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Tuberculosis 1 Measles 24

Food fortification 2 National institute for Sowa Rigpa 24

Proton Therapy 3 National Genomic Grid(NGG) 24
Serotonin 3 Controlled human infection model 25
Nipah Virus 4 Secretagogin 25
Parthenogenesis 4 E 2020 initiative 25
Gestational diabetes mellitus 4 AWaRe 25
Barcoding of Medicines 5 Dolutegravir (DTG) 26
Jumping genes 5
GM Crops
Arogyapacha 6 Why in news?
Superbugs 7 ○ A report released by WHO proves that TB
New Biomarker of Malaria 7 burden in India has reduced and improvement
Lukoskin 8 was seen.
Cancer detection tool 8 Tuberculosis:
DNA Technology Bill 8 ○ It is a disease caused by bacteria that spreads
Colistin antibiotic 9 from individual to individual by air
Anthrax 9 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
Rice blast disease 10
Acute encephalitis syndrome 10
Genome sequencing 11
Eugenics 11
Pollinator protection 12
Vaccine hesitancy 12
Oxytocin 13
Artificial intelligence in TB 13
Vector borne disease 13
GM Aedes Aegypti 14
Hepatitis B 14
Avian Influenza 14
Bombay blood group 15
Hydrogels with tunable bacterial activities 15
Biofuels 16
New TB vaccine 16
Kala azar 17
NADA (National Anti-Doping Agency) 17
Polio 17
Though TB usually affects the lungs, it can affect
Lymphatic filariasis 18
Anti-biotic resistance in E-Coli 18
other parts of the body like the liver, renal or
Congo fever 19 spinal cord as well.
E-cigarette or vaping devices 19 ○ In most cases, tuberculosis is treatable and
BT Cotton 19 curable, but those with tuberculosis can die if
Canine distemper Virus 20 not treated properly.
Genome India Initiative 20 ○ Diabetes is easily introduced to this infectious
Rota virus 21 disease by people with a weak immune system
Organoids 21 due to HIV.
Nano pharmaceuticals 22 Drug-resistant TB:
Typhoid conjugate vaccine 22 Multidrug resistant (MDR TB) is a particular
Traditional medicine 22
type of drug resistant TB. It means that the TB
AMBIS (automated multi modal biometric
identification system) 23
bacteria that a person is infected with are
Penicillin to fight rheumatic fever 23 resistant to two of the most important TB
drugs, isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RMP).

Other drugs then need to be taken by the before processing or may have been lost
person if they are to be cured of TB. during processing.
Rifampicin Resistant TB (RR TB) - People ● Micronutrient malnutrition, also
with RR TB are resistant to rifampicin. They known as hidden hunger, is a serious
may or may not have resistance to other drugs. health risk.
The Genexpert test detects resistance to ● Sometimes due to lack of consumption
rifampicin as well as resistance to isoniazid. of a balanced diet, lack of variety in the
○ MDR-TB that occurs in the host body has no diet or unavailability of food one does
therapeutic drug available and because of the not get adequate micronutrients.
delayed cycle of antibiotic pharmaceutical ● Hence fortification of food is a safe
drugs, the bacteria are not completely method of improving nutrition among
eradicated from their body. people as the addition of micronutrients
○ The host is treated with second-line anti-TB to food does not pose a health risk to
drugs because the bacteria are resistant to people.
first-line anti-TB drugs. ● It does not alter the characteristics of
○ There is an Extremely-Resistant Drug TB the food like the taste, aroma or the
(XDR-TB) in the host body, which develops texture of the food.
because of the high TB levels in an area that According to the National Family Health
make it very hard to control. In the second-line Survey (NFHS-4)
antibiotics therapy, the strain of the XDR-TB
bacteria refuses one or two drugs. ● 58.4 percent of children (6-59 months)
○ Poor management in the state may lead to are anaemic.
further mutations in bacteria leading to total ● 53.1 percent of women in the
drug resistance known as Total Drug reproductive age group are anaemic.
Resistance TB (TDR). ● 35.7 percent of children under 5 are
○ India and TB: According to the latest report underweight.
released by the World Health Organisation In August, 2018, FSSAI introduced the Food
(WHO) India accounted for 27 per cent of Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods)
the total global TB cases (followed by China Regulations, 2018, to regulate the provisions
with 9 per cent). As per the report 10 million regarding fortified food.
people had TB in 2018. India also had Features:
maximum number of drug resistant TB which ● It prescribes the standards of addition of
is 27 percent of a total 130,000 drug-resistant micronutrients for the purpose of food
TB cases while China had 14 per cent such fortification. The manufacturers of the
cases fortified food have to provide a quality
assurance undertaking.
Food fortification ● Packaging and labelling has to state the
Why in news? food fortificant added, +F logo and the
○ NITI Aayog seeks creation of a roadmap by tagline “Sampoorna Poshan Swasth
Department of Food and Public Distribution Jeevan”.
for taking the Rice Fortification Pilot Scheme ● It should be in compliance with the Food
Pan India. Safety and Standards (Packaging and
What is food fortification? Labeling) Regulations, 2011.
● Fortification is the addition of key Fortified salt: In 1950, Indians were among the
vitamins and minerals such as Iron, first countries in Asia to implement mandatory
Iodine, Zinc, Vitamins A & D to staple salt iodisation. It is fortified with Iodine.
foods such as rice, wheat, oil, milk and Fortified wheat: The flour is fortified with iron,
salt to improve their nutritional content. vitamin A and folic acid.
● These nutrients may or may not have Fortified rice: Iron, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12.
been originally present in the food Fortified milk: Studies suggest the intake of
fortified milk by children not only increased

