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I started off this week teaching a lesson on the story “The Mysterious Mr. Lincoln”.


started off the lesson with a kahoot, with facts about Abraham Licoln to establish some historical

background. After the kahoot, all of the students joined the pear deck. I played an audio of the

story being read, and we stopped periodically to answer questions about the text. After we

finished the pear deck, the students took a quiz based off of the text in socrative. This was the

best lesson that I have taught so far, because I finally know almost all of the students, so it is

much easier to call on students to have them participate. Many of the students did not do too well

on the Socrative quiz, so the next day Ms. Horner and I reviewed the most missed questions the

next day, to make sure that the students understood the material. Students were also able to

improve their quiz grade, by correcting each question they got wrong, and explaining why the

right answer is correct. I feel that it is very important to review quizzes that students do not do

well on, so I can make sure that they understand the information. On Wednesday Ms. Horner and

I taught a lesson on the poem “O Captain! O Captain!”, which was a paired passed with “The

Mysterious Mr. Lincoln”. First we watched a historical background video to help the students

understand the text. Next, the in person students completed a google form with questions on the

poem, and comparing the poem and short story. On Thursday, we did more reading practice. In

their groups the students read two poems, and an excerpt from a story, all on the civil rights

movement. After the students finished their google form, we went over the answers as a class.

Ms. Horner let me lead the discussion, and many of the students participated, even the virtual

students! On Friday, students go to use all the skills that they had been practicing all week,

during the post reading assessment. While the students were testing, Ms. Horner and I entered

grades, and set up the sociology folders for next week! This week was also teacher appreciation
week, and it was so great to get to thank Ms. Horner and all of my other teachers for all that they

have done for me, and taught me!

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