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Prosont time: present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, sttive verbs Unit 1 wate © er les the second time ve been on aplane. par ee “Zak, \, © speakers of American Engish often use the past simple n situations where speakers of brsh aot English would use the present perfect simple. Cpe, ae UK: We've already seen the Sphinx. © Speakers of American English use gotten as the past participle of the verb yet, except when ‘yet’ means‘have' or possess’. Speakers of British English only ever use got. US: We've already gotten Dan anew backpack fer his summer vacation. UK: We've already gat Dan a new rucksack forhis summerholiday ( perfect continuous Form statement: |/you/we/they have been travelling ... He/she/it has been travelling negative: V/you/we/they haven't been travelling... He/she/it hasn‘t been travelling... question: Have I/you/we/they been travelling...’ Has he/she/it been travelling... / Use Example is continuing up to the present moment We have been driving for hours. Can't we have a break soon? Actians stapning just hefare the present mament Tim aut af breath herauce Fue heen running ta get here in time Sem present perfect continuous is often used with words and phrasos liko oll day/woek/yaar/ate, sch ov for since,just etc. wet 2 Y We've been walking for hoursand Ineed a rect © The present perfact continuous is not normally usad with the wards ever and never. Y Have you ever flown in a helicopter before? X -Haveyou-ever been flying in ahelicopter before?- © Sometimes there is very litte difference in meaning between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous and sometimes there iz a difference in meaning, Y thave worked at the airport forfour years. = | have been working at the airport for four years. Y thave read that book about cruise ships.(\ have fnizhed it) /have been reading that book about eruie ships (Ihave nat finished it) Stative verbs Stative verbs are not normally used in continuous tenses because they don't describe actions. ¥ Isee what you mean. X Jam seeing what you mean. Use Stative verbs often refer to: thinking believe, imagine, knaw, mean, think, understand existence be, exist emotions hate, like, love, need, prefer, satisty, want the human senses hear, see, smell, sound, taste Example ‘appearance appear, look, resemble, seem possession and relationships between things, belong to, consist of, have, include, involve, own f ‘Some verbs (such as be, have, imagine, look, see, smell, taste, think) are stative with one meaning rote Ot! 2 and non-stative with another meaning, ZENS] ¢ Boyouhave our plane ticket with you? tae: possession) ¥ Are you having lunch at the moment? (action: eating) Unit 1 Grammar A Circle the correct word or phrase. 1 Flizaheth usually goes /is usually going to bed at around eleven o'clock. 2 Dan talks /is talking on the other phone right now. . 3) We don’t eat / aren't eating any meat at the momentas we're both on a diet. : 4 Doesair travel get / Is air travel getting increasingly safe? 5 Mymumaalls /is calling me every weekend without fail. 6 How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning? 7 You always come / You're always coming up with excuses for nat having dane your homework It’s <0 annoying! 8 I don’t go /’m not going out much during the week but | always try / I'm always trying to go out somewhere on Saturday night. 9 No, the train does stop / is stopping at Cirencester on Saturdays. 10 Mymum takes /is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend, B Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold, 1 Mydadis often getting up late on Saturday mornings. 2 Are you speaking any other languages apart from English? 3 Lalready buy all my Christmas presents and it’s only October! 4 It's the hist time I'm ever having a party at home. 5 Actually, think Darren does works quite hard sometimes. 6 — Carlois never eating Chinese food before. 7 Seat ready books a table for tonight. 8 Needs Melanie any help pai C Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets, 1 Itsthe first time (1/ ever / eat) octopus! 2 .- (not / see) his sister since she went to university, a .. (go) on holiday to Spain and won't be back until the end of the month, 4 PoorTracy! She .- (write) that essay for hours now and she still hasn't finished! 5 : wu (YOU / ever / meet) anyone famous? 6 (1/ try) to get in touch with Jenny all morning but | can't find her 7 ww (I/ not finish) the book yet su I cant tell you what happens, 8 (you / already / decide) where you're going this summer? 9 (We / live) here for the last six years. 