mean serum vitamin D levels but also decreased

morbidity rates. It is fortified with Vitamin A,
Vitamin D.
Fortified oil: Is fortified with vitamin A and D.
In February, 2019, the government approved a
center-sponsored "Rice Fortification and
Public Distribution System" pilot scheme. The
three-year pilot scheme from the start of 2019-
20 has been accepted. The budget allocated is a
total amount of Rs 42.65 crore.
During the initial implementation phase, the
scheme focuses on 15 districts preferably one ○ With proton therapy, there is less radiation
District per State. dose outside of the tumor.
In their respective Integrated Child ○ In regular radiation therapy, x-rays continue to
Development Services (ICDS), Mid-day Meal give radiation doses as they leave the person's
(MDM) and PDS programmes, the Union body thus damages nearby healthy tissues,
Ministry for Women and Child Development, has possibly causing side effects.
already ordered the distribution of fortified
food. Serotonin
● Why in news?
Proton Therapy Serotonin has been found to be helpful in
Why in news? stimulating brain activity.
○ Progress on photon therapy in India was What is Serotonin?
reported in Rajya Sabha. ○ Serotonin is a chemical that transmits
What is this? information from one part of the brain to the
○ A proton is a positively charged particle. other and is known to play an important role in
○ At high energy, protons can destroy cancer various functions from sleep to social
cells. behaviour.
○ Doctors may use proton therapy alone or may ○ The study conducted by scientists at the Tata
also combine it with x-ray radiation therapy, Institute in Mumbai showed that the
surgery, chemotherapy, and/or neurotransmitter increases the number of
immunotherapy. mitochondria in brain cells.
○ Like x-ray radiation, proton therapy is a type ○ This Mitochondria produce cellular energy and
of external-beam radiation therapy. play a part in the survival of stressed brain
○ It painlessly delivers radiation through the cells.
skin from a machine outside the body. ○ Furthermore, serotonin increases
○ A machine called a synchrotron or cyclotron mitochondrial energy production.
speeds up protons. ○ Up until now, this role of serotonin was not
○ The high speed of the protons creates high known to regulate neuronal energy.
energy. ○ Serotonin is important in reducing toxic
○ This energy makes the protons travel to the oxygen reactivity in neurons, boosting
desired depth in the body. antioxidant enzymes and buffering neurons
○ The protons then give the targeted radiation from harmful cell stress effects.
dose in the tumor. ○ The study revealed an unparalleled role of
serotonin in neuronal energy production,
directly affecting the treatment of stress by
○ It also has identified new treatment objectives
for neurodegenerative and psychiatric


○ The mechanism by which serotonin performs winter a "virgin" anaconda was born. There is
its energy boosting function has also been no male anaconda in the aquarium. Anna, an
identified by researchers. anaconda green lady, bore some twins, two of
whom survived. This is known as
Nipah Virus parthenogenesis in scientific terminology.
● Why in news? What is this?
○ The virus attacked again in Kerala after its ○ Parthenogenesis is derived from the Greek
devastating previous episodes. words for “virgin birth”.
● What is Nipah Virus? ○ It is an asexual reproductive technique
○ The newly emerging zoonosis., i.e. diseases involving the creation of a female (rarely male)
transmitted from animals to humans, has been gamete (a mature germ cell which can be
the infection of the Nipah virus according to mixed in sexual reproduction without
the WHO. fertilization with another of the opposite sex).
○ The Nipah virus is a type of RNA virus in the ○ Parthenogenesis frequently occur in Lower
genus Henipavirus. plants and invertebrates (especially revolving
○ The infection is generally believed to be animals, pheasants, ants, wasps and bees) and
emerging from fruit bats from the rarely seen among high vertebrates.
Pteropodidae family. ○ The mother's clones are babies born by
○ After eating the date palm contaminated with parthenogenesis.
fruit bats, humans were affected in 2004. ○ The New England Aquarium has demonstrated
○ Pigs can also act as middlemen. this by means of DNA testing.
○ Parthenogenetic offspring tend to be parent
clones because genetic information has not
been exchanged and re-arranged with another
person, as in the case of sexual reproduction.
○ In parthenogenesis, stillbirth is common.

Gestational diabetes mellitus

● Why in news?
○ According to a recent report, all pregnant
women need to check themselves with the
problem of Gestational diabetes Mellitus.
● What is this issue?
○ Gestatic diabetes mellitus (GDM) is
characterized as a degree glucose sensitivity
○ It was first found in 1998 in the Malaysian
during pregnancy.
village of Kampung Sungai Nipah (hence
○ GDM not only affects acute maternal and
named after this village).
neonatal complications (preeclampsia,
○ Nipah's symptoms are similar to influenza,
stillbirths, macrosomia, need for caesarean
including fever, muscle pain and breathing
section) but also increase the risk of further
Type 2 diabetes in mothers and babies.
○ Complications can include inflammation of the
○ Low fetal blood glucose flow activates the fetal
brain and seizures following recovery.
pancreatic cells to get insulin secreted earlier
○ As of now, there are no vaccines available.
and in higher quantities when mother has high
○ People infected with the Nipah virus are
blood sugar. It is auto-perpetuated once
provided intensive medical care.
○ The amniotic fluid is filled with glucose when
Parthenogenesis the maternal glucose reading becomes high.
Why in news?
○ The New England Aquarium in the United
States recently announced that during the

○ When the fetus starts swallowing up amniotic online pharmacies, technology advancements
fluid 20 weeks later, the insulin production in counterfeiting.
gets increased, ○ The Special 301 report eventually ends up
○ The prevalence of GDM in India according to classifying countries into 3 groups:
world standards is very high. There is also a Priority Foreign Countries (PFC) – (Red
very high rate of conversion to type 2 diabetes. Flag) - These are most egregious offenders
- Ukraine is the only country placed here.
Priority Watch List (PWL) – Serious
Watch List (WL) – Less serious offenders
○ India has been placed on the 'Priority
Watch List' (in total 11 countries) because of
the issues around patent laws and processes in
the country.
○ Other countries include China, Indonesia,
Russia, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
○ 25 countries, including Pakistan, Turkey, UAE
are on the watchlist.

Jumping genes
○ The number of Indians with type 2 diabetes
● Why in news?
mellitus is expected to reach 79.4 million by
○ Scientists have recently discovered a technique
using “jumping genes” for genetic editing. It
could offer a seamless, safer alternative to
Barcoding of Medicines CRISPR-Cas9 process.
Why in news? The technique:
In an attempt to offset India's growing reputation ○ The technique could allow edited genes to be
as a source of counterfeits, the Government plans more precisely inserted into genomes, possibly
to make bar coding obligatory on all drugs sold on addressing concerns with current CRISPR
the local market. systems that can lead to off-target editing and
Reason behind it: random deletions or even cancer.
○ Annual Special 301 Report on the ○ Gene editing is the modification of the DNA
Protection of Intellectual Property and the code in some sections. It can rectify, remove or
Review of' notorious markets' for piracy and insert new parts in this code for disease
counterfeiting released by the Office of the prevention.
United States Trade Representative (USTR) ○ CRISPR tools are now used to cut out and
in April 2019 revealed that India is facing the delete a part of the genetic code with enzymes
growing problem of counterfeit medicines. such as Cas9 and Cas13, using their cell-back
○ Counterfeit is a term used in the context of function to glue together the cutting strands.
trademark violations, and refers to an exact ○ The process is not always effective as repairs
copy. are sometimes incomplete or incorrect and the
○ Nearly 20% of all pharmaceuticals on the damage caused by cutting can be adverse.
Indian market have been counterfeited. ○ Whereas the hopping/jumping genes also
○ Reasons for counterfeit medicines market in known as transposons jump spontaneously,
India - limited access to medical care, by using proteins, or transposases (enzymes),
especially in rural areas, fragmented supply from one site to another.
chain, lack of consumer awareness, prevalent ○ Despite cuts, it can easily slip into the genome.
practice of self-medication, high cost of ○ The jumping gene has all of the chemical
genuine medicines, weak enforcement of properties required for direct insertion or
legislation and corruption, prevalence of


