as well as willing to provide correction to one’s subordinates. 6. Ambeg Parama Arta, Able to make a proper choice as a priority. 7. Prasaja. A humble behavior without exaggeration. 8. Satya. An attitude of reciprocal loyalty from superiors to subordinates and vice versa as well as to colleagues. 9. Gemi Nastiti. Consciousness and ability to make good use of everything and procure what is really needed. 10. Belaka, The will, willingness and courage to take responsibility for one’s acts. 11. Legawa. The will, willingness and sincerity to hand over one’s responsibility and position to the succeeding generation at the right time. PANCA PRASETYA KORPRI (FIVE LOYAL PROMISES CORPS OF CIVIL SERVANTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA) We, the members of the Civil Servants Corps of the Republic of Indonesia, have faith and are deeply devoted to God the Almighty, are pledged to: 1. To be loyal and obedient to the Unitary State and Government of the Republic of Indonesia and are abide by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution; 2. To uphold the honor of State and Nation and keep the secrets of Office and State; 3. To prioritize the interest of the State and Society above personal and group; 4. To maintain the nation’s unity and integrity as well as the solidarity of the Civil Servants Corps of the Republic of Indonesia. 5. To uphold honesty, justice and discipline as well as promote welfare and professionalism. ‘TUGAS POKOK TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces Main Tasks) ‘The main task of the Indonesian Armed Forces is to uphold national sovereignty, maintain the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and protect the entire nation and homeland from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. ‘TUGAS TNI ANGKATAN UDARA (Indonesian Air Force Main Tasks) fe Carry out the TNI duties in the field of defence of air dimension. 2. Enforce the law and maintain security in the air space of national jurisdictions in accordance with the provisions of national law and international law which have been ratified. 3. Carry out the-duties of the TNI in the construction and development of the strength of air dimension. 4. Carry out the’air defence aréa empowerment. vii ABA-ABA BARIS BERBARIS (MARCHING /DRILL COMMANDS) GERAKAN DI TEMPAT TANPA BERSENJATA (Movement Without Arms). 1. Siap, Gerak : Attention. 2. —_ Istirahat di Tempat, Gerak : At ease 3. Hadap Kanan, Gerak Right Face 4. Hadap Kiri, Gerak : Left Face 5. Hadap Serong Kanan, Gerak : Half Right Face 6. Hadap Serong Kiri, Gerak : Half Left Face 7. Balik Kanan, Gerak 1 About Face 8. Lencang Kanan, Gerak : Dress Right, Dress 9. Lencang Kiri, Gerak : Dress Left, Dress 10, Lencang Depan, Gerak : Cover 11. Tegak Gerak : Recover 12, Hormat Gerak : Salute Up 13. ‘Tegak Gerak (setelah hormat) : Salute Down 14. Luruskan : By the Right Dress 15. Lurus : Ready Front 16. Setengah Lengan Lencang Kiri, Geral : At close interval Dress Left Dress 17. Setengah Lengan Lencang Kanan, Gerak : At close interval Dress Right Dress Bubar Jalan : Fall out (apel pagi) / Dismiss (apel sore) 18. Parade, Istirahat di Tempat Gerak _: Parade Rest GERAKAN DI TEMPAT DENGAN SENJATA (Movements with Arms). 1, Pundak Kanan Senjata : Right Shoulder Arms 2. Pundak Kiri Senjata : Left Shoulder Arms 3. Hormat Senjata, Gerak : Present Arms 4. ‘Tegak Senjata, Gerak : Order Arms 5. Depan Senjata, Gerak : Port Arms GERAKAN BERJALAN (Marching). 1. (Gerakan berjalan terdiri atas abaaba persiapan dan aba aba pelaksanaan. Aba-aba pelaksanaan diucapkan dengan kata March! ) 2. Maju Jalan : Forward March 3. Henti Gerak Squad Platoon Halt Company 4. Lari Jalan : Double time March 5. Langkah Biasa Jalan : Quick Time March 6. Dua Langkah ke Depan, Jalan : Two Steps Forward, March 7. Dua Langkah ke Belakang, Jalan : Two Steps backward, March 8. Dua Langkah ke Kanan, Jalan : Two Steps Right, March viii 9. Dua Langkah ke Kiri, Jalan 10. Balik Kanan Maju Jalan 11. Dua Kali Belok Kanan Maju, Jalan 12. Belok Kanan Jalan 13. Belok Kiri Jalan 14. Jalan di Tempat Gerak 15. Tiap-Tlap Banjar 2 kali Belok Kanan/Kiri, Jalan 16. Hormat Kanan,Gerak 17. Hormat Kiri, Gerak 18. Tegak Gerak (setelah hormat) 19, Buka Barisan Jalan 20, Tutup Barisan Jalan 21, Langkah Tegap Maju Jalan (dari berhenti) 22. Langkah Tegap Jalan (dari berjalan) 23. Ganti Langkah Jalan LAPORAN APEL. 1. Aba-Aba Peringatan Piket : “Persiapan Apel Pagi” : Two Steps Left, March : Rear, March : Two Times Right, March. : Right, March : Left, March : Mark time March : Each Column, right left, March : Byes Right : Eyes Left : Ready Front : Open Ranks, March : Close Ranks, March. : Parade Forward, March : Parade, March : Change Step, March : “Ready for Morning Roll Call” 2. Perwira Tertua “Siap Gerak” :” Attention” 3. Laporan Piket Kepada Pawas : a. Diawali penghormatan, setelah penghormatan b. Contoh: 75 orang siap apel pagi : c. “Seventy five Men in all are ready for morning roll call” da. Perintah Pawas “Lanjutkan” : “Carry On” e. Piket mengulangi”Lanjutkan’” : “Yes Sir” 4. Perintah Pawas : “Apel Pagi/Siang mulai Laporan 5. a Perwira Tertué : * Morning roll call begins Report? ‘Memberi Aba-aba penghormatan kepada Pawas 1) Kepada Perwira Pengawas, Hormat Gerak : “To the officer-in-charge, Salute Up”. 2) ‘Tegak Gerak (Tanpa Senjata): “Salute Down” 3) Bila bersenjata a) Hormat Senjata Gerak : “Present Arms” b) —Tegak Senjata Gerak b. Pada saat Akan Laporan. “Order Arms” 1) Lurusken _: “By the right dress” 2) Lurus / Paling kiri barisan: “Ready Front” 10. ll. 12. 13. c. Laporan Kekuatan 1) Lapor 2) Kelas A ‘A Class” 3) Jumlah 43 _: “fourty three men in all” 4) Kurang 10 _—: “Ten Absen‘l” 5) Hadir 33, : *Thirty Three Present” 6) _ Keterangan : “Remarks” a) 1DD One On Duty b) 1DL One Out Duty oc) 1Sakit ne Sick d) 1Terlambat : One Late eo) 1 ne Permission ne in Dispensary : One absent without official leave (AWOL) me On Education One Leave ne Being Deployed } 1 diKlinik g) 1 Tanpa Ket h) 1 Pendidikan i) 1Cuti ij) 1BP 7) Laporan selesai_—_: “Report over” Pawas Laporan diterima, Kembali ke tempat: “Report accepted, Back To the Post” Perwira Tertua Kembali ke tempat, balik kanan Gerak :“Back to the Post, About face” Pawas a. Sebelum apel pagi mari kita berdoa : “Before we start our activity today, say a prayer!” b. Da Terlampir Istirahat di tempat Gerak ; “At Ease” Pawas memberikan perhatian Pawas menyiapkan pasukan 1) “Siap Gerak” : “Attention” 2) “Apel pagi selesai, bubarkan : “Morning Roll Call has been accomplished, Fall Out” sao Semua Perwira Tertua Dalam Barisan a. Mengulangi perintah Pawas “Bubarkan” :“Dismiss’ b. “Kepada Pawas Hormat Gerak” : “To the officer-in-charge, Salute Up* c. “Tegak Gerak” : “Salute Down” Piket. “Apel Pagi Telah Dilaksanakan Laporan Selesai “: “Morning Roll Call has been done, Report over” Pawas “Lanjutkan” : "Carry On" Piket “Lanjutkan” :”Yes Sir” Seluruh Perwira Tertua dalam Barisan. “Bubar Jalan”: “Fall Out” DO‘A APEL PAGI (SAYING A PRAYER BEFORE WORKING) LORD, OUR GOD THE ALMIGHTY WHO IS MERCIFUL AND GRACIOUS WE ARE READY TO CARRY OUT OUR DUTIES, MAY YOU GIVE US THE STRENGTH AND GUIDANCE TO ACCOMPLISH OUR DUTIES PROPERLY, FOR THE SAKE OF THE PROSPERITY OF OUR COUNTRY AND NATION. LORD PLEASE ACCEPT OUR PRAYER, AMEN... DO’A APEL SIANG (SAYING A PRAYER AFTER WORKING) LORD, OUR GOD THE ALMIGHTY WHO IS MERCIFUL AND GRACIOUS WE HAVE COMPLETED ALL THE DUTIES ASSIGNED TO US TODAY, LORD OUR GOD, WE ASK THAT YOU BLESS WHAT WE HAVE DONE, AND GRANT THAT WE MAY BE PROTECTED FROM EVERY SINGLE DANGER, MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO WORK AGAIN. LORD PLEASE ACCEPT OUR PRAYER, KORPS DI TNI AU ({BRANCH/SPECIALTY IN THE INDONESIAN AIR FORCE) NO [INDONESIAN VERSION ENGLISH VERSION 1 2 3 1. _| Korps Penerbang (PNB) Pilot Corps 2. | Korps Navigator (NAV) Navigator Corps 3.__| Korps Teknik (TEK) Aviation Engineering Corps 4,_ | Korps Blektronika (LEK) Aviation Electronics Corps 5. | Korps Administrasi (ADM) | Administration Corps 6.__| Korps Perbekalan (KAL) Supply Corps 7. | Korps Polisi Militer Angkatan | Air Force Military Police Corps Udara (POM) 8._ | Korps Pasukan (PAS) ‘Special Force Corps 9. | Korps Kesehatan (KES) Medical Service Corps 10. | Korps Dinas Khusus (SUS) __| Special Service Corps xii PERBANDINGAN KEPANGKATAN THE COMPARISON OF RANK SYSTEM oa TN AU TDAF USAF RAF (Indonesia) (TNI AU) (Amerika) (Inggris) T, | Marsekal TNI Air Chief Marshal_| General Air Chief Marshal (ACM) 2. |Marsekal Madya | Air Marshal Lieutenant General | Air Marshal TN (aM) 3. |Marsekal Muda | Air Vice Marshal _ | Major General Air Vice Marshal ‘TN (avMy 4, |Marsekal Pertama | Air First Marshal / | Brigadier General | Air Commodore TN Air Commodore (AFM/AIRCDRE) 5._|Kolonel Colonel (COL) Cotonet Group Captain 6. |Letnan Kolonel Lieutenant Colonel | Lieutenant Colonel | Wing Commander (LTCOL) 7._| Mayor ‘Major (MAJ) Major Squadron Leader 8._| Kapten Captain (CAPT) | Captain Flight Lieutenant 9. | Letnan Satu First Lieutenant | First Lieufenant | Flying Officer (SLT) 10. | Letnan Dua ‘Second Lieutenant | Second Lieutenant | Pilot Officer/ Acting (24 LT) Pilot a= = : Officer Cadet 12.|Pembantu Letnan | Warrant Officer 1_ | Chief Master Warant Officer Satu (wo1) Sergeant of The Air Force 13.|Pembantu Letnan | Warrant Officer 2 | Command Chief |- Dua (wo2) Master Sergeant 14, | Sersan Mayor Sergeant Major | Chief Master Flight Sergeant (SM) Sergeant 15. | Sersan Kepala Chief Sergeant ‘Senior Master Chief Technician (CSGT) Sergeant 16.| Sersan Satu First Sergeant (Ist | Master Sergeant | Sergeant SGT) 17.| Sersan Dua ‘Second Sergeant | Technical Sergeant | - (2nd SGT) 18.[- = Staff Sergeant = 19. | Kopral Kepala Chief Corporal Senior Airman Corporal (CCPL) 20. | Kopral Satu Corporal First = Class (CPL1) 21. | Kopral Dua Corporal Second | - = Class (CPL2) 22. | Prajurit Kepala Chief Private Airman First Class | Senior Aircraftman (CPVT) 23. | Prajurit Satu Private First ‘Airman - Class (PVT1) 24, | Prajurit Dua Private Second | Airman Basic Leading Class (PVT2) Aircraftman PERBANDINGAN STRUKTUR SATUAN ANGKATAN UDARA ‘THE COMPARISON OF AIR FORCE UNIT STRUCTURE NO INDONESIA COMMONWEALTH UNITED STATES 1. | Koopsau I ‘Air Command 7% Air Force 2, [Lanud Halim ‘Air Combat Group _| 51 Fighter Wing Perdanakusuma 3. [Wing Udaral | No. 78 Wing 51** Operational Group (0s) ‘Skuadron Udara 12 No. 76 Squadron 51* Operations Support Squadron (OSS) Skuadron Udara 17 No, 79 Squadron 25% Fighter Squadron (25 FS) Skuadron Udara 21 No. 278 Squadron ‘36% Fighter Squadron (36 FS) TANDA JASA DAN TANDA KEHORMATAN NO | TANDA KEHORMATAN ENGLISH 1. | BINTANG ‘Star Decorations A. Sipil Stars for Civil Service 1) Bintang Republik | Star of the Republic | The highest decoration i awarded by the Indonesia of Indonesia Government of Indonesia for extraordinary service to the integrity, viability, ‘and greatness of Indonesia. 