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4/27/2020 Full body obstacle collision avoidance | studywolf


a blog for things I encounter while coding and researching

neuroscience, motor control, and learning

NOV 24 2016

Full body obstacle collision avoidance

Previously I’ve discussed how to avoid obstacles using DMPs

(h ps://
in the end-effector trajectory. This is good when you’re controlling a single disconnected point-mass, like
a mobile robot navigating around an environment. But if you want to use this system to control a robotic
manipulator, then pre y quickly you run into the problem that your end-effector is not a disconnected
point-mass moving around the environment. It’s a ached to the rest of the arm, and moving such
that the arm segments and joints also avoid the obstacle is a whole other deal.

I was doing a quick lit scan on methods for control methods for avoiding joint collision with obstacles,
and was kind of surprised that there wasn’t really much in the realm of recent discussions about it.
There is, however, a 1986 paper from Dr. Oussama Khatib titled Real-time obstacle avoidance for
manipulators and mobile robots (h p:// that pre y much solves
this problem short of ge ing into explicit path planning methods. Which could be why there aren’t
papers since then about it. All the same, I couldn’t find any implementations of it online, and there are a
few tricky parts, so in this post I’m going to work through the implementation.

Note: The implementation that I’ve worked out here uses spheres to represent the obstacles. This works
pre y well in general by just making the sphere large enough to cover whatever obstacle you’re
avoiding. But if you want a more precise control around other shapes, you can check out the appendix of
Dr. Khatib’s paper, where he works provides the math for cubes and cones as well.

Note: You can find all of the code I use here and everything you need for the VREP implementation up
on my GitHub (h ps:// I’ve precalculated the functions
that are required, because generating them is quite computationally intensive. Hopefully the file saving
doesn’t get weird between different operating systems, but if it does, try deleting all of the files in the
ur5_config folder and running the code again. This will regenerate those files (on my laptop this takes
~4 hours, though, so beware). 1/11
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The general idea

Since it’s from Dr. Khatib, you might expect that this approach involves task space. And indeed, your
possible suspicions are correct! The algorithm is going to work by identifying forces in Cartesian
coordinates that will move any point of the arm that’s too close to an obstacle away from it. The
algorithm follows the form:


Specify obstacle location and size

Specify a threshold distance to the obstacle

While running

Find the closest point of each arm segment to obstacles

If within threshold of obstacle, generate force to apply to that point
Transform this force into joint torques
Add directly to the outgoing control signal

Something that you might notice about this is that it’s similar to the addition of the null space controller
(h ps:// that we’ve
seen before in operational space control. There’s a distinct difference here though, in that the control
signal for avoiding obstacles is added directly to the outgoing control signal, and that it’s not filtered
(like the null space control signal) such that there’s no guarantee that it won’t affect the movement of the
end-effector. In fact, it’s very likely to affect the movement of the end-effector, but that’s also desirable,
as not ramming the arm through an obstacle is as important as ge ing to the target.

OK, let’s walk through these steps one at a time.


I mentioned that we’re going to treat all of our obstacles as spheres. It’s actually not much harder to do
these calculations for cubes too, but this is already going to be long enough so I’m only addressing
sphere’s here. This algorithm assumes we have a list of every obstacle’s centre-point and radius.

We want the avoidance response of the system to be a function of the distance to the obstacle, such that
the closer the arm is to the obstacle the stronger the response. The function that Dr. Khatib provides is of
the following form:

where is the distance to the target, is the threshold distance to the target at which point the
avoidance function activates, is the partial derivative of the distance to the target with respect to a
given point on the arm, and is a gain term.

This function looks complicated, but it’s actually pre y intuitive. The partial derivative term in the
function works simply to point in the opposite direction of the obstacle, in Cartesian coordinates, i.e.
tells the system how to get away from the obstacle. The rest of the term is just a gain that starts out at 2/11
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zero when , and gets huge as the obstacle nears the object (as ). Using and
gives us a function that looks like

So you can see that very quickly a very, very strong push away from this obstacle is going to be
generated once we enter the threshold distance. But how do we know exactly when we’ve entered the
threshold distance?