integration without a double-strand break in

○ A guide could effectively program the jumping
gene and could insert it into user-defined sites
in the genome with incredible precision.

Why in news?
○ The World Health Organization, International
League Against Epilepsy and the International
Bureau for Epilepsy released a report called
"Epilepsy, a public health priority."
Epilepsy, what is it? Pros
○ Epilepsy is a central (neurological) disorder of ○ They help the nation with its ability to achieve
the nervous system in which brain activity is food security.
abnormal, causing seizures or times of ○ They are resistant to pests and in many ways
unusual behaviour. protect the environment.
○ This affects men and women of every sex, ○ These have a better taste and a longer lifespan.
gender and age. ○ They contribute less towards pollution.
○ Early deaths are slightly more common in low- ○ They offer better health and nutritional
and middle-income countries than in high- benefits.
income countries. ○ They contribute to reduce export dependency.
○ There is a risk for premature death among ○ They will give farmers higher revenue.
more than 75% of people with epilepsy in low- Cons
income countries due to an inability to access ○ Although the environmental gain is considered
anti-seizure medicines. positive, their exact benefits have not been
○ The report says that the care discrepancy for proven and there are risks for the climate.
epilepsy is unfair because 70 percent of people ○ They have a range of health issues as
with the disease can be symptom free if they researchers point out.
have access to drugs that can cost as little as ○ The suppliers of seeds will monopolize the
$5 per year. industry.
○ Once the plague gets used to the transition, it
GM Crops will resist and it is a long-term possibility.
○ India is reportedly farming BT Cotton only
Why in news?
and is the the fourth biggest grower of it in the
○ Concerns have been expressed with regards to
cultivation and growth of BT brinjal which is a
○ Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
genetically modified crop.
(GEAC) is apex body under Environment
What are genetically modified crops?
Ministry for regulating manufacturing, use,
○ A GM plant is a plant that has a new genetically
import, export and storage of hazardous
modified combination obtained through the
micro-organisms or genetically engineered
use of modern biotechnology or genetic
organisms (GMOs) and cells in the country.
○ It is also responsible for giving technical
○ A gene in GM crop is artificially inserted
approval of proposals relating to release of
instead of the plant that acquires the gene by
GMOs and products including experimental
field trials.
○ The resulting plant is said to be "genetically
modified" although in fact, by domestication,
selection and controlled reproduction, all Arogyapacha
plants were genetically modified from their Why in news?
original wild condition over long periods.


○ A new plant has been unearthed in the ○ Antimicrobial resistant bacteria are present in
Agastya hills, also called a miracle plant. the natural environment (water, soil and air)
What is this plant? and in wildlife, in humans and in food.
○ The genetic makeup of Arogyapacha ○ They will spread from food of animal origin
(Trichopus zeylanicus), a popular medicinal and get transmitted from person to person and
plant native to the hills of Agasthya has been between person and animals.
decoded by scientists in the University of ○ The use of antibiotics for viral infections, such
Kerala. as flu, inadequately treated wastewater with
○ Called "Wonderful Plant," the Kani Tribal resistant bacteria mixed in the environment
Community traditionally use the plant to often increases the antimicrobial resistance
tackle fatigue. load.
○ The wide spectrum of pharmacological effects,
such as antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-
microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor,
anti-ulcer, anti-hepatic, hepatoprotective, has
been shown.
Kani Tribes
○ These are the Nomads and indigenous peoples
from the tropical forest of the hills of the
Agasthyamalai, the Western Ghats, mountains
of the Kerala region.
○ The tribal doctors called Plathi are the
exclusive holders of the tribe's traditional

Why in news?
○ Researchers have found out that superbugs ○ The threat posed to global public health, food
can be transmitted from plants to humans. safety and an economic burden by antibiotic
What are Superbugs? resistant infections is huge.
○ These are strains of some bacteria which ○ With the ingestion of infected vegetables,
withstand most antibiotics and can cause superbugs can hide in the gut (colonizing) for a
multiple health problems such as pneumonia long-time during escape and infect
and several other infections. asymptomatically.

New Biomarker of Malaria

● Why in news?
○ A researcher’s team from the Indian Council of
Medical Research’s Jabalpur-based National
Institute of Research in Tribal Health has
identified Glutamate dehydrogenase as a
new biomarker in the body of the malaria
parasite for malaria detection.
○ This discovery will help in better
understanding and research on the disease.
What are biomarkers?
A biomarker is a measurable indicator of the
severity or presence of some disease state.
What is antimicrobial resistance? Biomarkers can be specific cells, molecules, genes,
gene products, enzymes or hormones. They help


