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Batra Keller:

1. In what ways, if at all, does a certain communication option interact with other communications
and enhance their effects? And how does the former improve the ability of the latter to affect
consumer knowledge and behavior?
2. Consumers’ information needs are different depending on the stage of the CDJ. What types of
media are most appropriate and effective at each different stage?
3. Referring to the IMC conceptual framework, please define the top-down communication
optimization model focusing on what the authors call the “7C’s” (criteria to assess integration).
4. Identify a brand that implements IMC and describe the case adopting the two communications
models, provided by Batra and Keller (2016), point of view.

Chapter 5 & 7:

1. Coding: practice and techniques (Kozinets, belk, Fisher)

2. WOM (preconditions and implications) (Kozinets)
3. What does it mean “explore the lived phenomenon of WOMM in a naturalistic context”? please
describe the method used in the paper by Kozinets et al. 2010

Arvidsson & Caliandro:

1. Describe the method of the Arvidsson and Caliandro research, outlining all the stages of the
process of data extraction, coding and interpretation.

Etter, Ravasi & Colleoni:

1. Humour/remake: compare the ideas of contents production, reproduction, and spreading as

presented by Jenkins and Etter, Ravasi, Colleoni.
2. What does it means “top-down communication”? Does this term still describe today media
landscape? Motivate your answer
3. Talk about the evolution from homogeneity to heterogeneity of public available evaluations. What
are the main changes this evolution has involved?
4. Starting from the formation of reputation in today media landscape (fig. 2 of the paper), please
think to an organization (a business case) and comment its formation of the reputation trying to
pointedly illustrate each component of the framework

Chapter 1-4 slides:

1. Barriers to integrated communication (Pelsmacker)

2. Classical communication vs. IMC


1. Marketing communication objectives

Others (attendant and non-at):

1. Data Minig: meaning

2. Zhu: the cultural influence
3. Reputation quotient to Reptrak

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