Wow Session Plan

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 Slow and gentle flow that can be done at any time of day for any age and ability.

 YouTube video 20mins, live session 15mins.

 First of all, introduce me but don’t talk for too long (YouTube only).

 To start, self-massage the neck and the shoulders.

o Give options for viewers to use one for both hands for this section
o Suggest varying pressures and movements throughout.
 Reach out the arms in front of the body to warp around to hug the body.
o Doesn’t matter which arm in on top.
o Suggest gentle movements such as small twists or a small bend forward.
 This bit can aid in stretching out the shoulders and upper back that we
have just massaged.
 Option to massage the feet or the hands.
o Starting in the middle of the hands or the arch feet, working up all the way to
the joints of the toes or the fingers.
o Circle the toes or fingers in the joints.
o Quick shake.
o Quick massage of the heels of the feet or the hands.

 Cat Cows:
o Hands underneath the shoulders, hips underneath the hips, feet following in
o After a quick demonstration of the sensations, invite the viewers to go at
their own pace.
o Offer suggestions or variations, ‘going off the rails.’

 Curl the toes for a quick core activation, hold for 10 seconds.
 Lift up into downward dog.
o Open offer for viewers to do what they need to do.
 Walk towards the front of the mat for a forward fold.
 Grab opposite hand to elbow and gently swing.
 Pile and roll up to standing.
 Tree Pose or standing mediation.
o Starting with a mountain posture at the top of the mat, hands facing forward.
o Tree pose on right side then left side.
 Options for hands on the hips or in prayer.
 Extension to lift the arms, hands and gaze upwards.
 Facing lengthways, feet wider then hip width apart.
o Stuck the pelvis under. Engage the core to go down into a flatback – tailbone
to the back of the room.
o Relax over into a wide-legged forward, option for elbows on the floor.
o To come back up, hands to the hips hand come up in flatback.
 Star Pose:
o Hands to the diagonal corners of the room, wiggle the hands and fingers.
o Jump in and shake out the body to finish.
 Lay down on the mat, back to the floor.
 Hug the knees into the chest.
o Rock side to side.
 Twists on the floor.
o Extend one leg out while keeping the other knee in towards the chest.
o Let the wight drop over onto one side. And hold.
o Repeat on the other side.
 Happy baby.
o Rock side to side or up and down the spine.

 Mediation to finish the practise.

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