2) ‘Bintang Star of Mahaputera | Awarded for extraordinary Mahaputera service to the motherland in certain areas outside the military 3) Bintang Jasa Star of Service “Awarded for civil bravery and courage in times of adversity 4) Bintang Kemanusiaan Star of Humanities \ ‘Awarded for extraordinary service in upholding humanities value and human rights 3) Bintang Penegak Demokrasi Star of the Upholder of Democracy ‘Awarded for extraordinary service in upholding democratic principles 6) Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma Cultural Merit Star “Awarded to extraordinary involvement in the promotion, education and preservation of Indonesian culture and arts 7) ‘Bintang Bhayangkara National Police Meritorious Service Star ‘Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Police for meritorious service to the nation and in helping to uphold the rule of law and also be awarded to civilians for extraordinary service in the development and progress of the National Police, as well as in assistance in the performance of the duties and functions of the police as mandated by the constitution and laws of the Republic B. Militer Stars for Military Service 1. Bintang Tanpa Kelas Stars awarded without class xv a. Bintang Gerilya Guerrilla Star ‘Awarded to a military serviceman /servicewoman who has given extraordinary service to fight in order to maintain the sovereignty of Republic of Indonesia from foreign aggression b. Bintang Sakti The Sacred Star Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National ‘Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by acts of valor and beyond the cail of duty during military operations ¢. Bintang Dharma Military Distinguished Service Star ‘Awarded to armed forces personnel and civilians for extraordinary service and actions beyond the call of duty during military operations and contingencies which helps promote and achieve the advancement of the Indonesian National Armed Forces 2. Bintang Berkelas Stars awarded with classes a. Bintang Yudha Dharma Grand Meritorious Military Order Star Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces or civil servant of ministry of defence or any citizen or foreigner for extraordinary service and on beyond the call of duty for the supervision, development and conduct of any action or activity which can provide extraordinary benefits for the government, people and the Republic of Indonesia, most especially in the field of national defense 1) Bintang Yudha 1% Class Grand Awarded to Minister of Dharma Utama | Meritorious Military | Defence and Commander Order Star of National Armed Forces. 2) Bintang Yudha | 2"! Class Grand Twwarded to 2-star officer Dharma Pratama | Meritorious Military | 24 above who serve in Order Star national armed force HQ, ministry of defense, or defense branch HQ 3) Bintang Yudha | 3° Class Grand “Awaided to star officer Dharma Nararya Meritorious Military Order Star and senior officer who serve in joint staif position . Bintang Angkatan Service Stars ~“7) Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa | Air Force Meritorious ervice Star ‘Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian Air Force for meritorious service and beyond the call of duty for advancement of the Indonesian Air Force 2) Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Utama 1st Class Air Force Meritorious Service Star ‘Awarded to Minister of Defence, Commander of National Armed Forces and Chief of Staff of the Air Force 3) Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Pratama 2"4 Class Air Force Meritorious Service Star ‘Awarded to deputy chief of staff and qualified 2-star air force officer who have received 3°'class of BSBP 4) Bintang Swa 3 Air Force ‘Awarded to all air force Bhuwana Paksa | Meritorious Service _| Personnel who have N Star received Satyalancana prea Kesetiaan 24 years’ service i. | SATYALANCANA Medals ‘A. Satyalancana Militer | Medals for Military Service 1, Satyalancana Wounded Medal ‘Awarded ee or i personnel o a the Indonesian National Armed Forces who are deemed worthy to receive it, because of combat injuries sustained due to enemy action during military operations 2. Satyalancana Military Campaign | Awarded toany serving Teladan Medal Personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 1 year's continuous service or 3 years’ non-continuous service while in performance of national defense responsibilities on any military campaign or operation as may be ordered by the Commander of the National Armed Forces and/or the respective Chiefs of Staff of the service branches of the armed forces wherein he or she is assigned iH 3, Satyalancana Kesetiaan Military Long Service Medals ‘Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for years of loyal and faithful service. This is orie of only few awards that may be bestowed upon both enlisted personnel and officers of the Armed Forces 1) Satyalencana Kesetiaan XXXII Tahun 32 years’ service medal (1* Category) “Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 32 years of loyal and faithful service 2) Satyalencana Kesetiaan XXIV Tahun 24 years’ service medal (2°4 Category) ‘Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 24 years. of loyal and faithful service 3) Satyalencana 16 years’ service ‘Awarded to personnel of i rd the Indonesian National a XVI medal (3! Category) | armed Forces for 16 years a of loyal and faithful service 4) Satyalencana | 8 years’ service medal | Awarded to personnel of Kesetiaan VIII Tahun (4% Category) the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 8 years of loyal and faithful service 4. Satyalancana Santi Dharma Military Peacekeeping Medal Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for service as part of a UN peacekeeping force or as wartime foreign military observers during conflicts 5. Satyalancana Dharma Nusa National Defence Service| Medal “Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces or Indonesian National Police or civil servants for service in defense/security restoration order operations in conflict zone 6. Satyalancana Dwidya Sistha Military Instructor Service Medals ‘Awarded to any individual or personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for service as instructors at the Military Academies or military recruit training units in any service branch 7. Satyalancana Dharma Dirgantara Air Force Service Medal “Awarded to personnel of the Indonesian Air Force for years of loyal and faithful service and dedication xviii 8. Satyalancana Outer Islands Guard ~ | Awarded to personnel of i 1¢ Indonesian a ae Armed Forces for service in outermost islands of Indonesia 9. Satyalancana’ Border Guard Medal _ | Awarded to personnel of Wira Dharma the Indonesian National Armed Forces for service as Border Guard Task Force 10, Satyalancana Wira Siaga Presidential Guard Medal ‘Awarded to individual or personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 2 years’ continuous service or 3 years’ non-continuous ‘service in the special forces units Ti. Satyalancana Ksatria Yudha, ‘Special Forces Medal “Awarded to individual or personne! of the Indonesian National Armed Forces for 2 years’ continuous service or 3 years’ non-continuous ‘service in the special forces units B. Satyalancana Sipil T. Satyalancana Pembangunan Development Medal ‘Awarded to individuals for their contribution in national development or specific area development 2. Satyalancana Wira Karya Role Model Medal ‘Awarded to individual for the service to the country and become a role model in their field 3. Satyalancana Kebaktian Sosial Social Welfare Medal Awarded to distinguished individuals for their contribution to the social welfare of the Indonesian people 4, Satyalancana Kebudayaan Cultural Service’ Medal ‘Awarded to distinguished individuals for their service in upholding Indonesian culture and the arts 5. Satyalancana Pendidikan Education Service Medal ‘Awarded to teachers, professors and school and college administrative staff for dedicated service to the education sector 6. Satyalancana Karya Satya Civil Service Long Service Medals ‘Awarded fo distinguished individuals of the civil service for years of loyal and faithful service and dedication. The medals is awarded in 3 classes: 10 years’ service, 20 years’ service and 30 years! service 7. Satyalancana Dharma Olahraga Sport Medal ‘Awarded to distinguished athletes, coaches, judges and sports officials for their meritorious service and dedication towards the advancement and progress of Indonesian sports and also for achievements made for the country during national ievel and international sports events 8. Satyalancana Dharma Pemuda Youth Medal “Awarded to deserving youth, men and women (16-30 years old) for their extraordinary achievements for the country, people and their ‘communities and who are an inspiration to others of their age 9, Satyalancana Kepariwisataan Tourism Medal ‘Awarded to distinguished individuals for their service in tourism development ‘SAMKARYA NUGRAHA Honorary Citations A. Samkaryanugraha sipil 1. Parasamya Purnakarya Nugraha Civil Honorary Citation A citation award given by or in behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to the Province / Region at Level Land District / Municipality / Region at Level II which shows the highest result of the implementation of Five Years Development in order to improve the welfare of all people x 2. Nugraha Sakanti Presidential Unit Citation-Police A citation award given by or in behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for meritorious service and dedication of units within the Indonesian National Police for the sake of ‘upholding law and order, protecting the citizenry of the Republic, community development, civil assistance and in the performance of actions for the benefit of the people's well-being and safety 3. Samkaryanugraha Militer tetap disebut Samkarya-nugraha Presidential Unit Citation-Armed Forces ‘A citation award given by or in behalff of the President of the Repul of Indonesia for meritorious service and dedication of units within the Indonesian National Armed Forces for the sake of the performance of its mandate of national defense, community development and in civil assistance operations during calamities and major national events KEPUTUSAN KEPALA STAF ANGKATAN UDARA Nomor Kep/326/X1/2020 tentang NOMENKLATUR JABATAN DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS Menimbang, Mengingat Memperhatikan : DI LINGKUNGAN TNI ANGKATAN UDARA DENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA KEPALA STAF ANGKATAN UDARA, a. bahwa dalam rangka mendukung tugas TNI Angkatan Udara diperlukan piranti lunak untuk penggunaan Nomenklatur jabatan dalam bahasa Inggris; bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan _sebagaimana dimaksud dalam hurufa, perlu menetapkan. keputusan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara tentang Nomenklatur Jabatan dalam bahasa Inggris di lingkungan TNI Angkatan Udara; Keputusan Presiden Nomor 33/TNI/Tahun 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara; Keputusan Panglima TNI Nomor Kep/588/VII/2020 tentang Pemberhentian Dari dan Pengangkatan Dalam Jabatan di Lingkungan TNI; Keputusan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara Nomor Kep/143/VI/2020 tentang Doktrin Fungsi Umum Personalia ‘TNi Angkatan Udara; Arahan pimpinan TNI Angkatan Udara tentang penggunaan jabatan dalam bahasa Inggris di lingkungan ‘Ni Angkatan Udara; Hasil perumusan kelompok kerja _penyusunan Nomenklatur Jabatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris di lingkungan TNI Angkatan Udara; Menetapkan MEMUTUSKAN: Kaputusan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara tentang Nomenklatur Jabatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris di Lingkungan ‘TNI Angkatan Udara sebagaimana tercantum dalam Jampiran yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari keputusan ini, Keputusan Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara sebagaimana dimaksud angkal digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam menyelenggarakan Nomenklatur Jabatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris di Lingkungan TNI Angkatan Udara. Dengan catatan: Apabila di kemudian hari tenyata terdapat kekeliruan dalam keputusan ini, akan diadakan pembetulan sebagaimana mestinya. Salinan keputusan ini disampaikan kepada: Panglima TNI Kasau. Wakasau. Aspers Panglima TNI. Kadisdikau. Kadisminpersau. Instansi Pembina Profesi yang bersangkutan, Instansi Pengguna Personel yang bersangkutan. PAPNAENE Petikan keputusan ini diberikan kepada yang bersangkutan untuk diketahui dan digunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan. Ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 27 November 2020 a.n. KEPALA STAF ANGKATAN UDARA ASISTEN PERSONALIA, Cap/tertanda A. GUSTAF BRUGMAN, M.Si (Han) MARSEKAL MUDA TNI Autentikasi KEPALA SEKRETARIAT UMUM TNI ANGKATAN UDARA, AHMAD DACHLAN SUKARDJO, S.E., M.M. KOLONEL ADM NRP 515583 ‘TENTARA NASIONAL INDONESIA MARKAS BESAR ANGKATAN UDARA Lampiran I Keputusan Kasau Nomor Kep/ 326 /X1/2020 Tanggal 27 November 2020 NOMENKLATUR JABATAN DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS DI LINGKUNGAN TNI ANGKATAN UDARA A. |ESELON PIMPINAN 1. |Kasau 2. |Wakasau TJENAU irjenau Wairjenau Sekretaris Irops lirutops {irdyasiapops Irdyabinkuat Irutlat Indyasiapsat Irdyasiaplat eae iceet ar pret eeeccer eerie 11. firum 12. |Irutpers 13. |Irdyabinpers 14, |Irdyabinteman 15. |Irdyadikpers 16. |Irutsus 17. |Irdyagakkum 18. |Irdyagakkum/Dumas 19. |Irben 20, |Irutku 21. |Irdyadalminku 22, |Irdyagarbia 23. |Irutlog 24, |Irdyaduklog 25. |Irdya BMN NO INDONESIA INGGRIS 1 2 3 1. |MABESAU DAF Headquarters B, |ESELON PEMBANTU PIMPINAN (Leader Echelon Chief of Staff, Indonesian Air Force (CoS IDAF} \Deputy-Chief of Staff, Indonesian Air Force (DCoS DAF) Assistant Echelon Inspectorate General, IDAF inspector General Deputy of Inspector General Secretary of Inspectorate General Senior Inspector for Operations Main Inspector for Operations Mid-Level Inspector for Operational Preparedness Mid-Level Inspector for Power Development Main Inspector for Training and Exercise Mid-Level Inspector for Unit Preparedness Mid-Level Inspector for Training and Exercise Preparedness Senior Inspector for General Matter Main Inspector for Personnel Mid-Level Inspector for Personnel Development Mid-Level Inspector for Human Resource Development Mid-Level Inspector for Personnel Education Main Inspector for Special Matter Mid-Level Inspector for Law Enforcement Mid-Level Inspector for Law Enforcement/ [Community Support [Senior Inspector for Treasury Main Inspector for Finance [Mid-Level Inspector for Financial Administration Controlling Mid-Level Inspector for Budget and Expenditure Main Inspector for Logistic /Mid-Level Inspector for Logistic Support Mid-Level Inspector for State Owned Property 1 2 3 26. |Koordinator Parik [Coordinator of Auditing Officer 27. |Parik Madya Ops Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Operations 28. |Parik Muda Lat Junior Auditing Officer for Training 29. |Parik Madya Hukum Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Legal Matter 30. |Parik Madya Binpersman. Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Personnel and Human Resource 31, |Parik Madya Komlek Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Electronic and Communication 32. |Parik Madya Pembinaan Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Logistic Development| Logistik 33. |Parik Madya Dukungan Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Logistic Supply Logistik 34. |Parik Madya Akuntansi dan LK |Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Accounting and Financial Institution 35. |Parik Madya Adm. Keuangan |Mid-Level Auditing Officer for Financial Administration 36. |Parik Muda Ops |Junior Auditing Officer for Operations 37. |Parik Muda Lat |Junior Auditing Officer for Training 38, |Parik Muda Intelijen |Junior Auditing Officer for Intelligence 39, |Parik Muda Personalia |Junior Auditing Officer for Personnel 40. |Parik Muda Hukum |Junior Auditing Officer for Legal Matter 41. |Parik Muda Pom |Junior Auditing Officer for Military Police 42, |Parik Muda Keuangan |Junior Auditing Officer for Finance 43. |Parik Muda Logistik Junior Auditing Officer for Logistic 44. |Kabagrenprogar Head of Division for Programming and Budgetting Plan 45. |Kasubbagrengar Head of Sub-Division for Programming and Budgeting Plan 46. |Kasubbagrenwasrik Head of Sub-Division for Inspection Monitoring Plan 47. |Kabagbinwas Head of Division for Monitoring and Development 48. |Kasubbagbinsismet Head of Sub-Division for Method and System Development 49, |Kasubbagbinparik Head of Sub-Division for Inspector Officer Development 50. |Kabaglahtaeval Head of Division for Evaluation Data and Processing 51. |Kasubbagpullahta Head of Sub-Division for Data Processing and Collection 52. |Kasubbageval Head of Sub-Division for Evaluation 53. |Kabagsus Head of Division for Special Matter 54. |Kasubbagkuatwas Head of Sub-Division for Monitoring Personnel Force 58. |Kasubidsus/Waseks Head of Special Matter Area 56. |Kabagum Head of General Department SAHLI Expert, IDAF 1. |Koorsahli Kasau Coordinator of Expert Group to CoS IDAF 2. |Pati Sahli Bid Air Power High Ranking Military Expert for Air Power 3. |Pamen Sahli Biddokjemen _| Senior Military Expert for Doctrine and Management 4. [Pamen Sahli Bidopsud [Senior Military Expert for Air Operations ee i 2 3 5. |[Pamen Sahli Bidpotnasdirga [Senior Military Expert for National Airspace 6. |Pati Sahli Kasau Bid Kersalem |High Ranking Military Expert for Inter-Institutions| Cooperation 7. |Pamen Sabli Bidlugri Senior Military Expert for Foreign Affairs 8. |Pamen Sahli Bidantarkemen _|Senior Military Expert for Inter-Ministries 9. |Pamen Sahli Senior Military Expert for Inter-Non Ministries Bidbinantarnonkemen Cooperation 10. Pati Sahli Kasau Bid Polhukam|High Ranking Military Expert for Politics, Legal, land Security 11. |Pamen Sahli Bidkumham Senior Military Expert for Law and Human Rights 12. |Pamen Sahii Bidpolnas Senior Military Expert for National Politics 13. |Pamen Sahli Bidkamnas Senior Military Expert for National Security 14. |Pamen Sahli Bidkomsos Senior Military Expert for Social Communication 15, |Pati Sahli Kasau Bid Iptek [High Ranking Military Expert for Science and Technology 16. |Pamen Sahli Bidalutsista Senior Military Expert for Main Weaponry System 17. |Pamen Sahli Bidkomnika Senior Military Expert for Communication and Electronics 18. |Pamen Sahli Bidsarban Senior Military Expert for Facilities Support 19. |Pati Sahli Kasau Bid High Ranking Military Expert for National Sumdanas Resources 20. |Pamen Sahli Bidekjah Senior Military Expert for Economics and Welfare 21, |Pamen Sabli Bid SDAB Senior Military Expert for Natural and Artificial Resources 22. |Pamen Sahli Bidsarpras Senior Military Expert for Facilities and Infrastructures 23, |Pati Sahli Kasau Bidstrahan [High Ranking Military Expert for Defence Strategy 24, |Pamen Sahli Bidstrakamdagri |Senior Military Expert for Homeland Security Strategy 25. |Pamen Sahli Bidstrakamlugri_ Senior Military Expert for Foreign Security Strategy| 26, |Pamen Sabli Bidstrabangnas Senior Military Expert for National Strategic Development ISRENAAU [Staff of Planning and Budgeting, IDAF 1. |Asrena Kasau Assistant to CoS IDAF for Planning and Budgeting 2. |Waasrena Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS IDAF for Planning and Budgeting 3. |Paban I/Renstra [Senior Staff Officer I for Strategic Planning 4, |Pabandyajakstra Mid-Level Staff Officer for Strategic Policy 5. |Pabandyabangkuatpuan Mid-Level Staff Officer for Power and.Capability Development 6. |Pabandyajianstra Mid-Level Staff Officer for Strategic Studies 7. |Paban 0 /Jemen Senior Staff Officer II for Management 8. |Pabandyasisorg Mid-Level Staff Officer for Organization System 9. |Pabandyapenak Mid-Level Staff Officer for Software 10. |Pabandyajianorg & Penak Mid-Level Staif Officer for Organizational Studies land Software 11. |Paban III/Litbangasro Senior Staff Officer Ill for Research and Development on System Analysis & Operations Research tee 1 2 3 12. |Pabandyalitbang ‘ Mid-Level Staff Officer for Research and [Development 13. |Pabandyaasrosip Mid-Level Staff Officer for System Analysis and Operations Research 14. |Pabandyaipteke Mid-Level Staff Officer for Science and Technology 15. |Paban IV/Renprogar Senior Staff Officer IV for Program and Budget Planning 16. |Pabandyarenprogar BP Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget and Program Planning on Personnel Expenditure 17. |Pabandyarenprogar BM Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget and Program Planning on Capital Expenditure 18. |Pabandyarenprogar BB Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget and Program. Planning on Stuff Expenditure 19, |Paban V/Dalprogar Senior Staff Officer V for Program and Budget Control 20. |Pabandyadallakgar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budgeting Control and Enactment 21, |Pabandyadaiprogar BB & BM Mid-Level Staff Officer for Program and Budget Control on Stuff Expenditure 22, |Pabandyadalprogar BM Mid-Level Staff Officer for Program and Budget Control on Capital Expenditure 23. |Pabandyaeviakprogar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget Program ‘Enactment Evaluation 24, |Pabandya PNBP Mid-Level Staff Officer for Non-tax Revenue 25. |Paban VI/RB Senior Staff Officer VI for Bureaucratic Reform 26. |Pabandyamonevtinjut Mid-Level Staff Officer for Monitoring, Evaluation and Continuance 27. |Pabandya SAKIP & PMPRB _| Mid-Level Staff Officer for System of Government Agency Performance Accountability and Self- [Assessment of Bureaucratic Reform Programs 28. |Pabandyasurinteks RB Mid-Level Staff Officer for Internal and External Survey of Bureaucratic Reform SINTELAU [Staff of Intelligence, IDAF 1. |Asintel Kasau |Assistant to CoS for Intelligence 2. |Waasintel Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS for Intelligence 3. |Paban I/Ren Senior Staff Officer I for Planning 4. |Pabandyaprogjalap [Senior Staff Officer for Work & Reports Program 5. |Pabandyabinkuatintel Mid-Level Staff Officer for Intelligence Power Development 6. |Pabandyabinpuanintel Mid-Level Staff Officer for Intelligence Capability Development 7. |Pabandyaanev Mid-Level Staff Officer for Analysis & Evaluation 8. [Paban II/Pam Senior Staff Officer II for Security 9. |Pabandyapampers Mid-Level Staff Officer for Personnel Security 10. |Pabandyapammat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Materiel Security 11. |Pabandyapamgiatinfo Mid-Level Staff Officer for Activities & Information Security 12. |Pabandyasansiber Mid-Level Staff Officer for Cypher & Cyber 13. |Pabandyadukpam Mid-Level Staff Officer for Security Support 14. |Paban III/Intelud |Senior Staff Officer III for Air Intelligence 1 2 3 15, [Pabandyabinintelud Mid-Level Staif Officer for Air Intelligence Development 16. |Pabandyagiatintelud Mid-Level Staff Officer for-Air Intelligence Activities. 