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Composition of Poultry Meat as Affected by Nutritional Factors 1


Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University ofGuelph,
Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1
(Received for publication October 24,1978)

1979 Poultry Science 58:536-542

In discussing the present subject it is first nal fat add little to overall carcass quality, and
necessary to define the term "poultry meat". in most instances are considered as waste mate-
Poultry, unlike most other meat, is usually sold rial. Not only is this fat wasteful in terms of
as a complete carcass, or as portions with intact dietary energy input, but also results in reduced
skin. The poultry industry is therefore concerned processing yield and greater cooking loss. Of
more with the composition of the entire carcass even greater concern than the direct monetary
in contrast to the situation with swine and beef loss to the industry is the increased public
where carcasses are cut in an entirely different awareness of the relationship between dietary
manner and often sold in a processed form. fat and human health.
With the exception of some of the visceral The ratio of protein to fat in the carcass of
organs, the vitamin and mineral content of chicken broilers can be influenced by such di-
poultry meat is not influenced by composition verse factors as diet composition, environmen-
changes within conventional diets. We are thus tal temperature, type of housing, age, and sex
primarily involved with the effect of diet on the (Kubena et ah, 1972; 1974a; Edwards et ah,
protein and fat content of the carcass. Sine? the 1973; Deaton et ah, 1974; Evans et ah, 1976).
amino acid content of muscle is genetically con- It is also well established that when birds are
fed energy in excess of normal metabolic needs,
trolled, we are concerned only with the effect
fat deposition results, a considerable proportion
of nutrition on the quantity of carcass protein
of which occurs in the abdominal area (Essary
deposition. The composition of carcass fat,
et ah, I960; Macklin and Gordon, 1961, Ku-
however, can be altered by dietary fatty acid
bena et ah, 1974b; Griffiths et ah, 1977a). At-
content. The work of Marion and Woodroof
temps at reducing adipose cell development
(1966) demonstrates that highly unsaturated
(Pfaffe and Austic, 1974; Austic and Pfaffe
dietary fats will result in a more unsaturated car-
1975; Griffiths et ah, 1977a) and a considera-
cass fat with the converse applying to saturated
tion of the use of net rather than metabolizable
dietary fats. Although it is acknowledged that a energy value (Griffiths et ah, 1977b) have con-
high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in tributed little that can be economically utilized
poultry fat can lead to processing difficulties and by the industry today in alleviating the problem
problems of consumer acceptance (oily bird syn- of excess abdominal and visceral fat in broilers.
drome), by and large this only occurs in isolated
Recent results from our laboratory (Table 1)
cases and is not a major industry problem.
demonstrate that energy intake, rather than
A major problem that does concern the in- dietary energy level, is the main factor influ-
dustry is the quantity of fat deposited in rela- encing abdominal fat deposition. Diets of equal
tion to carcass protein. The main adipose energy content but varying in amount of pro-
depots are found underlying the skin, in the ab- tein result in marked differences in abdominal
dominal cavity, and especially around the vis- fat (Table 1), pointing out that carcass fat con-
cera. Although skin fat, including the depot tent can be reduced by dietary means; however,
areas on the breast and back, are essential for the cost of higher dietary protein levels can be
acceptable eating qualities, visceral and abdomi- uneconomical.
Since Degroote (1974) suggests that the ME
1 system of energy evaluation underestimates the
Presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the
Poultry Science Association as part of a Symposium energy value of fats, and other data (Jensen et
entitled Factors Affecting the Composition of Meat ah, 1970) indicate a disproportionately large
and Eggs. deposition of carcass fat in relation to that pro-


TABLE 1. Effect of energy level and calorie:protein ratio on weight gain and carcass
composition of male broilers (4 to 8 vtks)3
Abdominal fat pad 1
Wt gain Caloric intake Moisture
Contrasts (4 to 8 wk g) (keal ME) (% body wt) (%)

ME (kcal/kg)
2970 1448* 10,404b 2.57b 17.1*
3190 1454* 10,425b 2.55b 16.7*
Calorie:protein 2 ratio
188 1451* 10,789* 3.19* 14.3b
160 1463* 10,324b 2.6lb 17.0*
139 1440* 10,152= 2.22 c 17.5*
Considered to be that in the abdomen as well as that surrounding the gizzard and extending within the
ischium and bursa.
Constant energy level of 2970 kcal/kg and protein levels of 15.8, 18.6, and 21.4%.
Griffiths et al, (1977a).
a ,c
' Means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different (P<.05).

