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Directions for questions 1-25. You wi11 hear questions on the test tape.
Se1ect the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark yo~r answer sheet.

1. a. He wants to look at tiny 8. a. at 1002

partic1es. b. at 1315
b. He wants to stop his c. at 1515
vehic1e. d. at 1615
c. He wants to weigh
something. 9. a. red
d. He wants to ru1e people. b. woo1
c. 1eather
2. a. a quarter of five d. sma11
b. fifteen number$ before
four 10. a. a b1ue gas
c. fifteen numbers before b. severa1 gases together
five c. exhaus t vapors
d. a quarter past four d. a compound

3. a. forget his instructor 11. a. He eats a lot.

b. tontact his instructor b. He uses an encyc1opedia.
c. remember his instructor c. He has troub1e finding things.
d. touch his instructor d. He looks up the meanings of
4. a. He wasn't sleepy.
b. He wou1dn't be ab1e to 12. a. to get his suit pressed
sleep. b. to have a drink
c. He was sleepy. c. to get a haircut
d. He cou1dn't sleep. d. to do some shopping

5. a. right ábove his stomach 13. a. take a rest

b. be10w his stomach b. bring his plane down
c. in his ank1e c. take off
d. in his foot d. fly faster

6. a. co1ored 14. a. There were reservations for

b . washed three rooms.
c. cotton b. Three peop1e were at the hotel.
d . man-made c. Three rooms were ready to be
7. a. tomorrow d. There were three checks at
b. with George the hotel.
c. on Tuesday
d. at the office

15. a. They are turning on the 20. a. They will fly.

lights.. b. They will walk.
b. They are turning the c. They will drive.
lights on and off. d. They will run.
c.They are turning off the
lights. 21. a. close the door
d. They are watching the b. follow him
lights. c. look at them
d, answer it
16. a. put some money in the
bank 22. a. August
b. look at his account b. June
c. take money out ofhis c. April·
account d. September
d. account for the cashier's
money 23. a. a long way
b. not very far
17. a. her mother's brother c. a few stops
b. her father who is 90 d. a short run
c. her brother's father
d. her mother's father 24. a. a private
b. a non-commissioned officer
18. a. none c. a commissioned officer
b , little d. a major
c. a lot
d. very little 25. a. to meet her friend's plane
b. to get her hair cut
19. a. a bath c. to see the factory
b. a harvest d. to catch the train
c. a summer day
d. a storm

Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test
tape. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer

26. a. He went to Chicago a long 27. a. Everybody should hear today's

time ago. lecture.
b. He has never had the b. Everybody needn't hear
opportunity to go. today's lecture.
c. He rieverdid care to go c. Everybody has heard the
there. lecture today.
d. He has lived in Chicago d. The lecture will be delivered
before. by everybody.

28. a. He goes to parties with 35. a. It looks out on Madison Avenue.

his friends. b. It is near Madison Avenue.
b. He rates his friends c. It is across from Madison Avenue.
carefully. d. It is away from Madison Avenue.
c. He jokes with his friends.
d. He becomes annoyed with 36. a. He repaired the radio.
his friends. b. He listened to the radio for
an hour.
29. a. He called about it. c. He replaced the radio.
b. He called it off. d. He cleaned the radio.
c. He called for it.
d. He called in for it. 37. R. He made a high score.
D. He missed a few questions.
30. a. Look off the road. c. He received help on the
b. Watch the road closely. examination.
c. Stay away from the road. d. His score was unsatisfactory.
d. Close your eyes carefully.
38. a. They decíded to attend the
31. a. He always works very hard. party.
b. He is always sick. b. They did not worry about the
c. He is always very clean. party.
d. He is always very strange. c. They could not decide about
32. a. The,weathergot worse d. They are not going to the
yesterday. party.
b. The clouds we~t away last
night. 39. a. The panel is on the left of
c. It was clear yesterday. the instrmnent.
d. It was cloudy last night. b. The instrmnentpanel on the
lef'tis useless.
33. a. He had to go to the c. The instrmnent panel is not
dentist. .on the left.
b. He liked going to the d. The 'panel on the left is
dentist. very useful.
c. He feared going to the
dentist. 40. a. They could not send a cabo
d. He wanted to pay the b. They would send a cab
dentist. immediately.
c. They did not understand the
34. a. It is not warm. address.
b. It is not ~ew. d, They dí.dn.' t know when to send
c. It has been soldo the cabo
d, It is made of gold.

41. a. He never came late. 46. a. He could go.

b. He was tardy. b. He may go.
c. He was usually late. c. He has to go.
d. He was absent. d. He should go.

42. a. He has stopped flying. 47. a. He became hopeful.

b. He flies very fast. b. He became satisfied.
c. He fliés when he is well. c. He became exhausted.
d. He flies very well. d. He became happy.

43. a. We enjoy the international 48. a. They fixed their baggage.

news. b. They found their baggage.
b. We enjóy the editoriaIs. c. They turned in their baggage.
ç. We enjoy the newspaper d. They sold their baggage.
d. We enjoy the news of our 49. a. He rented it.
city. b. He tested it.
c. He bought it.
44. a. The rooms are costly. d. H~ lent it.
b. The rooms are large.
c. The rooms are pretty. 50. a. I always drink coffee.
d, The rooms are de corat e d . b. I do not like coffee.
c. I am accustomed to drinking
. 45. a. It is to be sold at a coffee.
higher price. d. I never drink coffee.
b. It is already soldo
c. It is being sold for a
limited time.
d. ,1t is reduced in price.

