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4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong A abandon [abeendan] v. tir b6, bd roi To abandon something is to leave it forever or for a long time. -» The old room had been abandoned years before. Tir bo m6t cdi gi dé 18 bd Iai n6 vinh vién hode trong mét thdi gian di ->> Cin phong efi ndy bj bé hoang vai nim trude. abbey fbi] n, tu vign ‘An abbey is a house or group of houses where monks or nuns live. ~» When the monk returned to the abbey, he went immediately to his bedroom. Mt tu vign 14 mGt ng6i nha hoge mot nhém nhing ngdi nha ma nang thay tu hode ba xo séng 6 dé, ->> Khi ngudi thay tu nay quay tré lai tu vign, ong ay da lén givong ng ngay lap tire. abide [abaid] v. tuan theo To abide by something, like a rule, means to obey it. ~» If you want to play the game with us, you must be willing to abide by our rules. Tuan theo cai gi d6, nhu mét dieu Iudt, nghia la lam theo n6. ->> Néu ban muén choi trd choi nay véi ching t6i, ban phai sin long tuan theo luat Ig ciia ching ti ability [abiloti] n. kha nang lim gi dé vé thé chat Ability is the quality of a person being able to do something well. ~» His swimming abilities let him cross the entire lake. Kha ning 1a phdm chit ciia mét ngudi cé thé Lam tét moi viée. ->> Nhting kha nding boi 16i cia anh dy da dura anh dy vugt qua ca ci hé nay. abolish [abdlif] v. thi tiéu, bai bo To abolish something means to put an end to it, such as a system or law. ~» President Lincoln abolished slavery in the US. ‘Tha tiéu mét cai gi dé ng! dat dau cham hét cho n6, nhu mét hé théng hodc mét diéu luat. >> Téng théng Lincoln da cham ditt tinh trang né 16 6 M9. above [abav] prep. 6 trén If something is above, it is at a higher level than something else. -» He straightened the sign that was above the crowd. Néu mét edi gi dé 6 én, né dang 6 mt mite d6 cao hon vat khde. >> Anh dy da sip xép ngan nap cdc dau hiéu lon x6n 6 tre "abroad [abro;d] adv." 6 nude ngoai If someone goes or travels abroad, they go to another country. -»My brother wants to go abroad next year. Néu mét ngudi di hodc dén nude ngoai, ho di téi m6t quée gia khdc. >> Anh trai cia téi mudn di nude ngoai vao nim téi absence [absons] n. syvang mat Absence is the state of something being away. -» There is an absence of sand in the hourglass. Su vang mat la trang thai bién mat cia mot thir gi do. ->> Cat khéng c6 trong chiée déng hé cat nay. absolute [zebsalu:t] adj. Tuyét ddi, nguyén chat If something is absolute, it is total or complete. -» My presentation was an absolute disaster! It was terrible! Page| 1 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Néu mét vat con nguyén chét, nghia 1a né cdn nguyén ven hoan ton, ->> Bai thuyét trinh cita tdi nhur mét tai hoa thy su! Né that kinh khing! absorb [abso:rb] v. hut, hdp thy To absorb a liquid means to take it inside. ~» He used a sponge to absorb the water on the floor. Hap thi mét chat long nghia 1a 46 né vao trong, ->> Anh dy da sir dung mét miéng vai thm dé hit nude trén tang. abstract [zebstreekt] adj. Triru trgng If ideas are abstract, they are based on general ways of thinking. ~» The idea of beauty is abstract and changes over time. Néu nhiing ¥ tuong triru tuong, ching duge cn ctr trén nhiing cach suy nghi eo ban. >> ¥ tudng lim dep nay 1a tri tung va thay d6i theo thai gian. absurd [absa:rd] adj. V6 ly, ngu xudn If something or someone is absurd, they are ridiculous ~» That group of people making animal noises sounds completely absurd. Néu mét vat gi dé hoc mGt ngudi ndo dé ngé ngan, ho sé t6 ra 16 bich. ->> Nhom nhting ngudi kia dang tao ra nhing am thanh dng vat li hoan toan ngu xuan. abundant [abandant] adj. Thira thai If something is abundant, then it is available in large quantities. ~» Cakes, cookies, and candy were so abundant that the child was very happy. Mt vat gi dé thira thai, thi n6 ¢6 sin mét s6 rong Ién. ->> Nhiing chiéc banh ngot, banh quy va keo cé so long rat nhiéu khién bon tré rat sung suéng. abuse [abju:z] v. lam dung, nguge di To abuse someone or something means to hurt them on purpose. ~» The mean man abused his dog when it barked too loudly. Neugc dai mot ai dé hoe mét cai gi dé nghia 1a chu dinh gay thiét h ->> Nguoi dan 6ng niy 4 hinh ha con ché cia Ong dy khi nd sia q academy [akiedamil] n. hoe vign ‘An academy is a special type of school. ~» There are many course taught at the academy that I go to Mot hoc vign 1a mot loai truéng hoc dac bit ->> C6 nhiéu khéa hoe da duge day & hoe vign nay ma t6i da tham gia, accelerate [akseloreit] v. im gdp gép To accelerate means to increase in speed. ~-» When he stepped on the gas pedal, the motorcycle accelerated. Lam gap gap nghai la ting t6c 46. ->> Khi anh dy da ting t6e ga, chiée xe may d& phéng nhanh Ién, accent [aksant] n. trong am, giong digu An accent is a certain way of speaking that shows where a person is from. ~» The new teacher’s accent was clearly a German one. Mét giong digu la mt cach néi cu thé dé xa dinh mt ngudi dén tir dau, >> Gigng diéu ciia ¢6 gido mdi nay hoan toan ging mgt ngudi Dite. accept [wksept] v. chap thuan, dong y To accept something that is offered is to take it. -» Lacceepted the gir!’s very nice gift Page) 2 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Déng y mot diéu gi dé duge dura ra nghia la thye hign nd, ->> Téi da chp nhgn mén qua rat dep cita c6 gai. Access [akses] n. durong vao, co hgi ‘Access is the right to enter or use something. ~» The manager was the only person with access to the password. Co hi Li quyén tham gia hode sit dung mét cai gi dé. ->> Nguoi quan ly 1a nguéi duy nhat ¢6 quyén sir dung mat khdu nay, accessory [zeksesori] n. phy ting An accessory is a thing that is added to another thing to make it look better. ~» The store sold colorful accessories like bags, sunglasses, and makeup, M6t phu ting 1a mét vat ma dugc bé sung thém vao mét vat khac dé lam né tét hon. ->> Cia hing nay 4a bin nhig phy ting sie sr nhu cp, kinh ram, va d6 trang diém. accident [zeksidant] n. ri ro, tai nan An accident is an unexpected undesirable event. =» She had to go to the hospital after she was in a serious car accident. M6t tai ngn Li mot su vige xay ra khong méng muén. >> C6 dy da phai di vige sau khi gp mét tai nan 6 t6 nghiém trong. accompany [akampani] v. hé tong To accompany other people means to join them or go with them. ~» My brothers accompanied me to the movie. H9 tng nhing ngudi khic nghia 1a tham gia cing ho hoge di theo ho. ->> nhiing anh trai cla toi d& dura toi di xem phim, accomplish [akamplij] v. hoan thinh To accomplish something means to finish it. ~» He accomplished his goal of running ten miles. Hoan thinh mot cdi a6 nghia 1a két thie n6. ->> Anh dy da hoan thinh muc tiéu chay mudi mét cia minh, accordingly [ako:rdinli] adv. theo If someone acts accordingly, they act in a way that is suitable. =», He feels like he did a good job, and his boss should pay him accordingly. Néu mGt ai dé Kim theo, hg hinh dng bing m6t each hop ly. ; ->> Anh dy cam thay minh da kim mét vige t6t, va theo 46 dng chi cua anh dy nén tra cong anh dy phi hop. account [okaunt] n. tai khoan An account with a bank is an arrangement to keep one’s money there. ~» After I paid for the new car, my bank account was nearly empty. MOt tai khodin ngin hang ki mt sy thoa thufin dé git tign ctia mot ngudi trong 46, ->> Sau khi t6i