to understand the relationship between specific ○ This development could aid the early detection
substances in the environment and human of cancer.
conditions or diseases. ○ Researchers have found the initiating role of
Malaria: cancer cells in spreading to other parts of the
○ Blood disease caused by Plasmodium body (a process called metastasis for spreading
infectious parasites transmitted by mosquito cancer cells).
bites. ○ Early cancer diagnosis and care can save lives.
○ Female anopheles mosquitoes inject If cancer becomes metastasized or progresses,
sporozoites on the human host's surface. the diagnosis becomes more complicated.
○ Malaria is the leading cause of human disease Benefits: The research may be used in order to
and death. develop novel prognostic tools and pave the way
○ As per WHO reports, there are still 212 million for more customized surgical procedures. New
new cases of malaria and 430,000 malaria- drugs can be created to target cancer cells and
related deaths each year. avoid environmental changes that serve as a
○ Sub-Saharan African countries have the bulk cancer cause.
of cases (80%) and deaths (90%).
DNA Technology Bill
Lukoskin Why in news?
● Why in news? ○ The cabinet cleared up the draft regulation on
○ It is a new drug developed by DRDO for DNA technology (Use and Application) paving
leucoderma. the way to its Parliamentary reintroduction.
Key information ○ The Bill was passed in January 2019 by the Lok
○ Leucoderma also called vitiligo, is a skin and Sabha, but the Rajya Sabha couldn't authorise
autoimmune disorder. it.
○ Autoimmune disorders occur when the body's ○ It therefore expired with the term of the former
tissue and organs are attacked by the immune Lok Sabha.
system. The Bill and its features:
○ Because of the lack of melanin in the skin (a ○ It is aimed at the establishment of domestic
pigment in the blood), Vitiligo is a skin disease and regional DNA data banks to identify
in which pale white spots appear on the face. victims, suspects, etc.
○ It is either infectious or life-threatening (i.e. it ○ Those who exploit or illegally divert DNA
will not spread through direct contact with the data are imprisoned for up to three years
affected person). and fined up to one lakh of property.
○ Patients with leucoderma are also vulnerable ○ The DNA can only be used to identify the
to iris inflammation, hearing loss and sunburn. particular person, not any other person.
○ This affects roughly 4-5% in India. ○ During natural disasters, their data will be
○ The occurrence is as high as 5-8 percent in useful to match the IDs of individuals.
some areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat. ○ In order to determine individual identity, it
○ Leucoderma (skin disorder) is regarded in establishes a DNA Regulatory Board to
India as a social stigma where it is confused accredit DNA laboratories that analyze DNA
with leprosy (a bacteria-inflammatory samples.
disease). ○ The advantages are protected DNA records.
There can be good results.
Cancer detection tool DNA technology:
Why in news? DNA tests are an extremely useful and exact
○ For patients with kidney and brain cancer, a technology for the identification and
team at Yale University has developed a establishment of biological relationships among
method that can theoretically identify the people from a person's DNA sample.
causes. For instance, a hair sample or even clothes blood
tissue from a crime scene may be compared to


that of a suspect, and whether a victim' s DNA ○ Within a week, the symptoms such as
belongs to the sample can, in most instances, be respiratory infections, acidity, blood diarrhea,
determined conclusively. bowel swelling develop.
DNA technology is increasingly relied on for ○ A 60-day antibiotic regimen is the standard
crime investigations, identifying unidentified treatment for anthrax.
bodies or parenting. The increased use of DNA ○ If begun as soon as possible, therapy is most
testing is expected to lead not only to quicker successful.
prosecution but also to a higher conviction rate of ○ By later stages the bacteria often create more
30 percent (NCRB 2016 Statistics). toxins than pharmaceuticals can kill.

Colistin antibiotic CRISPR Cas9

Why in news? Why in news?
○ The Ministry of Health and Family welfare has ○ A Chinese researcher recently claimed that he
ordered that Colistin and its formulations had altered the genes of a human embryo that
be prohibited for the production, sale and eventually resulted in the birth of twin girls.
distribution of animals for food, poultry, The genes were claimed to be “edited” to
aquaculture and supplements for animal feed. ensure that they do not get infected with HIV.
Colistin How does it work?
○ It is a critical antibiotic that is frequently
known as last resort to save lives in Critical
○ It is also known as polymyxin E against gram
negative bacteria.
○ It is used for poultry and several other
veterinary uses in order to stimulate
○ This ban represents a major step forward for
taking antimicrobial resistance action because
it could easily spread to living organisms.
○ Drugs and cosmetics Act, 1940 has imposed
the prohibition.

Why in news?
○ DRDO, JNU researchers are developing a more ○ The system CRISPR-Cas9 acts on genetically
potent vaccine for anthrax, claiming that the modified molecules like a process of cut-and-
new vaccine is superior to existing one since paste.
both anthrax and spores can generate an ○ A special position is found on the DNA strand
immune reaction. with genetic codes, which must be modified or
○ Anthrax is a soil-induced disease caused by "fixed".
the soil germ Bacillus anthracis. ○ Using the Cas9 protein acting like a pair of
○ Animals such as horses, buffaloes, pigs, sheep scissors, gene is removed from the strand.
get affected. ○ A DNA molecule has a natural propensity to fix
○ Anthrax is not transmitted directly to itself, if it is damaged.
another contaminated animal or person ○ In this automated repair process, scientists
but is distributed by spores. intervene to supply a necessary genetic code
○ Such fungi can be borne by wearing clothes sequence that attaches to the damaged DNA
or shoes. strand.
Symptoms What is CRISPR Cas9?


○ The Clustered Regularly Interspersed graminea, pitting disease, ryegrass blast, and
Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR 9) Johnson spot, is a plant-pathogenic fungus
(CRISPR-Cas9) method has streamlined gene that causes a serious disease affecting rice
editing, making it simpler and easier for most ○ By characterising over 150 rice varieties from
laboratories to access. nine States across the country researchers
○ CRISPR technology is basically a gene-editing have identified new markers associated with
technique which can be used to modify or blast resistance.
change the organism's genome. ○ The present study showed that the rice
○ The technique can be used to target specific landraces collected from north-eastern
parts of the genetic code or to edit the DNA states of India had the highest resistance.
at certain locations. ○ The rice varieties also have different
○ Researchers can change DNA sequences resistant/susceptible behaviors under specific
and gene activity quickly. ecological conditions.
○ Other potential applications include genetic ○ Fungicides are very expensive,
defect repair, treatment and prevention of environmentally harmful and may cause health
disease transmission and the improvement of problems due to unsuitable application.
crops. ○ The rapid changes in pathogenic virulence
Concerns: Manipulation of the genetic code is represents a constant challenge to the
more controversial in human beings. For many production of current rice immune to blast.
years, leading scientists in the field have called ○ The fungus causes injuries to the leaves, stems,
for the "world pause" on clinical applications to peduncles, panicles, seeds and even the roots.
humans before international level standards are ○ Thus, new generic blast-resistant genes /
established. alleles in rice germplasm such as landraces,
University of Stanford research, U.S. showed that wild rice, etc. are always needed.
the device CRISPR-Cas9 implants unanticipated ○ The potential threat of crop failure from this
off-target results in the mice, outside the disease is very high.
expected editing sites. ○ Other herbs, including crabgrass are infected
The fear of a premature rush of the CRISPR by closely related fungi, that cause their
system for therapeutic use still remains. Studies respective hosts almost identical symptoms.
have shown that cells edited from CRISPR-Cas9
can lead to cancer. REMDESIVIR
The risk of mutations in those cells elsewhere in ● Why in news?
the genome may increase. Although the In response to the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus
technique of CRISPR-Cas9 has been used widely outbreak , Gilead Sciences provided Remdesivir
to treat many disorders, what diseases or for a "small number of patients" affected by
characteristics should be decided through nCoV-2019 in collaboration with Chinese medical
genetic modification is still unknown. authorities for studying its effects.
Regarding ethical concerns, there is doubt over The new antiviral agent of Remdesivir (GS-5734),
human embryo development for one's own sake. was developed by Gilead Sciences as a Ebola
Virus medicine, is a new analog nucleotide
Rice blast disease medication.
Why in news? It has subsequently been found to show
○ Researchers from ICAR-National Rice reasonable antiviral activity against more
Research Institute (NRRI), Odisha have distantly related viruses such as respiratory
mapped out the diverse genes in rice that help syncytial virus, Junin virus, Lassa fever virus, and
in disease resistance. MERS-coronavirus. It may also help protect
Diseases and findings: against Nipah, SARS and Hendra virus infections.
○ Magnaporthe grisea also known as rice
blast fungus, rice rotten neck, rice seedling Acute encephalitis syndrome
blight, blast of rice, oval leaf spot of Why in news?


