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‘Spineless cactus’! ‘ducks to fly’!!, controlling breath!!! Are these possible? The
world laughed and say these are impossible. Luther Burbank a Horticulturist1,
Lishman2 an ordinaryman in Ontorio USA and Lord Krishna have achieved. How they
converted impossible into possible? And which method they followed? “Because a
study is difficult is that a reason for not understanding?” Charles Robert Richet
Physiologist Noble Prize winner questioned in a conference. 3 In the book “The
Unknown Guest." MAETERLINCK answered “When we can no longer interpret a
phenomenon by the known, we must needs try to do so by the unknown. It is well, in
spite of everything, to seek an explanation of the inexplicable; it is by attacking it on
every side at all hazards that we cherish the hope of overcoming it"4
In Yoga language the answer is “knowingly or unknowingly they bacame Yogis”
and used the technology of the Yoga on the higher plain to modify their agelong
behaviour. “The Yoga is not a quick fix for health, but it may hold surprises for those
who are willing to make the effort” (Kelly Morris).5 That is the secret. That secret can
be mastered by Sadhana. The term 'Sadhana' comes from the root 'Sadh,' which means
to exert, to 'endeavour to get a particular result or Siddhi' [special ability]. The yogis
try to transmute the physical forces into mental forces and intellectual forces, can also
be transmuted into higher will power and to other spiritual forces. He takes a physical
force and changes it into a spiritual force, and therefore, he has a power of an
inexhaustible store, as it were. He never lacks in his strength. Because there is no
difference in kind, between the physical and spiritual. They are all connected.
Referring to the sure and methodological efficacy of yoga, Krishna praises the
technological Yogi the following words” the yogi is greater than body disciplinary
ascetics, greater than the followers of the path of wisdom or of the path of action
(karma); be though O disciple Arjuna, a yogi!”6
Yoga gives on the physical plain gives good health and strength. On the Mental plain
through concentration, balancing mind and peace, and on the Spiritual plain liberation
from birth and death cycle. It was not separable from science. A Scientist should
research on physical laws on the other hand Yogi Researches on Mind Powers.
Unknowingly a Scientist is becoming a Yogi by deep concentration on Physical laws.
Similarly the Yoga is depended on Nature’s changeless Laws and it is a Pure Science.

The accepted view was that a belief in scientific methods was the only valid approach
to knowledge. If so, was matter alone the ultimate reality and were all ethical values
relative and was sensory perception the only source of knowledge and truth? The true
reality lay bound the material in spiritual realm, and the knowledge could be obtained
only through inner experience. It begins when the experiences arising from
earth,water,light,fire,ether have taken place. Experience is basic to all knowledge.
There are several branches in Yoga. Hatha Yoga, Raja yoga, Manthra Yoga,
DhyanaYoga etc., advanced methods mentioned in these yogas for transforming
insight. One of the most secret and the summary of all these yogas are called Kriya
Yoga/IMPOSSIBLE(I-intermediate technology of breath to M-mind control P-
practice O-of S-self S-study (inner study) for I- Inner B-Being , a L-long cherished
goal of E-epistemology).An Instrument to know the truth which is rendered in Vedas,
by direct experience and perception.

Meaning & Definition

What is Kriya? The root word of kiri in Sanskrit means hog (Dictionary of Sanskrit
V.S.Apte ). The meaning of verb hog- is to spend a long time in it so that others
cannot enter/use (Oxford Dictionary of Advanced learners) and ya-means Air. In this
sense Kriya or Kiriya means to discover the truth spending a long time in Stillness
through controlling the breath (Pranayama) so that the other rowdy sensations cannot
enter through (Air).

In another sense Kriya means doing, Work (Karma), Then, Are we doing this karma
in this incarnation? From many incarnations we are doing. Karma is in past, Present
and will do in future also. All this is Karma. Bodily work is Prana (life) karma. If not
also there is karma. If there is no Prana Karma there is no life and death.

