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Cells biomodulation: the future of

Dermatology Review Articles
Biomodulação celular: o futuro da Dermatologia Authors:
Carlos Roberto Antonio1
Lívia Arroyo Trídico1

DOI: 1 
Dermatologic Surgery, Service of
Dermatology, Faculdade de Medi-
ABSTRACT cina de São José do Rio Preto - São
The evolution of medicine has allowed an increasingly in-depth knowledge of diseases José do Rio Preto (SP), Brazil.
and medications, involving cellular structures and associated molecules. In dermatology,
we begin to unveil cell modulation associated to the use of substances such as botulinum
toxin, hyaluronic acid, among others. This new era allows us to comprehend information
that goes beyond a macroscopic view and explore cell interaction, leading to a broader
knowledge to optimize dermatologic treatment.
Keywords: Biology; Cells; Dermatology

A evolução da Medicina tem permitido um conhecimento cada vez mais profundo de patologias e Correspondence:
medicações envolvendo estruturas celulares e moléculas associadas. Em Dermatologia, começamos a Pelle Medical Center
desvendar a modulação celular associada ao uso de substâncias como a toxina botulínica, o ácido hial- Av Arthur Nonato, 4235
urônico, entre outros. Esta nova era nos permite compreender informações que vão além de uma visão Nova redentora
macroscópica e explorar a interação celular, adquirindo-se conhecimento mais amplo para otimizar a 15090-040, São José do Rio Preto, SP
terapêutica dermatológica. Brasil
Palavras-Chave: Biologia; Células; Dermatologia E-mail:

Received on: 18/01/2019

Approved on: 11/02/2019

The evolution of Medicine over the years has allowed the
Study conducted at Faculdade de Me-
knowledge of the mechanism of action of diseases and medica- dicina de São José do Rio Preto, São
tions in the intra and extracellular levels. The initial knowledge José do Rio Preto (SP), Brazil.
that was restricted to anatomy and a macroscopic view of phys-
iology in many areas of Medicine, is advancing towards cellular
microscopy, with better understanding of the intracellular and Financial support: None.
extracellular structures and many molecules secreted by different Conflict of interests: None.
parts of a cell. The knowledge on cellular microenvironments
allows us to observe the way cells interact and react to the ex-
ternal environment. However, there is still a lot of information
to come.
In dermatology, we are also entering a new era once
we started to unveil cell modulation associated to the use of
nanoparticles and biodegradable substances. Initially, when us-
ing substances such as botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid, we
had their macroscopic action as the basic concept, meaning that
hyaluronic acid acts occupying space and stimulating collagen,
and the toxin acts paralyzing the muscles through acetylcholine
blockage at the muscular junction.

Surg Cosmet Dermatol. Rio de Janeiro v.11 n.1 jan-mar. 2019 p. 11-8.
12 Antonio CR, Trídico LA

