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JR 3 CIRCLE  4

NAME : ____________________

(1) The points A,B,C and D lie on a circle with centre O ,EF is a tangent to the circle at A
When produced, the lines CD and FA meet at the point E.
CBE = 720 and DAE = 510
( i ) OAD
( ii ) AOD
( iii ) ODC
( iv ) ACD
( v ) AED
( vi ) CAE

( 2 ) The diagram A,B,C and D are points on the circle with centre O such that AB = AD = 32
the perpendicular distance of the chord AB from O is 10cm. The tangents to the circle at
A and B meet at E and BAD = 580
( a ) BOD
( b ) BCD
( c ) AEB
( ii ) Calculate the radius of the circle.
( iii ) State the condition for which
quadrilateral ABCD is a kite

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