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It was December 31st, the day of my aunt's wedding. It was 9:00 a.m.

and I hadn't woken up

because the alarm hadn't gone off. It wasn't until 9:30 that my mom came in and woke me up. I
only had an hour to get ready and leave because the ceremony was at 11:00, but I hadn't even
showered. I was desperate. By 10:00 I had already done it and had had breakfast too, but had not
yet gone to the beauty salon. When I arrived, it was closed. My hairdresser had forgotten the keys.
So we got home and my mom helped me get ready. I put on a simple dress, my hairstyle and I
remember wearing little makeup.

Later, I got a call; It was the priest who told me that he had left the city and could not give mass
that day. Luckily my mom was able to get another priest.

It was 12:00 and the car still hadn't picked us up. Immediately, we took a taxi to the church and
arrived at 1:00. The guests had been waiting for three and a half hours.

Finally, my aunt got married and it was an excellent day full of beautiful stories

My aunt's name is: Diana

another story is not mine it was made up

I was in Cajamarca it was a great experience because I had known many things about this place,
for example, Inca Bra this is a fantastic and interesting place to visit because you can know about
Inca'histo. I was 2 days and I. thank you that I had the best option at this time to be able to travel
with my family and meet and it was one of the best moments

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