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Exercise 1.
1. Will you make a brief......of the fellow ? 1. CHARACTER
2. All of us hope for the......of our sins. 2. ABSOLVE
3. We were astonished by the......of her angry retort. 3. SUDDEN
4. This example is.....of this approach. 4. ILLUSTRATE
5. I want you to.....this rather long text. 5. SUMMARY
6. His interpretation of the facts wasn’t...... 6. REVEAL
7. This is what we shall charge, including.....and packing. 7. POST
8. As I am not allowed to eat sugar, I use.....instead. 8. SWEET
9. She never joined US because of her.....father. 9. TYRANT
10. The poor family were weak from lack of...... 10. SUSTAIN
Exercise 2.
1. He......her into thinking he was rich. 1. LEAD
2. The problems we have have turned almost..... 2. NIGHTMARE
3. We felt......about the exam. 3. APPREHENSION
4. We have to test the truth or the.......of her claims. 4. FALSE
5. The pretense of ... can’t fool anybody. 5. RESPECTABLE
6. She asked her lawyer to start the divorce...... 6. PROCEED
7. They say that appearances are...... 7. DECEPTION
8. Her last diary ... revealed her deep sorrow. 8. ENTER
9. Reality confirmed the predictions of that..... 9. VISION
10. A.....reform is the only solution to this inflation. 10. MONEY
Exercise 3.
1. I caught sight of a.....reaper in the field. 1. SOLITUDE
2. I felt his my touch. 2. STIFF
3. The stuff was declared unsuitable for human...... 3. CONSUME
4. The general......voted against it. 4. ASSEMBLE
5. There are still a lot of young people just basic. 5. LITERATE
3 6. They were fined for.....on private property.
7. In drought stricken areas the....of water is rapid.
8. He whispered with tears in his eyes: "O God....., save me!". 8. MIGHT
9. His unique goal was the......of his family. 9. REDEEM
10. He was highly respected for his long and 10. JOURNAL


Exercise 4. Exercise 7.
1. His luck suffered an unexpected sharp...... 1. REVERSE 1. Will you give me finding the necessary
2. She’s rather.....about accepting his proposal. 2. HESITATE information? 1. ASSIST
3. We still couldn’t believe his......was real. 3. SOBER 2. The......of that task look him several months. 2. ACCOMPLISH
4. The......speech was suddenly directed at the chairman. 4. ACCUSE 3. Their......was impressive and touching. 3. FRIEND
5. He was a......all through his school years. 5. BOARD 4. Everybody was appalled by the......of the mob’s attacks. 4. SAVAGE
6. All of us envied him for the extraordinary...... 6. ACQUIRE 5. She is so......that she can’t even change an electric bulb. 5. PRACTICE
6. His lawyer has demanded a......of the hearing. 6. POSTPONE
7. We are interested in this field. 7. SPECIAL 7. Sorry to contradict you, but his work lacks...... 7. PROFOUND
8. This onion tea is......; throw it away. 8. DRINK 8. They should take into account every......possibility. 8. IMAGINE
9. She was full of......indignation after finding out the truth. 9. RIGHT 9. He can’t fool me with his mock...... 9. HUMBLE
10. Christians believe in the......of Jesus. 10. RESURRECT 10. Father.......the car by removing part of the engine. 10. MOBILE
Exercise 5. Exercise 8.
1. Such handwriting! I can hardly make out the name of 1. ADDRESS 1. How......of her to behave like that! 1. HORROR
the..... 2. GRAND 2. The factory closure will result in hundreds of...... 2. REDUNDANT
2. The tourists admired the.....of the snow-covered mountains. 3. ROOM 3. That......decision was to bring about a lot of misfortune. 3. FATE
3. I was shown into a......of strangers and I panicked. 4. IMAGE 4. Your account is full of lies and...... 4. DECEIVE
4. The students discussed Dickens’ use his novels. 5. ROUGH 5. Jack had admit that it was his fault. 5. DECENT
5. The the wind grew stronger. 6. PATRON 6. My letters have never met with any...... 6. RESPOND
6. Without the......of some firms, the event cannot take place. 7. ROT 7. The monks on Mount Alhos live in...... 7. SECLUDE
7. The window frames are completely...... 8. RECUR 8. He lived a life of utter......with no support whatsoever. 8. WRETCH
8. He has had.....fits of rage lately. 9. MOMENTUM 9. They appreciated the......of your speech. 9. ACCURATE
9. That was a.....decision to make for such a youngperson. 10. CLOTH 10. It was......of you to notice that on the spot. 10. PERCEIVE
10. He had to work hard to feed and......his family. Exercise 9.
Exercise 7. 1. The woman got her......back slowly after her illness. 1. STRONG
1. He used to be an.......advocate of free speech. 1. ARDOUR 2. I would like to help her, but......I can’t. 2. FORTUNE
2. The teacher was surprised at the…..of my answer. 2. COMPLETE 3. The members of the Order were sworn to...... 3. SECRET
3. ......has been the main characteristic of the recent elections. 3. ABSENT 4. We need an......of that photograph to study all the details. 4. LARGE
4. It is not suggest setting up anollier business. 4. FANCY 5. Believe it or not, your plan simply isn’t...... 5. WORK
5. After these defeats tile team can’t be in......for the title. 5. CONTEND 6. His integrity and......of purpose made everybody respect 6. NOBLE
6. He had a very deal with his financial matters. 6. ACCOUNF him. 7. SURE
7. The......of winter days indoors turns them tedious. 7. SAME 7. that my dress was beautiful. 8. OBEY
8. It was sheer......that they were born on the same day. 8. COINCIDE 8. Kerry is a very......child, a real nuisance for his family. 9. ART
9. The arrival of Santa Claus caused great...... among the 9. EXCITE 9. She......deceived everybody present by beingall smiles. 10. PROUD
children. 10. LIVE 10. He looked his pretty daughter.
10. He earned wood-cutting and hunting.