Nowadays, we understand the action of these substances nism involved in this process encompasses the inhibition of the
is much broader: it involves cell modulation, i.e., botulinum tox- proliferation of fibroblasts derived from the scar tissue, besides
in also acts controlling inflammation, pain, pruritus, among oth- suppression of the expression of the transforming growth factor
ers, whereas hyaluronic acid acts beyond filling since it interacts TGF-beta1, collagen I and II and muscle proteins actin and my-
with adipocytes, fiber networks of the extracellular matrix and osin II in keloid fibroblasts. The symptoms of pruritus and
mesenchymal stem cells. pain are alleviated with the reduction of tension in the skin and
We know that cells are rarely balanced, and understand- local muscles, releasing nerve fibers trapped in the scar.
ing how cellular changes occur are fundamental issues in Cell The prevention of surgical scars and the improvement in
Biology. There is much to understand about how cells accumu- their appearance can also be achieved with botulinum toxin. A
late information on their environment over time and how ex- study performed in patients with thyroidectomy scars, treated 10
ternal stimuli are molecularly translated into cellular decisions. days after surgery showed significant improvement in compar-
Controlling the environment as much as possible can help an- ison with the group treated with saline 0.9% (control). The
swer these questions.The future work should focus in the devel- anti-inflammatory action of botulinum toxin in the cutaneous
opment of new ways of tracking and observing the cell dynam- vascularization reduces the inflammatory phase of the cicatricial
ics over long periods of time. Besides, one must note that the process; besides, its action in fibroblasts and in the expression of
changes do not only take place inside the cells; cells also change TGF-beta1 acts improving the appearance of the scar.
their surroundings. Regarding evidences of the action of botulinum toxin
With this study, we aim to comprehend the cellular ac- for the treatment of rosacea and facial flushing, it is known that
tivity of substances frequently used in Aesthetic Dermatology. BoNT acts inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators
With this literature review, we bring information that will allow such as the gene related to calcitonin peptide and substance P.
us to understand their mechanism of action way beyond their Therefore, reduction of the local cutaneous inflammation causes
macroscopic view, in order to optimize and broaden their use in improvement of the erythema. Flushing also improves due to
Dermatology and explore more benefits for our patients. the blockage of the release of acetylcholine from the peripheral
nerves of the cutaneous vascular system.
Botulinum toxin Post-herpetic neuralgia is a very common complaint due
We know that botulinum toxin blocks the release of ace- to the neuropathic pain resulting from herpes zoster infection.
tylcholine and many other pre-synaptic neurotransmitters, de- Botulinum toxin is an effective therapeutic alternative in rela-
activating SNARE proteins and providing therapeutic applica- tion to the main treatments used (anti-inflammatory, gabapentin,
tions in neurologic conditions with safety and efficacy. The skin opioid and tricyclic antidepressants). The exact mechanism of
also interacts with the nervous system and there are increasing action of BoNT in post-herpetic neuralgia is still unclear, how-
evidences that the neurologic system plays a part in cutaneous ever, there is the action of peripheral and central mechanisms
inflammation and wound healing. This way, botulinum toxin involved. The peripheral effects are associated to the inhibition
has been used in many dermatologic conditions that include of release of neuropeptides from nociceptive peripheral nerves,
prevention of scarring, facial flushing, post-herpetic neuralgia whilst the central nervous system acts through the transport of
5, 17,18
and pruritus, with great results.The mechanism involved in these peripheral axons (area of application) towards the central.
new indications includes suppression of mast cell activity, inhibi- Pruritus, present in many dermatologic conditions, when
tion of substance P, peptide related to calcitonin gene and release peripherally induced (pruriceptive pruritus) shows significant
of glutamate. improvement with the application of intradermal botulinum
There are growing evidences that botulinum toxin toxin. The molecular mechanisms involved in the improve-
(BoNT) shows biologic effects in many types of human cells, ment of pruritus with botulinum toxin are mast cell stabilization
with a series of clinical implications associated to its non-neu- and inhibition of its degradation caused by BonT. Further-
ronal and non-muscular effects. BoNT receptors and intracel- more, BonT interacts with substance P, which is associated to the
lular targets are not exclusive for neurotransmission. They have release of histamine by the activation of mast cells and vasodi-
been found in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Non-neuronal lation. Peripheral pruritus is usually accompanied by cutaneous
cells that express one or more botulinum toxin binding proteins inflammation in the majority of cases, such as atopic derma-
and/or proteins associated to the synapse cleavage target include: titis and psoriasis. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory capacity of
epidermal keratinocytes; subcutaneous fat tissue mesenchymal BoNT improves inflammation with subsequent improvement in
stem cells; cells of the nasal mucosa; urothelial cells; epithelial the pruritus.
intestinal, prostate and alveolar cells; breast cell lineages; neutro- The use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of dyshi-
phils; and macrophages. BoNT/A serotype can also cause specif- drosis can be explained by its action in the muscles surrounding
ic biological effects in dermal fibroblasts, sebocytes and vascular the sweat glands and by the inhibition of the release of acetyl-
endothelial cells. choline, which reduces sweating, associated to the inhibition of
The use of BoNT in hypertrophic scars and keloids has substance P, which causes reduction in pruritus. For hidra-
been associated to the significant reduction of erythema, pru- denitis, BoNT also acts reducing sweating; as a consequence, it
7,8 23
ritus, elasticity and size of the scar. The molecular mecha- reduces bacterial flora and subsequent inflammation. In Hai-

