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Anosmia: Ayurvedic Treatment And

Home Remedies
Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
Anosmia means loss of sense of smell. It is usually caused by nasal condition and rarely by
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brain injury. Very few people are born without the sense of smell and it is called as congenital
anosmia. Hyposmia is another related condition with decreased power to sense smell. 

Table of Contents 
1. Causes
2. Common disorders
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3. Ayurvedic understanding
4. Line of treatment Email Newsletter
5. Useful herbs
6. Ayurvedic formulations
Your name:
7. Do’s and Dont’s


Common causes for Anosmia: 
Mild to moderate kind of anosmia may be caused due to cold, rhinitis, head ache, stress etc
This is caused due to in ammation of the nasal mucosa, blockage of nasal passages or a
destruction of temporal lobe.
Complete anosmia is found due to injury to the nostrils or long persisting bleeding from the
nose, in uence of acids or any chemical agents etc.
It is commonly found due to chronic meningitis and neurosyphilis , ciliopathy and primary
ciliary dyskinesia.
It may be rarely found Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease too.
Anosmia is usually bilateral and in few of the cases unilateral too.

Common disorders
Common disorders possessing the feature/symptoms of Anosmia: 
Upper respiratory tract infection (sinusitis or the common cold)
Nasal polyps
Head trauma, damage to the ethmoid bone
Speci c antibiotics
Multiple sclerosis
Radiation therapy to the head and neck
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Pernicious anemia
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Cushing’s syndrome
Bell’s Palsy
Paget’s disease of bone
Zinc de ciency
Asthma or Allergy
Cerebral aneurysm etc

Ayurvedic understanding
Ayurvedic understanding about Anosmia: 
Ayurveda refers this condition as Ghrana nasha.Ghrana mens smell and nasha refers Connect With Us
loss.This is a Vatic complaint caused due to the lodgement of the vitiated vata dosha in the
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Ghrana (nostrils), Ruksha(dryness), laghu(lightness), Khara(roughness) qualities of Vata is

aggravated due to Vatic food and habits and it leads to the lodgement of vata in its site of
action i.e nostrils.Thus the ability of vata is lost and hence anosmia (gandhanasha) occurs.
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Line of treatment of Anosmia (Gandhanasha):  absolutely free!(click on
Vatahara remedies are useful for both local and systemic e ect. Mild, unctuous, heavy and book cover page to know
soft medicaments are of choice in this context. more)

Nasya treatment – Nasal drops treatment with Anu Taila and Shadbindu taila is very useful in
case of Vata Dosha increase.
Dhoomapana – herbal smoking is useful in Kapha Dosha increase, leading to excess phlegm
Vamana – vomiting therapy is useful in excess of Kapha Dosha increase.

Useful herbs
(Living Easy With
Herbal drugs of priority in Anosmia (Gandhanasha):  Ayurveda Is Also
Paribhadra-Erythrinia variegata Available in Print
Bala-Sida cardifolia Format.)
Bilva-Aegle marmelos
Shyonaka-Oroxylum indicum
Pippali-Long pepper-Piper longum
Guggulu-Balsmodendron mukul
Sarjarasa-Shorea robusta
Twak and Patra- Syzizium aromaticum etc

Ayurvedic formulations
Formulations useful in Anosmia (Gandhanasha):
Vatavidhwamsa rasa
Laxminarayana rasa
Mahayogaraja guggulu
Tenginpookuladi rasayana
Saptasara kashaya
Shadbindu taila (For nasya)
Anutaila (For nasya)

Do’s and Dont’s

Dos and Donts in Anosmia (Gandhanasha): 
Pranayama, Kapalabhati, breathing exercises, rest, regular oil application to the scalp are very
essential in Anosmia.

Taking the smell of strong perfumes, exposure to the dust and fumes, pollens, towards the
substances regarding which person is allergic are to be avoided in anosmia. Repeated
infections are to be reduced. Cold water head bath, exposure to breeze etc are to be

Last drop, 
Every individual is eager to have the taste, smell, touch, listen and to see the objects of his
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liking. If the individual looses the ability of perceiving any one of these senses will surely
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disgusted regarding such an ill health condition.
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Unless structural deformity is found Ayurveda proves its e cacy in correcting this functional
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entity to its maximum extent.

As allopathic medicines do not have any signi cant drug to treat such a condition quite
e ective treatments are always in search. That is why we say-‘Age old Ayurveda begins
where so called Advanced Modern systems end !. It is funny but the ultimate truth.
Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

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1 thought on “Anosmia: Ayurvedic Treatment And Home Remedies”

23/03/2020 at 10:52 pm

wow sir… Amazing explation Thankyou


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