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Cancer Carcinoma in Situ- Neoplasm which remains

A disease process whereby cells proliferate confined on the site of origin.
abnormally, ignoring-regulating signals in the
environment surrounding cells. Cellular Adaptive Process:

Estimated New Cancer Cases, Both Sexes in US 1. Hyperplasia

(2020) American CA Society:
1. Digestive System 2. Metaplasia
2. Genital System
3. Breast 3. Dysplasia
4. Respiratory System
5. Urinary System 4. Anaplasia
6. Skin
7. Lymphoma
8. Leukemia Contact Inhibition
9. Endocrine System - cessation of growth ones the cell comes in
10. Oral Cavity & Pharynx contact with another cell. It switches off cell
growth by blocking the synthesis of DNA, RNA &
Definition of Terms: CHON.
Aberrant Cellular Growth It is an alteration in
the normal cellular growth Types of cells according to their ability to
undergo regeneration:
Apoptosis 1. Labile
2. Stable
Cyst- A closed sac having a distinct membrane 3. Permanent or Fixed
and developing abnormally
Secondary Prevention- Early Detection of CA
Metastasis- It is the spread of cancer cells A. Health history and PE
B. Screening Methods
Neoplasm - Greek: NEO “new” Plasia “growth 1. Mammography
of tissue ; A mass of new tissue that grows
independently of its surrounding structures Pap Smear

Carcinoma - A specific form of CA or malignant Prostate exam

tumor arising from epithelial cells.
Digital rectal exam
Tumor- It is a lump, mass, or swelling or
enlargement 2. Self-care practices
Breast Self Exam
Testicular exam
Oncogenes Tumor - genes that promote cell
proliferation and are capable of triggering 4. Sigmoidoscopy and
cancerous characteristics
Fecal occult blood test
Oncology - The field or study of cancer
Diagnostic Tools in Detecting Cancer
Proto-oncogenes - These are benign forms of A. Laboratory Tests
oncogenes necessary for some normal cellular 1. CBC /Differential count
functions, especially growth and development.

Differentiation – extent to w/c tissue cells

resemble normal cells Serum Electroyles
Ca – increase, bone metastasis
Progression- Na – Decrease, Bronchogenic CA
K – decrease, Liver CA
Neoplastic Progression
2. Tumor Markers or proteins associated with
specific cancer

1. Serum prostate- specific antigen (PSA) C. Electrosurgery

D. Cryosurgery
2. Alpha-fetoCHON (AFP) E. Chemosurgery
F. Laser Surgery
3. Cancinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) G. Stereotactic Radiosurgery

B. Cytologic Examination Other forms of Surgery:

Ex: Papanicolaou Test (PapSmear) 1. Prophylactic

2. Palliative

3. Reconstructive

Nursing Management in Cancer Surgery

C. Oncologic Imaging
1. Complete a thorough pre-operative
1. Radiographs/ X-ray
assessment .
Chest X-ray
2. Provide education and emotional
3. Communicate frequently with the
2. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
health team members .
3. Biopsy
4. Assess the patient’s responses to the
surgery and monitor possible
D. Invasive diagnostic techniques
5. Provide comfort.
 Biopsy
6. Initiate as early as possible plans for
 Cyst aspiration
discharge, follow-up and home care and
 Cystoscopy
treatment to ensure continuity of care.
7. Patients and family are encouraged to
use community resources such as the
Philippine Cancer Society.
Management of Patient with Neoplastic
1. cure
2. control
3. palliation

* Diagnostic Surgery

3 methods:
a. Excisional biopsy

b. Incisional biopsy

c. Needle biopsy

* Surgery as Primary Treatment

Goal: TO remove the entire tumor or as much
as possible and any involved surrounding tissue,
including regional lymph nodes.
2 Common Procedures:
1. Local incision
2. Wide or Radical Excision


A. Video
B. Salvage surgery

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