Yoga means, not this realization, but the means by which it is attained. Yoga is thus a
term for those physical and psychical processes, which are used to discover man's
inner essence, which is the Supreme. It is thus not a result, but the process, method, or
practice, by which this result is attained through balanced activity. " Sir John
Woodroffe, in The Serpent Power, about Laya-Krama Yoga, 7
Suryagoda Sumangala of Ratnalane Ceylon, defines the term Kriya or kiriya as
‘action ineffective as to result and Kriya chittam as ‘mind in relation to action

ineffective as to result’. The Kriya here means smmply doing(Karana Mattam). In all
kiriya thoughts those in which the stage of Javanam- means according to Budhaghosa
is the outcome of an act of cognition, the sage when the mind or character of the
percipient subject is modified in one way or another) is attained are like wind blown
bloosms where the tree has been felled,barren fruit.8
"Kriya Yoga is a rite, a ceremony, a method, a sadhana. It is a method of refining
one's forces so that the individual awareness can penetrate the depth of one's nature."
(Swami Satyananda)9
Mortification,study,and surrendering fruits of work to God are called ‘KRIYA
YOGA’ as discribed by Pathanjali10
Patanjali refers a second time to the life-control or Kriya technique thus: "Liberation
can be accomplished by that pranayama which is attained by disjoining the course of
inspiration and expiration." 11
In conclusion Kriya yoga means an instrument to control and modify the Mind and
character, knowing the depth of one’s nature, neutralizing the breath through
Pranayama, Surrendering fruits of work to God and Liberation.

The Science of Kriya yoga became widely known in Modern India through Sri Sri
Lahiri Mahasaya an ancient science received it from his great guru Mahavtar Babaji
who discovered the technique after it had been lost in the darkages is a revival of the
same science that Krishna gave in millenniums ago to Arjuna. It was described and
discussed in Vedas,Upanishads,Bhagawadgita,Tantrayoga. It is a symbolic one in all
religions. In the light of puranas Kriya Yoga given to Arjuna. In Gita, Sri Krishna
discussed that in his previous incarnations indestructible great plan of yoga was given
to sun. Sun gave to Manu and Manu to Ikshwakas. It was a customary practice to the
kings and in the Kingdom of RaghuVamsha. Those people leaved their bodies
through this Yoga. This tradition was continued until the great poet Kalidasa. There is
evidence in the great epic Raghuvamsha in first canto (yogananthe thanuthyajam).
Gradually it was lost with time effect.(Life history of Sri Sri ShyamacharanLahiri)12

The construction of this instrument is made from “Hatha Yoga’s summary

Mahamudra, which awakens the Kundalini(Psychic Power) and helps to merge the
Jivatma into Paramatma leaving all physical exercises and by Pranayama the chief
aim of Raja Yoga also called the Ashtanga Yoga of Pathanjali, brings readiness to

dhyana by concentration, controlling thoughts without mental disorder the Mind and
senses and also a base in physics, Psychology, Astrology, Vedanta philosophy and
direct experience of Sadgurus”13 .
How this knowledge will be acquired? By understanding the Mind control. First we
should understand the basic of the Mind. Because “indiriyanam
manonatha,manonatha marutha,maruthasthu layonatha, sa layo nadam aashritha’
Mind is the centre for the senses. Breath is the basic to the Mind. By consoling the
breath one can get the quietude/Stillness.14
Krishna, India's greatest prophet, in a stanza of the Bhagavad Gita: "Offering
inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the
inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force
from the heart and brings it under his control."15 So we should learn to control breath.
Breathing is a form of Kriya yoga is an ancient science. The simple technique of
breath should not be neglected because, Brahmadayopi tridasah pavanaabhyasa
tatpara abhuvannathaka bhayat tasmat pavanamabhyasa means through the simple
technique of breath Brahma and other Gods have relived from the fear of death. 16
“Kriya Yoga is a simple psychophisiological method by which human blood is
decobonize and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen is transmitted
into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By stopping the
accumulation of veins blood. The yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of
tissues” (Paramahansa Yogananda). The ancient yogic technique converts the breath
into mind stuff. By spiritual advancement one is able to cognize the breath as a mental
concept, an act of mind”17. Great scientists are now boldly asserting not only that the
atom is energy rather than matter, but that atomic energy is mind stuff. Sir Arthur
Stanley Edington writes in ‘The Nature of Physical World’ of Physics…… “the
physical world is a Mind stuff.”18
Every human mind is trying to reach the perfect type, consciously or unconsciously.
That is the goal of reaching that perfect type of man, which is in the Cosmic Mind.
Through proper food, sunlight and harmonious thoughts men that are led only by
Nature and her divine plan will achieve Self Realization in million years. “Twelve
years of normal healthful living are required to effect even slight refinements in brain
structure: a million solar returns are expected to purify the cerebral tenement
sufficiently for manifestation of cosmic consciousness”.19

