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TRẦN BÍCH NGỌC- 21A7510106

Intercultural Communication

Mock Test

1. Members of high uncertainty-avoidance cultures regard the uncertainties of life as


A. A continuous threat that must be overcome

B. A challenge that they are willing to accept

C. A vital part of their daily life

2. The bonds( connections) between people in a high-context culture is _____________

Cùng nhau sẽ share belief norm value,….Phải hiểu với gắn kết chặt chẽ với nhau thì mới hiểu nhau được

Strick teacher: which norms of the students: they expected to do:

A. Very fragile

B. Very strong and deep

C. Different among groups of people or organizations

3. The employees in which cultures are likely to expect to have raise their opinions more


A. Low power-distance cultures

B. High power-distance cultures

C. Both types of cultures

4. Which behavior below reflects the high-power distance in South Korean culture?

Giữa 2 đối tượng

A. Parents put lots of pressure on children to get into the top 3 universities.

B. Lots of teenagers are encouraged to take plastic surgery.

C. Citizens with mental illnesses do not seek for any professional helps.

5. Low Power Distance cultures can be said to have _____________

A. more equal societies.

B. less equal societies.

6. Commonly acceptable standards ( affair ) to what is considered right and wrong, fair and unfair,

and guide our thinking, language and behavior.

A. Values ( highly physical strength, material wealth , curvy shape, etc,…)

B. Norms

C. Customs

D. Tradition

7. The Hindu thought that individual souls are immortal is a _____________



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