Find the closest point

We want to avoid the obstacle with our whole body, but it turns out we can reduce the problem to only
worrying about the closest point of each arm segment to the obstacle, and move that one point away
from the obstacle if threshold distance is hit.

To find the closest point on a given arm segment to the obstacle we’ll do some pre y neat trig. I’ll post
the code for it and then discuss it below. In this snippet, p1 and p2 are the beginning and ending
locations of arm segment (which we are assuming is a straight line), and v is the center of the obstacle.

1 # the vector of our line

2 vec_line = p2 - p1
3 # the vector from the obstacle to the first line point
4 vec_ob_line = v - p1
5 # calculate the projection normalized by length of arm segment
6 projection = (, vec_line) /
7, vec_line))
8 if projection < 0:
9 # then closest point is the start of the segment
10 closest = p1
11 elif projection > 1:
12 # then closest point is the end of the segment
13 closest = p2
14 else:
15 closest = p1 + projection * vec_line

The first thing we do is find the arm segment line, and then line from the obstacle center to the start
point of the arm segment. Once we have these, we do: 3/11
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using the geometric definition of the dot product

(h ps:// two vectors, we can rewrite the
above as

which reads as the magnitude of vec_ob_line divided by the magnitude of vec_line (I know, these are
terrible names, sorry) multiplied by the angle between the two vectors. If the angle between the vectors
is < 0 (projection will also be < 0), then right off the bat we know that the start of the arm segment, p1,
is the closest point. If the projection value is > 1, then we know that 1) the length from the start of the
arm segment to the obstacle is longer than the length of the arm, and 2) the angle is such that the end of
the arm segment, p2, is the closest point to the obstacle.

Finally, in the last case we know that the closest point is somewhere along the arm segment. To find
where exactly, we do the following

which can be rewri en

I find it more intuitive if we rearrange the second term to be

So then what this is all doing is starting us off at the beginning of the arm segment, p1, and to that we
add this other fun term. The first part of this fun term provides direction normalized to magnitude 1.
The second part of this term provides magnitude, specifically the exact distance along vec_line we
need to traverse to form reach a right angle (giving us the shortest distance) pointing at the obstacle. This
handy figure from the Wikipedia page helps illustrate exactly what’s going on with the second part,
where B is be vec_line and A is vec_ob_line:

Armed with this information, we understand how to find the closest point of each arm segment to the
obstacle, and we are now ready to generate a force to move the arm in the opposite direction! 4/11
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Check distance, generate force

To calculate the distance, all we have to do is calculate the Euclidean distance from the closest point of
the arm segment to the center of the sphere, and then subtract out the radius of the sphere:

1 # calculate distance from obstacle vertex to the closest point

2 dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((v - closest)**2))
3 # account for size of obstacle
4 rho = dist - obstacle[3]

Once we have this, we can check it and generate using the equation we defined above. The one part
of that equation that wasn’t specified was exactly what was. Since it’s just the partial derivative of the
distance to the target with respect to the closest point, we can calculate it as the normalized difference
between the two points:

1 drhodx = (v - closest) / rho

Alright! Now we’ve found the closest point, and know the force we want to apply, from here it’s
standard operational space procedure.

Transform the force into torques

As we all remember (h ps://

control/), the equation for transforming a control signal from operational space to involves two terms
aside from the desired force. Namely, the Jacobian and the operational space inertia matrix:

where is the Jacobian for the point of interest, is the operational space inertia matrix for the
point of interest, and is the force we defined above.

Calculating the Jacobian for an unspecified point

So the first thing we need to calculate is the Jacobian for this point on the arm. There are a bunch of ways
you could go about this, but the way I’m going to do it here is by building on the post where I used
SymPy to automate the Jacobian derivation (h ps://
lambdify-for-generating-transform-matrices-and-jacobians/). The way we did that was by defining the
transforms from the origin reference frame to the first link, from the first link to the second, etc, until we
reached the end-effector. Then, whenever we needed a Jacobian we could string together the transforms
to get the transform from the origin to that point on the arm, and take the partial derivative with respect
to the joints (using SymPy’s derivative method).

