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Submitted by: Malig-on, Via Mae Danica D.

Submitted to: Dr. Jojit Foronda

Evangelization Output

Even if Coronavirus canceled public masses that shouldn't be an excuse to skip or

being absent to worship and give back the honor to our God, there is what we call
now the online mass. There is truly a difference between attending online mass and
the physical one though of course, there is an advantage like you don't have to
worry about getting late due to traffic because you can choose your own pace in
watching online mass. If waking up for Mass in the morning can certainly be difficult
then you can attend it in the evening. Attending Sunday Mass as a family though
it's only me and my mother, I still feel great and glad for a reason that whenever
our Pastor will ask something that only my mom can answer then I can hear her
statement of reaction on the certain question. It actually enhances my mood the way
I think of it before that I'm away from my mother. We sing and worship God with joy
and I can sense it through her eyes and she's swaying gracefully as she claps her
hands. Aside from that, it's very peaceful to attend online Mass as a family no
more unnecessary disturbance because we close our mini-store.

The Sunday service talks about 'True Love Endures' with the connection of 1
Corinthians 13:8 "love never fails" as he emphasizes the importance of putting
first love in every aspect of our being since without love, no matter what we do
it adds up to nothing. This means that even if how you care for your pets and your
flowers without love it implies meaningless and even if you know how to speak the
difficult questions about words of God it appears nothing. In the Book of
Corinthians, Apostle Paul pertains to us and puts a new spin on it that what we
should have is agape love. Eventually, his words became a benchmark that helps us
understand what kind of love Apostle Paul tries to convey means you are not reacting
to those people irritating, provoking you to react yet to remain calm -love is
patient. According to William Barclay, the kindness of real Christians brought more
people into the church than all theological arguments. From the testimony of our
church leader, it says there that what we need to understand is to go back to the
very beginning because it's somewhat impossible to transfer the idea of true love
endures and never fails if we don't experience and realize unconditional love of
God. Also, it links us to God and gives us the transforming strength to love our
enemies, the unlovable, and allowing us to reach across the distance that separates
us from them. The power of agape love makes us a stronger person.

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