But we are here misrepresenting the perfect type of man which we ought to represent
in our daily life. The barrier is in man's mind. Once you surrender this personal mind,
then the mind becomes homogeneous and is called the cosmic mind." (Swami
Satyananda)20. In Shvetasvatara Upanishad sloka 2 discusses the creation of perfect
mind as “where the fire is rubbed, where the air is controlled where the soma flows
over there a perfect mind is created”21. The perfect Mind (Self) “which is not available
for the mere hearing to many and which may do not understand, the expounder is
wonderful and the receiver is wonderful, and wonderful is he who knows under the
instruction of an adept(Ka.I.II.7)”22
The scriptures aver that man requires a million years of normal, disease less evolution
to perfect his human brain sufficiently to express cosmic consciousness. Yogiraja
Shyamacharana Lahiri also stated that Ten lakhs kriyas give a result of perfect mind
and another sixty one thousand Kriyas need to Stillness23. It seems to a common man
very hard to achieve. Though it is hard, With the guidance of a Sadguru, by intensive
practice of Kriya in a short cut, “One thousand Kriyas in eight hours , in one day,
gives the equivalent of one thousand years of natural evolution: 365,000 years of
evolution in one year. In three years, a Kriya Yogi can thus accomplish by intelligent

self-study the same result which nature brings to pass in a million years” 24. A Kriya
yogi however, by use of Spiritual Science removes himself from the necessity for a
long period of observance of Natural Laws. Kriya controlling the mind through
directly through the life force(Prana), is the easiest, most effective, and most scientific
avenue of approach to the Infinite/Cosmic Mind in contrast to the slow, uncertain
bullock cart, theological path. Kriya Yoga may justly be called the aeroplane route.25
How may one control the mind, which is ever restless like the volatile breath? Here
Arjuna compares the mind to the wind in Bhagawad Gita sloka Ch.6-34. Paramahansa
Yogananda gave the deeper meaning of “wind” is “breath”: for the changelessness
and waywardness of the human mind is ineluctably bound up with man’s breathing
patterns. The glory of India’s Ancient sages is that they discovered the liberating
truth;to control the breath is control the Mind” 26. “Seek the truth and the truth shall
and the truth shall set you free”. So we should understand the Science of breath.
The Science of Breath (Pranayama) is a vast science and this was studied very
carefully. Vayu(breath) entered into the nostrils assuming the form of
prana(Ai.I.ii.4)27. That which is “Prana is Air”. According to Yogananda the broadest

meaning of the word prana is force or energy. In this sense, the universe is filled with
prana and all creation is nothing but simple a manifestation of this force (prana). Sri
Krishna Says” Sahajam Kounteya! means… there is no desire in this action. It is
automatically doing it’s job. It is natural by birth and not to be switched off.28

Pranayama means action of life force is most important one in the internal practice.
The internal practice made only by Mind and life force. Everyone have these two
instruments. Within the mind are all the resources required for successful living.

