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Criminal Trial Advocacy Lecture Week 2(2)


OKT, adakah kamu faham pertuduhan yang dibacakan?

Saya faham

Tuan, OKT faham pertuduhan

*Magistrate catatkan*

Adakah kamu mengaku salah atau tidak?

Tidah mengaku salah

Tuan, OKT M mengaku tidak salah

*Mahkamah mencatatkan OKT mengaku tidak salah*


Pihak pendakwaan menawarkan jaminan RM 3000 untuk

Housebreaking: seizable offence, serious offence, non-bailable offence. 5 years imprisonment

Facts will be released by Friday

Expect first assessment next week. Charge read, explained. Claim trial/ Plead guilty. Then we
proceed the process until conviction recorded, then parties concern must know what to do.

Practical part is examination in chief, cross examination, re examination

Examination in chief: cnt have leading question. Eg: kamu pakai baju merah. This is leading question.
Kamu Nampak OKT. this is leading question cuz u put words into his mouth. Should ask like, adakah
kamu Nampak seseorang? Adakah OKT dalam mahkamah?

If ask leading question, deduct marks. If fail to object leading question asked by other party, also
deduct marks

Tutorial will got folder. One firm one folder. In the folder, got 2 sub folders for Solicitor 1 and
Solicitor 2. Each solicitor will have 2 subfolders. Inside got P1 and P2

Written submission must be in formal written submission. No standard format for written
submission. As long as got content and got authority.

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