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Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia

Gedung Pendidikan dan Laboratorium Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia

Kampus Baru FIK UI Depok, Jl. Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Depok, Jawa Barat - 16424


I, the undersigned below :

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Title of article :

declare that I (the author) has submitted the article with current title above to the Editorial Board
of the Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia to be published on the next volume or issue of Jurnal
Keperawatan Indonesia. I hereby confirm that:

1. The article is indeed the work of the author and has not been published by other scientific
2. All data, ideas, and statements contained in the article entirely become the author’s
3. During the process of writing this manuscript, the author does not have any problems or
interest conflict with other co-authors (proof attached).

I declare under the rules and regulations of JKI that the foregoing is true and correct. If in
the future there is a mistake, the author is willing to take all the consequences.

…………, …………………..
Author’s signature:

Materai 6000


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