17. |Pabandyaanevintelud Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Intelligence Analysis & Evaluation 18. |Paban IV/Hublu [Senior Staff Officer IV for Foreign Liaison 19. |Pabandvakersin Mid-Level Staff Officer for International 20. |Pabandyabungkol [Senior Staff Officer for Liaison & Protocols 21, |Pabandyaatmil Mid-Level Staff Officer for Military Attaché 22. |Pabandyalugri ‘|Mid-Level Staff Officer for Foreign Program 23. |Paban V/Prodint Senior Staff Officer V for Intelligence Products 24, |Pabandyaprodint Mid-Level Staff Officer for Intelligence Products 25. |Pabandyamintel Senior Staff Officer for Intelligence Administration 26. |Pabandyasisjarintel Mid-Level Staff Officer for Intelligence Network Systems SOPSAU [Staff of Operations, IDAF 1. |Asops Kasau |Assistant to CoS IDAF for Operations 2. |Waasops Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS IDAF for Operations 3. |Paban I/Ren Senior Staff Officer I for Planning 4, |Pabandyarenprogar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget and Program Prasining, 5. |Pabandyaeviap Mid-Level Staff Officer for Evaluations and Reports 6. |Pabandyapinak Mid-Level Staff Officer for Software 7. |Paban II/Ops |Senior Staff Officer Il for Operations 8. |Pabandyastraops Mid-Level Staff Officer for Operations Strategy 9. |Pabandyahanud [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Defence 10: |Pabandyaopsudban -{MidLevel Staff Officer for Air Support Operations 11, |Paban III/Lat Senior Staff Officer III for Training 12. |Pabandyarenlat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Training Plan 13. |Pabandyasiapsat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Unit Readiness 14. |Pabandyakersamil Mid-Level Staff Officer for Military Cooperation 15. |Paban IV/Dukopslat Senior Staff Officer IV for Operations and Training Support 16. |Pabandyadukops Mid-Level Staff Officer for Operations Support 17. |Pabandyaduklat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Training Support 18, |Pabandyaduklog Mid-Level Staff Officer for Logistic Support 19. |Paban V/Kompernika Senior Staff Officer V for Communication and Electronic Warfare 20. |Pabandyakomsus Mid-Level Staff Officer for Special Communication Equipment 21, |Pabandyapernika Mid-Level Staff Officer for Electronic Warfare 22. |Pabandyainfo Mid-Level Staff Officer for Information |SPERSAU Staff of Personnel, IDAF 1. |Aspers.Kasau. Assistant to CoS IDAF for Personnel 2. |Waaspers Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS IDAF for Personnel 3. |Paban I/Ren Senior Staff Officer I for Planning 4, |Pabandyaprogar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budgeting and Programming 1 2 3 5, |Pabandyaevlap Mid-Level Staff Officer for Evaluation and Reports 6. |Pabandyabinsispers [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Personnel System Development 7. |Paban I/Binteman ‘Senior Staff Officer II for Human Resources Development 8. |Pabandyajianklasif [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Studies and Classification 9, |Pabandya DSP Mid-Level Staff Officer for Personnel Composition |Arrangement 10. |Pabandyarenbut Mid-Level Staff Officer for Requirement Plan 11. [Paban I/Binkar Senior Staff Officer III for Career Development 12. |Pabandyabintugas Mid-Level Staff Officer for Assignment 13. |Pabandyabinjab |-Level Staff Officer for Posting Development 14, |Pabandyabinkat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Ranks Development 15. |Paban IV/Bindik Senior Staff Officer IV for Education Development 16. |Pabandyadikpa Mid-Level Staff Officer for Officers Education 17. |Pabandyadikbata Mid-Level Staff Officer for NCO and Private Education 18. |Pabandyadikpns Mid-Level Staff Officer for Civil Servant Education 19. |Paban V/Watpers Senior Staff Officer for Personnel Welfare 20, |Pabandyavanpers Mid-Level Staff Officer for Personnel Services 21. |Pabandyakespsi [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Psychological Health 22. |Pabandyagakplin [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Discipline Enforcement sLoGau Staff of Logistic, IDAF 1. |Aslog Kasau Assistant to CoS IDAF for Logistic 2. |Waaslog Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS IDAF for Logistic 3. |Paban I/Ren Senior Staff Officer I for Planning 4. |Pabandyaprogar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budgeting and Programming 5. |Pabandyabinsisevlap Mid-Level Staff Officer for Evaluations and Reports [System Development 6. |Paban II/Bekal Senior Staff Officer II for Supplies 7. |Pabandyadukkal Mid-Level Staff Officer for Supplies Support 8. |Pabandyabinkal Mid-Level Staff Officer for Supplies Development 9. |Paban Ili/Aero Senior Staff Officer Ill for Aeronautics 10. |Pabandyapesbang Mid-Level Staff Officer for Aircraft 11, |Pabandyasenbang Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Weapons 12. |Paban IV/Komlek Senior Staff Officer IV for Communications and Electronics 13. |Pabandyakomnavavi Mid-Level Staff Officer for Communication, Navigation, and Avionics 14. |Pabandyaradleksus Mid-Level Staff Officer for Radar and Special Electronics 15. |Paban V/Faskon Senior Staff Officer V for Facilities and Constructions 16. |Pabandyafas ‘Mid-Level Staff Officer for Facilities 17. |Pabandyainst ‘Mid-Level Staff Officer for Installation 18. |Paban VI/Sus BMN Senior Staff Officer VI for State Owned Property 19. |Pabandyamat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Materiel 20. |Pabandyaaset Mid-Level Staff Officer for Asset 1 2 3 SPOTDIRGA Aerospace Potential Staff, IDAF 1. |Aspotdirga Kasau [Assistant to CoS IDAF for Aerospace Potential 2. |Waaspotdirga Kasau Deputy Assistant to CoS IDAF for Aerospace Potential 3. |Paban I/Ren Senior Staff Officer I for Planning 4. |Pabandyarenprogar Mid-Level Staff Officer for Budget and Program Planning 5. |Pabandyapinak Mid-Level Staff Officer for Software 6. |Pabandyaevlap Data Mid-Level Staff Officer for Data Evaluation and Report 7. |Paban II/Puanpotdirga [Senior Staff Officer II for Aerospace Potential Capability 8. |Pabandyabinsiap Mid-Level Staff Officer for Readiness Development 9. |Pabandyabinlat Mid-Level Staff Officer for Training Development 10. |Paban II/Hanwildirga Senior Staff Officer III for Aerospace Territory Defence 11, |Pabandyapotwil Mid-Level Staff Officer for Territory Potential 12. |Pabandyabinhanwil Mid-Level Staff Officer for Territory Defence Development 13, |Pabandyanatdirga [Mid-Level Staff Officer for Aerospace Interest 14, |Paban IV/Komsosdirga Senior Staff Officer IV for Aerospace Social Communication 15. |Pabandyabinkomsos IMid-Level Staff Officer for Social Communication Development 16. |Pabandyagarkomsos Mid-Level Staff Officer for Social Communication Enactment 17, |Paban V/Bakti TNI AU Senior Staff Officer V for Community Service 18, |Pabandyaopsbak Mid-Level Staff Officer for Community Service Operations 19, |Pabandyakarbak Mid-Level Staff Officer for Community Service 20. |Paban VI/Taswitud [Senior Staff Officer VI for Air Space Border 21. |Pabandyapottaswilud Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air, Space Border 22. |Pabandyabintertaswilud Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Space Border ‘Territory Development 23, |Pabandyaanevtaswilud Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Space Border Evaluation and Analysis C, |BADAN PELAKSANA PUSAT _|Central Executive Agencies DISINFOLAHTAAU {information and Data Processing Service, IDAF 1. |Kadisinfolahtaau Chief of Information and Data Processing Service 2. |Sesdisinfolahtaau [Secretary of Information and Data Processing 3. |Kasubdissidukops Head of Sub-Service for Operations Support [System 4. |Kasiapldatabase Head of Section for Application and Database 5. |Kasikompjar Head of Section for Computer and Network 6. |Kasubdissidukpers Head of Sub-Service for Personnel Support System 7. |Kasiapldatabase Head of Section for Application and Database 8. |Kasikompjar Head of Section for Computer and Network -10- i 2 3 9. |Kasigarku Head of Section for Financial Budgeting 10. |Kasubdissiduklog Head of Sub-Service for Logistic Support System 11. |Kasiapidatabase [Head of Section for Database Application 12. |Kasikompjar Head of Section for Computer Network 13. |Kasubdisduksismin Head of Sub-Service for Administration System Support 14. |Kasikomp {Head of Section for Computer 15. |Kasijar Head of Section for Network 16. |Kapustasisinfo {Head of Data Center and Information System DIskUAU Finance Service, IDAF 1. |Kadiskuau Chief of Finance Service 2. |Sesdiskuau Secretary of Finance Service 3. |Kasubdisgarbia Head of Sub-Service for Budgeting and Funding 4. |Kasimingarbia Head of Section for Budgeting and Funding Administration 5. |Kasilakbia Head of Section for Funding Enactment 6. |Kasieviakgarbia Head of Section for Budget and Funding Enactment Evaluation 7. |Kasubdisbukku Head of Sub-Service for Financial Bookkeeping 8. |Kasibukku Head of Section for Financial Bookkeeping 9. |Kasirekonbukku Head of Section for Bookkeeping Record Reconciliation 10. |Kasiwastangtutgt Head of Section for Debt and Compensation [Demand Monitoring 11, |Kasieviapku Head of Section for Financial Report Evaluation 12, |Kasubdisakku Head of Sub-Service for Financial Accounting 13. |Kasiakku Head of Section for Financial Accounting 14. |Kasirekonaklcu Head of Section for Financial Accounting Reconciliation 15. |Kasibinsiskomku Head of Section for Financial Communication System, 16. |Kasubdisdalku Head of Sub-Service for Finance Control 17. |Kasicoklit [Head of Section for Balance and Inspection 18. |Kasipandokku {Head of Section for Financial Document Storage 19. |Kasiperku Head of Section for Financial Rules 20. |Kakupus Head of Finance Center 21. |Kasigarbia Head of Section for Budgeting and Funding 22, |Kasidalica Head of Section for Financial Control DISLITBANGAU. Research and Development Service, IDAF 1. |Kadislitbangau Chief of Research and Development Service 2. |Sesdislitbangau Secretary of Research and Development Service 3. |Koorpokkli [Coordinator of Expert Group 4. |Kasubdisiptek Head of Sub-Service for Science and Technology 5. |Kasitekdirga Head of Section for Aerospace Technology 6. |Kasitekinfo Head of Section for Information Technology 7. |Kasubdispesbang Head of Sub-Service for Aircraft 8. |Kasifixedwing Head of Section for Fixed Wing 9. |Kasirotarywing Head of Section for Rotary Wing 10. |Kasubdissenamu Head of Sub-Service for Weaponry and Ammunition he 1 2 3 11. [Kasisen Head of Section for Weaponry 12. |Kasiamu Head of Section for Ammunitions 13. |Kasubdislek- Head. of Sub-Service for Electronics 14, |Kasiradar Head of Section for Radar 15. |Kasiavikomnay Head of Section for Avionics Communication and Navigation 16. |Kasubdismatsus Head of Sub-Service for Specific Materiel 17. |Kasisarban Head of Section for Support Facilities 18. |Kasihansus [Head of Section for Specific Materiel 19. |Kalabaeromek [Head of Laboratory for Aeromechanical 20. |Kalabkim Head of Chemical Laboratory 21. |Kalabavi Head of Avionics Laboratory 22, |Pahli Bid Air Frame Senior Expert for Air Frame 23. |Pahli Bid Power Plant Senior Expert for Power Plant 24. |Pahli Bid Sis Pesbang Senior Expert for Aircraft System 25. |Pab ‘Lismen, '/Seniior Expert for Electricity and’ Instrament 26. |Pahli Bid Radar Senior Expert for Radar 27. |Pahli Bid Komnav Senior Expert for Communication and Navigation 28. |Pahli Bid Avionik Senior Expert for Avionics 29, |Pahli Bid Komp Soft Senior Expert for Computer and Software 30. |Pahli Bid Balistik Senior Expert for Ballistics 31. |Pahili Bid Roket Senior Expert for Rocket 32. |Pahli Bid Bahan Khusus Senior Expert for Specific Raw Materiel 33. |Pahli Bid Asro Senior Expert for System Analysis & Operations Research 34. |Pahli Bid Sistem Kendali Senior Expert for Control System 35. |Pahli Bid Sarban Senior Expert for Support Facilities 36. |Tenaga-Peneliti Gol V Resez DISPAMSANAU Security and Cypher Service, IDAF 1. |Kadispamsanau Chief of Security and Cypher Service 2. |Sesdispamsanau Secretary of Security and Cypher Service 3. |Kasubdisintetud Head of Sub-Service for Air Intelligence 4. |Kasipultanevintelud Head of Section for Air Inteligence Data Collection and Evaluation 5. |Kabagprodint Head of Division for Intelligence Product 6. |Kasipambangwaswilud Head of Section