Jnanasankalini Tantra sloka 29 says that sarva.m

dehamadhye vyavasthitam, we are the centre of our own world, and Prana manifested
in us, is primary thing. For this reason the Ancient rishis condemned the external rite.
“As long as the breath is outside, there is no power in it. Because when it is outside
it’s limits are within the body. When stills internally, it establishes contact with the
infinite space and acquire Infinite Power”29. Mahanirvana Mantra gives the
importance of internal practice: “Uttamo Brahma sadhano, Dhyanabhavastha
madhyama,Sthuthirjapo adhama bhavo bahir puja adhamaadhamah-residing in
Brahma is highest and Dhyana is middle and Sthuthijapa is lower and external rite-
gross rite is lowest of all. So they advised to practice in residing Brahma-in quititude/

The science of breath (Pranayama) is absolutely rational and what it says is truth. The
ancient yogis discovered that the secret of cosmic consciousness is intimately linked
with breath mastery. So learn to control the breath, which is the outward
manifestation of Prana. Where ever there is any kind of activity in the physical,
mental or spiritual world, there is that Prana. That is the common generic name Prana.
It means life force or vital energy which is the mother of all other forces and energies.
If every atom is charged with prana, then by stimulating the vibratory conditions of
that prana., which are now going on in our system, we shall be able to stimulate all the
atoms which make up the molecules and cells of the body and make them vibrate on a
higher plane and manifest more energy and more powers as we wish to express. For
our every thought the quality of Life current changes. The yogis try to transmute the
physical forces into mental forces and intellectual forces can also be transmuted into
higher will power and to other spiritual forces. Because there is no difference in kind,

between the physical and spiritual . They are all connected. The non difference of the
divine and the corporeal is shown in various ways. “These are all equal and all
Infinite”.(Br.I.V.13)31.The same Prana is working through the layers of these different
planes of vibration, and they are interchangeable. God our creator has stored within
our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. It helps us to tap and
develop these powers. Therefore first of all we have to learn how to control the energy
that is in our own individual body.

“Generally normal people inhale and exhale 21,600 per day. This is the age of a day.
Everyman is taking breath 15 times per minute. In correspondence to breath the age is
also decreases in the same proportion. When all the breath is completed then he will
die. But 44 seconds will take a pranayama. The practice of Pranayama refered in
Goraksha Samhitha that, 12 pranyamas-prathyahara away from Indriyas(detachment
for worldly matters); By 144 pranayamas-Dharana-concentration on the subject of the
Soul,1728 pranayamas-Dhyana-constancy in the Goal and 20736 pranayamas –
Samadhi/Stillness. The yogi will take breath only 1926 times in a day. By saving the
Breath through pranayama yogis can get longevity in their life. Controling the 21600
breaths for 100 days, you can get what ever you want. It means by doing prana
karma(kriya yoga) the breath is controlled or blocked by natural Kumbhaka” 32
explained by Yogiraja Shyamacharana Lahiriin in a scientific way. The Kriya Yogi is
able to oxygenate his blood scientifically and thus to remove from it most of the
corbondioxide;he requires little breath. His is the real way of controlling the breath.
Kriya controlling the Mind directly through the life force is the easiest most effective
avenue to approach to the Infinite or resting in Stillness. "It is an instrument through
which human evolution can be quickened to construct cosmic mind/perfect
mind,"33Sri Yukteswar explained.


