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Letter of Recommendation

For student
Tongkeng street, Bandung, Indonesian, Phone 08882016408

Friday, October 16, 2020

School Committee


Belitung street no. 8


Dear school Committee,

It is my great pleasure to recommend Alif Akbar Muhammad Isra for admission to

the SMAN 3 Bandung. I have known Alif Akbar Muhammad Isra and would love to have
him join me here. Over the course of knowing Alif, I have watched Alif grow into an
extraordinary individual who excels in his academic and personal pursuits.

During my time as his friend, Alif was responsible, honest, disciplined, and used
logic more than feelings when he was studying, creative and he was easy to socialize
with other people. Responsible can be seen when he does the task on time. Being
honest was seen when he took several tests and did not cheat because he believed he
could solve the problems. Discipline is when he goes to an event or school and shows
up on time. He also likes to use logic rather than feel the time of several jobs. Because
of that nature he has many friends in class and school.

Alif's academic achievement was only when he was in 11th grade, he and the
team became the second finalists in the biology competition at UIN Bandung. He was
very much loved by his peers as well as all those who enjoyed teaching him. Whenever
one of the students was having a difficult time or felt sad, he never failed to provide
encouraging words and smiles.

I highly recommend that you accept Alif into this school. I am sure she will be a
great addition to your school. Please contact me if you have any questions about his
character or previous education.


Arya Prima

Student SMAN 3 Bandung

Letter of Recommendation
For student
Tongkeng street, Bandung, Indonesian, Phone 08882016408

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