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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His

showers of blessings to complete this research successfully.

The researchers wish to express their deepest gratitude to the MSEUF- Catanauan

Inc. for allowing them to conduct the study. The researchers likewise acknowledge the

Librarian of said University for furnishing them the Year Book records of the respondents

of the study. The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is profoundly appreciated for

providing the fundamental data for this study which is the LET rating of the respondents.

The researchers acknowledge the efforts of their respondents who took valuable time away

from their day jobs to participate in this work.

The researchers would like to express their deep and sincere gratitude to

their research supervisor, Melca DG. Cabanggangan, PhD for giving them the

opportunity to do research and providing invaluable guidance throughout this

research. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired

them. She has taught them the methodology to carry out the research and to

present the research works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege and honor

to work and study under her guidance.

Lastly, the researchers are extremely grateful to their family for their love,

prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing them for their future.

Thank you


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