Exercise 10. ANSWER KEY
1. He claims that his theory is...... 1. DEFENCE
2. My proposal met with their immediate...... 2. AGREE Exercise 1.
3. The Farth has a......movement round the sun. 3. CYCLE 1. characterization 2. absolution 3. suddenness 4. illustrative
4. Our firm has more than two hundred...... 4. EMPLOY 5. summarize 6. revelatory 7. postage 8. sweeteners 9. tyrannical 10. sustenance
5. The boom was the result of financial..... 5. WIZARD Exercise 2.
6. Jane is so......! She never knows what the teacher has asked 6. ATTENTION 1. misled 2. nightmarish 3. apprehensive 4. falsehood 5. respectability
her. 7. RISK 6. proceedings 7. deceptive 8. entry 9. visionary 10. monetary
7. I’m not going to climb that mountain; it’s too...... 8. LOCK Exercise 3.
8. You may leave your holdall in a the 9. SHAME 1. solitary 2. stiffen 3. consumption 4. assembly 5 literacy
station. 10. INHERIT 6. trespassing 7. absorption 8. Almighty 9. redemption 10. journalistic
9. Her conduct was absolutely....., don’t you think so? Exercise 4.
10. Λ large sum of money has come to her by a recent...... 1. reversal 2. hesitant 3. sobriety 4 accusatory 5. bt)arder
Exercise 11. 6. acquisition 7. specialization 8. undrinkable 9. righteous
1. We had to....the whole passage which was not an easy task. 1. MEMORY 10. Resurrection
2. Why are you driving so.....? You might have an accident. 2. CARE Exercise 5.
3. This man had no proper.....until he was thirteen. 3. SCHOOL 1. addressee 2. grandeur 3. roomful 4. imagery 5. roughened
4. He had a......on his arm from a wasp sting. 4. SWELL 6. patronage 7. rotten 8. recurrent 9. momentous 10. clothe
5. This girl is very......towards her parents. 5. AFFECT Exercise 6.
6. Oysters are considered a Ireland. 6. DELICATE 1. ardent 2. completeness 3. absenteeism 4. fanciful
7. It is very difficult to.....your heart when you hear a baby 7. HARD 5. contention 6. accountant 7. sameness 8. coincidence 9. excitement 10. livelihood
crying. 8. ASCEND Exercise 7.
8. He has gained the......over all his rivals. 9. FUR 1. assistance 2. accomplishment 3. friendliness 4. savagery 5. impractical
9. A bear is a......forest animal. 10. SEEM 6. postponement 7. profundity 8 imaginable 9. humility 10. immobilized
10. They were......unaware of our presence. Exercise 8.
Exercise 12. 1. horrible 2. redundancies 3. fateful 4 deceit 5. decency
1. This new dictionary has poor......of medical vocabulary. 1. COVER 6. response 7. seclusion 8. wretchedness 9. accuracy 10. perceptive
2. The senator gave a.......summary of the meeting. 2. LONG Exercise 9.
3. Yesterday a substantial......of drugs was made. 3. SEIZE 1. strength 2. unibrtunately 3. secrecy 4. enlargement 5. workable
4. I have a strong......of a misfortune. 4. SENTIMENT 6 nobility 7. assured 8. disobedient 9. artfully 10. pride
5. You need a......of your licence by the end of the month. 5. RENEW Exercise 10.
6. That was but an......victory, my dear. 6. ILLUSION 1. indefensible 2. agreement 3. Cyclic 4. employees 5 wizardry
7. They have come up with a range of sophisticated...... 7. WEAPON 6. inattentive 7. risky 8 locker 9. Shameful 10. inlieritance
8. She seems to enjoy the......of her new life. 8. CONVENIENT Exercise 11.
9. The band had the audience in....... 9. HYSTERIA 1 memorize 2. carelessly 3. schooling 4. swelling 5. affectionate
10. He has a......reputation as a fighter. 10. FEAR 6. delicacy 7 harden 8. ascendancy 9. furry 10. seemingly
Exercise 12.
1. coverage 2. lengiliy 3. seizure 4. presentiment 5. renewal
6. illusory 7. weaponry 8. convenicncies 9. hysterics 10. fearsome


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