As an example, say we wanted to calculate the Jacobian for the third joint, we would first calculate:

where reads the transform from reference frame to reference frame . 5/11
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Once we have this transformation matrix, , we multiply it by the point of interest in reference frame
3, which, previously, has usually been . In other words, usually we’re just interested in the
origin of reference frame 3. So the Jacobian is just

what if we’re interested in some non-specified point along link 3, though? Well, using SymPy we set
make instead of (recall the 1 at the end in these vectors is just to make the
math work), and make the Jacobian function SymPy generates for us dependent on both and , rather
than just . In code this looks like:

1 Torg3 = self._calc_T(name="3")
2 # transform x into world coordinates
3 Torg3x = sp.simplify(Torg3 * sp.Matrix(x))
4 J3_func = sp.lambdify(q + x, Torg3)

Now it’s possible to calculate the Jacobian for any point along link 3 just by changing the parameters that
we pass into J3_func! Most excellent.

We are ge ing closer.

NOTE: This parameterization can significantly increase the build time of the function, it took my laptop
about 4 hours. To decrease build time you can try commenting out the simplify calls from the code,
which might slow down run-time a bit but significantly drops the generation time.

Where is the closest point in that link’s reference frame?

A sneaky problem comes up when calculating the closest point of each arm segment to the object: We’ve
calculated the closest point of each arm segment in the origin’s frame of reference, and we need thew
relative to each link’s own frame of reference. Fortunately, all we have to do is calculate the inverse
transform for the link of interest. For example, the inverse transform of transforms a point from the
origin’s frame of reference to the reference frame of the 3rd joint.

I go over how to calculate the inverse transform at the end of my post on forward transformation
matrices (h ps://,
but to save you from having to go back and look through that, here’s the code to do it:

1 Torg3 = self._calc_T(name="3")
2 rotation_inv = Torg3[:3, :3].T
3 translation_inv = -rotation_inv * Torg3[:3, 3]
4 Torg3_inv = rotation_inv.row_join(translation_inv).col_join(
5 sp.Matrix([[0, 0, 0, 1]]))

And now to find the closest point in the coordinates of reference frame 3 we simply

1 x =, closest)

This x value is what we’re going to plug in as parameters to our J3_func above to find the Jacobian for
the closest point on link 3. 6/11
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Calculate the operational space inertia matrix for the closest point

OK. With the Jacobian for the point of interest we are now able to calculate the operational space inertia
matrix. This code I’ve explicitly worked through before
(h ps://, and I’ll show
it in the full code below, so I won’t go over it again here.

The whole implementation

You can run an example of all this code controlling the UR5 arm to avoid obstacles in VREP using this
code up on my GitHub (h ps:// The specific code added
to implement obstacle avoidance looks like this:

1 # find the closest point of each link to the obstacle

2 for ii in range(robot_config.num_joints):
3 # get the start and end-points of the arm segment
4 p1 = robot_config.Tx('joint%i' % ii, q=q)
5 if ii == robot_config.num_joints - 1:
6 p2 = robot_config.Tx('EE', q=q)
7 else:
8 p2 = robot_config.Tx('joint%i' % (ii + 1), q=q)
10 # calculate minimum distance from arm segment to obstacle
11 # the vector of our line
12 vec_line = p2 - p1
13 # the vector from the obstacle to the first line point
14 vec_ob_line = v - p1
15 # calculate the projection normalized by length of arm segment
16 projection = (, vec_line) /
17 np.sum((vec_line)**2))
18 if projection < 0:
19 # then closest point is the start of the segment
20 closest = p1
21 elif projection > 1:
22 # then closest point is the end of the segment
23 closest = p2
24 else:
25 closest = p1 + projection * vec_line
26 # calculate distance from obstacle vertex to the closest point
27 dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((v - closest)**2))
28 # account for size of obstacle
29 rho = dist - obstacle_radius
31 if rho < threshold:
32 eta = .02
33 drhodx = (v - closest) / rho
34 Fpsp = (eta * (1.0/rho - 1.0/threshold) *
35 1.0/rho**2 * drhodx)
37 # get offset of closest point from link's reference frame
38 T_inv = robot_config.T_inv('link%i' % ii, q=q)
39 m =, np.hstack([closest, [1]]))[:-1]
40 # calculate the Jacobian for this point
41 Jpsp = robot_config.J('link%i' % ii, x=m, q=q)[:3]
43 # calculate the inertia matrix for the 7/11
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44 # point subjected to the potential space