10 I/ never / hear) such nonsense! Unit 1 Grammer F Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. |__be « disagree + do include + know « look » see + seem » understand Ancient aviators? Everyone (1) that humans have been flying for only a few hundred years. But Q).. . it possible that ancient civilizations also had the ability and technology to fly? In the Nazcan Desert in southern Peru, there are hundreds of lines which an ancient culture drew in Ure dust, On the ground, they Just (3)... Ike straight lines. But when you (4) vw them from the ait, you (5) .. exactly what they are. They are incredible and enormous pictures. The pictures (6) .. animals, birds and symbols, One bizarre theory, which most mainstream scientists (7) a. . with, is that the people wh made the lines Uousands and thousands of years ago flew above the lines In balloons. It (8) .. incredible, but a few people (9) _ believe it's possible. G Match to make sentences. I think darker hair than her sister. I'm thinking .. I'm going to buy the new Racetrack CD. Phil's looking a haircut at the moment. Phil looks Claire has Claire is ha Andy is .. ‘Andy is being .. for his glasses. Have you seen them? not old enough to drive a car. of getting Dad a CD for his very annoying at the moment! like he needs a holiday! hday. eNouawna raImone> H Find the extra word in each line. International friends I've been to travelling round Europe all summer. It's the first time 've ever been going abroad, and I've had a fantastic time! I've seen loads of interesting places and | have to also made loads of new friends. ve been decided to stay in touch with them now I'm back. One of them, Giselle, is French. She was making on holiday tao. We naw send text messages are to each other all the time. They're usuall because my French isn’t very good! I'm planning to have vi France next year sometime. | hope | can. | am love meeting people from other countries! | want to have had lots of friends from all over the world! Travelling certainly broadens the mind but it also is broadens your circle of friends! Te 10 Unit 3 Grammar RE ees @ Past time: past simple, past continuous, past perfect simple, past perfect continuous, would, used to / be/get used to (Past simple statement: /you/he/she/it/we/they played .. ive: /you/he/she/it/we/they didn't play . Form negative: Use Single completed actions Habits in the past Permanent situations in the past General truths and facts about the past The main events in a story Note: Irregular verbs do not take’ed’in the past simple. Learn the past simple form of inregular verbs. See page 194. Tom anid played a yan of cress und he won. Did you collect stamps when you were younger? ‘A famous footballer lived in our house before we bought it. Crosswords didn’t become popular until the 1930s The referee blew the whistle and Simon passed the ball to James, who ran towards the goal, can also use did © Ww Ze We Past continuous “Why didn’t you win your match yesterday?’t did win. Who told you | didn't?” 1 Welost5 0butat least we did get into the final. in past simple statements for emphasis, Whe/she/it was negative: isn't playing Use tions happening at a parti inthe past ‘Temporary cituations in the past (usually with always) ‘Actions in progress over a period of time ‘Two actions in progress at the same time Annoying past habit rina story continuous together. x wi Past perfect simple Form had + past participle Use Situations and states before the past Completed actions before a moment in th past Completed actions where the important thing is the result at a moment in the past staternent. i/he/she/ic wus playing _ question. Was /he/she/it playing ..? © When one action inthe post interrupts another action in progress; we use the past simple ond the past Iwas playing on my computer when itsuddenly crashed. © Wedo not use the past continuous fr regular or repeated actionsin the past. 7 When we were n holiday, we played volleyball every day. © We do not usually use stative verbs in continuous tenses. See Unit 1, page 7. You/werthey were playing .. You/we/they weren't playing .. Were you/we/tey playing ...? Example "| arnve o'clock, | was reading my new book. ‘Greg was living in Londen at the time. When we were young, my brother was always borrowing my toys. Daniel was playing video games all morning yesterday. Were Ulla and her fiends playing Monopoly while we were playing Draughts? The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Lisa opened the window and looked out. ) Example We'd lived next to the gym for a couple of manths before | decided to jain. Va already bought the computer game when Isaw itwas cheaperin another shop. We didn't feel lke playing Scrabble because we had just finished a long game of Mc e Unit 3 Grammar A Circle the correct word or