Through senses with movement Prana expressing feelings and emotions within as
well as in another body. It is a Conductor. Though by the limitations of the body
seems different, the same is working in all equally. The Sthiraprana(Stillness) is not a
doer and doing, but only an evidence. This Prana within the body is called
Atma(Soul) and by movement it is body consciousness. So we should know that One.
Mahatma Kabir says: without knowing that One what is the use of knowing all?
One plus one is two and another one plus is three. One is becoming two/ three by this
way, that too by adding one to one. If the one is not added to another one it is not to
become two. There is no two because first is one and second is one. Just we are
adding ones. If we saw all the phenomenon in this way it seems one. We are looking
and saying different forms like man, woman, Cow, Tree etc., These are all limits and
myth. In the above said limits there is in microform forever element (Prana) is
present. If we know this there is no form. Everything in the universe is doing by this
one. We should know this one.
The differences are only the forms of this one. The form is shadow of this one. As
shadow is myth, in the same way the form is myth. . . . . The external world has thus
become a world of shadows. In removing our illusions we have removed the
substance, for indeed we have seen that substance is one of the greatest of our
Our ancient rishis expressed their concept in less terminology. Nowadays it is vice
versa. Now we should look into what Gita says ‘Ekamshena sthitho jagat’. Everything
is still in that one. In this one part got Vibration. By slow growth of this vibration the
world was created (We are all know that the matter is condensed form of Vibration).
It stands in Brahma. Ekamsa (one part) is not to think it is a part of Infinite Brahma. If
we think so, it leads to misunderstanding of that the remaining part is not in
movement. So we understand it as one percent among the whole. It means on the
whole only one percent got vibration. This one percent is alongwith remaining 99.
Whole is always whole. 100 is 100. It cannot be divisible. So that in the 100, one
percent got vibration and remained in 100. Gradually it growned. In
Jnanasankalinitantra sloka 25discussed the evolution of consciousness
aakaa"saajjaayate vaayurvaayorutpadyate ravi.h |raverutpadyate toya.m
toyaadutpadyate mahii –means from Akasha to Air to fire to water to earth evolved
and vice versa in sloka 26 mahii viliiyate toye toya.m viliiyate ravau |ravirviliiyate
vaayau vaayurviliiyate tu khe || 26 || The scientific explanation is given below.

The first ten percent of the growth of this vibration is called Akashatatva- It is subtle.
The next 10X10=100 percent is calledVayu tatva(Air). It is just grosser than Akasha,
hence it is perceivable. Next 100X10=1000 Tejastatva. It is grosser than the previous.
So we can see the fire but not heat. The heat known only by perception. Next
1000X10=10000 Apastattva(Jalatatva). It is grosser than Fire. It can be seen and when
it mixes with air it can be perceivable. Next 10000X10=100000 this stte is called
Prithvitatva(Bhutatva). It is grosser than all. Concluding that all beings are in 100000
vibrations and are in the Bhutatva. It means, in living and non living there 100000
vibrations. In this way the Prana(Life Force) is in living and non living things.
After that the difference in 100000 vibrations become non living and living. As such
the entity of a human being is the status of 100000 vibrations. In this state body and
49 air currents are built to work. Through these currents all senses and enemies
emerge for actions. It is clear that in between these 100000 vibrations the basis is
Constant. Because if there is no constant being there is no vibration. So the constant is
basis for all. This is called Brahma. For this reason ancient rishis called ‘satyam
Brahma-Jaganmithya-change in vibration(Jagath) but not in Constant(Brahma).
Through the following we can understand how this Constant gets vibration and
returns to Constant.

Sahasrara(Tatvateetha)(medullary) = 100% Constant    (Stillness)

Ajna Chakra(Tatvateetha)(cervical) = 100X0=0             (Starts 1% from here)
Vishudha(Akasha)( dorsal) = 1X10=10    (Dissolution of
Anahatha(vayu)( lumbar ) = 10X10=100
Manipura(Tejas) (sacral) = 100X10=1000
Swadhistana(Apas) (coccygeal) = 1000X10=10000
Muladhara(Prithvi) plexuses = 10000X10=100000 (Evolution of

In (Vigyana Bhairava Tantra) "Consider your essence as light rays rising from center
to center up the vertebrae, and so rises livingness in you."