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ley-Hailey disease, there is reduction of sweating, pruritus and acid fillers, most of them are knowingly applied into the subcu-
inflammation, also associated to the inhibition of acetylcholine tis. In the study by Arlette and Trotter (2008), 16 patients
and substance P. that had the nasolabial fold area treated with hyaluronic acid
Recently, BoNT has been used in the control of skin filler and were subsequently submitted to Mohs micrograph-
oiliness. Sebum contributes to the delivery of soluble anti- ic surgery with resection of the skin from the nasolabial fold
oxidants in fat on the skin surface and has antimicrobial activity, had the specimen histologically analyzed, and in all of them,
working as a cutaneous barrier. However, excessive sebum blocks hyaluronic acid was present in the subcutis with a thickness of
the pores and offers nutrients to bacteria, which can result in 2.1+/-0.6mm (mean dermis thickness of 1.04 to 1.86mm).
inflammation of the skin. The exact mechanism of botulinum Filling creates microtraumas in adipocytes caused by the
toxin in the reduction of sebum is not completely clear, but it is hyaluronic acid injected, that creates a stress response in the fat
likely that erector pilli muscles and local muscarinic receptors in tissue. In order to prevent rupture of adipocytes, there is colla-
sebaceous glands are the targets of the neuromodulatory effects gen stimulation (induction of fibrillar fibrosis by type I colla-
of BoNT. It is known that the acetylcholine nicotinic receptor gen and pericellular fibrosis by type IV and VI collagen). The
á7 (nAchRá7) is expressed in human sebaceous glands in vivo, mechanical stress created by the filler is also one of the factors
and acetylcholine signal enhances the synthesis of lipids in vitro inducing mesenchymal stem cells derived from the fat tissue, that
in a dose-dependent fashion. will encounter a microenvironment favorable for expansion and
Lately, there have been evidences of the use of botuli- differentiation, what probably explains the prolonged duration
num toxin for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. In order of the filler (up to 12 months).
to understand the mechanism of action involved it is necessary Adipocytes present in the subcutis control the activity
to understand that, in areas affected with hair rarefaction, there of dermal fibroblasts through the secretion of cytokines. Der-
is relative hypoxemia, slower capillary filling and high levels of mal fibroblasts express receptors for adiponectin and leptin, and
dihydrotestosterone. The enzymatic conversion of testosterone both cytokines significantly increase the production of HA by
into dihydrotestosterone depends on oxygen. In low concentra- fibroblasts; besides, adiponectin stimulates the production of col-
tions of oxygen, the conversion is favored, leading to increased lagen. Therefore, the activation of mature adipocytes and stem
hair loss, whereas in high concentrations of oxygen, the favored cells is likely to contribute for the effects of HA injections.
conversion is testosterone into estradiol, favoring reduction of Furthermore, there is an interaction between hyaluronic
hair loss. Therefore, the application of botulinum toxin in the acid and molecules and receptors involved in signal transduction.
scalp reduces the vascular pressure when reducing muscular Molecules such as aggrecan, versican and neurocan and receptors
tone, creating increased local vascular flow and, consequently, like CD44, RHAMM and TSG6 are examples that illustrate the
increased oxygen, which reduces the enzymatic conversion of fact. Due to its wide distribution, CD44 is considered the pri-
testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. In a study conducted mary HA receptor in most cells. HA induced a strong prolifera-
by Singh et al (2018), 10 patients with androgenetic alopecia tive response of fibroblasts and keratinocytes in cell cultures.
were treated with five-unit injections of botulinum toxin in 30 Turlier et al (2013) demonstrated that the injection of
points in the scalp; 80% had an excellent improvement in 24 hyaluronic acid into the skin caused increase in pro-collagen,
weeks. Only one patient failed the treatment, and another pa- in the gene expression of pro-collagen I and III and of matrix
tient showed poor response to treatment, therefore demonstrat- metalloproteinase inhibitor-1. Moreover, the activation of fibro-
ing the therapeutic efficacy and safety of BoNT in androgenetic blasts was also observed, possibly due to the elongation of its
29 40
alopecia in this pilot study. cellular shape. In the study by Wang et al (2007), a similar ef-
fect was observed on the damaged forearm skin that, after being
Hyaluronic acid treated with hyaluronic acid, showed elongation of fibroblasts
Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are widely used in aesthetics and increased expression of pro-collagen I and III and of various
due to their efficacy, safety, versatility and low allergenic poten- pro-fibrotic growth factors.
tial. They are used with the goal of occupying physical space Quan et al (2013) studied the buttock skin of elderly pa-
and/or volume enhancing, since it is a hydrophilic material that tients that were treated with hyaluronic acid fillers. The authors
is also a natural component of the skin. This way, we use hy- demonstrated elongated fibroblasts adjacent to the deposition
aluronic acid broadly to rejuvenate, when filling areas of skin of the filler, besides three times the induction of transforming
atrophy and also in cases of bony resorption, loss of elasticity and growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and ten times the induction of
fat caused by ageing. connective tissue growth factor compared to controls. Improve-
However, it is important to understand that the action ment in the extracellular matrix promoted fibroblast growth and
of hyaluronic acid is broader than just filling spaces, since there vascular support.
are evidences of the interaction between hyaluronic acid and
adipocytes, extracellular matrix network and mesenchymal stem Poly-L-lactic acid
cells. Thus, besides filling, HA has cell interactions, participat- Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a synthetic biocompatible
ing in biomodulation. and biodegradable polymer produced through fermentation of
Regardless of the application technique of hyaluronic renewable plant sources. Its clinical effect is due to the stimula-