○ Several children died in the Muzaffarpur Genome sequencing

district of north Bihar, due to Acute Why in news?
Encephalitis Syndrome (AES), which is locally ○ In the form of an indigenous genetic mapping
known as Chamki bukhar (brain fever). project, the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Acute encephalitis syndrome Research (CSIR) will sequence almost 1,000
○ This is a serious case of mosquito-borne rural young people from all over the world.
encephalitis and is characterized by high What is the sequence of genomes?
fever and brain inflammation. ○ Genome: It is a complete set of DNA of an
○ In 2006, the WHO coined the term AES to organism including all its genes.
describe a collection of pathogens that seem ○ All information necessary to construct and
like one another but are hard to distinguish maintain that organism is contained in each
between them in a messy epidemic. genome.
○ Children and young adults are most affected ○ Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of
by this disorder and can result in significant DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome—the
morbidity and mortality. order of As, Cs, Gs, and Ts that make up an
○ Viruses are the primary causal agents of AES, organism's DNA.
though bacteria, fungi, parasites, chemicals ○ The human genome is made up of over 3
and toxins may also be present in other billion of these genetic letters.
samples. What is the approach?
○ The major cause of AES in India (ranging from ○ Blood samples are used for sequencing.
5% to 35%) is the Japanese encephalitis ○ A report shall be given to each individual
virus (JEV). whose genomes are sequenced.
○ High fever, omitting, diarrhoea and ○ It would be revealed to participants if they bear
unconsciousness cause confusion, gene variants that made them less susceptible
disorientation, paralysis and/or voice to certain therapeutic types. For example,
incapability. having a certain gene reduces susceptibility to
○ A specific vaccine was not identified, but a clopidogrel, a major medicine that prevents
country-wide surveillance of the AES was strokes and heart attack.
developed in India under the National Vector ○ It will help to map the demographic
Borne Diseases Control Programme composition and help to measure the
through sites focusing on detecting Japanese distribution of different traits or diseases
encephalitis (JEV). across the country.
○ The cases of AES in the districts of ○ Assists in mapping genetic traits in population
Muzaffarpur, Bihar and adjacent litchi and genetics.
growing areas were mainly noted in April and
June of 2019 especially in children who were
under-nourished and had the history of
visiting litchi gardens. Why in news?
○ A link between AES and litchi consumption
With regards to its use and misuse.
What is it?
has been postulated in Muzaffarpur case by
○ Eugenics is the study to deliberately align
the National Center for Disease Control of
Delhi (along with the Center for Disease individuals with different genetic features to
improve the population.
Control, US).
○ It aims at reducing human suffering through
○ Unripe litchi contains the toxins hypoglycin
A (natural amino acid) and MCG that, when the "selective out production" of diseases,
disabilities and so-called unwanted human
ingested in large quantities, cause vomiting.
○ High summer temperatures and the
population characteristics.
○ Eugenics promoted the breeding and
humidity are considered to be the best
prevention of mentally challenged people.
situation for the outbreak of AES.
○ Contemporary eugenics also called human
genetic modification, has been clinically and


ethically further forwarded which offers hope • The disappearance of moths, bees, butterflies
of cure of many of the crippling diseases but and other pollinators is unmistakably related
still controversial. to human activities: vast natural habitats have
○ A major criticism of eugenics policies is that been cleared up for monocultures while the
they are susceptible to abuse, irrespective use of pesticides and fertilizers sucks out the
of whether negative or positive policies are little helpers in existence.
being used, as criteria of genetic selections are • Researchers at the University of Calcutta have
identified. shown that native Indian bees suffer from
○ In particular, negative eugenics, which memory and olfactory (smellless), lower
include the right to reproduce, are levels of reaction, and the oxidative stress that
criticized by many as a breach of basic kills cells, when subjected to several
human rights. pesticides.
○ Another concern is that eugenics programs • Researchers in Kashmir have pinned the
inevitably result in a loss of genetic diversity declining frequency of bee visitors which in
and thus a loss of genetic diversity inbreeding turn reduces apple trees yield.
depression. • Lowering mustard crop yields in northern
○ Another criticism is that it is designed to India is attributed to the loss of pollinators.
disrupt millions of years of evolution
permanently and artificially and that
attempting to create' clean' genetic lines of
Vaccine hesitancy
Why in news?
disorders could have a far-reaching
○ WHO has reported that vaccine hesitancy is
downstream impact on genetic ecology,
one the foremost threats to global health.
including negative immunity and resilience of
What is it?
the species.
○ WHO describes vaccine resistance as a pause in
approval or denial of vaccinations.
Pollinator protection ○ In more than 90% of countries worldwide,
Why in news? vaccine resistance has been registered.
Recent reports have shown that pollinators are ○ In 2019, nearly 4,24,000 children worldwide
under threat and need adequate protection. reported measles compared to 1,73,000 in
More information 2018.
○ Pollination is an essential process for the How to combat it?
reproduction of the flowering plants, ○ Certain countries have implemented special
involving the transfer of pollen grain from the penalties for vaccine hesitant families.
anther (or male part) or from a similar stigma ○ For unvaccinated children, France has made
(or female part). vaccination compulsory with 11 vaccines and
○ The fertilized egg cells are converted into unvaccinated children can not enroll in schools
seeds which are then distributed around or nurseries.
various fruit and vegetables. ○ The manufacturer of vaccines may provide
○ It's essential not only for mankind but also for honest information on the side effects of the
crops. robust safety system and provide reassurance.
Importance of pollinators: ○ FAQs relating to vaccination and the benefits,
○ Pollinators are vital for creating and health and immune aspects of vaccines can be
maintaining the habitats and ecosystems that provided and doctors and patients with a
many animals rely on for food and shelter. variety of on-line services can be connected.
○ Worldwide, over half the diet of fats and oils ○ Google, Facebook and others such as these can
comes from crops pollinated by animals. be asked to ensure that users can view only
○ They facilitate the reproduction in 90% of the trustworthy science-based vaccine
world’s flowering plants. information.
Reasons for disappearance of pollinators: ○ Collaborative efforts between pediatrists,
family physicians, caregivers, public health


