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Cichi Daniela Doloris1 , Popa Camelia2 , Costea D. C.1, Giugea N.1

This paper presents research results on the assessment of the biological, agrobiological and technological potential of the new table grape variety Oltean created at the University of Craiova.
In order to assess the bioproductive and qualitative potential of the new variety under study, several specific observations were made in accordance with the O.I.V. and I.C.V.V. methods: the morphological descriptors (young shoot, ampelome-
try: leaf, bunch, berry), the phenology, agrobiological descriptors (the proportion of fertile shoots, the absolute and relative fertility indexes, the relative and absolute productivity index), and the quantity and quality of grape production.

The range diversification and improvement of table grape variety conveyer through the creation of new varieties that are better adjusted to the environmental conditions in our country, with various maturation stages, superior in terms
of productive and qualitative characteristics and more resistant to unfavorable environmental factors, as well as to main diseases and pests, represent key objectives for viticultural betterment and research. (Dejeu L.C., 2010; Sestraş et al.
2004; This et al. 2006). At the same time, the promotion of a new grape variety calls for a good cognition of their bioproductive and quality characteristics and their environmental exigency with view to establishing the possibility of expan-
sion in various viticultural areas. (Cichi Daniela & Costea D.C., 2008; Damian et al., 2011).


Research activities are focused on the results obtained during 2008-2011in the competition comparative cultivars at Banu Maracine winemaking centre centre, which is situated in the southernmost section of the Getic Plateau between
44°19' northern latitude and 23°48' eastern longitude, about 6 km away from the city of Craiova at an average altitude comparable to the sea level of 176-190 m (Giugea N &.Olteanu I. 2001).
Oltean varieties resulted from the controled pollination of Dattier de Saint Vallier X Victoria genitors. They were obtained at the University of Craiova by a team of authors including Olteanu I., Cichi Daniela Doloris, Giugea N., Popa
Camelia, Costea D.C. and were homologated by ISTIS in 2011.
Kober 5 BB was used as mother plant, the plantation distances were 2 x 1.2 meters, which meant 4,166 rootstocks / hectar, by using unprotected cultivation systems with semi-tall training, double Guyot pruning and 14 buds long canes.
Observations and determinations were focused on : morphological descriptors, agrobiological descriptors (proportion of fertile shoots, the absolute and relative fertility coefficients, relative and absolute productivity index) and techno-
logical descriptors in accordance with O.I.V. and I.C.V.V.


Climatic resources studied by comparison with multian- In what concerns the agrobiological characteristics, the
nual average values and with the demands of table grapes, as fertility of shoots is average, fertility coefficients having aver-
well as the climatic conditions imposed by the area cultiva- age values of 0.79 for relative coefficient (c.f.r.) and 1.38 for
tion of table grape varieties in Romania show that Banu absolute coefficient (c.f.a.), with yet high productivity, being
Maracine winemaking centre belongs to the type of areas fa- set-off by the average weight of fruit clusters, average
vourable for the cultivation of such varieties. productivity indexes being 430 in case of I.p.r. and 683 for
Considering Huglin's heliothermal index values, the Ba- I.p.a. (table 2). Their vigour is average-high with yet well
nu Mărăcine viticultural centre fits the category of warm maturated wood and good resistance to cold, downy mildew
temperate climate (IH4), with no heliothermal restrictions on and grey rot.
the maturation of grape varieties from the entire variety con-
veyer of our country (Cichi Daniela Doloris et al. 2011). Under the conditions of Banu Maracine winemaking
In terms of morphological characteristics (table 1), centre gemmation starts from the second decade of April,
Oltean variety shows flowers with fully developed stamens blooming from the second decade of June while ripening be-
and fully developed gynoecium. Leaf is three-lobed, average gins in the last decade of August.
sized with circular kidney shape and open petiole sinus with Oltean varities reach their full maturation in the second
U-shaped base and V-shaped superior lateral sinuses (table 1, half of September providing high production per rootstock of
figure 1 and figure2). Fruit cluster has conic shape, bunch 5.78 kg / vine in average, out of which over 83% finished
medium density, medium-long length (peduncle excluded), products. In terms of quality, Oltean accumulates in average
with average weight of 545 g (table 2). Berry is ovoid, with 164 g/l of sugars in the context of a total average acidity of
average weight of 6.61 g and green yellow colour of skin 4.89 g/l H2SO4.
covered with pruina of average size, no particularity of fla- Grapes have long storage duration per rootstock and
vor, with normally developed seeds (figure 2). good resistance during transport .