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tion of neocollagenesis. Neocollagenesis caused by poly-L-lactic deep wrinkles and for the treatment of lipoatrophy in patients
acid is due to the stimulation of a desired controlled inflamma- with the human immunodeficiency virus. In view of the good
tory response, that leads to the slow degradation of the materi- results with CaHa fillers, their off label use expanded to other
al and culminates with collagen deposition in the tissue. Once indications, such as: regeneration of volume in the aged hand,
injected in the skin, there is a subclinical inflammatory response correction of marionette lines, enhancement of volume in the
with the recruitment of monocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts. malar, zygomatic and submalar areas, lip augmentation and acne
A capsule is formed individually around each microsphere. As scars. The initially known mechanism of action of CaHA filler
poly-L-lactic acid is metabolized, the increased collagen depo- involves the distribution of microspheres of calcium hydroxylap-
sition produced by the fibroblast remains, with subsequent in- atite in soluble gel in the area of injection, which are responsible
crease in dermal thickness.Therefore, fibroplasia is a determinant for promoting collagenesis.
of the cosmetic results, but there is no evidence of residual fibro- Zerbinat et al (2017) evaluated the interaction of CaHA
sis.The production of type I collagen starts around 10 days after and the extracellular matrix and connective tissue cells. With
the injection and continues for a period that ranges from eight electron microscopy performed 2 months after filling of abdom-
to 24 months, while the product is degraded and the subclinical inal skin with CaHA, more basophilic fibroblasts, high in rough
response fades. Kim et al (2019) evaluated the molecular bio- endoplasmic reticulum and electrodense filamentous material
logic effect of PLLA in the synthesis of collagen and the signal- were seen, corresponding to the precursors of fibrillar compo-
ing pathways related through human dermal fibroblast (Hs68) nents, particularly collagen, of the extracellular matrix. Besides, a
culture in vitro, which were stimulated with PLLA and analyzed well-developed Golgi apparatus was present, responsible for the
regarding expression of the type I collagen gene, induced by the synthesis of molecular components of the extracellular matrix
polymer through RT-PCR, Elisa and Western-Blot. The results (proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans and multiadherent glyco-
obtained suggest that PLLA acts directly on dermal fibroblasts. proteins). These structural changes demonstrate the involvement
There was up regulation in the expression of the type I collagen of stimulated fibroblasts in the production of new molecular
gene and in the protein synthesis in the first 48 hours of incuba- components of the extracellular matrix, with active renovation
tion, a mechanism mediated through the activation of signaling and remodeling of the connective tissue. This renovation of the
proteins p38, Akt and JNK. molecular components of the extracellular matrix increases skin
Stein et al (2015) evaluated the biological mechanism as- support, creating an additional action, restorative and physiolog-
sociated to the use of poly-L-lactic acid through characteriza- ic of the filler, aesthetically and functionally.
tion of the cell infiltrate and the type of collagen present in the Moreover, scattered microgranular material was also de-
tissue treated with poly-L-lactic acid, analyzed by immunofluo- tected in the space of the interstitial matrix, related to the ac-
rescence. Macrophages CD68 and fibroblasts CD90 were found tivity of the cells surrounding the microspheres of CaHA. Ob-
around the treated tissue. Structures positive for áSMA indicated servations in the interface between the microspheres of CaHA
myofibroblasts and neovascularization. Deposition of type III and the adjacent cells, such as the increase in number of in-
collagen was detected close to the PLLA particles and type I vaginations of plasma membranes of these cells, demonstrate an
collagen was found in the periphery of PLLA encapsulation.The important communication between the filler and surrounding
expression of mRNA for type I and III collagen transcription, as cells. There is probably an active cellular mechanism of enzyme
well as for TGF-beta1, increased significantly. Thus, the authors delivery through the surface of the plasma membrane.
concluded the effect induced by PLLA is likely based in the Zerbinati and Calligaro (2018) evaluated the effects of
formation of capsules, orchestrating macrophages, myofibroblasts CaHA fillers in the molecular arrangement of the collagen, per-
and type I and III collagen fibers. forming a biopsy of the area treated two months after the pro-
Goldberg et al (2013) evaluated tissue response to PLLA cedure. With polarized light microscopy, it was shown that the
in 14 patients that underwent PLLA injection and, subsequently, subdermal injection of CaHA stimulates the formation of new
were biopsied in the area after 3, 6 and 12 months. In a quali- collagen and dermal remodeling, with type III collagen neofor-
tative and quantitative analysis of the collagen, there were evi- mation, which is gradually replaced by type I collagen for the
dences of increased type I collagen 6 months after the treatment. support of the optimal structure. Probably, the microspheres of
The inflammatory response observed to PLLA was mild or ab- CaHa in the connective tissue provide a tridimensional environ-
sent, and no patient showed moderate to severe inflammation in ment for the adherence of fibroblasts, similarly to the structure
the 3, 6 and 12 months biopsies. of young skin, allowing CaHa to induce biostimulation to the
target collagen in the injection site.
Calcium hydroxylapatite
Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA)-based fillers are biode- Actives for body contouring
gradable and biostimulants. They are composed of two minerals The female complaint that the fat in the hips and thighs
found in bones and teeth (calcium and phosphate), and there- is harder to mobilize was always common, however, these em-
fore are biocompatible and non-toxic. Their use was approved pirical observations were not initially validated. These observa-
by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 2006 for facial tions are now scientifically confirmed, for it is understood that
filling, being initially used for the correction of moderate and the distribution of fat is determined by the lipolytic thresholds