"In this context, however, the boundary between subject and object demands special
attention. Any simple communication about our state of mind naturally implies a

distinction between the content of our consciousness - and that background, which we
loosely describe as 'ourselves'." (Niels Bohr)

Now we should understand the ‘Death’ by an illustration.

Gradually moving towards Constant is Death. Suppose a man gets illness. Then the
vibrations of Muladhara go to Swadhistana. Brought the Doctor, and he gave the
medicine. But no use and improvement. Then the vibrations returns to Manipura. At
this state, Specialist doctor came and gave the medicine. Though there is no use.
Afterwards the vibrations return to Anahatha. At this stage the patient shifted to
hospital. More treatment was given though there is no use.. Finally the Doctor says
‘not to do anything and only to pray God’. Then the vibrations return to Vishudha, the
patient is dead. Know that when 100000 vibrations present, the man is in healthier
condition. By natural reasons and conditions the vibrations goes up to Akasha only.
At the time of Death the Prana(Life) cannot go beyond 10 percent of Vibrations. In
means the prana remains in Akasha. In this area Karmasamskaras and 10% of
vibrations remains in the form of seed. These attracts towards incarnations when 10%
of vibrations grow into 100000 then rebirth occurred. It means going Prana from
100000 vibrations to 10 Vibrations is called Death and vice versa is Life. This is the
circle of Life and Death. So by any way the Jiva crosses these 10 vibrations and
reaches to zero (0) then only merges into Constant. There is no reason to rebirth
because there is no vibration. When there are no Vibrations, there is no karma
samskaras. No karma samskaras no attraction. No attraction no birth. When there is
no birth there is no death
We should think about how the Jiva (consciousness) return to 0% by the way of
scientific knowledge of Kriya Yoga. Yogi raja Shyamacharana Lahiri explains “For
every two lakhs inward Pranayamas one charka (Psychic platform)’s vibrations are to
be stopped. In this way when the jiva perfect in doing ten lakh Pranayamas, reaches
upto Visudha (fifth platform) only. There remain 10% of vibrations. This is the stage
of Death (Dissolution of consciousness). A yogi knows it by his own experience. As a
result he is no afraid of death. For the stoppage of remaining 10% of vibrations, still
he has to do sixty one thousand Pranayamas. Then he merges into Constant (Brahma),
"As breath turns from down to up, and again as breath curves from up to down -
through both these turns, realise." "Or, when breath is all up and stopped of itself, or

all down and stopped - in such universal pause, one's small self vanishes." (Vigyana
Bhairava Tantra).
One can progress towards Stillness (Brahma) in proportion to his practice in this
incarnation. If practiced regularly, in one or two incarnations definitely merge in to
Constant. The Kriya beginner employs his yogic exercise only fourteen to twenty-
eight times, twice daily. A number of yogis achieve emancipation in six or twelve or
twenty-four or forty-eight years. A yogi who dies before achieving full realization
carries with him the good karma of his past Kriya effort; in his new life he is
harmoniously propelled toward his Infinite Goal. The optimistic Philosophy gives
assurance “whatever he accomplishes will be faithfully carried over, as a legacy, to
the tomorrow’s rebirth has no accidental or arbitrary beginning, but it is only a perfect
continuation of yesterday’s previous birth and MODIFIED by the thoughts and
actions of today’s present birth by individualized self in its pursuits here and in the
hereafter to attain the highest goal. This prana karma (Action of Life) means the
process of merging in to Stillness. is called –KRIYA
There is nothing mortal in you, except your gross physical form ad psychic mind.
Again everything is immortal in essence, and that is your birth right to know . The
Sadgurus are simply here to tell you this truth, so that you would be able to know
more and rise on a higher plane of consciousness and get a glimpse of the Infinite.
Trace your relation with the Infinite and understand how grand, beautiful, and
glorious you are in reality. The fear of death vanishes at once; you will be a blessing
to humanity. Master of his body and Mind Kriya yogi ultimately achieves victory over
the last enemy, Death.
Thales taught that there is no difference in between life and death. “I lay down my life
that I might take it again”, Christ proclaimed. “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it
down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. “Him
overcometh will make a pillar in the temple of my god, and he shall go no more out
(i.e. shall re incarnate no more). To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in
my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne”-
Revelation 3:12,21(A.Y.Ch.43-p735)”.
We should have knowledge, we know the conditions and methods, as to how to better
ourselves and live on this plane and gratify our desires of the highest nature, not
merely selfish desires, which are so narrow that we do not recognize the rights others

