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Woman: Hi Durian!

Man: Hi!

Woman: You’ve been smiling all day. Is there anything funny?

Man: Well, my girlfriend and I will celebrate our one year anniversary.

Woman: Oh congratulations!

Man: Thank you.

Woman: So how did you meet your partner?

Man: Well, my partner and I were colleagues in New York.

Woman: Really?

Man: Yeah. We met at a conference for the company. She was so gorgeous.

Woman: Wow. It must have been love at first sight.

Man: It was.

Woman: That’s amazing.

Man: Yeah. Even now I’m working abroad, we still keep in touch. And you know
what, she’s coming to visit me next week.

Woman: You guys are so sweet.

Man: Yeah. She’s my motivation to do my best.

Woman: Definitely.

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