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relative to fat cells in different body areas.We know that a higher adipocytes and pre-adipocytes, influencing the distribution of
number of á-2 adrenergic receptors is found in the fat cells of the fat tissue. This way, it is indicated for the treatment of cellu-
the hips and thighs in women, and that these á-2 adrenergic lite and localized fat, reducing the inflammatory process and im-
receptors inhibit lipolysis. Estrogen increases the number of á-2 proving the venous return, aiding in the drainage of edemas.
receptors in these areas, and it is responsible for the distribution Mesoglycan: sulphated polysaccharide compound initial-
of the gynoid fat of women. ly used in vascular disorders associated to thrombotic risk. It acts
Many times, fat reduction in a certain part of the body is inhibiting the proliferation of smooth muscle cells of the tunica
not possible under normal conditions because the endogenous intima of the endothelium, stimulating the enzyme lipoprotein
lipolytic stimulants, such as catecholamines, reduce all body lipo- lipase and inhibiting platelet adhesion, therefore acting as anti-
lytic thresholds in the same degree, without creating any relative atherogenic. It has antithrombotic activity by activation of an-
change between the deposits. tithrombin III and heparin cofactor II. It reduces capillary per-
Recent studies evaluated factors that regulate and affect meability and also has fibrinolytic activity by the induction of
the lipolytic process. There are at least three general mechanisms systemic fibrinolysis through the stimulation of the tissue plas-
by which lipolysis can be enhanced: inhibition of phosphodies- minogen activator, reducing fibrotic processes. This fibrinolytic
terase or of the adenosine receptor; activation of the â-adrener- mechanism is responsible for its use in aesthetic medicine for the
gic receptor or inhibition of á-2 receptor.These mechanisms are treatment of cellulite, for it allows dissolution of the nodules that
51,52 50, 51
the basis for lipolytic mesotherapy. cause skin deformity.
Besides lipolytic stimulation to increase lipolysis, another Sodium deoxycholate: is a salt derived from bile acids
mechanism can be used for lipolysis: the destruction of fat cells that have lipolytic activity over adipocytes. It acts rupturing adi-
using a detergent (ablative mesotherapy). This technique is usu- pocyte plasma membrane and emulsifying the fat released, mak-
ally performed using substances such as phosphatidylcholine and ing it excretion possible. It is capable of promoting cellular lysis
sodium deoxycholate. with irreversible destruction of the adipocyte membrane, what
Here, we will report the mechanism of biomodulation explains its increased action in the fat tissue, when compared to
of substances used for body contouring improvement through other tissues.
lipolysis: Phosphatidylcholine: is an extract derived from soy, with
L-carnitine: amino acid that acts as an essential cofactor different functions such as: emulsification of fat through activa-
for the metabolism of fatty acids, reducing triglycerides and total tion of liver enzymes (lipases), breaking them down into fatty
cholesterol, improving lipid metabolism. It enhances the trans- acids and glycerol; improvement of hepatic fibrosis and fat build
