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Rizal is known for his patriotism and the passion to fight for the freedom of the Philippines in his
own noble way. He had written countless texts that represent his value and loyalty to the people and
the community that he belongs to.

He had written several texts about Spain like the “Madre Espana” which served as his
home for years when he was learning and equipping himself to be able to help his country. He saw this
country as the place which had allowed him to develop his skills and enabled him to have the
appropriate status and weapons to fight back the inequality of the world. This is the place where he
found his meaning and purpose in life, to ensure that the Philippines will be as free as Spain.

He had also authored the “patria Mia, Filipinas”, a tribute to his home country which is suffering
from the colonization of Spain. He had recognized that the Philippines should not become a bird trapped
in the cage set by the colonizers. Even though he is living lavishly in Spain, his heart still yearns for his
mother country and set his mind to set it free.

He had also recognized that the only way to ensure the freedom of the country is in the hands of
the youth, the hope of the next generation. He called to them in his work entitled “Le Juventud Filipina”,
he wants them to see the world as it is and realize that it is not what we deserve. He believes that they
need to be united for one cause to be able to free themselves from the hold of the authority of Spain.
He wanted them to realize what is really happening and act together to end all of this once and for all.

All of his written works are aligned in one goal, a call for help and awareness for the Filipino
people to fight back against the Spanish rule. He recognized the advantages that it has given us but he
also wanted the people to open their eyes to the blatant abuse happening around them. He wanted
them to ensure that the Philippines will be the free and independent country that it is destined to
become to be able to reach its own potential and regain our own identity back as a part of this nation.

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