vided by dietary fat, we conducted an experi- each strain were offered a commercial broiler
ment to compare the effect of the ME and NE starter diet. At 4 weeks, 50 birds were used for
energy evaluation systems in relation to carcass carcass analysis while the remainder were indi-
composition. Diets containing graded levels of vidually caged and individual feed intake mea-
fat and isocaloric with respect to ME would sured to 8 weeks of age at which time carcass
therefore be expected to produce variations in analysis was again undertaken. Results to 4
carcass energy retention commensurate with weeks of age are shown in Table 2. Although
the theorized increased utilization of calories statistically significant strain differences were
derived from fat. Diets containing comparable observed in both visceral and carcass fat con-
levels of fat, but isocaloric in terms of NE, tent, their practical significance may be ques-
would not be expected to show this extra ca- tioned. Comparable conclusions were ascer-
loric effect. Our results do not confirm this hy- tained from data obtained with the older mar-
pothesis (Griffiths et al, 1977b) with birds con- ket weight birds (Table 3). Comparison of
suming the NE diets exhibiting an inferior body strain mean data shown in Tables 2 and 3 indi-
weight and feed:body weight gain. cate the rapid development of visceral fat dur-
Since little progress in alleviating abdominal ing the finisher period, since from 4 to 8 weeks
fat deposition appears to have been made with of age carcass fat content increased some 12%
nutritional adaptations, it was decided to study while visceral fat content increased by 40% over
the problem with a number of strain crosses in the same period. The relationships of abdomi-
the hope of implementing genetic effects. nal fat content with 8 week body weight, 4 to 8
Chicks from 4 commercial broiler strain crosses week feed intake, 4 to 8 week feed:gain ratio
were hatched from eggs brought to the Univer- and carcass fat gave low or nonsignificant corre-
sity facilities. At one day of age, 90 males from lations with the exception of carcass fat (Grif-

TABLE 2. Carcass fat parameters and 4 week body weights of males

from 4 commercial broiler strains

1 2 3 4

Body wt (g) 75 3 747 733 724

Visceral fat (% dry matter)1 41.3* 47.3 C 44.7b
Visceral fat (% body wt) 2.0* b 1.7* 2.3 b 2.0* b
Carcass fat (% dry matter) 41.2*b 39.6* 43.4b 40.0*
Visceral fat included all the viscera plus the abdominal fat.
a' bMeans followed by the same superscript are not significantly different (P<.05).

TABLE 3. Performance and carcass fat parameters of individually caged broiler males
from 4 to 8 weeks of age

Bodywt(g) 2118 2096 2246 2032
Abdominal fat (% body wt) 2.44 ab 2.35a 2.76c 2.66 bc
Visceral fat (% dry matter) 62.6 ab 61 . l a 64.8C 63.6 bc
Carcass fat (% dry matter) 47.4b 44.9a 46.5 ab 47.9 b

a,b,c Means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different (P<.05).

fiths et al., 1978). However, the variation ob- grame, based on abdominal fat, the concomit-
served between strains and the failure of one ant reduction in body size would obviously
strain to show a significant correlation between limit its practical application.
abdominal fat and carcass fat, suggests that car- Workers from Georgia (Guill and Washburn,
cass fat cover may not necessarily indicate the 1974; Washburn et al., 1975a,b) have studied
extent of abdominal fat deposition. the details of genetical selection over a number
Comparable to values reported by Kubena et of generations; their observations indicate some
al (1974a) and Deaton et al. (1974) coefficient merit in a genetic approach to solving the prob-
of variation (CV) for 8 week abdominal fat pad lem of excess fat depsition.
weight averaged 26% for the 4 strains (Table 4). In an attempt to gain further information on
The CV recorded 4 weeks earlier was somewhat the involvement of diet with fat deposition, a
less, although still far in excess of the CV re- study was conducted in which broiler chickens
corded for body weight. were allowed a simultaneous free choice of two
Since there was marked variation within the diets providing concentrated sources of either
parameters measured, which did not appear to energy or protein. Diets and procedures em-
be markedly influenced by strain, data have ployed were similar to those recently reported
been grouped for the extremes of each param- for pullets (Leeson and Summers, 1978). Thus,
eter and averaged across strains. Ranking data control birds were reared on a commercial feed-
from individual birds (Table 5) shows the mean ing program while test birds were offered split
strain performance of the top 5 birds/40 bird diets providing: 1) 45% CP and 2462 kcal ME/
sample/strain (i.e. a 20 bird sample). Selecting kg and 2) 8% CP and 3184 kcal ME kg; within
large vs. small bodied birds resulted in a numeri- these diets methionine was adjusted to > 2% CP
cal increase in abdominal fat deposition, while and lysine to >5% CP. Performance of birds
grouping for best vs. poorest feed:body weight offered these diets is in Table 6. The birds fed
gain had the opposite effect. Selection for fat- the split diets were far inferior in weight gain as
pad weight showed a positive relationship with compared to the control birds while males and
body weight. It was interesting to note that se- females practicing self-selection had similar
lection for body weight had no effect on feed body weights. Consumption of the split diets
efficiency and vice versa. Although these data resulted in a significant increase in carcass fat
indicate the basis for a genetical selection pro- content. Again, it is of interest that males and