da thanh todn chiée xe 6 t6 mdi, tai khoan ngan hang cua t6i da gan nhu can sach. accountant [akauntant] n. ké toan vién ‘An accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts. ~» The accountant helped me keep track of my money. Mot ké toan vign li mGt ngudi ma cng vige ciia ho la gitt nhiing tai khoan tai chinh. ->> Ké tod vign nay da gidip ti bao quan tién accumulate [akju:mjoleit] _v. tich lay Page| 3 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong To accumulate something is to collect a lot of it over time. ~» The m ail accumulated in their mailbox while they were on vacation. Tich lay mGt cai gi dé Ia suru tim v6i s6 lugng én theo thii gian >> Thu nay di tich Iiy trong hom thy ciia ho trong khi ho di nghi accurate [akjorit] adj. Chinh xe If something is accurate, it is completely correct. -» The story in the newspaper wasn’t very accurate, ‘Néu m6t cdi gi dé ding din, thi né hoan toan chinh xa. ->> cfu chuyén trén tap chi nay da rit sai léch. accuse [akju:z] v. bude toi To accuse someone of something is to blame them for doing it. ~» She accused her brother of breaking her computer. Buc tdi mot ai dé vé mét viée gi dé 14 dé 16i cho vie ho da Lim. ->> Cé dy da dé 16i lam hong may tinh cho anh trai minh. acid [sid] n. a xit An acid is a chemical that ean burn or dissolve other substances. ~» In chemistry class, we mixed two acids together and watched the reaction. A xit la mét chat héa hoc ma cé thé dét hoc hda tan nhiing chat khic. ->> trong mot lp hgc héa, chting t6i da két hop hai logi a xit vdi nhau vi xem ching phan img. acquaint [akweint]_v. kim quen To acquaint is to get to know something or someone . ~» Naney acquainted herself with the new computer. Lam quen la dén nhan, tim higu m6t edi gi dé hoje mot ai a6. ->> Nancy da ty tim hiéu chiée may tinh méi. acquire [skwaior] v. kiém duge, thu duge To acquire something is to gain possession of it. ~» Tina acquired a strange package yesterday. Thu duge mot cai gi dé 1a chiém hitu duge né. ->> Tina da thu duge mét g6i hang ki la vao hom qua. acquisition [wkwazifan]_n, sy thu nhan An acquisition is something that a person buys or gets in some way. =» Marty was happy with his new acquisition: a very fast bicycle. MOt sur thu nhdn 1 mot vige ma m6t ngudi mua hoge nhdn Kéy bing mot vai ech, acrobat [akrabet] n. ngudi biéu dién An acrobat is a person who entertains people by doing amazing physical things. =» There were acrobats at the circus that did impressive and complicated jumps. MO6t ngudi biéu dién 1a m6tngudi ma giai tri cho moi ngudi_ bang viée thy hién nhiing viée gay ngac nhién, across [akr3:s] prep. Tir bén ndy sang bén kia To go across something is to go to the other side of it. ~» He walked across the board to the other side. Di tir bén nay sang bén kia nghia la di dén ben khiée cia dung, ->> anh dy di tir man thuyén nay sang man thuyén khdc, Page| 4 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong actual [aktfual] adj. Thye té Actual means that something is real or true, ~» This is the actual sword that the King owned, not a fake one. Thue té cé nghia 1a mot thir gi dé cé that hodc ding dan. ->> cb m6t thanh gurom thye sit cla nha vua, khong phai hang gid. actually [aktfuali] ady. Trén thye té Actually means in fact or really. ~» My dad looks a little mean, but actually he’s very kind. ‘Trén thy té cé nghia 1 su that hoc cé that ->> bé cilia tdi trong ¢6 vé bin xin, nhung thye té 6ng dy rat tot acute [akju:t] adj. Sic bén, gay git When a bad thing is acute, itis very severe and intense. ~» When she fell out of the tree, the girl felt an acute pain in her arm. Khi mét su viée gay gat, né rat khit k he va kich ligt ->> khi c6 Ay lam dé cai cy, c6 gai da rat dau tay. achieve [atfi:v] v nhan dugc To achieve something is to successfully do it after trying hard. ~» Iwas happy that I could achieve my goal. Nhén durge cdi gi dé nghia la lam gi dé thinh céng sau khi cé ->> t6i thdy hanh phic khi minh cé thé hoan thanh muc tiéu fing thy su. adapt [adept] _v. tra vio, thich nghi To adapt means to change in order to deal with a new situation or addition. -» When he went to the new town, he had to adapt to all the weather changes. ‘Thich nghi nghia la thay d4i dé img xtr véi mét sy bé sung hodc vi tri méi addict [edikt] n, ngudi nghién ngép ‘An addict is a person who cannot stop doing or having something. ~» She was a coffee addict. She had more than three cups each day. Mot ngudi nghign la ngudi ma khOng thé dimg lim hodc Lay gi a6. ->> cé ay nghién café. C6 ay uéng hon 3 céc mot ngay. adept [adept] adj. Tinh théng, lio luygén If someone is adept at something, they are very good at doing it -» The carpenter is very adept at building houses. vé mét viée gi dé, ho thudng Lam ré ->> thg mde la ngudi rt gidi xay nha, tt nd. adequate [adikwit] adj. Day dit, trong ximg When something is adequate, it is good enough for something else. -» Without adequate notice of the road block, they will have to turn around Khi m6t vat gi dé twong xting, né dui t6t voi vat con Iai. ->> Khong c6 théng bao day di vé tro ngai trén dudng, ho sé phai di vong. adhere [adhior) v. tham gia, bm chat vio To adhere means to act in the way that a rule or agreement says is right. -» If the new employees wish to succeed, they must adhere to the boss’s rules. ‘Tham gia nghia la hanh dng theo m@t luat hoa hgp dong goi la quyén. ->> nhiing ngudi céng nhin méi muén thanh cng, ho phai tuan thi quy tc cia 6ng cht. Page| 5 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong adhesive [edhi:siv] n. chat dinh An adhesive is a substance used for sticking things together. -» The carpenter used an adhesive to hold the two pieces of wood together. M6t chat dinh 1a m6t chat duge str dung dé dan nhiéu thir véi nhau adjoin [odgoin] v. ndi lién To adjoin something means to be next to or attached to something else ~» She can listen to her brother’s conversations because her room adjoins his. ién vat gi dé nghia la lam ké tiép hodc thu hut nhimg vat cdn lai, ->> cé dy c6 thé nghe doan héi thoai ctia anh trai cé dy vi phong ctia cé dy lién ké bén canh. adjoining [adgoinin] adj. Gin ké If something is adjoining, it is next to or joined with a building, or room. ~» L.eouldn’t sleep because the people in the adjoining room were loud. Mot vat gi dé gan ke, né o ngay canh hoe duge néi lién véi mét toan nha hoe mot e&n phong, ->> t0i khdng thé ngii duge vi moi ngudi 6 phong bén canh qua dn do. adjust [adgast] v. diéu chinh To adjust something means to change it so itis better. He adjusted the old guitar to make it sound better. iéu chinh thir gi dé nghia la thay déi né cho né tdt hon ->> anh y da dieu chinh chiée dan guitar cii dé lim né hay hon. administer [administor] _v. trong nom, quan ly To administer means to take responsibility for organizing something. ~» The teacher’s assistant will administer the test. ‘Trong nom nghia la thye hign trich nhigm dé t6 chite mot vi >> ngudi tr¢ ly gidm déc sé quan ly bai kiém tra gid administration [adminastreifan] _n. sy quin ly ‘An administration is the group of people who manage a company or organization. =» She hoped she could be promoted to a job in the administr Sqr quan ly 14 mt nhém ngurdsi ma quan ly mot cng ty hoge mot t6 chite ->> 6 dy mong ring o6 thé duge thang chite dé thanh quan ly administrative [adminostreitiv] adj. Thuge vé hanh ehinh Administrative describes