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Figure 1.2 (a) Red bal against grass: () white ball a © Brown, 5 contrast is the use of black si in day-nighe cricket to improve y 1.2), Large objects are relativ contrasts whereas objects with high contrast. Sa “Stated Cs (eve, meeliam Mlurnination and glare ‘The level of illumination for a task is a signifieant Y contributes to visual efficiency and will be cover detail in Chapter 6. Simply inere the easiest methe ‘may arise with disability or discomfort glare, “Increasing the illumination step by step will improve Performance up to a certain point and diminishing recurns, This is due-td ; ‘discomforz of n en janes when of the visual field are excessively bright in relation fa the surrounding (CIESE. 2008) The ter chen also have a Tstribution of luminance across the Working area. This is if typically in the ration of 10:3:4 (object:near surround: far A hcctew lay ce vabou rt A Aiwate lest i Surround), This Is why patients may complain about discomfo “_when watching television in the dark and may exnlain why the ee se Seen volyed! This is easier chan you think... {Visual tabi analysis ‘out whet visual seUributes are required to perforin a job or task con VTA 1s better forably. n site" in order to produce an accurate Visual standard, but can be reproduced in the consulting room by ‘careful questioning and some inform: I que ation about the workplace. ' Vision screening follows on from task analysis and aims co Gisak patients with defeciive vision bus who 46 not ‘uth any sympeonis: Task araiy y che mid-1980s and 1} a task analysis are s Case study The clinician insy be asked Misual task. In the example show provided by the employ: understand the role in d possibie due to th The patient in worker = he was wc Large/mediumy: 25 Far: >2m side to side s a E =e) 4 ul =e ie .\e 5 ke presented with a letter from his employer expressing concerns ale 4 A af a.\3 3 ’ that he was finding his job difficult. At this point. he had been ow. s Si] é shel 5, a X placed on ‘alternative duties’ S1 eh | i =F etal a e ‘ The employer had collated part of the information shown in Sie4 | B13} =\a al : PY 4 Table 2.2 This was a document to help with the recruitmenc z ea t ted Table 2.1 Conti § | 4 | is g/& [ee Bis Eg s 3 £6 je! i i s information Environmen: Fiqure 2.1 Pouring molten steel. © \Stockphota comiHolgsr Gopalin. ed Table 2.2 Relevant information for producing standard at Additional information by Employer information questior Pr les are alo paified.clinical —

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