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The 3rd International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”

01-04 October 2015 Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina



Nihal Şimşekli1* İsmail Sait Doğan2

1: Siirt University, Technical Science Vocational School, Department Of Food Processing,

Siirt, Turkey
2: Yuzuncu Yıl University, Faculty Of Engineering Architecture, Dept.Of Food Engineering,

Van, Turkey

Baking bread and making meal in the tandoori are conventional methods used for many years
in Siirt province in Turkey. Zerfet (Zirfet) is a kind of bread meal baked in galvanized metal
sheet on the wood fire. Four cups of water, yeast, salt and enough flour are kneaded until soft
dough obtained. Kneaded dough is unfolded on the food tray in the thickness of about two
centimeters. Wide ranged nested circles are drawn on the surface of unfolded dough and
given rest short period of time. Rested dough on the tray is placed on a concrete floor. Over
the dough is covered with a galvanized metal sheet completely.Wood fire is burned on the
concrete floor. The wood fire is taken from concrete floor when the wood fire became ember
then floor and spread on the metal sheet. Occasionally dough baking is checked. Toasted
dough is taken from the floor then crumb is removed from inside. Removed crumb is
crumbled then placed on the crust of baked bread. Baked bread is sauced with thin yoghurt
with garlic sauce leaving middle of bread un-sauced. Melted butter is poured in the non-
sauced area and served hot. Zerfet was especially prepared serving to exclusive guests, many
years ago.

Keywords: Zerfet,traditional,Siirt,tandoori,bread

Traditional Cereal Foods


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