45 Mxpsp_inv =,
46, Jpsp.T))
47 svd_u, svd_s, svd_v = np.linalg.svd(Mxpsp_inv)
48 # cut off singular values that could cause problems
49 singularity_thresh = .00025
50 for ii in range(len(svd_s)):
51 svd_s[ii] = 0 if svd_s[ii] < singularity_thresh else \
52 1./float(svd_s[ii])
53 # numpy returns U,S,V.T, so have to transpose both here
54 Mxpsp =,, svd_u.T))
56 u_psp =,, Fpsp))
57 if rho < .01:
58 u = u_psp
59 else:
60 u += u_psp

The one thing in this code I didn’t talk about is that you can see that if rho < .01 then I set u = u_psp
instead of just adding u_psp to u. What this does is basically add in a fail safe take over of the robotic
control saying that “if we are about to hit the obstacle forget about everything else and get out of the


And that’s it! I really enjoy how this looks when it’s running, it’s a really effective algorithm. Let’s look
at some samples of it in action.

First, in a 2D environment, where it’s real easy to move around the obstacle and see how it changes in
response to the new obstacle position. The red circle is the target and the blue circle is the obstacle:

And in 3D in VREP, running the code example that I’ve put up on my GitHub
(h ps:// implementing this. The example of
it running without obstacle avoidance code is on the left, and running with obstacle avoidance is on the
right. It’s kind of hard to see but on the left the robot moves through the far side of the obstacle (the gold
sphere) on its way to the target (the red sphere): 8/11
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(h ps://


(h ps://

And one last example, the arm dodging a moving obstacle on its way to the target. 9/11
4/27/2020 Full body obstacle collision avoidance | studywolf

The implementation is a ton of fun to play around with. It’s a really nifty algorithm, that works quite
well, and I haven’t found many alternatives in papers that don’t go into path planning (if you know of
some and can share that’d be great!). This post was a bit of a journey, but hopefully you found it useful! I
continue to find it impressive how many different neat features like this can come about once you have
the operational space control framework in place.

Tagged obstacle avoidance, operational space control, robotics, sympy, vrep

5 thoughts on “Full body obstacle collision avoidance”

Ma hijs says:
January 10, 2017 at 10:01 am
Very nicely explained and wri en! Have you also found papers using Null-Space controll? It is
roughly the same, however the nullspace projection guarantees that your end-effector remains
unaffected when you are trying to avoid obstacles with the rest of the arm.


travisdewolf says:
January 10, 2017 at 10:08 am
Hi Ma hijs, thanks! I had the implementation in null space at first, but then actually switched to
make sure the avoidance wouldn’t let the collide with the obstacle, and having the end effector
control secondary to that. It would depend on the situation and importance of avoidance!
Cheers 10/11
4/27/2020 Full body obstacle collision avoidance | studywolf

2. ABR Control 0.1 repo public release! | studywolf says:
July 1, 2017 at 8:27 am
[…] Obstacle avoidance and dynamics adaptation add-ons with PyGame example scripts […]

ben says:
February 19, 2020 at 9:30 pm
good job, thank you, i just have a question in part Transform the force into torques, I know \tau =
J^TF, but why J^TMF, i can’t understand the meaning of the M, which lecture can you recommend
for me.

travisdewolf says:
February 20, 2020 at 11:39 am
Hi Ben, the inertia matrix M works to linearize the control for each of the joints. It helps to null the
effects that different arm segments have on each other. If you check out this post:
h ps:// I
work through it there. You can implement the code without the inertia matrix, but you’ll likely
need to crank up the gains. Hope that helps!


Blog at 11/11

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