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Idealism is a philosophical approach that believes that ideas are the only true reality, the only

thing worth Knowing. Focus on Mind. Realism is a philosophy that believes that objects exist
independent of mind. World of physical objects are ultimate reality. Focus on Body. Pragmatism
is a philosophy which believes that the essence of idea cones from the consequence of its test or
practice. Universe is dynamic, evolving. Purpose of thought is action. Truth is relative. Focus on
Experience. Existentialism is a philosophy which believes that reality is subjective within the
individual. Philosophy should center on individual, his freedom of realizing his essence on the
basis of his personal decision or choice. Focus on Freedom. So For me as a teacher in the future I
think applying the combination of all philosophies in education especially in my teaching is a
good one. I believed that using all these educational philosophies in my classroom will be a good
help and an advantage not only to me(as a future teacher) but as well as to my students. First,
with Idealist, my students will not only exposed to specific technical or occupational skills, they
will also given the opportunity to have a wider understanding of the world they live in. second,
with Realist my students will be trained to demonstrate their skills and ability to think critically
and scientifically through observation. Third, with Pragmatist, my students will be exposed to
creative activities and acquire their learning by doing the task and last with Existentialist,
my students will be provided with various experiences and expose to different views that will
help them unleash their own creativity that allow them for self-expression and them be given the
freedom to choose which views they would like to believe.

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