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 How my family use and dispose of products: whenever my

family buy products we use it properly and after using we try to

recycle it. My family try to skip temporary products for using.
They prefer those products which goes for long term. Basically my
mother has the hobby to recycle the used products. For example:
our old furniture, old crockeries sometimes we sell it or sometimes
we give to others for use. Coke bottles we used to store liquid
things or water, old newspaper we used for various work, we use
our daily vegetable waste as fertilizer at our kitchen garden, we try
to store our clothes which we don’t use or wear and give it to the
needy people, and unused electrical things we sell it or rent it.
Since my childhood my family had been storing me and my other
siblings books in a show cage. Whenever I consume skincare
products after using I try to reuse boxes and bottles to store my
rings, earrings, neckless, which makes my dressing table more
organized. In my wardrobe which clothes are not no longer fit to
me, I give to my little sisters. Me and my family every year we
collect the things which cannot be used anymore Like broken
chair, broken buckets, useless bottles, used notepads, used pens,
broken hairclip and sell to the garbage buyer. Garbage buyer most
of the time they collect plastic wastage and sell to the plastic
recycling marketplace. My family members has not any artistic
talent to make some art with waste things. So my family use
products on daily bases and dispose only through reusing, renting
to other or sell to others.

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