Figure 1. Oltean variety - Rootstock appearance

Table 1 Table 2
N° code OIV/UPOV/ Group of characteristics Characteristic Notes IN WINEGROWING CENTRE BANU MĂRĂCINE (2008-2011)
Group of characteristics Descriptors
001/3/6.1.1 Young shoot: opening of the shoot tip Half open 3
Proportion of fertile shoots (%) The fertility coefficients
065/19/6.1.21 Mature leaf: size of blade Short-medium 3-5
Min. – Max. Min. – Max.
068/ 23/ 6.1.23 Mature leaf: number of lobes Three 2 Average Average
069 Mature leaf: colour of the upper side of Medium green 5 Absolute (c.f.a.) Relative (c.f.r.)
blade Fertility potential 55 – 81 1.00 – 1.66 0.54 – 1.00
079 / 26 /6.1.30 Mature leaf: degree of opening / overlap- Open 3
ping of petiole sinus 67 1.38 0.79
080 Mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus U-shaped 1 Productivity index Relative productivity (I.p.r.) Absolute productivity (I.p.a.)
083-1 Mature leaf: shape of the base of upper V-shaped 3 Min. – Max. Min. – Max.
lateral sinuses
Average Average
082 Mature leaf: degree of opening / overlap- Open 1
ping of upper lateral sinuses 295 – 540 545 – 778
151/ 18 / 6.2.1 Flower: sexual organs Fully developed stamens and ful- 3 430 683
ly developed gynoecium Production Production (kg/vine) Berry (g)
223 / 40/ 6.2.6 Berry: shape Ovoid/Obtuse-ovoid 6-7
Min. – Max. Min. – Max.
225/ 41/ 6.2.8 Berry: colour of skin Green yellow 1
Average Average
226 Berry: uniformity of colour of skin Uniform 2
4,35 – 6,32 4.69 – 8.60
227 Berry: bloom Medium 5 5,78 6,61
231/ 44/ 6.2.9 Berry: intensity of the anthocyanin color- None 1 Sugar content of must (g/l) Total acidity of must (g/l H2SO4)
ation of flesh
236/ 47/ 6.2.12 Berry: particularity of flavour None 1 Min. – Max. Min. – Max.
Quality of production Average Average
241/ 48/ 6.2.7 Berry: formation of seeds Complete 3
147 – 176 3.43– 5.78
303/ 35/ 7.1.4 Time of beginning of berry ripening Late 7
(veraison) 164 4.89

Figure 2. Oltean variety – details of leaf,fruit cluster, grape berry


Oltean varieties are distinguished by superior quality characteristics, such as

big grape clusters and berries, pleasant commercial aspect, balanced taste, high
productivity and finished products, high resistance to diseases and pests.
They are suitable for cultivation expansion in Southern areas with sufficient
heliothermal resources.
It is required the continuation of the research to establish the most convenient
technological measures providing their bio-productive, quality and economic effi-

Daniela Doloris Cichi, D,C Costea, 2008, Soiuri de viţă-de-vie cultivate şi cultivabile în România, Editura Arves, Craiova
Daniela Doloris Cichi, Monica Vintilescu, Giugea N. Costea D.C., Camelia Popa, 2011, Agrobiological and technological potential ofsometable
1- University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, 13 A.I. Cuza Street, 200545, Craiova, Dolj, Romania, Tel/Fax: 0040 grape varieties in the Banu Maracine vineyard, Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole,
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