TABLE 4. Comparison of the variation occurring in visceral and abdominal fat

with 4 and 8 week old broilers as measured by coefficient of variation

1 2 3 4 Mean

Visceral fat (4 wks)' 20.9 24.9 17.1 21.6 21.1

Abdominal fat (8 wks) 23.7 26.8 25.3 26.0 25.5
Body weight (4 wks) 10.6 12.3 9.9 10.3 10.8
Body weight (8 wks) 9.7 7.8 9.5 9.7 9.2
Includes visceral and abdominal fat.

TABLE 5. Performance and abdominal fat pad weight of birds selected for various
criteria and averaged across strain*

4 to 8 week
Selection 8 week body Feed:body Abdominal fat
parameter weight (g) weight gain (% body weight)

Best feed:body weight gain 2246DC 2.45 a 2.35bc

Poorest feed: body weight gain 2121 b 2.96 c 2.90 c
Largest bird 2413 d 2.67 b 2.80b<:
Smallest bird 1892* 2.77b 2.30 b
Largest fat pad 2279=d 2.74b 3.45 d
Smallest fat pad 1930a 2.66 b 1.60 a

Each observation based on 5 birds selected within each of the 4 strains for each specific parameter.
a.b,c.Means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different (P<.05).

females on the split diets exhibited similar birds is supported by the finding of similar die-
values for this parameter. Broilers fed the split tary protein levels for Leghorn pullets of the
diets were far more efficient in converting die- same age (Leeson and Summers, 1978). Al-
tary protein to carcass protein. The control though this research adds little to our under-
birds became less efficient in protein utilization standing of excess fat deposition in broilers, it
with advancing age; however, age had little does raise some rather interesting observations
effect on efficiency of protein utilization for that require further study.
the birds fed the split diets. In seeking an explanation as to why broilers
Since feed intake of the two split diets was have apparently altered their rate of abdominal
recorded separately, it is possible to calculate fat deposition, growth curves of mixed sex
the composition of the overall diet that the test broiler flocks reared in 1958 and 1978 are com-
birds consumed (Table 7). Several points are pared (Fig. 1). While it is obvious that growth
especially pertinent. One is the low level of pro- rate per se has increased, the shape of these
tein consumed by the birds while another is curves is of interest. Weight gain of today's
the similarity in composition of the diets con- broiler increases at a greater rate as the bird gets
sumed by males and females. That the low level older. It is also known that increasingly greater
of protein intake may represent a close approxi- quantities of this gain, relative to age, is associ-
mation of the true protein requirement of these ated with fat deposition. Since it is well estab-

TABLE 6. Weight gain, protein utilization, and carcass fat content of broilers
fed split diets

Protein utiliization
Weight Carcass fat (in take: carcass
(g) (% dry wt) content)
(wks) l1 2 1 2 1 2

6 343 224 31.6 49.9 1.66 1.94

9 315 214 34.2 48.3 1.66 1.93
d 947 583 37.4 52.9 2.08 1.96
9 816 584 39.9 53.0 2.12 1.81

d 1574 966 40.7 59.9 2.12 1.75

9 1293 922 42.9 58.2 2.21 1.80

d 2392 1538 44.6 57.4 2.87 1.76

9 1904 1404 44.7 55.4 2.45 1.94
1 , Control; 2, split diets.