anything related to managing a company or organization. -» work as an administrative assistant to the owner of the company. Thuge vé hanh chinh dign ta bat eit thir gi lign quan t6i vige quan ly mot c6ng ty hoke t6 chie 6t tro ly hanh chinh cho céng ty ctia t6i administrator [dminastreitar] n. ngudi quan ly An administrator is a person who controls a business, company, or organization, -» Everyone in the store did whatever the administrator asked them to do. Mat ngudi quan ly [a ngwoi ma diéu khién mot vige kinh doanh, m6t e6ng ty hay m6t t6 chtte ->> moi ngudi trong cia hang da lam bat ett digu gi ma ngudi quan ly yéu cau ho lam, admiral [admoral] n. dé déc Anadmiral is someone who controls many military ships. ~» They won the sea battle because of the admiral’s great leadership. Mét dé déc La ngusi ma diéu khién nhiéu con tau quan sw ->> ho da chién thang trin thay chién nh ngudi Hanh dao tuyét voi. Page) 6 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong admire [admaiar] v. khdm phye To admire someone is to like them for what they do. yl admire my brother for his hard work. Kham phye m6 ai dé 1d thich ho vi diéu ho kim ->> t6i ngudng m6 anh trai t6i vi su cham chi lam vige admission [admifaan] n. trubng hoe, t6 chute xi hoi Admission is the act of allowing to enter a place. ~» The admission ticket to the movie was $5, ‘Té chite x3 hdi ki hoat dng ma cho phép di vio mét dia diém. ->> vé vo rap xem phim 1a 5$ admit [admit] _v. nhdn vao, thira nhén To admit something means to say that it is true. ~» Thad to admit that I stole his idea Thira nhan mét digu gi dé nghia la ndi diéu dé 1a dang >> t6i phai thira nhn rang tdi d& an cp y tuéng cia anh ay admonish [dmanif] v. khién tréch To admonish someone is to tell them you disapprove of their behavior. ~» The teacher admonished Mark because he was chewing gum in class. Khién trach m6t ai d6 1a ndi voi ho ban kh6ng tan thanh thai 46 cua ho io vién khién trach Mark vi anh dy nhai keo cao su trong l6p. >> ngui adopt [adapt] v. nhan kim con nudi To adopt someone is to make them as a part of one’s own family. ~» The girl was adopted by the couple when she was three. Nhén mot ai dé lam con nuéi la lam ho tre thanh m6t thinh vign cia gia dinh ->> ngudi con gai duoc nhn 1am con nuéi bai mét cp vo chéng khi cé dy 3 tudi. adorn [ado:m] v. t6 diém To adorn something means to make it more beautiful by decorating it. ~» Small glass beads adorned the vase. To diém mot vat gi dé nghia la lam né tro nén dep hon bing vige trang tri n6. ->> nhiing chudi hat cum thity tinh nhé da t6 diém chiée binh advance [adveens] _v cai tién, thtic day To advanee is to go forward, ~» He advanced up the ladder slowly. Cai tién 1a di lén phia trade ->> anh dy da bude lén cau thang cham rai advantage [adveentids]_n. didu tich cue An advantage is something that helps you. -» Being tall is an advantage to a basketball player M6t digu tich cue la mét thir gi dé gitip ban >> chiéu cao li mét diém tich cue cho van dgng vién béng chuyén advent [advent] n. sy dén An advent is the arrival or beginning of an important person, thing, or event. ~» During the advent of radio, very few programs actually played music. Page|7 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Sy dén noi la sy viée bat dau cua mét ngudi, mét vige hodc sy kién quan trong, ->> trong suét qua trinh dén noi ciia song v6 tuyén. thyc té nhiéu churong trinh da phat nhac adventure [odventfar] n. sir mao hiém ‘An adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do, ~» Riding in the rough water was an adventure. Mot su mao hiém la mét vige lam thé vi hod kich dng ban kim ->> léi qua dong nuée manh 1a mét su mao hiém adverse [advo:rs] adj. Déi dich, chéng déi If something is adverse, then it is harmful ~» Not eating healthy foods can have an adverse effect on your health. M6ét vige gi dé ddi dich, néu né c6 hai ->> khéng An udng day dii c6 thé gay anh hudng xau t6i site khoe cla ban advertise [sedvartaiz] v. thong bio, quang cio To advertise is to tell people about something on TV, radio, ete, ~» They used a rabbit to help them advertise their product. Thong bao la ndi véi moi ngudi vé nhimg gi durge phat trén ti vi, dai ->> hg da sir dung m6t con thé dé gitip ho quang edo san phim advice [advais]_n. 1di khuyén Advice is an opinion about what to do. =» I don’t know how to study for my exams. Can you give me some advice! Lai khuyén Li mgt y kin vé vige can la >> t0i khdng biet hge thé nao cho bai kiém tra ciia minh, Ban ¢6 thé cho t6i vai loi khuyén advise [advaiz] v. khuyén bao To advise someone is to tell them what to do. -» My mother often advises people about their money. Khuyén bao ai dé 1a ndi véi ho vige edn lim >> me cita {61 thudng xuyén khuyén moi ngudi vé tién cia ho advocacy [advokasi] n. nguvi ludt su, sy bao chita Advocacy is the act of supporting or recommending something. ~» Janine’s strong advocacy for the event made people want to attend. Su bao chifa la hanh d6ng hé trg hoa khuyén mot viée gi dé ->> su bao chita manh mé cia Janine cho su kién nay da lim nhiéu ngudi mudn chi y. advocate [advakeit] v. bién hé, bao chita To advocate a plan or idea is to support or suggest it in public. ~» The group advocated increased spending on education and schools. Bién hd mét ké hoach hod y tung la viée hé tro hodc dé nghi né mét cach céng khai ->> Nhém da bign hg da ting cudng viée sir dung gido duc va trudmg hoc aerial [canal] adj trén khéng When something is aerial, it relates to being in the air or flying. ~» The aerial photographer took pictures from the air balloon. mot thir gi dé 6 trén khong, né lién quan ti vige trén khong khi hoje dang bay ->> ngudi th anh trén khéng da chyp nhimg bite anh tir qua bong bay. aesthetic [asOetik] adj. Tham my Page| 8 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong If something is aesthetic, then it is concerned with a love of beauty. -» The dresses were noteworthy for their aesthetic design MGt vat c6 tinh thim m9, thi né huéng vé mot tinh yéu cua vé dep >> nhimg b6 quan do dang chii y vi thiét ké dep affect [ofekt] v. gay anh hung To affect someone or something is to have an influence over them. -» The student’s poor attitude affected the other students in the class. Gay anh huang t6i ngudi no dé hodc vat gi dé la viée tao ra tae dng lén ho. ->> quan diém nghéo nin cua sinh vién nay da téc dng lén sinh vién khc trong lép afflicted [afliktid] adj. Dau dén Afflicted means to suffer physically or mentally. ~» He was afflicted by pain in his right arm. ‘Dau dén nghia la trai qua, chiu dung vé co thé hoac tinh thin affluent [eeflu(:jont] adj. Gidu e6 If someone is affluent, they are wealthy. =» People in the city are usually more affluent than people in the country. M6t ngudi gidu 6, ho thong ¢6 sang ->> nhimg ngudi 6 thinh pho thuimg gidu c6 hon nhimg ngudi 6 néng thén, afford [ofo:rd] v 06 di site To afford something means you have enough money to pay for it. -» I've been saving my money, so I can afford to buy a new bike. Cé dia site véi gi dé nghia la ban 6 di tién chi tra cho né ->> t6i da timg tiét kiém tién, nén t6i cé thé du kha ning mua xe dap mdi. afraid [ofreid] adj. E ngei When someone is afraid, they feel fear. ~» The woman was afraid of what she saw. Khi m6t ngudi e ngai, ho cam thay sq hai ->> ngudi phu nif nay e ngai nhiing gi cé dy thay. against [ogenst] prep. Chéng lai To be against something