agencies, legislatures, technological ○ Wadhwani AI would support the national

companies and civil society can dispel vaccine tuberculosis program as part of the
misconceptions and misinformation. collaboration, helping it to become AI-ready
and to develop, pilot and deploy AI-based
Oxytocin solutions.
Why in news? ○ It is developing new screening methods and
○ A ban has been called for the usage of oxytocin. diagnostic approaches as India plans to end
What is oxytocin? tuberculosis by 2025.
○ It is also known for its love-creating effect in ○ Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious
the human body and the women's disease caused usually due to Mycobacterium
reproductive and biological function, hence tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria.
called love hormone or hug hormone. ○ Tuberculosis though typically affects the lungs,
○ It is produced in the hypothalamus of the brain it also affects other parts of the body.
and secreted by the Pituitary gland. ○ According to the World Health Office (WHO),
○ It is also a neurotransmitter and a hormone. India has almost 27 lakh cases of tuberculosis
○ During conception and breastfeeding it plays a annually and 4.23 lakh people are killed
vital role. (2016).
○ Ban has been called because of its effect on
uterus contractions and lactation. Vector borne disease
○ Use of it seemed inappropriate for the dairy Why in news?
industry. Growth of these diseases is a cause of concern.
○ It is also overused in the steroid industry. What are these?
○ The High Court of Delhi quashed the ○ Vector-borne diseases are human diseases
Notification of the Centre of 14 December caused by vector-borne parasites, viruses, and
2018, which forbade sales by private bacteria.
manufacturers and retail chemists, stating ○ They are living organisms that can transmit
that sales were permitted. infectious diseases from or to humans and are
○ The drug could only be produced by insects such as mosquitoes, flies, ticks, bugs
Karnataka Antibiotics and and so on.
Pharmaceuticals limited (KAPL) since no ○ About 17 percent of all infectious diseases
other public sector company exists. are significant vector-borne diseases.
○ The revised order was also abrogated by the ○ In tropical and subtropical areas, the burden of
Delhi High Court. Against the high court order these diseases is highest and it has a
of Delhi, the Central Government moved the disproportionate impact on the poorest
Supreme Court. population.
○ The world's fastest growing vector-borne
Artificial intelligence in TB disease is dengue fever, together with related
Why in news? dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF).
○ In order to explore the use of artificial ○ Every year, malaria kills over 400,000 people
information technology for treating around the world, most of them children,
tuberculosis(TB), the Ministry of Health has under the age of 5.
signed a MoU with the Wadhwani Institute of ○ Hundreds of millions of people globally are
Artificial Intelligence. infected through other illnesses such as Chagas
About disease, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.
○ The Revised National TB Control Program Different diseases and their vectors:
(RNTCP) is being revamped and aims to ○ Mosquitoes - (Aedes) cause Chikungunya,
incorporate AI technology for fast Dengue fever, Lymphatic filariasis, Rift Valley
tuberculosis fighting. fever, Yellow fever, Zika.
○ RNTCP is the Government of India's state-run ○ Mosquitoes - (Anopheles) cause Malaria,
tuberculosis (TB) treatment programme. Lymphatic filariasis.


○ Mosquitoes- (Culex) cause Japanese On September 3, 2019 Bangladesh, Bhutan,

encephalitis, Lymphatic filariasis, West Nile Nepal and Thailand became the first four
fever. countries in the WHO’s Southeast Asia region to
○ Sandflies cause Leishmaniasis, Sandfly fever. have successfully controlled hepatitis B.
○ Triatomine bugs cause Chagas disease What is this disease?
(American trypanosomiasis). ○ Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver.
○ Tsetse flies cause Sleeping sickness (African ○ The condition can be self-limiting or can
trypanosomiasis). progress to fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or
○ Fleas cause Plague (transmitted by fleas from liver cancer.
rats to humans) and Rickettsiosis. ○ Though Hepatitis viruses are the most
Changes in agricultural practices due to common cause of hepatitis in the world, other
variation in temperature and rainfall can infections, toxic substances like alcohol ,
affect the transmission of vector-borne certain drugs and autoimmune diseases can
diseases. The growth of urban slums, also cause hepatitis.
lacking reliable piped water or adequate ○ There are 5 main hepatitis viruses, referred
solid waste management, can render large to as types A, B, C, D and E.
populations in towns and cities at risk of ○ Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is present in the
viral diseases spread by mosquitoes. faeces of infected persons and is most often
transmitted through consumption of
GM Aedes Aegypti contaminated water or food. Certain sex
● Why in news? practices can also spread HAV. HAV infections
○ GM version of Aedes Aegypti plans to be can also be severe and life threatening.
released to control certain diseases. ○ Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is transmitted
GM mosquito through exposure to infectious blood, semen,
○ The technology uses genetically modified and other body fluids, contaminated injections
male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry a during medical procedures, and through
dominant lethal gene. injection drug use. HBV can be transmitted
○ When this male GM mosquitoes' mate with from infected mothers to infants at the time of
wild female mosquitoes the lethal gene is birth or from family members to infants in
passed on to offspring. early childhood. Safe and effective vaccines
○ The lethal gene in the offspring kills the larvae are available to prevent HBV.
before they reach adulthood. ○ Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mostly transmitted
○ Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, the through exposure to infectious blood. Sexual
release of GM males will not increase the transmission is also possible, but is much less
risk of dengue, chikungunya and Zika. common. There is no vaccine for HCV.
○ Vector control using A. aegypti infected with ○ Hepatitis D virus (HDV) infections occur
the bacterium Wolbachia is achieved by only in those who are infected with HBV.
using the life-shortening bacteria strain in The dual infection of HDV and HBV can result
both male and female mosquitoes. in a more serious disease and worse outcome.
○ As Wolbachia is maternally inherited, the Hepatitis B vaccines provide protection
bacteria are anyway passed onto offspring. from HDV infection.
○ Dengue, Zika or chikungunya viruses ○ Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is mostly transmitted
cannot replicate when mosquitoes through consumption of contaminated water
have Wolbachia. or food. Safe and effective vaccines have been
○ A feature of Wolbachia is that it is self- developed but are not widely available.
sustaining, making it a low-cost intervention.
Avian Influenza
Hepatitis B Why in news?
Why in news? India has been declared free from Avian Influenza


