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Canadian Curriculum Vitae Format

– CV vs. Resume – Differences in
Format & Content
Owner/Author: Candace Alstad - Davies

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1 sur 14 01/05/2021 à 08:50

Canadian Curriculum Vitae, CV vs Resume - Different Forma...

Are you trying to determine if you need a Canadian curriculum vitae

(CV) or a resume to apply for a job posting in Canada? We’ll discuss the
difference between the two documents to determine which is best for
your career as a job seeker. Learning how to write a Canadian resume
or CV properly will benefit your job search immensely.

A CV provides a full account of your professional accomplishments,

whereas a Canadian resume format is a complete—yet less detailed
—account of your relevant skills and qualifications. For the most part,
CVs are used outside of North America, such as the United Kingdom
(UK), Africa, Ireland, Asia, Thailand, Baltics, Argentina, and many other

Hiring managers prefer short and concise resumes. If you have a long
job history and many impressive accomplishments, you may not be
able to accommodate them in under two pages.

Using the right Canadian resume format will help if the applicant
tracking system scans your resume or is viewed by a hiring authority.
The format of your resume is important, and we will discuss this topic
in-depth in this post.

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Canadian Curriculum Vitae, CV vs Resume - Different Forma...

targeted jobs.

A CV is a running tally of all your major career accomplishments. Leave

the document to posterity, be sure to include everything you want
future generations to remember you by. Of course, you may edit your
CV to focus on the most relevant qualifications for the field you are
working in.

Canadian Resume and Curriculum

Vitae (CV) – Basic Information to
Both your resume and CV should list the following basic

Work Experience (typically in chronological order)


Professional Licenses and Certifications

Military Experience

Awards and Honors

Volunteer Experience


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Volunteer Work

Relevant Hobbies and Interests

Key Differences Between

Resumes and Curriculum
Vitae (CVs)
Resumes start with a one-paragraph summary highlighting key
qualifications to meet the key objective of presenting why you are the
best match for the job to the hiring manager who is reading it. This is
your marketing or advertising pitch and can be changed to target each
job. It should be developed with the requested qualifications in the job
advertisement in mind.

A resume may also use a chronological, functional, or combination

approach to presenting job experience. If you do not have a lot of work
experience, you may choose to list the functions associated with the
job first, including related volunteer work.

Here the similarities end between these two career documents. The
curriculum vitae (CV) is most often used by professionals in higher
education academia, science, and medicine who have additional

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Canadian Curriculum Vitae, CV vs Resume - Different Forma...

job performance, publishing papers in academia are analogous to

making sales. Each year, an academic could publish anywhere from
one to six, or even a dozen papers, and present them through
conferences and lectures. The more prolific publishers are held in
higher esteem by their profession.

Length of Canadian Curriculum Vitae – CV vs. Resume

Publishing and presenting papers on research and being given awards,
honors, and other accolades for this research take up most of the
curriculum vitae pages (CV). Most resumes are one- to two pages long.
A curriculum vitae (CV) may easily run past two pages. The length of
your experience, publications, and so on will determine the number of
pages. The accomplishments of the famed astronomer, publisher, and
public speaker Carl Sagan are said to have run 250 pages.

Listing Work History and Military Experience

According to the CV writing guide and many other university
professional opinions, a curriculum vitae (CV) presents a full account of
your work experience. However, even in the CV, you may exercise
editorial entitlement. If you look at your history professor’s CV, they
likely will not list their job at the fast-food outlet McDonald’s as a
college student. They may choose to list experience as a camp
counselor in high school since it demonstrates skills guiding and
instructing students. Since your CV is considered an official record of
your work experience, list jobs in chronological order.

Published Works
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you pull up the CV of many college professors, you will find a long list
of papers published mostly in academic journals and possibly in trade
publications and the media.

Each paper must follow one of the major academic editorial formats.
APA and the Chicago Manual of Style are the most popular reference
formats for social studies topics. Engineers use the IEEE style, while
medical professionals often use AMA (American Medical Association)

Papers are presented in chronological order. Additional information that

may, but less commonly, accompanies a paper citation includes: the
number of times the paper has been cited by other papers and the peer
ranking of the academic journal it appears in.