phrase. eNavewns @ 10 " 12 | saw / was seeing Maria for the firs Richard watched / was watching TV when the phone rang. When we were on holiday, we went / were going to the café almust every day. Denise practised / was practising the song every day until she could sing it perfectly. The phone was engaged when | called. Who did you talk / were you talking to? Mr Connors ewned / was owning two houses and a villa in the south of France. | did / was doing my homework as soon as | got home from school. Acar came round the comer and | jumped / was jumping aut of the way When my dad met my mum, he worked / was working as a bus driver. | got / was getting up at six o'clock every morning last week! My cousin anid | played / were playing on the computer when there was a power cut. No, that's not right.| did pass / was passing the test.| got a B. 12 at Ray's hirthday party, B Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets. il wn Nous Wher (you / go) when | saw you on the bus last night? sosnsnnnnnsnennunn (YOU J enjoy) the film? When we shared a room, Zoé annoying! When I went to get the tickets, | realised Wher Iwas young, we, sen .. (G0) To France every year on holiday. Elvi (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes, When you rang last night, 1 nnn (work) in the garden so | didn't hear the phone. (always / take) my things. It was so (not / have) any money. . (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down. « (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday. The old man We C Circle the correct word or phrase. Dear Lisa, ‘Thanks tor your letter: | (1) just left / had just left for achool when | saw the postman and he (2) gave / had given it to me, t wae really funny! | (3) read / had read it during maths and it (4) made / had made me laugh. | almost (5) got / had got in trouble! Anyway. I'm excited because | (6) had / had had my firat. judo leason yeaterday | (7) wae Thad been late for the leccon because when | (8) got / had got there, | suddenly realiced 1 (9) lof / had left ny judo suit at home! Go | (10) went / had gone all he way hurne and when |(11) gob / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun. The instructor was really nice, though, and | (13) leaned / had learned how to do eome basic throws. Can't wait till next timel What about you and your taekwondo? The last time | (14) spoke / had spoken to you. vou (15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What: (16) did you decide / had you decided? I think that‘a all for now. My mum and | are going chopping chortly, co I batter poot this Speak to you soon. Love, Charlowe Past tima pact cimple, past continuous, past perfect simple, pact perfect continuoue, would, used to / beget used to Unit 2 7 Inthe past, people wouldn't go as far away on holiday as they do today. use In the past, people they do today. as far away on holiday as 8 This town has a lot more cinemas than it had in the past. used This town, ‘so many cinemas. T Find the extra word in each line. Childhood w» _ Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. Young people didn't use not to have so much leisure time. Today's children may complain about their schoolwork, but our great-grandparents would to go ‘out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, especially when they had heen working hard all day. Of course, they got themselves used to working long hours eventually, but it would meant that they had to grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used tu liaviny sume free time to do things we enjoy,a luxury people in the past rarely were had. an een RSnnEE eee ee Seevausuna J Write one word in each gap. The night before Jane lay awake. She had (1) nrumnemm preparing for the next day (2) along time and now she couldn't sleep. Her team (3) .... playing the local champions at water polo in the final and lane was the captain. She (4) . feeling the pressure. She turned over and remembered how she (5) .. taught her. They (6) learned to swim. Her father had go to the local pool every day after school and her father CD) aes to show her what to do. She hadn't liked the water at first, but she soon (8) used to it. She learned quickly and joined the water polo team. She had (9) their youngest member! She quickly got used to scoring goals and (10) vwwem under pressure, but tomorrow was different. Itwas the biggest match of her lfe, She closed her eyes again and tried to get to sleep. ‘| (1) used to have problems sleeping, she thought to herself. ‘But then again. | didn't (12) s.nsenuene to be the captain of the team, She watched the clock change slowly and knew that it was going to be a long night. 23

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