portation of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where the process up; regulation of the cholesterol metabolism, because it favors
of beta-oxidation occurs (fat breakdown). Its absence prevents the uptake and transport of cholesterol into the liver, reducing
this transportation from taking place. the levels of LDL and triglycerides and increasing HDL. Besides,
Benzoic caffeine: induces lipolysis via inhibition of phos- it is the main plasma membrane phospholipid, with an import-
phodiesterase, what generates an increase in cyclic adenosine ant action in cell apoptosis, and a precursor of Ach, which when
monophosphate (cAMP), transforming it in an inactive form, in high concentrations decreases laxity and muscle tone.
5’cAMP. cAMP activates the enzyme proteinokinase A and,
consequently, hormone-sensitive lipase enzyme (HSL), induc- Tranexamic acid
ing lipolysis through mobilization of fatty acids and glycerol. It Tranexamic acid is a plasmin inhibitor used to prevent fi-
also increases catecholamines (epinephrine), activating the sym- brinolysis, in order to reduce blood loss. It is a synthetic derivative
pathetic nervous system. of the amino acid lysine, which effect is to reversibly block the
Organic silicon: natural component, ingested in the diet, binding sites of lysine in the plasminogen molecule, therefore in-
with an important role in bones and connective tissue, however, hibiting plasminogen activator (PA) from converting plasminogen
when in high doses, benefits these tissues even further. Studies into plasmin. In dermatology, it has been used for the treatment
evaluated the stimulation of this active when associated to an an- of melasma in various presentations: oral, topical and intradermal
tioxidant compound, revealing increased expression of mRNA injection. Although plasminogen also exists in the human epider-
of the enzyme type 2 hyaluronic acid synthetase (HAS2 – re- mal basal cells, and it is known that cultivated human keratino-
sponsible for the production of hyaluronic acid), of collagen and cytes produce PA, there is a basic explanation that tranexamic acid
elastin.Thus, silicon started to be recommended as a supplement, could affect keratinocyte functions and interactions.
besides being used in mesotherapy, where it can be used alone or Ultraviolet radiation (UV) induces the synthesis of plas-
combined to other actives, contributing not only to localized fat, minogen activator and increases plasmin activity in keratino-
but also to facial rejuvenation. cytes. As a result of plasmin activity, there is intracellular release
Chrysin: is a flavonoid extracted from the plant Passiflo- or arachidonic acid, a precursor of prostanoids, and elevation
ra caerula. It has anti-inflammatory properties associated to fla- of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. These two sub-
vonoids, with an additional activity of potent inhibitor of the stances can activate melanin synthesis.Therefore, the antiplasmin
enzyme aromatase. Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for the activity of tranexamic acid is considered to be the main mecha-
conversion of testosterone into estrogen or DHT, it is present in nism of this agent’s bleaching effect.