How to Add Patents to Your Canadian CV

Scientists, engineers, and technologists list patents on their curriculum
vitae. Always mention the patents in your resume and provide a link to
your CV to ensure they are not missed.

On your resume, you have several options for mentioning patents (if
possible, keep your resume to 2 pages):

You may choose to mention patents by broad categories and

provide a link to your CV with a more detailed listing. For example:
Please follow the patent link for patents on polymer
semiconductors, opto-electro semiconductors, and nano-opto

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attach a patent list to your resume.

If the patent list is short, consider listing your patents’ titles and
numbers in your resume.

If you are applying for a marketing job with a biotechnology

company, it may suffice to cite the name of the biotech patents you
tinkered with within college labs.

Use your discretion when deciding which patents are relevant to the job
and merit being brought to the hiring manager’s attention in the resume.
If you are applying for a job as a materials scientist in the
semiconductor industry, you do not need to include the aerodynamic
surfboards you patented as a teenager.

Following is an example of how to list a patent.

Basic Format:
[1] J. K. Author, “Title of patent,” U.S. Patent x xxx xxx, Abbrev. Month,
day, year.

[1] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3

624 125, July 16, 1990. NOTE: Use “issued date” if several dates are

(Source: IEEE, using the Chicago Manual of Style)

Research and Internship Experience

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If any of these research results were disseminated in papers and

presentations, you might also want to cite this information here, in
addition to listing them in the relevant Publications and Presentations

This peer attention is an indication of the value your colleagues place

on your research. If you are a scientist, you may want to list the
materials and equipment you have worked with. A mention of the
scientists you worked under and their specializations will show
additional research you have been exposed to.

If you apply for a job as an oil and gas engineer, a university research
project working with new chemistries in advanced fracking techniques
may land you an interview. Hiring decisions are often based on
experience in advanced materials and techniques that could add value
to your new employer. Provide enough detail to demonstrate the value
proposition you will bring to the job.

In the CV, list all professional presentations you have delivered relevant
to your field. This may include conferences, seminars, lectures,
workshops, roundtables, and guest lectures. Follow the presentation
citation format commonly used in your field and be consistent with the
editorial style guide used for Publications (e.g., AMA, APA, CMS, IEEE).

Awards and Honors

Awards are an important way of distinguishing yourself from other
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accolades on our resume. If you have more than a handful, decide

which ones are the most relevant to the job position and should be
cited on the resume.

Provide the full list of awards on your CV (and do not forget to link to
your CV). Before leaving an award off of your resume or CV, consider
what it conveys about you. Some awards communicate soft skills,
which generally are not well represented on resumes. We often provide
a list of how caring, helpful, and generous without proof to back up
these claims. Awards and acknowledgments you received from the
volunteer sector could provide evidence of all three of these traits.

Examples of awards include:

Academic Honors Lists


Acknowledgments of Soft Skills: Best Team Player, Customer

Service, Distinguished Service

Acknowledgments of Hard Skills: Sales, Innovation, Safety

Invitation Into a Distinguished Group (typically based on

performance): Sales or Investment Performance, Inventions

Excellence in a Field (Marketing, Engineering, and so on)


Professionals in science, medicine, and academia commonly apply for

grants to support their research. The ability to obtain grants reflects the
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Fellowships and Professional Affiliations

These prestigious paid positions are bestowed upon individuals who
have knowledge and skills esteemed to be of high value to the granting
institution. Fellowships are awarded by academic institutions, think
tanks, and corporations. Remember to list what function you
performed. Fellowship duties include teaching, research, and

Your Canadian resume and curriculum vitae (CV) are complementary

documents. It is common practice to refer readers to your more
detailed CV in your resume or cover letter. Provide an online link to your
CV. When attending job interviews, a prepared job candidate will have
copies of both the resume and curriculum vitae for each interviewing
panel member.

You only get one shot at making a first impression!

Going the extra mile when writing your resume or CV is necessary to

get the best chance at capturing the reader’s attention and being put in
the ‘to-be-interviewed’ pile. Before submitting your resume, be honest;
what would your value to the reader seem like with your current
resume? Does it show your worth?

Review our resume and curriculum vitae samples or cover letter


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application documents in top-notch condition. Please contact Candace

or call toll-free at 1 877 738-8052 for more information on our writing

Next post: Military Conversion Resumes – How to Write a Military to

Civilian Resume

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