What is this disease? ○ Blood types are divided into four common
○ Avian influenza is a highly infectious viral blood groups under ABO's blood group
disease which affects a number of food scheme, i.e. A, B, O, AB.
producing bird species (chickens, turkeys, ○ Each red blood cell has a surface antigen that
quails, guinea fowl, etc.), pet and wild birds. helps to determine which group it belongs to.
○ Mammals, including humans, may ○ Depending upon a person's ABO blood type,
occasionally get infected. the H antigen is converted into either the A
○ This is a poultry fatal virus and can lead to antigen, B antigen, or both.
widespread deaths. ○ If a person has group O blood, the H antigen
○ There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, remains unmodified.
C and D. ○ Therefore, the H antigen is present more in
○ Human influenza A and B viruses cause blood type O and less in blood type AB.
seasonal epidemics of disease (known as the ○ In the Bombay blood group, individuals
flu season). have inherited two recessive alleles of the H
○ Influenza A viruses are the only influenza gene (i.e. their genotype is hh).
viruses known to cause flu pandemics, i.e., ○ This means that there is no antigen H in the
global epidemics of flu disease. RBC of the hh blood group.
○ Influenza type C infections generally cause ○ Dr Y M Bhende first discovered the rare
mild illness and are not thought to cause Bombay blood group in 1952 in Mumbai
human flu epidemics. (then in Bombay).
○ Influenza D viruses primarily affect cattle and ○ The occurrence of the hh blood type is one in
are not known to infect or cause illness in four million worldwide.
people. ○ Nevertheless, because of inbreeding and close
○ Influenza A viruses are divided into marriage between groups, the blood type is
subtypes based on two proteins on the more prevalent in South Asia than anywhere
surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and else.
neuraminidase (N). ○ In India, between 7,600 and 10,000 people are
○ There are 18 different hemagglutinin born of this kind.
subtypes and 11 different neuraminidase ○ Because of the rare hh blood type, patients
subtypes (H1 through H18 and N1 through experience blood transfusion problems, which
N11, respectively). often lead to death.
○ Current subtypes of influenza A viruses that ○ Individuals with the blood group of Bombay
routinely circulate in people include: A(H1N1) can only transfuse blood from people with a
and A(H3N2). very unusual Bombay hh phenotype.
○ A(H5N1) is a virus that occurs primarily in ○ This is not usually stored in blood banks,
birds. particularly because it is rare and blood shelf-
Prevention: life is 35-42 days.
○ Influenza is the only respiratory virus ○ Hh blood group, on the other hand, can donate
preventable by vaccination. The inactivated their blood on ABO blood types.
vaccine can prevent influenza illnesses and
their complications when given before Hydrogels with tunable bacterial
exposure to the virus. The protection against
disease outbreaks requires strict biosecurity
measures and good health. Why in news?
○ Recently, researchers at the Indian Association
for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata
Bombay blood group has fabricated Hydrogels which can be tuned
Why in news? with different bacteria-killing properties.
○ Recently there has been a spike in demand for The concept
a rare blood type called Bombay blood group. ○ These hydrogels were manufactured or mixed
About the Bombay blood Group: in the presence of silver acetate and


phenylboronic acid, when the natural ○ Non-food crops are used in the production of
nucleoside molecule cytidine assembled in an 2nd generation biofuels.
hydrogel. ○ Biofuels of second generation are commonly
○ This hydrogel is found against Gram- called "advanced biofuels."
negative bacterial strains such as E.Coli to ○ Biofuels of third generation are algae-based
show antibacterial activity. biofuels which do not require cultivable land.
○ The antibacterial activity of Silver Acetate is
known, but due to its toxicity it can not be
○ However the toxicity was reduced and thus
suitable to treat bacterial infections when
silver acetate is incorporated in the hydrogel.
○ As the hydrogel decreases the cell size of
the E.coli by the inclusion of metal, its cell
membrane gets disrupted, allowing the
cellular material to spill.
○ The silver-acetate hydrogel was not shown to ○ Proposed fourth generation fuels are
be harmful to natural kidney and red cells. extension of third generation algal biofuels
○ A large number of hydrogels with various which has an added feature of carbon capture
bacterial killing properties can be produced by (CO2) ability.
changing the boronic acid component in Benefits:
Hydrogel. ○ Remove our reliance on fossil fuels, thus
○ The property of certain gels or liquids which reducing our dependence on imports.
are dense or viscous and become fluid (thin, ○ This cleans up the environment with fewer
less viscous) at time when they are shaken, GHG emissions.
agitated, sheared or otherwise stretched is ○ Elements such as discarded cooking oil,
called thixotropy. For eg, painting quickly municipal waste and other problems will get
disappears and the surface is set as water (or solved.
oil) instantly evaporates. ○ This sector has the potential to create
opportunities and provide employment for
hundreds of people through different
Biofuels development segments.
Why in news?
New targets have been set under the national
policy of biofuels New TB vaccine
What are they? Why in news?
○ Biofuels are fuels made directly or indirectly ○ On 15 July, 2019, the Indian Council of Medical
from organic material, such as compost, which Research (ICMR) launched the third-phase
includes plant materials and animal waste. trials for an anti-Tuberculosis vaccine that
○ Overall, around 10 percent of the world's total could be administered to anybody aged six
energy demand is bioenergy. years and above.
○ Biofuels may be rigid, gaseous or liquid. ○ Current BCG vaccines are only for neonates.
○ These can also be derived from crop residues, ○ The WHO End TB Strategy aims at a 95 per
forestry products, farming products etc.. cent reduction in TB mortality and a 90 per
Types cent reduction in TB incidence worldwide by
There are four generations of biofuel: 2035.
○ Biofuels of the first generation are also known ○ Accordingly, there have been 2.8 million
as conventional biofuels. They're made of tuberculosis cases in the country with 1,47,000
sugar, starch or vegetable petroleum (all these multi-drug resistant TB cases.
are food products). ○ Around 4.23 lakh people are killed and HIV-TB
deaths stand at around 87000.