is to be touching it or opposed to it. >» They both leaned against the wall ->> cd hai bon ho déu tya vio bie tuong aggregate [zegragit] adj. Tap hop lai When a number is aggregate, it is made up of smaller amounts added together. =» The company totaled its aggregate sales for the entire year. Khi m6t s6 duge tap hyp Iai, né durge tao ra mt lugng nhé hon. ->> cng ty da tinh tong doanh so ban hang ca nam aggression [ogrefon] n. su xam chiém Aggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others. ~» The problem was only made worse by Mark’s aggression, Sur xm chiém la thai d6 biin xin ho§e manh ligt véi nhiing thir khie >> vin dé nay 1a chi tré nén xau hon boi sy xm chiém cua Mark Page| 9 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong aggressive [agresiv] adj. Hung hang If someone is aggressive, then they constantly want to fight. -» Nobody liked to play games with him because he was always too aggressive. Khi mét ngudi hung hang, thi ho luén muén danh nhau ->> khéng mét ai thich choi nhiing trd choi véi anh vi anh dy thudng rit hung hang. agree [agri:] v. ding y To agree is to say “yes” of to think the same way. ~* A: The food is very good in that restaurant. B: I agree with you. Déng ¥ la ndi “ c6” hodc nghi theo cach tuong ty ->> A: thite an nay 6 ctra hang rat ngon. B: t6i dong y voi ban agriculture [egrikaltfar] n. néng nghigp Agriculture is the growing of food and animals. ~» The farmerstudied agriculture in college. ‘Nong nghigp la phat trién long thye va dong vat ->> nhing ngudi ndng din da hoe nghé ndng 6 trudng cao ding. ahead [shed] adv. Vé phia truée If something is ahead of something else, it is in front of it. =» The blue car drove on ahead of us Néu mOt thir gi dé 6 phia trude thir cdn Iai, né sé ding trude vat d6 ->> chiéc 6 t6 mau xanh nude bién d6 truée mat chung toi aid [eid] _v. sy gid a6 To aid someone is to help them when they need something. -»The doctor aided the boy afier his Gitip 46 mot ngudi Ia gidp ho khi ho cdn gi a6 >> bie si da gitip d@ ching trai sau khi anh dy gap tai nan ail [eii] v. im dau dén, To ail a person or group is to cause difficulty or pain, -» My brother went to the doctor to see what was ailing him. Lam mt ngudi dau dén hoge m6t nhém dau dén la gay ra kh khiin hoe dau khé >> anh trai ciia t6i da dén gap bac si dé thay nhimg gi khién anh ay dau don aim [eim] n. mye dich An aim is a goal someone wants to make happen. ~» My aim is to become a helicopter pil M6t muc dich 1a diém nham mét ngut ->> mye dich ctia t6i la thanh mdt pl nao 46 muén dat téi “ong trite thing raft [corkreft] n. méy bay, tin bay An aircraft is a vehicle. that flies in the sky, such as an airplane or helicopter. ~» At the museum in the airport, you can see a lot of old aircraft. MOt may bay 1a mot phuong tign bay trén troi, nhu may bay khdch hoje trye thang airway [eorwei] n. dudng bay Anaitway is the passage by which air reaches a person’ s lungs. ~» Since he was sick, mucus would occasionally get stuck in his airway. M6t dung bay la 16i di thiét ké bai khéng gian dua mét nguoi lén trén khéng Page) 10 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong aisle [ail] n.gian bén canh, canh Anaisle is a space between two things that people use to walk. -» They were told to clear the aisle because the plane was about to land. Gian bén canh 1a mot khoang kh6ng giita 2 vat ma moi ngudi di qua ->> ho dai duge ndi sé Lim sach Idi di bén cdnh vi may bay s@ hg ednh 6 46. alarm [alarm] _n. thiét bi cdnh bio An alarm is something that warns people of danger. ~» When the students heard the fire alarm, they left the building. M6t thiét bi canh bao 1a thir ma canh bdo nguy hiém cho moi ngut alas [ales] int. Than 6i ‘Alas is a word that people say when something bad happens. -» Hooked everywhere for my purse, but alas, I couldn’t find it, ‘Than 6i Ia mét tir ma moi ngudi ndi khi ho gap chuyén xdu ->> t6i da tim ngan quy 6 khap noi, nhung than 6i, ti khéng thé tim thay alert [ olo:rt] v. bao déng To alert someone is to tell or warn them about something. ~» The fire alarm alerted us that there was a problem. Bao dng mot nguoi la ndi hoa cinh bao ho vé mot vige gi dd ->> chudng bio chay d% bao dong ching t6i Khi c6 mt su c6. alien [eiljan] n. ngoai kigu, ngudi ngoai hinh tinh ‘An alien is a creature from a different world -» The alien came in peace. M6t ngudi ngoai hanh tinh li ngudi dén tir thé gidi khic alike [alaik] adj. Giéng nhau If two things or people are alike, they are similar in some way. ~» People often think my sister and I look alike. 2 vat giéng nhau hodc 2 nguéi giéng nhau, ho thuémg c6 nhimg diém chung ->> moi ngudi thurdmg nghi chi gai t6i va t6i giéng nhau alive [alaiv] adj. Cén séng, chua chét If someone or something is alive, they are not dead. -» My grandparents are still alive even though they are over 90. M6ét ngudi hodc mét vat cdn ton tai, thi ho chura chét ->> Ong ba cia t6i con sng thém chi ho 44 hon 90 tudi allege [leds] _v. tuyén bé cai gi la sy that To allege something is to say that it is true without offering proof. =» The little girl had alleged that her older brother hid her favorite doll Tuyén bé gi dé 1a néi digu 46 ding ma cin chimg cé ->> m6t vai ngudi phy nif da tuyén b6 anh trai cua c6 ay da che gidu ngudi yéu cua minh alleviate [ali:vieit] v. lam nhe bot To alleviate pain or suffering means to make it less intense or severe. ~» She needed something to alleviate the pain in her back. Lam nhe bot sur dau dén hodc trai qua tn thudng dé lam gidm thiéu sur kha nghiét hoge gay g at >> 06 dy edn m6t thir gi dé 8 gidm dau lung Page| 11 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Alley [ali] n. duong di, ngd Anallley is a narrow road behind houses or buildings. -» The alley behind my house looks dirty ‘Ngé la mGt con durémg chit hep sau nha hod toa nha, ->> cdi ng6 sau nha t0i trong ban thiu alliance [alaions] n. khéi lién minh, khdi déng minh An alliance is a group of people who work together. ~» The junior executives formed an alliance with each other. M6t khdi ddng minh la mét nhém ngudi lam viée cing nhau ->> céic b6 truréng da tao lap khéi lién minh véi nhau allocate [elakeit) v. chi dinh To allocate something means to put it aside for a certain purpose or person. ~» The government allocated $10 0 million to aid the disaster relief effort. Chi dinh mét vige gi dé nghia la dé né sang mét bén cho mét myc tiéu hoe con ngudi cy thé allot [solat] v. phan céng To allot something: means to give it to someone. ~» The coach allotted each team five minutes to prepare a strategy. Phan cong mot vige gi dé la giti né cho mot ngudi nio 46 ->> hudn luyén vién da phan cng mdi d6i 5 phut dé chudn bi chién luge allow [atau] v. cho phép To allow something to happen means to let it happen. =» Having a ticket will allow you to enter the show. Cho phép kim gi d6 xay ra li dé né xay ra ->> c6 trong tay mét chiéc vé sé cho phép ban tham gia chuong trinh ally [2lai] n. nude déng minh, ngudi ting ho Anally is someone who agrees to help or support you. ~» I was happy to fin d many allies who shared the same opinion as me. M6t ngudi déng minh Li ngudsi ma déng ¥ gidip 40 hoe ho try ban ->> t6i hanh phiic vi tim ra nhiéu déng minh da chia sé y kién tuong dng nhu toi Almighty [o:Imaiti] n. thugng dé The Almighty is a name for a god ina religion. ~» Before eating, they thanked the Almighty for their food. Thuong