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Tarea “4 producción oral”

Presentado por:

Yasmina Córdoba González

Docente a cargo: Robinson Fernando copete

Grupo: 694

Programa: Psicología

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD).

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades (ECSAH)

 When are you going to travel?

I am going to travel next month Saturday December 7°.

 What city/place are you going to visit?

I am going to visit the city of Cartagena

And also I am going to visit the beach and some touristic places.

 Where are you going to stay?

I am going to stay all the vacation in Cartagena in a hotel.

 What are you going to wear?

I am going to wear summer clothes, snickers and sportwears.

 Who are you going to invite to that travel?

I am going to invite my son and some friends.

 What activities will you do in that place?

I will swim in the sea. I will dance in the night clubs. I will walk to the famous tourist
attract and I will eat the Cartagenan food.

 How much money will you spend there?

I will spend about one million cop there.

 Will you bring any souvenirs from your vacations?

I will buy some souvenirs like craft keychains.

Hello my name is Yasmina Córdoba. I am going to travel next month on December
seventh to visit the city of Cartagena. Also I am going to visit the beach and some
touristic places there. I am going to stay all the vacation in Cartagena in a hotel.

I am going to wear summer clothes and snickers. To this trip I am going to invite
my son and some closer friends. Some of the activities I will do there will be that
I will swim in the sea. I will dance in the night clubs. I will walk to the famous tourist
attractives and I will eat the Cartagenan food. In this travel I will spend about one
million peso there. And finally I will buy some souvenirs like craft keychains.

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