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Introduction: In this blog I am going to be breaking down the pre-production needs process and

documentation within the cinematic and see how they apply with other products

Finances: When making a media script and production you must make sure that you have the correct finances
and that you don’t go over the budget otherwise you will have to find more funding or ask for more money
from the people [ who are financing you. There is multiple reason why you need good financing this is because
there are lots of equipment that you need to pay for or rent. For example, there are camera, microphones,
trailers and catering that you will need to pay for. This is one of the biggest parts of the budget because they
are expensive equipment and to rent them is not cheap. So, before you start asking for your money that you
have asked to be financed by you need to work out an estimated time that you are going to be using the
equipment for so you can work out the costs before you go ask your sponsors for the money. You also need to
spend money on the crew and location settings, for example the crew need to be paid for their time that they
have been spending on this shoot because they can’t work for free. You also need to pay for the locations and
props that are going to be used for example if you need to rent out an office space then you need to get the
correct source of finance so you can rent out the space and the products for as long as you like without having
to worry about running out of money when you are filming and have money spare to give back to you sponsors
so you can rely on them in the future. So overall finance is very important because it is how your film will be
made and you need a lot of money to make your film and publish it.

Private Funding: Private Funding is funding that is not backed from a source of public finance like a bank and is
backed by shareholders, sponsors and family members. There are multiple advantages of private funding for
example you can get increased funding and asked for more money and not get the extra money added onto
loans this will allow you to get better equipment to make your film because you can set your won amount of
money that is needed and when you have raised that money you know exactly how much you need to spend
on certain equipment.

Joint Financing: Joint financing is an arrangement and it is the ensuring of funds for the development of a
certain facility that the film crew has approved. This means that two sources are going to come together and
basically pay half each to help fund this project but when the film comes out and starts to make money and
profit then they must split the profits equally so that there are no arguments for who paid more and then the
rest of the crew does not suffer.

Crowd Funding: This is a long-term solution in a way to raise money to be able to produce your films. Crowd
Funding is raised by asking people to either give or donate small proportions of money to help make a film this
is usually done over the internet via a go fund me page. There is an advantage to this one of them being that
you can continue to raise money until you think that you have enough and don’t have to ask a bank fork a loan
and you are free from paying back debt to the bank. However, this has its disadvantages for example if you
don’t create enough attractions then you will not be able to find the correct investors that will be able to
support you more financially and give you the money that you will need.

Lottery Funding: The National Lottery is one of the biggest games in the UK and when all the money is
collected from people who have bought a ticket part of the money is then given to projects that are being
created to give them financial help. This means that part of the winning money is evenly distributed between
projects so that it does to fall through and they can be supported. However, some people who play the
national lottery disagree with the money being distributed to projects because they think that the money
could go towards the NHS and making sure that there are activity centres for the younger generation.

Public Funding: Public Funding is something that is given to the film producers through the government and
when it comes to making the film then the production company will go and ask the government for money and
they will give them a set budget that they are allowed to have to make their film just as long as they are able
to pay it back in the set time that they are given. If it is not payed back then they may lose equipment that they
have bought to pay back the government.
Requirement of Finance

Equipment: Certain Equipment such as lighting and cameras need to be bought or rented out otherwise the
film just can’t be made because we don’t have the correct equipment.

Crew: The crew that we need to use is important because if we don’t have the correct crew to help operate all
the cameras, lighting and sound then we cannot peruse the making off this film because you need specialised
crew to operate the equipment otherwise it will break and we will have to buy new equipment to use which
will take money out of out financing.

Transport: We need Transport when it comes to making a film because if we need to change location we need
to make sure that everyone from the crew, actors and dress room get to the right location because if we tell
them to make their own way there then they may get there late and even turn up to the wrong location which
will make the film delayed because we are waiting for everyone to arrive but if we have transport then
everyone is arriving together.

Materials: The materials that need to be paid for to help make an efficient movie would include making sure
that the storyboard has been paid for correctly so that everyone knows what they are doing and making sure
that the film is being written properly by the correct people and that it is quick and efficient. This will take
money out of our finance but it will make sure that everything is efficiently running and that the quality of the
film is excellent.

Clearances: When we make a film we need to make sure that we have the correct clearance and that we are
able to film there and when we do get the filming permission we have the correct risk assessments so that
actors and crew members are aware of the potential risk that they will encounter when they are filming there
so if they do injure themselves then they can’t sue us because we have provided them with the risk
assessment that they should of signed.

Talent: When it comes to talent we need to make sure that we can hire the best actors that we can because
there can only be selected actors that are able to play these roles this means that the people that we hire need
to be able to play the role as they are told and have proper communication skills. When it comes to extras we
need people that are able to follow instructions and if they are told to just look at the computer and answer
calls they should only be doing that and nothing else.

Facility Hire: Facility Hire is something that will take up majority of our budget because when it comes to
filming then we need the correct area so if we need to film in an office we need a day when no one is in so we
can film and then leave as quick as possible so if we have the correct facility we need to sign a contract letting
them know that we have permission and if anything goes wrong with the area then it is not our fault.

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