dé la tén chi m6t vi chia trong t6n gido ->> trudc khi an, ho thuéng ta on Chua vi bita an alone [aloun] adj. Mét minh If someone is alone, they are not with another person. ~» The boy wanted to be alone to think. Khi m6t ngudi mot minh, ho khéng 6 cing nguoi Khe >> ngudi con trai muén & mét minh dé suy nghi Along [olo:n] prep. Doc theo ‘Along means to move from one part of a road, river, etc. to another. ~» Walk along this tunnel for ten minutes, and you'll see a door on theleft. Doe theo nghia la di tir mét phan con during, dong song, etc, dén noi khéc ->> di b doc dung him nay 10 phat, va ban sé thay mt ednh cura bén trai Page) 12 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong alongside [alo:msaid] adv. Sat cgnh If something is alongside another thing, then it is next to it =» We work alongside each other in the office. Néu mét vat 6 sit canh vat khie, thi né 6 bén canh ->> chiing t6i lam vige canh nhau trong van phing aloud [slaud] adv. Lén tiéng If you say something a loud, you say it so that others can hear you. ~». My father often reads stories a loud to me and my sister. ‘Néu bgn Ién tiéng, thi ban néi ngudi khae c6 thé nghe ban ->> b6 t6i thug doe chuyén to cho t6i va chi already [o:Iredi] adv.da .. roi If something happens already, it happens before a certain time. ~» It is already time for the movie to start. Let’s go in. Néu mét vige da xay ra, thi né xay ra true ther diém ey thé >> ding gié b6 phim da bat dau. Di théi "altar [altar]. n." ban thor An altar isa table used in churches. ~» The altar ha d many lit candles on it, Ban thé la ban durge str dung trong nhiing nha th ->> ban thé cé nhiéu nén sng trén 46 alternate [o:Itornciteit] v. thay phién To alternate means to switch back and forth between two things. ~» The best exercise alternates muscle an d heart strengthening, ‘Thay phién nghfa la ddi hung sau va trade gitta 2 thi. ->> bai tap t6t nhat thay phign eiing c6 co bap va tim alternative [9:Ito:matv] n, sy Iva chon gitta nhiéu kha nang ‘An alternative is something that you can choose instead of your first choice. ~» Her first plan to make extra money seemed weak, so she chose an alternative. Mot sur Iya chon 1a thit ma ban cé thé chon thay thé cho Iya chon dau tign cua ban >> ké hogch dau tin ciia ¢6 dy da kim ra nhiéu tién during nhu kém di, nén ¢6 dy da chon edi khae altitude [zltatju:d] n. 46 cao so véi mat bién The altitude of a place is its height above sea level. =» The air was thin at such a high altitude on the mountain, D6 cao so véi mat bién ciia mGt vi tri 1A mite dO trén so véi bién ->> khdng khi ¢6 long nhu mite 49 cao so véi mat bién 6 trén di altogether [o:ltagedor]_adv. Hoan toin If something happens altogether, it happens completely. ~» The company stopped using sugar altogether in its food. Néu mét vige xay ra hoan toan, né sé xay ra trigt dé >> cong ty da dimg sir dung dung hoan toan trén thite an ciia n6. although [2:1dou] conj. Mae di You use although to say that one thing is contrasted by another. -» Although she was late, her friends gave her a warm welcome, Page| 13 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Ban sy dung mic dit d& néi mot vat tyong phan vi mi >> mjc dit ¢6 dy dén mudn, nhing ngudsi ban ciia c6 dy va amaze [ameiz] v lim nga nhién To amaze someone is to surprise them very much. ~» The news in the paper amazed Jack. Lam ngac nhién ai dé la gay bat ngé cho ho nhieu ->> nhiing tin tite trén gidy da lam Jack ngae nhién amber [amber] n. hé phach Amber is a hard, yellowish material that comes from trees. ~», The necklace was made from pieces of amber, H6 phach la nguyén ligu hoi vang, cing kim tir cay ->> vong ¢6 lim tir nhiing manh hé phdch ambitious [embif>s] adj. Cé nhiéu tham vong If someone is ambitious, they w ant to be rich or successful. -» Kendra had to be ambitious to get into. medical school. Néu mét nguddi c6 mhiéu tham vong, ho mudn giiu c6 hoje thanh céng ->> Kendra da phai co tham vong dé tham gia trudng y amend [amend] v. edi thign To amend something means to change it to improve or make it accurate. ~» The countries were in agreement that the treaty needed to be amended. Ci thign thir gi dso la thay di né dé dy manh hode lim né chuain xée >> nhimg dat nude trong hop déng ma higp uée da can duge amid [amid] prep. 6 gitta If something is amid something else, then it is in the middle of it. -» The bee was busily flying amid the flowers in the garden. Néu mGt vat 6 gitta vat khde, thi né 6 trung tim cia vat 465 ->> con ong dang bay nhiét tinh git nhiing bong hoa trong vuon Amnesty [cemnasti] n. sy tha toi ‘Amnesty is a pardon given to prisoners of war. ~» She was denied amnesty for her involvement in the war. Sir tha ti 14 m6t su lugng thir duge giti cho nhiing tit nhain chién tranh ->> c6 dy da duge xéa bo syr mign t6i vi sir dinh liu trong chién tranh among [aman] prep. Nam trong sé If you are among certain things, they are all around you. -»_ There was a red apple among the green ones. Néu ban nam trong 6 nhiing sur vige, ching sé vay quanh ban ->> e6 mOt quai tdo dé trong s6 nhting qua xanh amount famaunt] ‘n. s6 luong An amount is how much there is of something. -» Can Luse my card to pay for the entire amount? S6 lrgng 1a c6 bao nhiéu thir gi dé ->> ti c6 thé sir dung thé cia t6i dé thanh ton toan bé sé lugng nay khong ? ample [empt] adj. Réng, phong pha If something is ample, then it is enough or more than enough. Page) 14 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong ~» There was an ample supply of oats to feed the horses. ‘Néu mét vat ndo dé phong phi, thi né dit hoe nhiéu hon mite dit ->> nhiing cue chién tranh nay li nguén cung yén mach phong pha cho nhiing ché ngya amuse [amju:z] v. kim cho ai eudi To amuse someone means to do something that is funny or entertaining, ~» The singer was very good, She amused the crowd. im cho ai cudi nghia la lam gi d6 thi vi hode gid tri ~>> casi hat hay. Cé ay da gay cudi cho ca dim dong analogous [anzelagos] adj. Tuong tr If something is analogous to another thing, then itis like it in certain ways, -», The relationship with his teacher was analogous to that o fa son and mother. Néu mét vat tong ty vat khéc, thi né duge lim 6 nhang ech eu thé quan hé véi gido vién cua anh ay tuong ty véi con trai va me analogy [onelodgi] n. su tuong tyr An analogy is a connection made between things to show that they are similar. -» The doctor made an analogy between the human heart and a water pump. Sy tuong ty 1a mot sur két ndi duge tao ra giita nhiéu vat dé chi ra diém tong dong 6 ching ->> bade sé tao ra sur déng cam gitta trai tim ngudi dan éng analytic [znolitik] adj. Thude phan tich, giai thich If something is analytic, it is related to logic and reasoning. -» The analytic article criticized the new plan and presented one of its own. ‘Néu mét viée nao dé duge phan tich, thi né duge lién két véi ly ludn va lun chimg ->> bai bdo phan tich binh phim ké hoach mdi va trinh bay mét phan sé hitu ctia nd analyze [enolaiz] v. phan tich To analyze something is to study it. ~» The seientist will analyze the blood sample. Phan tich mt sie vige nao dé 1a nghién ciru nd ->> nha khoa hoc sé phan tich mau mau ancestor [zensestar] n. t6 tién An ancestor is a family member from the past. -» My ancestors came from Germany. Té tign 1d mot thanh vién gia dinh qua khir ->> nhiing Ong ba, t6 tién cia ti dén tir Dire ancestry [sensastri] n. t6 tién, dong ho A person’s ancestry is the series of people from whom a person descended. =» We studied our ancestry and found out that we are related to royalty. Dong ho cua mt ngudi li chudi ning ngudi tir tren xudng dudi ->> chiing t6i da tim hiéu dng ho cua minh va thay rang ching t6i c6 quan hé véi hoang tc ancient [einfont] adj c6 xua If something is ancient, it is very old. ~» I want to see the ancient buildings in Rome. M6t vat c6 xwa, thi né rat eit ->> t6i muén thay nhiing tba nha c6 6 Rome http:/ Page| 15 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong anchor [zenkor] n. neo tau An anchor is a heavy object dropped from a boat to make it stay in one place. -» When the ship reached its destination, the crew dropped the anchor. Y MGt neo tiu la mgt vit nding tha xudng tir m9t con thuyén dé c6 din né mgt chs ->> khi mét con thuyén dén diém dich, ngudi thiy thi tha neo xudng nude. anemia [ani:mial] n.bénh thiéu mau Anemia is a blood. condition that causes a person to be pale and tired, ~» When she first developed anemia, she became tired often Bénh thiéu mau la mot digu kign vé mau gay ra cho mot ngui hot va mgt moi ->> Khi 6 dy bj phat trién bénh thiéu méu lin dau, c6 dy da tré nén mét moi thurdng xuyén anew [anju:] adv. Lai m6t nita, bing cach khac If you do something anew, you do it again and in a different way. ~» Though he had failed his driving test, he decided to try it anew. Néu ban Lim m6t vige gi dé Iai m6t lén nda, ban sé thye hign Igi né va bling eéch khée >> mic dil anh ay bj trugt lan thi lai xe, anh & animate [anamit] adj. Cé sinh khi, sire séng When something is animate, it has life. ~» Rocks and machines are not animate things. Khi mét vat gi do c6 sire song, né c6 cuge song ->> dd va may méc khéng phai la vat séng anniversary [anovo:rsori] n. ngay ki nigm An anniversary is a day that celebrates something from the past. ~» My parents. went out to eat for their wedding anniversary Ngay ki nigm Li ngiy ma tan duong mot cai gi dé tir qua khit ->> 6 me iia t6i da n mimg ki niém ngay cudi cua ho announce [anauns] v. thong bio To announce something is to make it known. ~» He announced to everyone his new idea for the company. ‘Théng bao mét viée gi dé 1a lam cho né dug biét dén ->> anh dy da théng bao véi moi nguii vé ¥ tuéng mdi ciia anh dy cho céng ty annoy [anai]_v. lm khé chju To annoy someone means to bother them. =» The flies buzzing around John’s head annoyed him very much. Lim khé chju ngudi ndo dé nghia li Lim ho bue minh ->> nhiing con rudi bay vo ve quanh dau John khién anh ay rat bye minh annual [zenjual] adj. Hang nim If something is annual, it happens once a year. ~» The only time Néu mét viée xay ra hang nim, thi né xay ra mot Lin mét nam >> chi mét lin antibiotic [zntibaiatik] n. thuéc khang sinh An antibiotic is a medical drug used to kill bacteria and treat infections. -» The doctor gave me a shot of an antibiotic when I got the flu. Page) 16 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Thudc khang sinh Li m6t logi thuée duge sit dung dé tiéu dit vi khuan va xit ly bénh nhiém tring ->> bie si da giti t6i phiéu tinh tién thude khang sinh khi tdi bj edim antique [znti:k] adj. C6 xua If something is antique, it is very old and rare, and therefore valuable. ~» My grandmother's antique rocking chair is worth a lot 0 fmoney. Néu mét vat ¢6 xua, thi n6 rat efi va hiém thay, va do dé c6 gia tri ion ->> ghé dé 6 ciia Ong ba t6i ding gid nhieu tién anthropology [zn0rapaladgi] _n. nhén loai hoc Anthropology is the study of people, society, and culture. -» In anthropology class, I learned about simple tools that ancient cultures used, Nhan logi hoc la mot mén hgc cia moi ngudi, xa hoi va van héa ->> m6t l6p hoc mhan logi hoe, t6i da timg hoe vé ede céng cu don gidn ma van héa c6 dai da dung anxiety [zeqzaiati] n. méi lo au When someone has anxiety, they have a lot of worries and fear. ~» When I have to climb to high places, I’m filled with anxiety. Khi m6t ngudi nio dé c6 méi lo du, ho c6 rat nhiéu lo ling va so hai ->> khi t6i phai leo lén m6t vj tri cao hon, t6i bj nhdi vao nhieu ap lye anxious [enkfos] adj. Lo du When a person is anxious, they worry that something bad will happen. =» She was anxious about not making her appointment on time. Khi m6t ngudi lo au, ho din do rang moi thir ti té sé xay ra >> 6 dy lo ling vé vie khéng sip xép kip cuge gap anymore [enimo:r] adv. Khéng con... nita Anymore means any longer. -» Her old pants don’t fit her anymore. Khong edn nita nghia 1a khéng edn gi hon >> nhiing hoi thé gia nua ciia 6 ay khéng con thich hgp véi c6 ay thém nita anger [aengor] v. tite gign To anger someone is to make them mad. ~»lt angers me when people are rude. Tite gidn ai dé 1a 1am ho phat dién ->> t6i thye sy phat dién khi moi ngudi bat lich syr angle [zngl] n. quan diém An angle is the direction from which you look at something. ~» The giraffe tured its head to see from another angle. Mt quan diém la mt huéng tir edi ma ban nhin vio mot sur ->> huu cao c6 quay dau dé nhin céc hudng khac ge no 46 Angry [2ngri] adj tite gidn When someone is angry, they may want to speak loudly or fight. ~» She didn’t do her homework, so her father is angry. 16t ngudi nio dé tic gin, ho c6 thé mudn néi that to hoge dénh nhau ->> 6 dy khéng lim bai tip vé nha, nén b6 e6 dy tire gidn apart [apa:rt] adv. Ring biét, e6 khoang cach Page| 17 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong When people or things are apart, they are not close together. -» The couple decided to live apart from each other. Khi moi ngudi hoe moi vat e6 khoang céch, ho khéng gin gli véi nhau >> cp ddi nay quyét dinh réi xa nhau apartment [apa:rtmant] n, cn ho An apartment is a set of rooms in a building where people live. ~» She has nice apartment in the city. MO6t cin hd 1 mot tip hgp cdc phong trong mét toa nha ma moi ngudi sinh séng ->> cé dy c6 mét cin hé dep 6 trong thanh pho apologetic [apaladsetik] adj. Cam thay c6 16i If someone is apologetic, they are sorry about something, -» The boy felt apologetic after losing *s favorite toy. Néu mGt nguidi nado dé thy c6 Idi, ho sé xin 15i vé vige no 46 >> ching trai cm thdy e6 Idi sau khi lim mat chiée d6 choi yéu thich cua em gai apology [opaladgi] n. lai xin Idi An apology is something someone says to show that they are sorry. -» After arguing with her teacher, the girl wrote the teacher an apology. MOt loi xin 16i 1a mot vige mot ngudi ndi t6 ra ho e6 I6i ->> sau khi tranh ci v6i c6 gido minh, c6 gai da viét loi xin bi apparatus [poreitos] n. dung cu An apparatus is a device used for a particular purpose. -» The campers had an apparatus that showed them their exact location. Dung cy la bi duge sit dung cho m6t muc dich cy thé ->> nhimg ngudi cm trai cé mot dung cy dé chi ra ho c6 vi tri chinh xdc apparent [apzeront] adj. RO ring If something is apparent, itis easy to see. ~» Her happiness was apparent from the smile on her face. Néu mot thir gi d6 1 ring, né sé dé dng dé nhin thay ->> niém hanh phic hign 13 trén ny cudi ciia c6 dy appeal [api:l] v. khan khoan yéu cau, hap dan, 16i cuén. To appeal to someone is to be interesting or attractive to them. ~» Sleeping all day appeals to me, but I have to go to school. Hap dan ai dé la tao ra sy thich thd hogec thu hiit ho ->> ngui ci ngay 16i cuén t6i, nhung t6i phai dén trudng. appear [apiar] v. xuat hién To