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Ejercicio de adjetivos comparativos. Complete los espacios con las

formas comparativas o superlativas de los adjetivos entre paréntesis para
completar las siguientes oraciones en inglés.

1.Sharks are   than lions. (dangerous)

2. William Shakespeare is   than Christopher Marlowe. (famous)

3. He is   than he used to be last year. (fat)

4. Our town is   than Manchester. (attractive)

5. Tom is   than his elder brother. (impulsive)

6. This poem is   than any other poem I've read. (pathetic)

7. Your house is   than mine. (beautiful)

8. His room is   than yours. (dark)

9. I think that English films are   than American ones.


10. George runs   than Jim. (fast)

11. The living conditions are   than they used to be. (bad)

12. Today Father is   than usual. (irritated)

13. Exercise is   than exercise. (easy)

14. "Prevention is   than cure". (Good)

15. Your argumentation is   than Robert's. (convincing)

16. At home, Mother is always   than Father. (busy)

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