Directions for questions 51-60. You will hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51. a. a loan 54. a. eat a big. meal

b. a do b,ill b. drink something hot
c. a quartel:- c. eat a piece of candy
d, a .st.amp d. eat something light

52. a. a, w ren ch 55. a. the large room

b ;" the scissor~ b. the wrong room
c. a file c. the room on the left
d. the hannner d. the correct room

53. a. wait a minute 56. a. humidity

b. take the telephone line b. atmospheric pressure
c. open the telephone book c. temperature
d. hang up the phone d. wind velocity

57. a. He has a very good watch. 59. a. windy

b. He doesn't wear it. b. hot and dry
c. It doesn't keep good time. c. coo1
d. It is too tight. . d. very damp

58. a. 1et the water run 60. a. in March

b. stop the f10w of water b. in December
c. make the water run more c. every month
d. change the faucet d. in January



Directions for questions 61-100. Se1ect the correct answer a, b, c, ar d

and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WR1TE ONTHE TEST BOOKLET.

6l. Did Bart see Alice last n í.gh t ? Yes, Alice by Bart.
a. was saw
b. had seen
c. was seen
d. did see

62. Se1ect the correct sentence.

a. Can you te11 me where the post office is?
b. Can you tell me where is the post office?
c. Can you tell me the post office is where?
d. Where the post office is you can te11 me?

63. Jim's conduct was good.

a. hearing
b. behavior
c. hea1th
d. speech

64. I thipk Harry wi11 choose the correct answer.

a. se1ect
b. approve
c. avoid
d. attract

65. I can' t go with you I am busy.

a. a1though
b. because
c. and
d. whether

66. I like to read when I have time.

a. horses
b. the piano
c. books
d. the garden

67. We got the repairman our television last week.

a. fixed
b. fixes
c. to fix
d , was fixing

68. I have been in the Lan guage School six weeks.

a. for
b. since
c. while
d. to

69. The trouble by the .me chan í.c ,

a. was located
b. located
c. was locating
d. was to locate

70. The doctor will see you as soon as he

a. could
b. possible
c. will be able
d. can

7l. Tom abandoned his car when he had the accident.

a. held on to
b. left
c. took
d. repaired

72. We welcome the New Year a lot of noise.

a. for
b. with
c. on
d. by

73. This device is used for drilling metal.

a. polishing
b. making holes in
c. ordering
d. fastening parts to
ALCPT Forro 2R

74. John was Eng1ish yesterday.

a. studied
b. studies
c. studying
d. has studied

75. How _ tea do yo~ drink every day?

a. many
b. lots of
c. much
d. cups of

76. Don performed his mission satisfactori1y.

a. assignment
b. p1easure
c. situation
d. mes,.sage

77. "Do you .eve r go to the movies?" "No, r go there."

a. se1dom
b. often
c. usua11y
d. ever

78. The brakes need

a. adjustab1e
b. adjusting
c. adjusted
d. on adjust

79. When the teacher came into the room, r

a. talking
b. am talking
c. can ta1k
d. was ta1king

80. rf r had more time, r him a 1etter.

a. have wri tten
b. wou1d write
c. wrote
d. wi11 have written

81. Wou1d you mind if r turned on the TV?

a. 1eave
b , know
c. be1ieve
d. care

82. They will have a holiday work next Monday.

a. at
b. from
c. about
d, in

83. ln this book the author narrates most of th~ important historical
a. avoids
b. inquires about
c. accepts
d , tells about

84. This kind of weather is typical for this part of the country.
a. abnormal
b. reasonable
c. usual
d , dependab le

85. How far is it to school?

a. The school is three miles from here.
b. Clas~es begin at eight o'clock.
c. Only young children go to school here.
d. The school is closed for the day.

86. The name of the last month of the year is

a. cold
b. Saturday
c. past
d. December

87. Select the correct sentence.

a. l should take to town which bus?
b. Should I take which bus to town?
c. Which bus should l take to town?-
d. Which should l take bus to town?

88. l'd like to have this suit ________ at your special price.
a. to clean and to press
b. cleaned.and pressed
c. cleaning and pressing
d. cleans and presses

89. Hart and Schaffner since two o'clock.

a. are waiting here
b . wait here
c. has waited here
d. have waited here

90. The teacher is sitting her desk.

a. in
b. to
c. with
d. at

9i. Either he ________ she is planning to attend the meeting.

a. and
b. but
c. w t.h

d. ar

92. Select the correct sentence.

a. Accidents are a constant worry for the commander.
b. Accidents are for the commander a constant worry.
c. For the commander are a constant worry accidents.
d. A constant worry are accident8 for the commander.

93. He had~o leave early, 80 he wait for uso

a. shall not
b. couldn't
c. wasn' t
d , hadn't

94. When you are talking on the telephone, the operator sometimes
interrupts you.
a. connects
b. cuts in on
c. listens
d. overcharges

95. This plane differs from that one in two ways.

a. be the same as
b. out-speeds
c. is unlike
d. contacts

96. Houston is an important port city in Texas.

a. city with a harbor
b. university
c. city near a creek
d. tourist attraction

97. A pilot must hold the stick

a. firm1y
b. firming
c. firmed
d. firm

98. Rarry thinks that he next month.

a. had gone
b. has gone
c. might go
d. went

99. American food tastes when one gets used to it.

a. better
b. very best
c. more good
d. more better

100. Re to1d his son to turn on the TV if he


a. shou1d want
b , wou1d want
c. want
d. wanted to


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