for Air Space Advancement and Surveillance Security 7. |Kasiopslatintelud Head of Section for Air Intelligence Training and Operation 8. |Kasubdispamsut Head of Sub-Service for Security and Investigation 9. |Kasipamsutpers Head of Section for Personnel Security and Investigation 10. |Kasipamsutmat Head of Section for Materiel Security and Investigation 11, |Kasipamsutgiatinfo Head of Section for Activities Information Security and Investigation 12. |Kasubdislitpers Head of Sub-Service for Personnel Enquiry 13. |Kasiinforiksa Head of Section for Information and Inspection 14. |Kasilitdak Head of Section for Enquiry and Suggested Action 15. |Kasidoksip Head of Section for Document and Archives -12- 1 2 3 16. |Kasilitdiapers Head of Section for Personnel Recruitment Enquiry 17. |Kasubdissankomsus Head of Sub-Service for Cypher and Specific Communication 18. |Kasisissan Head of Section for Cypher System 19. |Kasisiopssan Head of Section for Cypher Operations System 20. |Kasisimatsus Head of Section for Specific Materiel System 21. |Kakandi Head of Cryptography 22. |Ka IMC Head of Information Management Center 23, |Kasatsiber Head of Unit for Cyber 24, |Wakasatsiber Deputy-Head of Unit for Cyber 28. |Kasimin Head of Section for Administration 26. |Kasilog Head of Section for Logistic DISSURPOTRUDAU Survey and Aerial Photography Service, IDAF 1. |Kadissurpotrudau Chief of Survey and Aerial Photography Service 2. |Sesdissurpotrudau Secretary of Survey and Aerial Photography Service 3. |Kabagmat Head of Division for Materiel 4. |Kasubdispotrud Head of Sub-Service for Aerial Photography 5. |Kasiinderaja Head of Section for Remote Sensing 6. |Kasiopslat Head of Section for Operations and Training 7. |Kasubdissurta Head of Sub-Service for Survey and Mapping 8. |Kasisurvei Head of Section for Survey 9. |Kasipeta Head of Section for Mapping 10, |Kasubdislabpotrud Head of Sub-Service for Aerial Photography Laboratory 11. |Kasilabpotrud Head of Section for Aerial Photography Laboratory 12. |Kasilabpeta [Head of Section for Mapping Laboratory DISBANGOPSAU Operations Development Service, IDAF 1, |Kadisbangopsau Chief of Operations Development Service 2. |Sesdisbangopsau [Secretary of Operations Development Service 3. |Kasubdisopsud Head of Sub-Service for Air Operation 4. |Kasiopsud Head of Section for Air Operation 5. |Kasigunsen Head of Section for Weaponry Utilization 6. |Kasinubika Head of Section for Nuclear, Biology and Chemical 7. |Kasubdisnav/LLU Head of Sub-Service for Navigation and Air Traffic 8. |Kasinav Head of Section for Navigation 9. Kasi LLU Head of Section for Air Traffic 10. |Kasubdislan Head of Sub-Service for Air Force Bases 11. |Kasibanglan Head of Section for Air Base Development 12. |Kasikemhanlan Head of Section for Air Base Security and Defence 13. |Kasubdismet Head of Sub-Service for Meteorology 14. |Kasiyancaklim Head of Section for Climate and Weather Service 15. |Kasidalharmet Head of Section for Meteorology Maintenance and Control [DISOPSLATAU Operations and Training Service, IDAF 1. |Kadisopslatau Chief of Operations and Training Service 2. |Sesdisopsiatau Secretary of Operations and Training Service 3. |Kasubdisops Head of Sub-Service for Operation 4. |Kasiopsstratis Head of Section for Tactical and Strategic -13- 1 2 3 5. |Kasiopsangud [Head of Section for Air Transport Operation 6. |Kasiopsduksos [Head of Section for Social Support Operation 7. |Kasiopsinfokom Head of Section for Information and |Communication Operation 8. |Kasubdislat Head of Sub-Service for Training 9. |Kasilatsat Head of Section for Unit Training 10. |Kasilatsatops Head of Section for Unit Operation Training 11. |Kasilatgab Head of Section for Combined Training 12. |Kasilatma Head of Section for Joint Training 13. |Kasubdisdukopslat Head of Sub-Service for Operation and ‘Training Support 14. |Kasidukops Head of Section for Operations Support 15. |Kasiduklat Head of Section for Training Support 16. |Kasiduklog Head of Section for Logistic Support 17. |Kasubdisbinprof Pnb/Nav Head of Sub-Service for Pilots and Navigators Profession Development 18. |Kasidalkual Head of Section for Qualification Control 19. |Kasibinkar Head of Section for Career Development /DISDIKAU Education Service, IDAF 1. |Kadisdikeu IChief of Education Service 2. |Sesdisdikau Secretary of Education Service 3. |Kabagalinsprodtak Head of Division for Instructional Equipment, Production and Printing 4, |Kasubdisdikmatuklih Head of Sub-Service for Basic, Establishment and Transitional Training 5. |Kasidikma ‘Head of Section for Basic Training 6. |Kasidiktuklih [Head of Section for Establishment and Transitional] Training 7. |Kasubdisdikiptek Head of Sub-Service for Science and Technology Education 8. |Kasidiktipdagri Head of Section for In-Country Education 9. |Kasidiklugrisa [Head of Section for Overseas and Language Education 10. |Kasubdisdikjurbata Head of Sub-Service for Non-Commissioned Officer [Specialization Education 11. |Kasidikjurba [Head of Section for Sergeant Specialization Education 12, |Kasidikjurtapns Head of Section for Private and Civil Servant [Specialization Education 13. |Kasubsidikjurta, Head of Sub-Section for Private Specialization Education 14. |Kasubdisdikbangum Head of Sub-Service for Professional Military Education 15. |Kasidiklemhannas/sesko/sekk |Head of Section for National Resilience jau/susstaf institute/Air Command and Staff College/ Squadron Officer School/ Staff College Education 16. |Kasidik P2BS/Latpim Head of Section for Promotional Self-Study PNS/Suspajemen |Assessment/Civil Servant Leadership {Training/ Management Officer Course -14- 1 2 3 17. |Kasubdisdikcabpa Head of Sub-Service for Officer Branches 18. |Kasidikeabpa Head of Section for Officers Branches Education 19. |Kasidikjab Head of Section for Career Development Course 20. |Kasubdisdikkualsus Head of Sub-Service for Special Qualification 21. |Kasidikkualsustekkalkes Head of Section for Technical, Supply and Medical Corps Special Qualification Education 22, |Kasidikkualsuslekminsus Head of Section for Electronics, Administration, land Special Corps Special Qualification Education 23. |Kasidikkualsusopspas Head of Section for Operations and Military Special! Qualification Education 24, |Kalabinkur Head of Curriculum Development Agency 25. |Kasikurdikpa/PNS Head of Section for Officer/ Civil Servant Education Curriculum 26. |Kasikurdikba Head of Section for Sergeant Education Curriculum 27. |Kasikurdikta [Head of Section for Private Education Curriculum DISKESAU Medical Service, IDAF 1. |Kadiskesau |Chief of Medical Service 2. |Sesdiskesau Secretary of Medical Service 3. |Kasubdisdukkes Head of Sub-Service for Medical Support 4. |Kasikesbangan Head of Section for Flight Medical 5. |Kasikeslap Head of Section for Field Medical 6. |Kasi K3 Head of Section for Occupational Health and Safety 7. |Kasikesprev Head of Section for Preventive Health, 8. |Kasikeskurehab Head of Section for Curative and Rehabilitation 9. \Kasikesgilut Head of Section for Oral Health and Dentistry 10. |Kasikes KKB Head of Section for Population and Family Planning 11. |Kasubdismatfaskes Head of Sub-Service for Medical Facilities Materiel 12. |Kasibekkes Head of Section for Medical Supplies. 13. |Kasifaspalkes Head of Section for Medical Facilities Equipment 14, |Kasubdisbinprof Head of Sub-Service for Medical Corps Profession Development 15. |Kasipa Head of Section for Officers 16. |Kasiba/ta/PNS |Head of Section for NCO and Civil Servant 17. |Kasubdisbinjas Head of Sub-Service for Physical Development 18. |Kasibinmapta Head of Section for Physical Fitness Development 19. |Kasibinorummildirga Head of Section for General Military and Aero |DISMINPERSAU Personnel Administration Service, IDAF 1. |Kadisminpersau Chief of Personnel Administration Service 2. |Sesdisminpersau Secretary of Personnel Administration Service 3. |Kabagdatapers Head of Division for Personnel Data 4. |Kabagbinwara Head of Division for Air Force Women Development 5. |Kasubdisdiajurit Head of Sub-Service for Military Recruitment 6. |Kasidiapa Head of Section for Officer Recruitment 7. |Kasidiabata Head of Section for NCO and Private Recruitment 8. |Kasubdisminpa Head of Sub-Service for Officer Administration 9. |Kasipatjabpa Head of Section for Officer Posting and Duty Tours -15- 1 2 3 10. |Kasikatdikidkorreg/MK/TK Pa |Head of Section for Officer's Rank, Education, Identification, Corps, Registration/Service Period/ Specialization Allowance 11. |Kasubdisminbata Head of Sub-Service for NCO and Private 12. |Kasipatjabbata Head of Section for NCO and Private Duty Tours 13. |Kasikatdikidjurreg/MK/TK _ |Head of Section for NCO and Private's Rank, Bata Education, Identification, Corps, Registration / Service Period/Specialization Allowance 14, |Kasubdismin PNS Head of Sub-Service for Civil Servant Administration 15. |Kasidati PNS Head of Section for Civil Servant Recruitment and Dismissal 16. |Kasikatjab/MK PNS Head of Section for Civil Servant's Rank, Duty Tours and Service period 17. |Kasidalkar PNS Head of Section for Civil Servant Career Control 18. |Kasubdissahjurit Head of Sub-Service for Military Dismissal 19. |Kasitijurit Head of Section for Military Dismissal 21. |Kasipensjurit Head of Section for Military Retirement 22. |Kasubdisbinprof Adm/Sus _|Head of Sub-Service for Administration and Special Service Corps Profession Development 23. |Kasibinprof Adm Head of Section for Administration Corps Profession Development 24. |Kasibinprofsus Head of Section for Special Corps Profession Development 25. |Kasubdislurja Head of Sub-Service for Occupational Alocation 26. |Kasilurga BUMN Head of Section for State-Owned Enterprise Institutiton Alocation 27. |Kasilurins Swasta Head of Section for Private-Owned Enterprise Institution Alocation |DISWATPERSAU Personnel Welfare Service, IDAF 1. |Kadiswatpersau Chief of Personnel Welfare Service 2. |Sesdiswatpersau Secretary of Personnel Welfare Service 3. |Kasubdisjahpers & TWP Head of Sub-Service for Personel Welfare & Housing Incentive 4. |Kasijahpers Head of Section for Personnel Welfare 5. |Kasi TWP Head of Section for Housing Insentive 6. |Kasubdisyanpers Head of Sub-Service for Personnel Tendance 7. |Kabagku TWP Head of Section for Housing Incentive Finance 8. |Kasi Bekor Head of Section for Personal Supply 9. |Kasisiljaldis Head of Section for Salary, Incentive, Allowances and Official Trip 10. |Kasi Panggon Head of Section for Military Housing 11. |Kasubdistanhorvet Head of Sub-Service for Medal of Honor and \Veteran Decoration 12. |Kasi Tanharhor Head of Section for Medal of Honor 13. |Kasitanvet Head of Section for Veteran Decoration 14. |Kasubdiskemilsik Head of Sub-Service for Military Rules and Music 15. |Kasibinkemil Head of Section for Military Rules 16. i Head of Section for Music Development -16- 1 2 3 DISPSIAT Psychology Service, IDAF 1. |Kadispsiau Chief of Psychology Service 2. |Sesdispsiau Secretary of Psychology Service 3. |Kasubdispsimatraud Head of Sub-Service for Air Force Psychology 4. |Kasiselklasev PAMU Head of Section for Air Force Special Officer of Svaluation Classification and Selection 5. |Kasibinpsi PKMU Head of Section for Air Force Special Officer of Psychology Development 6. |Kasiopspsi Head of Section for Psychological Operations 7. |Kasubdispsipers Head of Sub-Service for Personnel Psychology 8. |Kasiselklasevalpers Head of Section for Personnel Evaluation Classification and Selection 9. |Kasibinpsipers Head of Section for Personnel Psychological Development 10. |Kasubdisyanpsi Head of Sub-Service for Psychological Service 