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Precursors of plasmin-activated secretory phospholipase reduce number of vessels in the dermis; therefore, the antiangio-
take part in the production of arachidonic acid, which is a pros- genic effect of tranexamic acid is also considered.The number of
taglandin E2 and leukotriene LK precursor, involved in melano- vessels and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor
genesis. Plasmin also participates in the release of basic fibroblast are reduced after using tranexamic acid.
growth factor (FGF), which a potent melanocyte growth factor. Mast cells are related to many histological changes associ-
Therefore, it is believed that tranexamic acid inhibits plasmin ated to melasma. Repetitive UV radiation increases the number
activity in the keratinocyte activated by UV radiation, inhibiting of mast cells and mast cell tryptase, and tryptase degrades type IV
plasminogen binding to the keratinocyte, resulting in a reduced collagen. Mast cells also perform an important role in the devel-
ability of prostaglandin production and subsequent reduction of opment of solar elastosis, one of the histological features of me-
melanogenesis. lasma.The amount of elastin in the skin exposed to UV radiation
Furthermore, tranexamic acid is similar to tyrosine, partly correlates to the mast cell count. Besides, rats with no mast cells
because of its structure, and can competitively inhibit the activi- do not develop solar elastosis after repetitive UV radiation. More-
ty of the enzyme tyrosinase. There was a significant reduction of over, mast cells can also induce vascular proliferation secreting
tyrosinase activity, of the protein related to tyrosinase TRP1/2 many angiogenic factors, such as VEGF, FGF-2 and transforming
and melanin content in melanocyte culture after 48 hours after growth factor beta. Tranexamic acid was capable of reducing the
adding tranexamic acid in the culture medium irradiated with activity and number of mast cells in melasma patients.
In the study by Kim et al (2016), suppression of the CONCLUSION
paracrine melanogenic factor ET-1 was demonstrated with Understanding the mechanisms involved in cell biomod-
tranexamic acid, which is increased in melasma patients. ET-1, ulation is fundamental to understand the use of substances in
believed to be secreted by keratinocytes, is a well-known mela- dermatology with a broader view. Till present, what we know
nogenic factor that induces pigmentation and tanning response is very limited in view of the magnitude that encompasses bio-
to radiation. modulation, a field with recent and growing discoveries. This
Literature reports also suggest that tranexamic acid re- way, with this review, we aimed at bringing information on this
duces erythema in melasma skin, because it is associated to a new way of understanding dermatology: biomodulation. l

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Carlos Roberto Antonio | 0000-0001-9243-8293

Design and planning of the study; preparation and writing of the manuscript; critical literature review; critical review of the

Lívia Arroyo Trídico | 0000-0002-7743-4195

Design and planning of the study; preparation and writing of the manuscript; critical literature review; critical review of the

Surg Cosmet Dermatol. Rio de Janeiro v.11 n.1 jan-mar. 2019 p. 11-8.

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