appear is to seem. =» She appeared to be sad. She was crying. Xudt hign 1a c6 vé gi dé ->> 6 ay da xuat hién budn ba, C6 ay da khoc appetite [epitait] n. ngon migng Your appetite is your hunger for food. -» Tom has a big appetite. He eats all the time. Sw ngon migng etia ban 1a vige ban dang ean thite an ->> Tom cam thay rat ngon migng. Anh dy dn tat cf théi gian. Page| 18 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong appetizing [zpitaizin] adj. Lam cho ngon miéng When food is appetizing, it looks and smells very good. ~» The appetizing plate of cookies was gone in half an hour, Khi mot do din ngon migng, né trong va c6 mbii vj rat ti ->> dia banh quy ngon migng duge chuyén dén nira tiéng trude 46, applaud [oplo:d] v. ting hé To applaud means to clap in order to show approval. ~» Everyone cheered and applauded Manny’s efforts. Ung hé nghia la vé tay dé tan duong ->> moi ngudi lam phan khdi va tng hé sy c6 ging cia Manny applause [aplo :z] n. tiéng vé tay khen ngoi Applause is the noise made when people clap hands to show approval. ~» At the end of his speech, everyone gave applause. V6 tay khen nggi nghia 1a tgo ra syr én do khi moi ngudi v6 tay tan dong >> két thite bai bao cdo cia anh dy, moi ngudi da v6 tay khen nggi applicant [zeplikant] n. img vién An applicant is someone who writes a request to be considered for a job or prize. ~» Lots of applicants came into the store when the job position became available. MOt ding vién 1 ngudsi ma viét yéu cdu duge tuyén vige hoge nhin gidi >> nhieu tg vién da dén cita hang khi vj tri nghé nghigp tro nén sn sang apply [aplai] v. xin, img dung To apply something means to put it on. ~» She always applies makeup to her face before going outside. Xin gi d6 la d¢ don vao 46 >> c6 dy Iudn luén xin trang diém khuén mat truée khi ra ngoai appoint [opoint] v. bé nhiém To appoint someone to a job means to give the job to them, -» Two students were appointed to help the scientists with their research, B6 nhigm ai dé vio mot cng vige nghia la tao cho nghé nghiép. >> Zhoe sinh durge bé nhigm dé gitip 46 cae nha khoa hoe véi nghién ciru cua ho appreciate [apri :fieit] v. dé cao, danh gid cao To appreciate something is to understand its good qualities. -» Ican appreciate the lovely scenery. anh gid cao gi dé li hiéu duge chat lurgng tét cua no ->> t6i c6 thé danh gi cao cénh vat dang yéu nay approach [aprout{]_v. lai gan To approach something means to move close to it. ~» The boy approached his school. Lai gan gi dso la dén gin nd ->> ngudi con trai dén gan trudng hoe ctia minh. appropriate [aprouprieit] adj. Hop ly When a thing is appropriate, itis right or normal. =» It's appropriate to wear a suit when you go to the office. Khi mot vat phit hop, né ding din hode ¢6 tiéu chun Page| 19 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong ->> nd phit hgp dé mge mGt bd com-le khi ban dén van phong approve [opru:v] v. chap thuan To approve of something means you like it or are happy about it. ~» Her co-workers approved her new plan, (Chap thugn gi dé nghia 1 ban thich n6 hode thy hanh phe vé né >> dong nghigp cita c6 dy chap thudn ké hoach méi cia e6 dy approximate [apraksomit] adj. Gan ding nhu thé Approximate means to be close to an exact amount, number or time. -» My approximate height is two meters. Gan ding nhu thé nghia la gan véi s6 Iugng chinh xac, s6 hodc thoi gian chinh xéc >> chiéu cao gan diing cita toi 1a 2 mét aquarium [okweoriom] n. bé nudi ‘An aquarium is a building where fish and underwater animals are kept. ~», We took a trip to the aquarium and saw a seary shark. Bé nudi ca k céng trinh ma ca hodc déng vat duéi nude duge nudi 6 dé ->> ching t6i cé.m@t chuyén di thim khu c6ng vién nudi cd va da thy cd map dang sg. aquatic [akwatik] adj. Séng 6 dudi nude Ifa plant or animal is aquatic, it lives or grows in water. ~», The dolphin is an aquatic mammal Néu mgt cy tréng hod déng vat sing dudi nude, thi né séng hoge phat trién dudi nude ->> cd heo la dng vat song dudi nude arbitrary [a:rbitreri] adj. Bde doin If something is arbitrary, it is not based on any plan or system, so it seems random. -», The classroom had many arbitrary rules that made me confused. Néu mét vat d6c doan, né thutong khéng dia trén bat cit ké hoach hay hé théng nao, nén n6é duong nhu ngau nhién >> lop hge cé nbigu 1uat ngdu nhién Lim ti hoang mang are [arrk] n. hinh cung ‘Amare is a curved shape. ~» A rainbow has the shape of an are Hinh cung 1a hinh dang cong ->> mét cau véng cé hinh vong cung arch [a:rtf] n. hinh cung Anarch is a curved opening formed under a structure such as a bridge or doorway. ~» The arch of the bridge was not high enough for the tall boat to pass underneath, Hinh cung la m6t cau tric duéi dang mé hinh cong nhu mot cy cau hoje 6 cita ->> mot cdy cdu hinh ving cung khong dii cao cho tau thuyén cao di dudi nd archaic [a:rkeik] adj. C6 xua If something is archaic, it is very old or outdated. -» To be competitive, we must update our archaic equipment. Néu mét vat cé kinh, n6 sé rt cii hodc hét han >> dé canh tranh, ching ta phai nang cap thiét bj cii cla minh. archeology [a:rkialadgi] n. khio ed hoc Page) 20 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong Archeology is the study of ancient people through their artifacts. ~» He studied archeology to learn more about ancient Egyptian culture. Khao 6 hge la phuong phap nghién efru cia nhimng ngudi cé dai thong qua dé tao tae cla ho. >> Ong dy da nghién etru khao ¢6 hoc dé thay duge nhiéu nén van héa Ai cap c6 dai hon archeological [a:rkiolodsikal] adj. Thude vé khao e6 hoe When something is archeological, it relates to archeology. ~» They found archeological evidence that proved an ancient species of man. Khi mét vige thuée vé khao cé hge, né cé lién quan téi khao c6 hoe ->> ho di tim ra duge nhiéu bing chimg khao cd dé chimg minh mét ngudi din éng cé dai cé thye. archer [a:rtfar]_n. nguéi ban cung ‘Amarcher is a person who uses a bow and arrows. ~» The expert archer hit the target every time. Nguoi bin cung la mét ngudi sir dung cay va nhitng mi ->> chuyén gia bin cung ban tring muec tiéu moi lan. architect [a:rkitekt] n. kién tric su An architect is a person who designs buildings, ~» The plans for building the new home were drawn by a famous architect. Kién trie sur a ngudi thiét ké cac céng trinh ->> ké hoach xay dung cho céc ngéi nha méi duge dua vao boi mét kién tric su ndi tiéng architecture [a:rkatektfar] n. cu tric Architecture is the style or way a building is made. ~» The architecture of the church is amazing. Cu tric 14 m6t phong cich hoe phuong phip xy dung duge tao nén ->> cau tric ctia nha tho rat kinh ngac arduous [a:rdsuas] adj. Khé khn, gian kho When something. is arduous, it demands great effort or labor. ~» The explorers began their arduous hike up the steep mountain. Khi mét chuyén khé khan, né ddi hoi mot su cé ging hodc lao déng hang say arena [ori:na]_n. dau trong An arena is a building where people can watch sports and concerts. ~», The new arena was all set to hold the championship match: Dau trudng 1a mét céng trinh x4y dung ma moi ngudi cé thé xem thé thao va hoa nhac. ->> dau trudng mdi nay 1a noi t6 chite tat cd cde tran dau tranh chite v6 dich argue [a:rgju:] v tranh luan To argue is to angrily speak to someone because you do not agree. ~» We argued about where to go for dinner. ‘Tranh ludn Lindi mOt céch tire