11. |Kasiyanrikpsi Head of Service Section for Psychological Examination Service 12. |Kasiasestensi Head of Section for Psychological Assistance 13. |Kasubdispsidik Head of Sub-Service for Education Psychology 14. |Kasiselklasevaldik Head of Section for Education Evaluation Classification and Selection 15. |Kasibinpsidik Head of Section for Education Psychology Development 16. |Kasubdislapsibang Head of Sub-Service for Aviation Psychology Laboratory 17. |Kasijianlitpsi Head of Section for Psychological Research and Review 18. |Kasijianmatpsi Head of Section for Psychological Material Review 19. |Kapokli Head of Expert Group 20. |Psi Muda Bid Psibangan Militer| Junior Psychological Officer for Military Aviation Psychology 21, |Kabagdokmatsuspsi Head of Division for Psychology Special Material jand Document DISBINTALIDAU Mental and Ideology Development Service, IDAF 1, |Kadisbintalidan Chief of Mental and Ideology Development Service 2. |Sesdisbintalidau Secretary of Mental and Ideology Development Service 3. |Kasubdisbinroh Head of Sub-Service for Spiritual Development 4. |Kasibinrohis Head of Section for Islamic Spiritual Development 5. |Kasibinrohprotkat Head of Section for Protestant & Chatolic Spiritual Development 6. |Kasibinrohhindacu Head of Sub-Section for Hindu, Buddhist & Confucian Spiritual Development 7. |Kasubdisbintalid Head of Sub-Service for Mental & Ideology Development 8. |Kasibangmatid Head of Section for Ideology Material Development 9. |Kasibinid Head of Section for Ideology Development 10. |Kasianevtalid Head of Section for Mental & Ideology Analysis & Evaluation -17- 1 2 3 11. |Kasubdisbintrajuang Head of Sub-Service for Tradition and Patriotism [Development 12. |Kasibintrajuang Head of Section for Tradition and Patriotism Development 13. |Kasibintalpsi Head of Section for Psychological and Mental Development 14. |Kasianevtrajuang Head of Section for Tradition and Patriotism Analysis & Evaluation LAKESPRA "SARYANTO'. Aviation and Space Health Institute "Saryanto’, DAF 1. |Kalakespra Head of Aviation and Space Health Institute 2. |Koor Pa Abli Coordinator of Expert Officers 3. |Pa Ahli Bidang Aerofisiologi | Expert Officer for Aero Physiology 4. |Ka-SPI Head of Internal Supervisory Unit 5. |Seslakespra [Secretary of Aviation and Space Health Institute 6. |Kadep Aerofisiologi Head of Department for Aero Physiology 7. |Kabag Disorientasi Head of Division for Disorientation 8. |Kabag RUB Head of Division for Pressurized Air Chamber 9. |Kabag Pelolosan Darurat Head of Division for Emergencies Escape 10. |Kabag Beban Gravitasi Head of Division for Gravity Force 11. |Kabagmineval Head of Division for Administration and Evaluation| 12. |Kadep Aeroklinikc Head of Department for Aero Clinics 13. |Kabag Mata Head of Division for Ophthalmology 14. |Kabag Syaraf Head of Division for Neurology 15. |Kabag THT Head of Division for Ears-Nose-Throat 16. |Kabag Keswa Head of Division for Mental Health 17. |Kabag Jantung Head of Division for Cardiovascular 18. |Kabag Psiklinis Head of Division for Clinical Psychology 19. |Kabag Para Head of Division for Pulmonary 20. |Kabag Patologi Klinik Head of Division for Clinical Patology 21. |Kabag Penydal Head of Division for Internal Disease 22. |Kabag Radiologi Head of Division for Radiology 23. |Kabag Gilut Head of Division for Oral and Dentistry 24. |Kabag Kebidanan Head of Division for Obstetric and Gynaecology 25. |Kadep Binkomlitbang Head of Department for Competency and Research Development 26, |Kabag Binkom Head of Division for Competency Development 27, |Kabag Litbang Head of Division for Research and Development 28. |Kadep Aeroforensik Head of Department for Aero Forensics 29. |Kabag Laboratorium Forensik |Head of Division for Forensics Laboratory 30, |Kabag Forensik Klinik Head of Division for Clinics-Forensics 31. |Kabag Jangkes Head of Division for Medical Support 32, |Kabagmapta Head of Division for Physical Fitness 33, |Kabag Haralkessus Head of Division for Special Medical Equipment RPSAU dr. S HARDJOLUKITO Ka-RSPAU Maintainance |Air Force Central Hospital dr. S. Hardjolukito Chief of Air Force Central Hospital dr. S. Hardjolukito -18- 1 2 3 2. |Waka-RSPAU (Deputy-Chief of Air Force Central Hospital dr. S. Hardjolukito 3. |Ka-SPI Head of Internal Supervisory Unit 4. |Kabagwasum Head of Division for General Supervision 5. |Kabagwasyanmed Head of Division for Medical Services Supervision 6. |Kabag Yanmed Head of Division for Medical Services 7. |Kabagiang Head of Division for Medical Support 8. |Kabagrengarku Head of Division for Planning, Budgeting and Finance 9. |Kabagminadamat Head of Division for Materiel Procurement Administration 10. |Kadepbedah Head of Department for Surgery 11. |Kabagbedah Umum Head of Division for General Surgery 12. |Kabagbedah Urologi Head of Division for Urology Surgery 13. |Kabagbedah Orthopedi Head of Division for Orthopedy Surgery 14, |Kabagbedah Syaraf Head of Division for Neurosurgery 15. |Kabagbedah Digestif Head of Division for Digestive Surgery 16. |Kadep Penydal Head of Department for Internal Disease 17. |Kabag Penydal Head of Division for Internal Disease 18. |Kabag Para Head of Division for Pulmonary 19. |Kabag Jant & Pemb Darah _| Head of Division for Cardiology and Vascular 20. |Kabag Geriatri Head of Division for Geriatrics 21. |Kadep IKA Head of Department for Pediatrics 22, |Kabag Perinatologi Head of Division for Perinatology 23, |Kabag Inf Bayi dan Anak Head of Division for Infants and Children 24, |Kadep Obsgin Head of Department for Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25, |Kabag KB Head of Division for Family Planning 26. |Kabag Inf Fetomaternal Head of Division for Fetomaternal Infants 27. |Kabag Ginekologi Head of Division for Gynaecology 28. |Kadep Dukkes Head of Department for Medical Supports 29. |Kabag Ujirikkes Head of Division for Medical Check-Up Examination 30. |Kabag Bankes Head of Division for Medical Assistance 31. |Kabag Kesprev Head of Division for Medical Prevention 32. |Kadep Jantung Head of Department for Cardiology 33. |Kabag Invasit Nonbedah Head of Division for Invasive Non-Surgical Treatment 34, |Kabag Noninvasit Head of Division for Non-Invasive Surgery 35. |Kabag Rehabilitasi Head of Division for Rehabilitation 36. |Kadep THT Head of Department for Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) 37. |Kabag Otologi Head of Division for Otology 38. |Kabag Rinologi Head of Division for Rhinology 39. |Kabag Laring Faring Head of Division for Larynx Pharynx 40. |Kadep Mata Head of Department for Ophthalmology 41. |Kabag Retina Head of Division for Retina 42. |Kabag Tumor Head of Division for Tumor 43, |Kabag Glaukoma Head of Division for Glaucoma 44, |Kabag Bedah Refraksi Head of Division for Refractive Surgery 45, |Kadep Jiwa Head of Department for Mental Health -19- 1 2 3 46. |Kabag Jiwa Militer Head of Division for Military Personnel Mental Health 47. |Kabag Jiwa Dewasa Head of Division for Adolescent Mental Health 48, |Kabag Jiwa Anak dan Remaja_|Head of Division for Child and Teenage Mental 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. eee Nous a 11. 12. Kabag Jiwa Forensile Kabag Instal Gadar Kabag Instal Farmasi Kabag Instal Gizi . [Kabag Instal Haemodialisa Kabag Instal Jangklin . [Kabag instal Gilut Kabag Instal Kulit Kabag Instal Syaraf Kabag Instal Rehab Medik Kabag Instal Watum Kabag Instal ICU dan OK Kabag Binkompetensi Koorpokli Pokli Bid Adminjemen Pokli Bid Yanmed Pokli Bid Yangadar Pokli Bid Keperawatan Pokli Bid Rekam Medik Pokli Bid Farmasi Pokli Bid K3 & Waspada ‘Bencana Pakes Gol V/VI1/VII DISADAAU Kadisadaau Sesdisadaau Kabag LPSE Kasubdisadaaero Kasiadapespur Kasiadapesang Kasiadapeslatheli Kasiadasenamu Kasubdisadalek Kasiadaradavi Kasiadaalkomalbanav Kasiadasimleksus Health Head of Division for Forensic Mental Health Head of Division for Emergency Installation Head of Division for Pharmacy Installation Head of Division for Nutrition Installation [Head of Division for Haemodialisys Installation Head of Unit for Medical Support Installation Head of Division for Oral and Dentistry Installation Head of Division for Dermatology Installation Head of Division for Neuron Installation Head of Division for Medical Rehabilitation installation Head of Division for General Health Care Installation Head of Division for Intensive Care Unit & Operating Room Installations Head of Division for Competency Development Coordinator for Expert Group [Adviser Officer for Administration and Management Expert Officer for Medical Services Expert Officer for Emergencies Services Expert Officer for Nursing Expert Officer for Medical Records Expert Officer for Pharmacy Expert Officer for Occupational Health & Safety land Disaster Alert Medical Officer Grade V/VI/VIL |Procurement Service, IDAF Chief of Procurement Service Secretary of Procurement Service Head of Division for Electronically Procurement Service ‘Head of Sub-Service for Aeronautics Procurement Head of Section for Fighter Aircraft Procurement Head of Section for Transport Aircraft Procurement, Head of Section for Training Helicopter |Procurement [Head of Section for Weapon and Ammunition Procurement |Head of Sub-Service for Electronics Procurement Head of Section for Radar and Avionics Procurement. Head of Section for Communication and Navigation| Equipment Procurement Head of Section for Simulator and Special Electronics Procurement -20- il 2 3 13. |Kasubdisadabekmat Head of Sub-Service for Materiel Supply Procurement 14, |Kasiadabekum Head of Section for General Supplies Procurement 15. |Kasiadaranmatsussar Head of Section for Vehicle, Special Materiel, Search and Rescue Procurement 16. |Kasiadamatkes [Head of Section for Medical Materiel Procurement 17. |Kasubdisadasus Head of Sub-Service for Special Procurement 18. |Kasiada FMS Head of Section for FMS (Foreign Military Sale) 19. |Kasiadakesus Head of Section for Credit Export and Special Procurement 20. |Kasubdisbindalada Head of Sub-Service for Procurement Control ‘Development 21. |Kasibinada Head of Section for Procurement Development 22. |Kasidalada ‘Head of Section for Procurement Control 23. |Kasidalfaskon Head of Section for Construction Facilities Control 24, |Kasubdisadafaskon Head of Sub-Service for Construction Facilities Procurement 25. |Kasiadafasdukbang Head of Section for Flight Facilities Support Procurement 26. |Kasiadasarpras Head of Section for Facilities & Infrastructure Procurement 27. \Kasiadainsten Head of Section for Installations & Powerplant Procurement ‘DISAEROAU \Aeronautics Service, IDAF 1. |Kadisaeroau Chief of Aeronautics Service 2. |Sesdisaeroau Secretary of Aeronautics Service 3. |Kasubdispespur Head of Sub-Service for Fighter Aircraft 4. \Kasi T-50i/F-16 Head of Section for T-50i/F-16 5. |Kasi SU-27/30/EMB-314 Head of Section for SU-27/30/EMB-314 6. |Kasi MK-109/209 Head of Section for MK-109/209 7. |Kasubdispesang Head of Sub-Service for Transport Aircraft 8, |Kasi C-130 Head of Section for C-130 9. |Kasi F-28/B-737 Head of Section for F-28/B-737 10. |Kasi CN-235/CN-295/C-212 _|Head of Section for CN-235/CN-295/C-212 11, |Kasubdisheli Head of Sub-Service for Helicopter 12. |Kasi SA-330/NAS-332 [Head of Section for SA-330/NAS-332 13, |Kasi EC-725/EC-120B Head of Section for EC-725/EC-120B 14. |Kasubdispeslatu |Head of Sub-Service for Trainer and Utility Aircraft 15. |Kasi KT-1B/Cessna Head of Section for KT-1B/Cessna 16. |Kasi G-120 TP Head of Section for G-120 TP 17. |Kasubdisavi Head of Sub-Service for Avionics 18. |Kasikompalsusint ‘Head of Section for Communication and Special Instrument Equipment 19. |Kasinavradalbidik Head of Section for Navigation, Radar and Aiming ‘System, 20. |Kasubdissenmu Head of Sub-Service of Weaponry and Ammunition 21. |Kasisen Head of Section for Weaponry 22. |Kasiamu Head of Section for Ammunition 23. |Kasubdissarban Head of Sub-Service for Facilities and Support 24, |Kasialkamsarbekud Head of Section for SAR Safety Equipment and Air Supplies -21- ie 2 3 25. |Kasi GSE Head of Section for Ground Support Equipment 26. |Kasubdisbinproftek [Head of Sub-Service for Technical Profession [Advisory 27. |Kasipa/PNS Head of Section for Commissioned Officer/ Civil Servant 28. |Kasibata Head of Section for NCO/ Private DISKONSAU Construction Service, IDAF 1. |Kadiskonsau Chief of Construction Service 2, |Sesdiskonsau Secretary of Construction Service 3, |Kasubdisdukbang Head of Sub-Service for Flight Support Facilities 4. |Kasifasbang Head of Section for Flight Facilities 5. |Kasibanglan Head of Section for Air Base Development 6. |Kasikondukbang Head of Section for Flight Support Construction. 