and the selves of others. We should understand that our individual selves are related
to humanity, and by recognizing that, we should live in the world to help humanity
and the growth of the future generations in a higher line; and then the future races will
be able to remove all the difficulties and troubles that we cannot remove at the present
time. That way we will set our examples for the good of those who are coming next.
There runs a Sanskrit Sloka Vipareethajnanam Avidya-The more knowledge the more
confusion. Infinite are the branches of knowledge. There are many things to be
learned. But time is short and there are many difficulties which we have to overcome.
Therefore, where is our time to study and to know this infinite Universe? Again the
mere studying books do not bring illumination unto the soul, but it intensifies the
faith, Self confidence, and spiritual practices. There should be a fixed ideal behind the
study, and that ideal to reach the highest goal of life. By calmness, try to feel the
thoughts behind the confusion of men’s verbiage. Under these conditions what shall
we do? The answer is KRIYA YOGA.

1.Burbank a transitive verb, Webster’s New International Dictionary defines”to cross
or graft ( aplant). Hence, figuratively, to improve (anything) as a process or institution

by selecting good features and rejecting bad, or by adding good features.
(Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.38.P-358)
2.Lishman co founder “Operation Migration” an NGO teaching the birds how to
escape and return from danger in Ontorio America
3. Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.12.P-117
NEW YORK : E. P. BUTTON & CO.1920-p.1
5. Bindu vol. 12 Kriya Yoga Article 4
6. Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-
7. Bindu vol. 14 Kriya Yoga Article 5
9. Bindu vol. 14 Kriya Yoga Article 5
10. Kriya Yoga by Swami Vivekananda(n.d.)
11. Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-236
12 A Translation from Bengali Puranapurusha Yogiraja Shri.Shyamacharana
Lahiri(Telugu) by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy, Yogiraj Publications 1993,p-233
13.Kriya Yoga by Hariharananda-p43-44
14. Puranapurusha Yogiraja Shri.Shyamacharana Lahiri(Telugu) p-
15 Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.30 .P-269
16 A Translation from Bengali Pranamayam Jagat by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy,
Yogiraj Publications 1995,p-19
17. Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-235
18. Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.30 .P-269
19 Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-241
20 Bindu vol. 14 Kriya Yoga Article
21Kriya yoga by Vivekananda (n.d.)
22.Brahma sutra Bhasya of Gambhirananda, Advita Ashram publications

23. Pranamayam Jagat by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy,Yogiraj Publications 1995,p-
24.Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-239
26.God talks with Arjuna commentary on Bhagawad Gita by Paramahansa yogananda
Ch.6-Sloka 34 Yogoda satsanga society of India Kolkata p-602
27. Brahma sutra Bhasya of Gambhirananda, Advita Ashram publications
Calcutta,1993 p-726
28. Bhagawad Gita
29. Pranamayam Jagat by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy,     Yogiraj Publications
1995,p-      106-107
30 Pranamayam Jagat by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy,     Yogiraj Publications
1995,p-    87
31 Brahma sutra Bhasya of Gambhirananda, Advita Ashram publications
32 Puranapurusha Yogiraja Shri.Shyamacharana     Lahiri(Telugu) by Dr.Poranki
Dakshina Murthy, Yogiraj Publications 1993,p-231
33 Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-238
34 Autobiography of a Yogi Ch.26 .P-
35 Pranamayam Jagat by Dr.Poranki Dakshina Murthy,     Yogiraj Publications


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