gidn v6i mot ngudi ndo dé vi ban khdng déng tinh, ->> ching ti ban uan vé dia diém an toi. arid [zerid] adj. Khé khan, v6 vi Ifa place is arid, then it is hot and dry and gets very little or no rain. -» Not many plants grow in the arid desert. Néu mét dia diém khé khan, thi né néng va kh6 va 6 it hoe khong c6 mura sn duge 6 sa mae khé edn Page| 21 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong arise [araiz] v. nay sinh To arise is to happen . -» Difficulties arose with his computer because i t was old. ‘Nay sinh la xay ra ->> nhing khé khn xudt hién véi chiée may tinh ctia anh dy viné da co aristocracy [cerastdkrasi] n. tang Iép quy toc The aristocracy is the highest class of people in certain societies. -». Most members of the aristocracy were very well-fed. Tang l6p quy t9c la ting lop cao nhat ctia con ngudi trong nhiing xa hoi ey thé ->> hau hét nhiing thanh vién cua ting lép quy tc déu bi béo phi aristocrat [arfstokret) n. ngudi quy toc An aristocrat is a person who is of the highest class in certain societies. ~» The aristocrat did not need a job because ly was wealthy. Ngudi quy téc li mét ngudi thudc ting Ip cao nhat cia nhimg xa héi cu thé ->> ngudi quy tc khéng can nghé nghiép vi gia dinh cia ho giau cé arithmetic [s] n, sé hoc Arithmetic is math. ~» Like to study arithmetic at school Sé hoc la todn hoc >> t6i thich hoc todn 6 trong armed [a:rmd] adj. V0 trang If you are armed, you are carrying a weapon. -» The robber was armed with a gun. ‘Néu ban duge trang bj vii trang, ban sé mang theo vii khi >> ké cuép c6 trang bj mét khau sung a large group of people who fight in wars, -» The army protects all the people in the country. (Quan di la. mgt t6 chite Ion g6m nhigu ngudi tham gia chién tranh >> quan d@i bao vé tat ca ngudi dan cia quéc gia aroma [oroume] n. mii thom ‘An aroma is a scent or smell. ~» Love the aroma of coffee in the morning. Mui thom 1a m6t mui huong hoae mii vi ->> t6i yéu mii cia café vao budi sing arrange [areinds] v. sap xép To arrange things is to put them in the right place. ~» Please arrange the bowling pins in order so we can play. Sap xép cde vat li dé ching vio ding vi tri ->> cn sip xép chai bowling dé chiing tdi e6 thé choi arrest [arest] v. bat gitt To arrest someone means to catch them for doing something bad. -» The man was arrested for breaking the law. Bat gitt ai dé nghia 1a bat ho vi lim nhiing diéu xu Page) 22 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong ->> ngudi dan dng bj bat vi pham lust arrive [araiv] v. dén noi To arrive is to get to or reach some place. ~» The bus always arrives at the comer of my street at 4:00. Dén noi la di dén hode ep bén mgt vai dia diém >> xe bus throng di dén géc phé lite 4 gitr arrogant [zragant] adj. Kiéu ngao If someone is arrogant, they think that they are more important than others. ~», He is very arrogant. Even though he’s not the boss, he tells everyone what to do. 'Néu mot ngudi kiéu ngao, ho nghi rng ho quan trong hon tat ca ->> anh dy réy kiéu ngao. Mac di anh ay khong phai éng chi, nhung anh dy van n6i véi moi ngudi cei gi can lam, arrow [2erou} n. mai tén An arrow is a thin, straight stick shot from a bow. ~The arrow flew through the air and hit the target. Mii tén ld m6t vat thanh, thing duge bin tir cdy cung ->> mdi tén nay da bay qua khong hi va tring myc tiéu artery [a:rtori] 1. dng mach An artery is a tube that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Eating healthily keeps your arteries clean, so blood can flow with ease. DéGng mach 1a mgt dudng dng din mau di tir tim dén toan co thé ->> An tot gitr cho dgng mach sach sé, nén mau cé thé chay dé ding article [a:rtikt] n, bai bao An article is a story in a newspaper or magazine. ~» Did you read the article in the newspaper about the soccer game? M6t bai béo 14 mGt edu chuyén trong m6t tap chi hode to bio ->> ban da doe bai bao trong tap chi vé tro chai da bong chura ? artifact [a:rtofeekt] n. dé tgo tic An artifact is an old object made by humans that is historically interesting. -» We studied artifacts from an ancient Chinese settlement MO6t dé tao tac 1a mét vat cit duge Lam béi nhiing ngudi dan éng thich lich str ->> ching t6i da nghién ctru nhiing dé tao tac tir mét su dinh cu ngudi Trung Quéc cé da Artificial [a:torfifal] adj. Nhén tao If something is artificial, it is made to look like something natural. ~» That soccer field has artificial grass, but it looks real. M6t vat nhan tao, khi né duge Lam dé nhin giéng tu nhién ->> Tinh vue da béng trén ¢6 nhan tgo, nhung nd khdng that Artist [a:ttist] n. hoa st ‘An artist is a person who paints, draws, or makes sculptures. =» He went to Paris to become an artist. Hoa si li mt ngudi ma vé, t6 mau hodc diéu khic arthritis [a:roraitis]_n. chimg viém khép Arthritis is an illness causing. pain and swelling in a person’s joints. http:/ Page| 23 4000 tir vumg can thiét - Cé Mai Phuong ~» Agatha couldn’t play the piano anymore because of her arthritis. Chimg viém khdp la chimg bénh khién khép cia m6t ai d6 bi dau dén va sung Ién ->> Agatha khdng thé choi duge dan piano vi ching viém khép ashamed [afeimd] adj. X4u hd To be ashamed is to feel upset because you did. something wrong or bad. -» He was a shamed when he found out that I knew about his past. Bj xau hé 1a céim gid bi khé chiu vi ban da lam gi sai hodc toi t¢ ->> anh dy da xau hé khi anh Ay biét minh da 16 ra qua khir cho téi ashore [afo:t] adv. Trén bor If something goes ashore, it goes from water to the land. -» After a long day of fishing, Glen pulled his boat ashore, so it wouldn't float away. ‘Néu mét vat vao ba, né xuat phat tir nude téi dat Hién >> sau mét ngay dai cau 4, Glen da dua thuyén vao bd, nén né khéng thé trdi di xa. asleep [asli:p] adj. Nei When a person is asleep, they are not awake. -» The baby has been asleep for hours. Khi mot ngudi dang ngi, ho khéng thite gige >> dita tré niy da ng duge vai tiéng aspect [zespekt] n. vé bé ngoai An aspect is one part or feature of something. Vé bé ngoai 1a mét phan hoac nét dac trung cia vat gi dé ~-» I thought about the different aspects of owning two dogs. ->> t6i di nghi vé su khac biét vé bé ngoai cia 2 chit ché ti nudi aspire [ospaior] v. khao khat To aspire means to have a strong desire to achieve or do something. Khao khat nghia 1a rit mong muén nhin durge hoc lam gi dé ~» George aspired to be a doctor from a young age. ->> George da khao khat thanh bac si tir khi con tré assemble [asembal] v. thu thip To assemble means to get together in one place. ‘Thu thap nghia la dat cing mot chd. -» The parents assembled to discuss ways to improve their children’s edueation. ->> cha me t6i da thu thap dé ban tén céich nang cao giéo duc con cai assert [asa:rt] _v. xiie nhan To assert a fact or belief means to state it with confidence =» He asserted that his mother’s cooking was better than his best friend’ Xéc nha la m6t vige hoje ki vong nghia 14 tuyén bé né mot céch tyr tin ->> anh ay da xae nhan ring me anh ay nau n ngon hon ban than anh ay assess [ases] v. quyét dinh To assess something means to judge the structure, purpose, or quality of it, ~» She assessed the condition of the toy car before buying it. Quyét dinh vige gi dé 1a danh gia edu tric, muc dich hode chat ong ciia nd >> 06 dy da quyét dinh diéu kign cia chiée 6 t6 46 choi trade khi mua nd Page| 24

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