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Tutorial Week 9: Resolving Conflict

1. To what extent can conflict be resolved by:

 Avoidance: Avoidance behaviours are any actions a person takes to escape from
difficult thoughts and feelings. These behaviours can occur in many different ways
and may include actions that a person does or does not do.
 Accommodation: Behavioural accommodations/strategies are typically used for
behaviours that are low in frequency and intensity and do not impede learning. These
accommodations/strategies are put in place to structure and manipulate the
environment in order to promote both the behavioural and academic success of the
 Cooperation: The actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted
or asked for common effort We are asking for your full cooperation.
 Competition: Compete implies having a sense of rivalry and of striving to do one is
best as well as to outdo another: to compete for a prize. Contend suggests
opposition or disputing as well as rivalry to contend with an opponent, against
 Collaboration: To work with another person or group in order to achieve or do

2. Which strategies best resolve conflict? Explain.

Collaborating is normally the best strategy for handling conflicts over important issues. When
dealing with moderately important issues, compromising can often lead to quick solutions.

3. Which strategies are worst in resolving conflict? Explain.

Being conflict avoidant also impacts our relationships because we are cutting off all honest
communication with the other person. While avoidance sometimes seems like the best way
to deal with conflict, in the long run it ends up harming our intimacy.

4. Which strategies are most realistic?

Diplomacy, the art of maintaining peaceful relationships without the use of violence, can help
turn conflict into cooperation.

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