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Instructions for Invigilators assigned for the Backlog

Intermediate Even Semester Examinations 2019-2020

starting from 05.05.2021.
1. Invigilators should login for the Invigilation Duty through Desktop PC
or Laptop only, for their comfort during the Invigilation.

2. Invigilators should select the Shift 1 (9.30am-12.30pm) or Shift 2

(2.30pm-5.30pm) as allotted to them at least 15 minutes before the
start of Examination.

3. Invigilators should use Google Chrome for the Invigilation Duty.

4. Invigilators should follow up with the students who did not login
within the Schedule Start Time i.e. 9.30am or 2.30pm through the
Phone Numbers available in the Students ICON.

5. Invigilators should immediately share the Roll Numbers of the

Students to OIC or Examination Department who does not Start
Examination within 10 minutes from the schedule time i.e. 9.30am
or 2.30pm.

6. During the Examination, if required, Invigilators could give warning

messages directly to the students through Right Click on Students
Picture  Send Message option. Also, Invigilators could call the
students to the number available in Students Icon.

7. Invigilators could inform OIC or Examination Department regarding

the students who does not act accordingly after the repeated
instructions given by them through messages or phone call.

8. The colour of the Bullet appearing in the Left Top Corner of

Student’s Icon represents as: RED  Not Login; GREEN  Login
and giving Examination and YELLOW  Finished Examination
and logout successfully. Also, the Count showing on the Right Top
Corner of Student’s Icon represents as: Number of times Student
move out of the Camera Range.

9. After 3 Hours 10 Minutes each Invigilators should cross verify with

the Examination Department whether all the students who had
assigned to them and given Examination had uploaded their Answer
Scripts to the University Portal successfully or not? Then only they
could logout the session.

10. For any kind of assistant during the Invigilation period Invigilators
could contact to OIC/Supervisor or Examination Department.

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