7. |Kasubdissarpras Head of Sub-Service for Facilites and Infrastucture 8. |Kasigudtor Head of Section for Warehouse and Offices 9. |Kasirumdismes Head of Section for Service Housings and Accomodations 10. |Kasijalsalpras Head of Section for Roads, Drainage, and Infrastructure 11. |Kasubdisinsten Head of Sub-Service for Installation and Powerplant 12. |Kasiinlist Head of Section for Electrical Installation 13. |Kasinstasioner Head of Section for Machinary and Stationary 14. |Kasiinstalair Head of Section for Water Installation 15. |Kasubdissiaplan Head of Sub-Service for Air Base Readiness 16. |Kasisurkur Head of Section for Survey and Measuring 17. |Kasisiaptan Head of Section for Land Setup 18. |Kasiharlan Head of Section for Air Base Maintenance 19. |Kasilog Head of Section for Logistic 20. |Kasipers [Head of Section for Personnel 21. |Kasatrekons Head of Unit for Reconstruction 22. |Wakasatrekons [Deputy Head of Unit for Reconstruction [DISBTBAU Fixed Assets Services, IDAF 1. |Kadisbtbau Chief of Fixed Assets Service 2. |Sesdisbtbau Secretary of Fixed Assets Service 3. |Kasubdismin BTB Head of Sub-Service for Fixed Assets |Administration 4. |Kasisertifikasi Tanah Head of Section for Land Certification 5. |Kasiinvent Head of Section for Inventory 6. |Kasihap BTB Head of Section for Fixed Assets Removal 7. |Kasubdis Tala BTB Head of Sub-Service for Fixed Assets Management 8. |Kasi Guntan Head of Section for Assets Use and Utilization 9. |Kasipintang Head of Section for Assets Handover 10. |Kasi PSP Head of Section for Usage Status Setting 11. |Kasubdisharset Head of Sub-Service for Assets Maintenance 12. |Kasi Minsik Head of Section for Physical Assets Administration 13. |Kasi Saikon Head of Section for Conflict Resolution 14, |Kasubdis Daldok BTB Head of Sub-Service for Document Control of Fixed 15. Kasiperjan BTB [Assets Head of Section for Fixed Assets Agreement -22- 1 2 3 16. |Kasi Pinak BTB Head of Section for Fixed Assets Software 17. |Kasieviap BTB Head of Section for Fixed Assets Report and evaluation DISKOMLEKAU [Communication and Electronic Service, IDAF 1. |Kadiskomlekau Chief of Communication and Electronic Service 2. |Sesdiskomlekau Secretary of Communication and Electronic Service 3. |Kasubdiskomalbanav Head of Sub-Service for Communication and Navigation Support Equipment 4. |Kasialkomrad Head of Section for Radio Communication Equipment 5. |Kasialkomsatponav Head of Section for Satellite Communication Squipment, Telephone, and Navigation 6. |Kasubdissimleksus Head of Sub-Service for Simulator and Special Electronics 7. |Kasisim Head of Section for Simulator 8. |Kasileksus Head of Section for Special Electronic Support 9. |Kasubdisrad Head of Sub-Service for Radar 10. |Kasi EW/GCI Head of Section for Early Warning/Ground Control Interception 11. |Kasipusopshar Head of Section for Central Operation Maintenance 12. |Kasubdis UAV/PTTA Head of Sub-Service for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 13. |Kasi Flight System UAV/PTTA |Head of Section for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight System 14. |Kasikomdata UAV/PTTA Head of Section for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Data Communication 15. |Kasubdisrudal Head of Sub-Service for Guided Missiles 16. |Kasisisdal Head of Section for Guided Missile System 17. |Kasiluncur Head of Section for Launcher 18. |Kasubdisalpernika Head of Sub-Service for Electronic Warfare Equipment 19. |Kasipernikadarat Head of Section for Land Electronic Warfare 20. |Kasipernikaudara Head of Section for Air Electronic Warfare 21, |Kasubdisbinproflek Head of Sub-Service for Electronic Corps Profession Development 22. |Kasipa/PNS Head of Section for Commissioned Officer /Civil ‘Servant 23. |Kasibata Head of Section for NCO/Private 24. |Kasatkomlekau Head of Unit for Communication and Electronic 28. |Kasenkom Head of Communication Center 26. |Kasenhar Head of Maintenance Center [DIsMATAU Materiel Service, IDAF 1, |Kadismatan Chief of Materiel Service 2. |Sesdismatau Secretary of Materiel Service 3. |Kasubdismatpesbang Head of Sub-Service for Aircraft Materiel 4. |Kasimatpespurlat Head of Section for Fighter and Trainer Aircraft Materiel 5. |Kasimatpesangheli Head of Section for Transport Aircraft and Helicopter Materiel -23- 1 2 3 6. |Kasubdismatleksen Head of Sub-Service for Electronic Weaponry ‘Materiel 7. |Kasimatradavi Head of Section for Avionics Radar Materiel 8. |Kasimatkomnavleksussen Head of Section for Communication, Navigation, Special Electronics, and Weaponry Materiel 9. |Kasubdisdukbinmat Head of Sub-Service for Materiel Development Support. 10. |Kasisimal BMN Head of Section for State Owned Property Accounting System Information Management 11. |Kasipergudmatsus Head of Section for Special Materiel Warehousing 12. |Kasubdisbekumranmor Head of Sub-Service for General Supplies and Motorized Vehicle 13. |Kasibekum Head of Section for General Supplies 14. |Kasiranmor Head of Section for Motorized Vehicle 15. |Kasubdisbekbmp Head of Sub-Service for Oil, Fuel and Lubricants Supplies 16. |Kasibmpumratsarfas {Head of Section for Common Fuel, Oil and Lubricants of Heavy Facilities and Infrastructure 17. |Kasibmpuddalwas Head of Section for Air Oil, Fuel and Lubricants Monitoring and Control 18. |Kasubdisbinprof Head of Sub-Service for Supply Corp Profession Development 19. |Kabina ALMS ‘Head of Automated Logistic Management System Develeopment 20. |Kasijarkomfasduk Head of Section for Communication Network and Supporting Facilities 21. |Kasipdeapl Head of Section for Electronic Data Processing and Application 22. |Kabinakatstand [Head of Cataloging and Materiel Standardization 23. |Kasikatalogident [Head of Section for Cataloging and Identification 24. |Kasirisblik Head of Section for Publication and Research DISPENAU Public Affairs Service, IDAF 1. |Kadispenau Chief of Public Affairs Service 2. |Sesdispenau Secretary of Public Affairs Service 3. |Kasubdispenum Head of Sub-Service for General Information 4. |Kasilipbra Head of Section for News and Coverage 5. |Kasidalopini Head of Section for Opinion Control 6. |Kasiinfomed Head of Section for Media and Information 7. |Kasubdispenpas Head of Sub-Service for Military Information 8. |Kasiinfolis Head of Section for Information Analysis 9. |Kasipensung Head of Section for Live Broadcasting 10. |Kasubdisdokprod Head of Sub-Service for Documentation and Production 11. |Kasidokpen Head of Section for Documentation and Information 12, |Kasiprodpen Head of Section for Information Production 13. |Kasubdisjarah Head of Sub-Service for History 14. |Kasipulkajita Head of Section for Collection and Data Review 15. |Kasijian Head of Section for Historical and Museum Display| -24- 1 2 3 16. |Kamuspusdirla Head of Air Force Central Museum “Dirgantara Mandala” 17. |Kasikoleksi Head of Section for Collection 18. |Kasikonservasi Head of Section for Conservation 19. |Kasibimluh Head of Section for Guidance and Counselling /DISKUMAU |Legal Service, IDAF 1, |Kadiskumau |Chief of Legal Service 2. |Sesdiskumau Secretary of Legal Service 3. |Kasubdiskumdirga Head of Sub-Service for Aerospace Law 4. |Kasikumdarakasa Head of Section for Air and Space Law 5. |Kasikumniterham Head of Section for Humanitarian and Human Rights Law 6. |Kasubdisbankum Head of Sub-Service for Legal Assistance 7. \Kasibankumpublik Head of Section for Legal Assistance on Public Law 8. |Kasibankummil Head of Section for Legal Assistance on Military 9. |Kasibankum Perdata & Agraria |Head of Section for Legal Assistance on Civil and Agrarian Law 10, |Kasibankumperda Head of section for Criminal and Civil Legal Assistance 11. |Kasubdisdargalkum Head of Sub-Service for Law Capacity Development| land Law Enforcement 12, |Kasibindargakkum Head of Section for Law Capacity Development 13. |Kasibintekkum Head of Section for Technical Law Development 14. |Kasiwasdaltekkum Head of Section for Monitoring and Control of Legal's Technique Implementation 15. |Kasitakarakum Head of Section for Legal Cases Management 16. |Kasubdisundang Head of Sub-Service for Regulations 17. |Kasilahprodundang Head of Section for Regulation Production and Processing 18. |Kasidokundang Head of Section for Regulation Documentation 19. |Kasijemeninfokum Head of Section for Law Information Management 20. |Kasubdiskermajiankum Head of Sub-Service for Legal Cooperation and Studies 21. |Kasiperjama Head of Section for Legal Cooperation Agreement 22. |Kasijiankum Head of Section for Legal Studies 23. |Kapokli Head of Expert Group 24, |Pokli Gol V Bid. Litigasi Pidana |Expert Officer Grade V for Litigation on Criminal Law 25. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Litigasi Expert Officer Grade V for Litigation on Civil Law Perdata 26. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Litigasi Expert Officer Grade V for Litigation on Military Mil/TUN and Administrative Law 27. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Agraria & Aset |Expert Officer Grade V for Agrarian and Assets 28. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Perundangan_ |Expert Officer Grade V for Regulations 29. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Kumdarakasa |Expert Officer Grade V for Air and Space Law 30. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Kumniterham |Expert Officer Grade V for Humanitarian and Human Rights Law 31. |Pokli Gol V Bid. Hukum Militer |Expert Officer Grade V for Military Law -25- a 2 3 PUSLAIKLAMBANGJAAU Airworthiness and Safety Center 1, |Kapuslaiklambangjaau |Chief of Air Force Aviation Safety and Airworthiness Center 2. |Wakapuslaikiambangjaau [Deputy-Chief of Air Force Aviation Safety and Airworthiness Center 3. |Dirlambangja Director of Flight and Work Safety 4, |Wadirlambangja Deputy-Director of Flight and Work Safety 5. |Paban I/Binlambangja Senior Staff Officer I for Flight and Work Safety [Development 6. |Pabandyagahlakabangja Mid-Level Staff Officer for Flight and Work Accident Prevention 7. |Pabandyakerma Mid-Level Staff Officer for Cooperation 8. |Pabandyakuatpuan Mid-Level Staff Officer for Capability Enhancement 9. |Pabandya K3 Mid-Level Staff Officer for Occupational Health and Safety 10. |Paban 1I/Sarval [Senior Staff Officer II for Search and Rescue and [Survival 11. |Pabandyastandopssarval Mid-Level Staff Officer for Search and Rescue and Survival Operations Standardization 12. |Pabandyastandlatsarval /Mid-Level Staff Officer for Search and Rescue and ‘Survival Training Standardization 13. |Paban I1I/Alpal \Senior Staff Officer III for Equipment and Tools 14. |Pabandyaalpallambangja Mid-Level Staff Officer for Work and Flight Safety Equipment and Tools 15. |Pabandyaalpalsarval Mid-Level Staff Officer for Search and Rescue and Survival Equipment and Tools 16. |Paban IV/Investigasi Senior Staff Officer IV for Investigation 17. |Pabandyalidlakabang Mid-Level Staif Officer for Flight Accident Investigation 18. |Pabandyalakaja Mid-Level Officer for Work Accident 19. |Pabandyalabrekons Mid-Level Staff Officer for Reconstruction Laboratory 20. |Pabandyapullahta Mid-Level Staff Officer for Data Collection and Processing 21, |Dirlaik Director of Worthiness 22. |Wadirlaik Deputy-Director of Worthiness 23, |Paban I/Laikalut , Senior Staff Officer I for Main Weaponry Worthiness 24, |Pabandyalaikmatpesbang Mid-Level Staff Officer for Aircraft Materiel Worthiness 25. |Pabandyalaikmatlek Mid-Level Staff Officer for Electronic Materiel Worthiness 26. |Pabandyalaikmatsus Mid-Level Staff Officer for Special Materiel Worthiness 27. |Pabandyalaikmatud Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Materiel Worthiness 28. |Paban II/Laikpers Senior Staff Officer II for Personnel Worthiness 29, |Pabandyalaikpersharaiutsistaud | Mid-Level Staff Officer for Air Weaponry System Maintenance Personnel Worthiness 30, |Pabandyalaikpeshardukalutsistaud | Mid-Level Staff Officer for Aircraft Maintenance and Supply Support of Air Weaponry Worthiness 31. |Pabandyabinlaikpers Mid-Level Staff Officer for Personnel Worthiness Development -26- 2 3 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. NOARENE a 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. |Paban III/Laikfasbangharins /Pabandyalaikfasharinsalutsista |Pabandyalaikfasharinsdukalut sista Pabandyalaikfasinkon |Paban IV/Standevallaik Pabandyastandevallaikalut Pabandyadokblikta |PUSPOTDIRGA Kapuspotdirga |Wakapuspotdirga |Sespuspotdirga Kabagadapal Dirbidsumda Kasubdit SDM Kasubdit SDA/SDB Kasubditsarpras Dirbidpotwildirga Kasubdit KBN Kasubdit TRW Han Kasubdit KST Dirbidordirga Kasubditpresordirga Kasubditdiklatordirga Kasubditsarprasordirga Dirbidnatdirga. Kasubditsakadirga Kasubditmasdirga Dirbidbakti Kasubditopskarbakti Kasubdit BSPB Dirbidkomsosdirga Kasubditkompromodirga Senior Staff Officer Ill for Development, Maintenance and Installation Facilities Worthiness Mid-Level Staff Officer for Main Weaponry System, Facilities and Maintenance Worthiness Mid-Level Staff Officer for Main Weaponry System Support Installation, Maintenance & Facilities Worthiness Mid-Level Staff Officer for Facilities, and Construction Worthiness Senior Staff Officer [V for Worthiness Evaluation and Standardization Mid-Level Staff Officer for Main Weaponry Worthiness Evaluation and Standardization Mid-Level Staff Officer for Data Documentation and Publication Installation Aerospace Potential Center Chief of Aerospace Potential Center Deputy-Chief of Aerospace Potential Center Secretary of Aerospace Potential Center Head of Division for Equipment Procurement Director for Aerospace Resources Head of Sub-Directorate for Human Resources Head of Sub-Directorate for Natural / Artificial Resources Head of Sub-Directorate for Facilities and Infrastructure Director for Aerospace Territory Potential Head of Sub-Directorate for National Service Awareness Head of Sub-Directorate for Defence Territorial Spatial Planning Head of Sub-Directorate for Territorial Cooperation Director for Aerosport Division Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace Sports [Achievements Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerosport Education and Training Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerosport Facilities and Infrastructure Director of Aerospace Interest Division Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace Scout Work Unit Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace Community Director for Community Service Division Head of Sub-Directorate for Community Service Operations Head of Sub-Directorate for Disaster Relief and Social Assistance Director for Aerospace Social Communication Division Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace Communication and Promotion -27- 2 3 26. 27. Se eee bi 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. }. |Kasubditkominfonetdirga Kasubditdokkomsosdirga Puskodaisispotdirga /PUSBEKMATAU Kapusbekmatau Wakapusbekmatau Danflightma Kasibin Kasidoksip Dirrendal /Kasubditrendalkal Kasubditrendalang Dirriksihmat Kasubditrikmat Kasubditsihmat Dirmin Kasubditpers Kasatrimalurmat Kasimalurmat Kasat BMN Kasimin BMN Aero ‘Kasimin BMN Leksenum Kasimin BMN BTB Kasatguddiapus Ka GPP 1/2/3/4/5 Kasatang Kagusang 1/2/3 |PUSPOMAU Danpuspomau Waden Dirlidpamfik Kasubditlidkrim Kasubditpamfik Dirgaktib Kasubditplintib Kasubditwalprot Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace (Communication and Internet Information Head of Sub-Directorate for Aerospace [Documentation and Social Communication Center of Command and Control for Aerospace Potential System Materiel and Supply Center, IDAF Chief of Materiel and Supply Center Deputy-Chief of Materiel and Supply Center |Commander of the Headquarters Flight Head of Section for Development Head of Section for Documentation and Archives Director for Planning and Control Head of Sub-Directorate for Supply Planning and Control Head of Sub-Directorate for Transportation Planning and Control Director for Materiels Selection Sorting and inspection Head of Sub-Directorate for Materiels Inspection Head of Sub-Division for Selection/Sorting Director of Administration Head of Sub-Directorate for Personnel Head of Unit for Materiels Acceptance and Distribution Head of Section for Materiels Acceptance and Distribution Head of Unit for State Owned Property Head of Section for Aeronautics State Owned Property Administration Head of Section for Electronics and General Weaponry State Owned Property Administration Head of Administration Section for State Owned Fixed Assets Head of Unit for Central Supply Warehouse Head of Central Supply Warehouse 1/2/3/4/5 Head of Unit for Transport Head of Section for Military Land Transport 1/2/3 Military Police Center, IDAF Commander of Military Police Center Deputy Commander of Military Police Center Director of Preliminary Investigation and Physical Security Head of Sub-Directorate for Preliminary Crime Investigation Head of Sub-Directorate for Physical Security Director of Discipline Enforcement Head of Sub-Directorate for Discipline and Orderliness Head of Sub-Directorate for Protocol and Escort -28- i 2 3 9. |Diridik Director of Investigation 10. |Kasubditanevkara Head of Sub-Directorate for Case Analysis and Evaluation 11. |Kasubditdalidite Head of Sub-Directorate for Investigation Control 12. |Dirpers Director of Personnel 13. |Kasubditminpers Head of Sub-Directorate for Personnel |Administration 14. |Kasubditbinprof Head of Sub-Directorate for Profession 15. |Kabagbintahmil ‘Head of Division for Military Prisoner Development 16. |Dansatrikning Commander of Assessment and Screening Unit 17. |Dantimlidpam |\Commander of Investigation and Security Team 18. |Dantimgaktib Commander of Orderliness Enforcement Team 19. |Dantimidik Commander of Investigation Team 20. |Dantimning (Commander of Screening Team AAU |Air Force Academy, IDAF 1, |Gubernur AAU Superintendent of The Air Force Academy 2. |Wakil Gubernur AAU Vice-Superintendent of The Air Force Academy 3. |Dirdite Director of Education 4. |Kasubditrendik Head of Sub-Directorate for Education Planning 5, |Kasubditlakdik Head of Sub-Directorate for Education Enactment 6. |Dirmin Director of Administration 7. |Kasubditpers Head of Sub-Directorate for Personnel 8. |Kasubditlog Head of Sub-Directorate for Logistic 9. |Dirjian Director of Research and Studies 10. |Kasubditjiandik Head of Sub-directorate for Educational Studies 11. |Kasubditjianjemen Head of Sub-Directorate for Management Studies 12. |Kaintelpam Head of Intelligence and Security 13. |Kakum Head of Legal 14. |Kapen Head of Public Affairs 15. |Kabintal Head of Mental Development 16. |Kakes Head of Medical Service 17. |Pekas [Head of Finance 18. |Dandenma Commander of Headquarters Detachment 19. |Danwingtar Commander of Cadets Wing 20, |Kadisopstar Head of Service for Cadets Operations 21. |Kasiopslattar Head of Section for Cadet Training Operations 22. |Kasitradtiftar Head of Section for Cadets' Tradition and Creativity 23. |Kadisbintar Head of Service for Cadets Development 24, |Danskadtar I/1/I1/1V Commander of Cadets Squadron I/I/III/IV 25, |Danflighttar I/11/I1/1V Commander of Cadets Flight /11/I11/IV 26. |Danelement 1/1/11/IV Commander of Cadets Element I/II/IH/1V 27. |Koordostur Coordinator for Lecturers and Instructors 28, |Kadepaero Head of Department for Aeronautics 29. |Kasubdephankons Head of Sub-Department for Defence Construction 30. |Kasubdepaerosistem Head of Sub-Department for Aeronautics System 31. |Kadeplek Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering 32. |Kasubdepdaslek Head of Sub-Department for Basic Electronic 33. |Kasubdepvodal Head of Sub-Department for Vocation and Control 34. |Kasubdepkomp Head of Sub-Department for Computer -29- 3 36. 37. 38. 41, 42. 43, 44. 45. 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Kadep TMI Kasubdepjemenprodsisinfo Kasubdepjemensumda KKadepaka Kasubdepbahasa Kasubdepmipa Kadepjasmil Kkasubdepdikjas Kasubdepdikemil [Kadepmatra Kasubdepdaspa Kasubdeplat Kasubdepbang Ka PM Kabagjaminmutint Ka PPM Kabagteliti Kabagdianmas Dosen Gol IV/V ISESKOAU |Danseskoau |Wadanseskoau Dirdite Kasubditopsdik ‘Kasubditopsjar Kasubditevaldik Dirmin ‘Kasubditpers Kasubditlog Dirjianstratops |Kasubditjianstrat iKasubditjianops Dirjian Air Power Kasubditjiantrin Air Power Kasubditjianbinkom Air Power Dirjiandiklat Kasubditjianmindik Kasubditjiansisbinlat Seslem [Dandenma Dankorsis Head of Department for Industrial Management Engineering Head of Sub-Department for Information System and Production Management Head of Sub-Department for Resources Management Head of Department for Academic Head of Sub-Department for Language Head of Sub-Department for Mathematics and Science Head of Military Physical Department Head of Sub-Department for Physical Training Head.of Sub-Department for Military Training Head of Department for Airmanship Program Head of Sub-Department for Officer Basic Lesson Head of Sub-Department for Training Head of Sub-Department for Flying Head of Quality Assurance Head of Division for Intern Quality Assurance Head of Research and Community Dedication Head of Division for Research Head of Community Dedication Lecturer Grade 1V/V Aix Force Command and Staff College |Commander of Air Force Command and Staff College Deputy-Commander of Air Force Command Staff land College Director of Education Head of Sub-Directorate for Education Operation Head of Sub-Directorate for Teaching Operation Head of Sub-Directorate for Education Evaluation Director of Administration Head of Sub-Directorate for Personel Head of Sub-Directorate for Logistic Director of Operation Strategic Studies Head of Sub-Directorate for Strategic Studies Head of Sub-Directorate for Operations Studies Director of Air Power Studies Head of Sub-Directorate for Air Power Studies Doctrine Head of Sub-Directorate for Communication Management of Air Power Studies Director of Education and Training Studies Head of Sub-Directorate for Education [Administration Studies Head of Sub-Directorate for Training System Studies Secretary of the College Commander of Headquarters Detachment |Commander of Students Corps

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