TABLE 7. Composition of diets consumed by

broilers fed split diets
Control : /
Period (wk) 2000
Split diet s / /
0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to !
Protein (%) 6 12.3 12.1 9.2 9.8
9 12.9 12.6 8.9 9.2 440
Energy d 3256 3256 3323 3310 1000 CT> / / 'f i 400
(kcal ME/kg) 9 3237 3241 3334 3323 • 360
s / / s /•


/ / ^ • " #>

500 00
y ^ s*~ -///
lished that birds fed an excess of dietary energy 0
J ^ y Body fat (g)
deposit a substantial part of it as fat, it would 160
appear that broilers are now consuming energy 120
far in excess of their metabolic ability for tissue 80
growth, leading to accrual of greater depot fat Age (wks)
deposits. 0

In this context it is of interest to study

growth rate and fat deposition in birds fed regu- FIG. 2. Body weight and absolute carcass fat
lar, and the previously described, split diets curves for broilers fed regular or split diets.
(Fig. 2). Marked differences are observed be-
tween the growth rate of male and female birds
fed the control diet, and between these groups
and those birds fed split diets. However, abso- synthesis in relation to feed intake regulation.
lute deposition (or synthesis) of total body fat Recent reports from Israel on overfeeding and
was remarkably similar for these divergent body its effect on growth and obesity offer some in-
weight groups. teresting leads to studying this problem. (Nir et
It is tempting to speculate on the role of fat al., 1974; Nitsan et al, 1974; Nir et al, 1978;
Shapira et al, 1978). Force feeding a New
Hampshire x White Leghorn bird (Nir et al,
197'4) resulted in a weight gain curve (Fig. 3)
similar to the one noted in Figure 1 for today's



/ ^'-"(5'i
/ / ' (50.0) 200
/ ^ ^ 4 4 . 8 )
500 ,-^'(18.0) 1978 100
(0) Age (wks)
(0) Experimental period (day)
1 2 3 4 ^ 6 7 8 3 6 9 12 15
( ) % difference in weighc gam between the two periods
Nir et al. 1974 (Selected data)

FIG. 1. Body weight gain for a mixed flock of FIG. 3. Body weight of force-fed and ad
broilers in 1958 and 1978. lib. -fed chicks during 15 day experimental period.

TABLE 8. Body weight gain, organ weight, and ally selecting for a p p e t i t e , such t h a t this "fin-
abdominal fat of light and heavy breed chicks ishing p e r i o d " occurs at a very y o u n g age, w i t h
after ad libitum feeding or overfeeding
excess energy intake leading to o u r "over f a t "
for 18 days*
LB HB Even if this h y p o t h e s i s is correct, it still
leaves us at a loss as t o h o w t h e p r o b l e m m a y
Weight (g) 1 2 1 2
be corrected, since selection for decreased feed
Feed intake 467 668 691 799 intake will invariably affect weight gain. T h e in-
Initial weight 46 48 53 50 dustry m a y be at t h e stage where it is necessary
Weight gain 217 291 382 405 t o critically evaluate factors o t h e r t h a n weight
Gizzard 6.5 7.1 11.7 13.1 for age in selection programs if acceptable car-
Duodenum 1.73 3.52 2.47 3.35
cass quality is to be maintained.
Liver 7.1 21.7 12.1 22.2
Heart 2.03 2.10 2.93 3.23
Abdominal fat .86 7.80 2.83 4.95
'Ad lib fed. Austic, R. E., and P. E. Pfaffe, Jr., 1975. A new look
Overfed. at restricted feeding of pullets. Page 34—37 in
Nir etal., 1978 (selected data). Proc. Cornell Nutr. Conf.
Deaton, J. W., L. F. Kubena, T. C. Chen, and F. N.
Reece, 1974. Factors influencing the quantity of
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Degroote, G., 1974. Page 113-133 in Utilization of
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m a t e l y 50% m o r e b o d y weight, 30% m o r e lean poultry. Morris and Freeman, ed. Longman Group
b o d y mass, and 8% m o r e carcass fat t h a n t h e Limited.
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Denis Nugara, 1973. Carcass composition studies.
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ically overfed b y some 4 3 % with ad lib i n t a k e , Holmes, 1960. Influence of different levels of fat
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gests t h a t HB birds are voluntarily eating close 1976. Chemical composition, carcass yield and ten-
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Griffiths, L., S. Leeson, and J. D. Summers, 1977a.
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veloped for maximized a p p e t i t e , t h u s invariably broilers. Poultry Sci. 56:1018-1026.
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Washburn et al., 1975a) this excess dietary
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