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Shopee is an international e-commerce company allows customers and third parties

to browse, purchase and to sell products immediately using connections to the
Internet, these are then delivered to the consumers through its distribution
channels (Shopee Express) or through its partnership with over 70 courier service
providers companies. Unlike Ebay, which is known for techie products and Amazon
is known for knowledgeable products, Shopee is not differentiated its brand under
any specific segment. With its famous slogan “Gì cũ ng có , mua hết ở Shopee”, the
“product” Shopee is the website and the apps which offers millions of products on
its platform under different range, categories and types, by different languages for
different countries. This all in one stop for shopping has some of the top product
categories, includes cosmetics, clothing, and electronics. Initially, Shopee first stated
as primarily a consumer – to – consumer marketplace but has since moved into both
C2C and business – to – consumer hybrid model. Hence, Shopee is a credible
platform for consumers to buy authentic products from authorized retailers without
worrying about counterfeits.

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