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Final Self-Reflection

Thiha Maung Maung


It has been an amazing journey to Ekamai International school for my internship. To being with

my arrival here, I met Mr. Ian and he warmly welcomed us and gave us a brief introduction what

to do. On next two following day, it was my first day to school so Mr. Ian gave an orientation

about the school program and introduced us with the facilities members, and requested us to

write our expectation for being here. He gave us the schedules what I had to do. Indeed, it was a

memorial first day of school as he showed us around and entertained with any questions we had.

Unfortunately, there were no face to face class but it was expected to have a facial class in the

beginning of February. In addition, I was assigned with grade 6 but I had to stay for supervision

at the library for one period per day for two weeks and got to meet my main homeroom teacher

in the evening. It was mentioned that I was allowed to teach only five hours per week so this was

really scared me from not getting enough hours. By the next day, after my supervision I went to

my main homeroom teacher and discussed about the subjects that I needed to take. She suggested

to take social studies and value for my non-core subjects and stay two weeks per class so I

agreed with the plan. I was informed by next day morning that all those subject teachers agreed

and got to meet them as a part of self-introduction to them. Luckily, upon the teaching hours, all

5 teachers were okay to give more than 5 hours per week. Basically, there are 6 different classes

for all grade 6 and over 100 students in total so 17 or 18 students per class. In short, I really felt

home because the way they treated me like their stuff so whenever I needed help, they were

always there.
I started with language art first followed by math, values, social studies and science respectively.

I stayed in language art class a bit longer than the rest because there were two weeks for

supervision. Fortunately, the government allowed face to face class at the beginning of February.

So, I got to observe and I was asked to teach in my first day of facial class in the last period. It

was about vocabulary. I just taught them the pronunciation for 10 different words, and vocab

activity by finding any word from 10 words that I said in the dictionary. I was a bit nervous to be

honest cause I do not have much confident with my accent, but everything went fine. And she

gave lessons, grammar, to prepare for my lesson plan. Here in EIS, they used backward design

however my teacher accepted with format that attached in the course outline so she was fine with

it. I got to learn a lot from here in designing lesson plans. To say it in a nut shell, I got to teach

more than 20 hours in her class. I learned a lot because she was an experiment teacher so every

time I taught there was always something that I did not see but she pointed it out and I corrected

for my next teaching. What I had seen in common in me was voice projection. I was kind of

sound monotone.

In the third of February, I moved to math class for my second class. I went there a bit early cause

it was my first day with him. He told me that he taught only two classes for grade 6 and 3 for

grade 8 so he asked me if I wished to teach grade 8 or not. So, I told him to observe first then I

found out it was all about geometry with grade 8 and it was a bit challenging for me with the

content, then I informed him to take only for grade 6. For the teaching hours, only 4 hours that he

could give me but I told him I could count assisting hours for teaching hours so it went fine. I got
to teach after two following days so it did not go well from what I planned. I asked him a

feedback right after my first period, and it was all about organization. I did not organize with the

board so students found a hard time to follow me when I wrote. Many students left blank and got

confused so I knew where I needed to fix. By the second time with same lesson with another

class, it was so smoot and all students understood me very well. I was so happy and he told this

time it was much better. I felt I had seen the pattern how to go to be organized however, there

were still a challenge for me for voice projection. Apart from this like classroom management,

everything was okay.

The following subject was value so I moved there in March. He was the one that I hadn’t met

before during two weeks of my observation and supervision. Indeed, I was assigned to observe

his class in January but he was not there as he had an emergency issues with his brother. When I

met him for the first, he was so nice and friendly. He was alumni from APIU so I was so happy

to be in his class. For the first day, he asked me a lot question about the religion and gave me

some common point of view that I was likely to encounter when I taught especially about

Christian. He really helped me a lot because I have a limitation knowledge when I come to Bible

but I got through well when I teach. Everything went well with all 6 classes. Actually, I leaded

the activity and it was about a role play. Students was enjoying and having fun but there was

some challenge I faced because they overplayed and did not focus in writing skits. However, all

of they did well with the presentation.

Social study was my fourth class so I moved there in the third week of March. For the first day, I

observed her classes to get an idea how she taught. In her free time, I talked her about the lesson
that I needed so she gave me two chapters. It was quite bit and basically, she went for a week for

one chapter. She told me I could do however and whatever I wanted. She gave me full authority

but there was still a part she wanted me to do like giving a bonus as a kind of to follow her style.

He did do how she asked me. When I got to teach for my first section, I was kind a bit nervous

and worried whether they understood me or not. However, it went well and I was able to cover

everything that I planned for. I approached her for comment and she said it was so great and

nothing much she gave as a feedback. Nevertheless, I felt I still needed to work on giving

instructions cause I often let them do and gave the instruction while they were doing which made

me repeating to answer the same questions and difficult to tell what I wanted.

My last class was science. Sadly, the school moved all classes to online again because of the

third wave of covid-19. I was informed that I was not allowed to teach online classes. However, I

went to the class and asked anything that I could help for the teacher. He asked me to do for a

bulletin board. I prepared and did it alone so it took me for days to finished it. It was about the

earth’s structure and atmosphere. I really liked the ideas coming two as one. That was all what I

did for science apart from observing him.

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