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The horary chart should form the basis for a thorough understanding of the likely indications

in the lives of the bride and the bridegroom. Then alone comes the question of according approval
or disapproval for the match.

Madhaveeyam is a valuable treatise mostly dealing with Muhurtha or electional astrology.

The treatment of the 'marriage' issue has been quite exhaustive. The book can be of immense
practical interest to all students of astrology.

It is available only in Sanskrit. It tackles tough problems in Muhurtha such as the relative
importance of tithi (lunar day), nakshatra (constellation), etc., and how, under special planetary
configurations, certain flaws can be ignored.

Vidya Madhaveeyam has a commentary by Vishnu, son of the author, and including the
commentary, the book contains about fifteen thousand granthas. The author Madhava is said to
have lived about 600 years ago under the patronage of the Vijayanagar King Bukka.

Stanza 4. The querist must first approach the astrologer with reverence and then
pronounce gently without repetition the names and asterisms of the intended bride and

Stanza 5. The astrologer must then examine the future of the couple on the basis of the
Prasna chart. The presence of benefics in the 7th house is good.

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