○ The proportion of TB burden in India is 27 BCCI has now agreed to come under NADA.
percent higher than worldwide. What is NADA?
○ The government pledged to eliminate ○ The NADA is the national organisation
tuberculosis in this situation by 2025. responsible for promoting, coordinating,
○ The two vaccine candidates, ‘VPM1002’, and monitoring the doping control program
which is produced by the Serum Institute of in sports in all its forms in India.
India, Pune and MIP (Mycrobacterium ○ It implements anti-doping rules and policies
Indicus Pranii) are being worked upon. which conform with the World Anti-Doping
○ The study would enroll 12,000 healthy Agency, cooperates with other anti-doping
household contacts of a patient whose sputum organisations and promotes anti-doping
has tested positive for TB and are therefore at research and education.
high risk of contracting the disease. ○ It is meant for free competition.
○ The trial would be done on patients’ ○ It is formed by the Union Government under
contacts from seven sites: Delhi, Karnataka, the societies Registration Act, 1890.
Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and
Telangana. Polio
Why in news?
Kala azar ○ World polio day was celebrated and the
Why in news? National Polio Program has been started.
○ Study warns Kala azar patients can infect What is Polio?
others even after treatment and can be a ○ Polio-myelitis is a contagious viral disease
source of infection for others in their that affects mainly small children and is highly
community. infectious.
What is this disease? ○ It is primarily spread through a faecal-oral
○ Visceral leishmaniasis is the most severe route or less often, a specific medium (eg.
form of leishmaniasis, and without proper infected water or food) from person to
diagnosis and treatment is associated with person and multiplies in the intestines from
high fatality. which it can enter the nervous system and
○ It is known by several names kala-azar, black cause paralysis.
fever and Dumdum fever. ○ At first the disease does not splash in nearly 90
○ Caused by protozoan Leishmania, it first percent of cases.
affects the liver, spleen and bone marrow and ○ But the problem begins and leads to paralysis
then migrate to inner organs. when the virus enters into the central nervous
○ Fever, lack of weight, tiredness, anaemia and system which will remain permanently.
hepatitis and spleen swelling, skin thickness, ○ Early signs include fever, exhaustion, cough,
fatigue etc.. are the signs and symptoms. diarrhea, neck stiffness and leg pain.
○ The parasite is transmitted to humans by ○ No cure has been found and early
the bite of female sand flies. immunization can prevent it.
○ It has been endemic to four states in India – ○ In 2014, India was officially declared polio-
Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Uttar free, along with the rest of the South-East Asia
Pradesh. Region.
○ In 2014, the government launched the Kala ○ On 13 January 2011, West Bengal and Gujarat
Azar Elimination Programme with support were India's latest reported cases of
from international agencies which focuses on wilderness polio.
the four endemic states and has been on the ○ The government has incorporated Inactivated
verge of eliminating the disease. Polio Vaccine(IPV) into its routine
immunization program in order to provide
NADA (National Anti-Doping additional protection for infants.
○ The main aim behind this ambitious
Agency) programme is to strengthen the children’s
Why in news?

immune system and to provide double Disability Prevention (MMDP) services to

protection against polio. those affected by the disease.
○ Until polio is eradicated globally, Oral Polio
vaccine(OPV) is still the main preventive Anti-biotic resistance in E-Coli
measure against polio. Thus, IPV is Why in news?
recommended in addition to OPV and does not E Coli has been seeming to have developed
replace OPV. antibiotic resistance.
○ IPV may be given alone or in combination with What is E coli?
other vaccines as an injectable vaccine. ○ Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is an
○ For IPV, all three poliovirus forms ( type 1, important aspect of human intestinal tract
type 2 and type 3) have serum immunity, health.
resulting in paralyzed poliomyelitis defense. ○ Most E. coli are harmless bacteria and assist
○ India became the first country to incorporate in everyday health but the ones that cause a
fractional IPV doses in early 2016 into the problem are generally pathogenic, which cause
infant-immunization system in the world. illnesses such as diarrhoea, or even things
outside the intestinal functions.
Lymphatic filariasis ○ Usually, the E. coli that causes diarrhoea is
Why in news? transferred through food, water, or contact
○ ‘United to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis’ was with animals/people who already have E. coli.
inaugurated by the Union Minister for Health ○ It enters the body through human or animal
and Family Welfare and he signed the ‘Call to feces.
Action to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis by What is antibiotic resistance?
2021’. ○ Antibiotics are medicines used to treat
What is lymphatic filariasis? infections caused by bacteria.
○ Lymphatic filariasis, also called ○ Antibiotic Resistance refers to resistance
elephantiasis is known as a neglected developed by bacteria against antibiotics or
tropical illness. the ability of bacteria to mutate or change
○ Effects are impairment of the lymphatic so as to resist the effects of antibiotics.
system and excessive growth of the body, ○ Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but
causing pain, serious disability and social misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals is
stigma. accelerating the process.
○ It is a vector-borne illness caused by parasite ○ It is also accelerated by poor infection
infection classified as Filarioidea prevention and control.
nematodes (roundworms). ○ A growing number of infections – such as
○ 90% of cases are accounted for by pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, and
Wuchereria Bancrofti worms. salmonellosis – are becoming harder to treat as
○ The rest of the remaining cases are caused by the antibiotics used to treat them become less
Brugia Malayi and Brugia Timori. effective.
○ Indian government introduced the ○ Antibiotic resistance leads to longer hospital
Accelerated Lymph Filariasis Elimination stays, higher medical costs and increased
Plan (APELF) in 2018. mortality.
○ India has scaled up the use of Triple Drug ○ WHO has formulated a “Global action plan on
Therapy (IDA) in a phased manner from antimicrobial resistance” in May 2015.
November 2019. ○ It has 5 strategic objectives:
○ India have adopted a twin pillar strategy - To improve awareness and understanding of
prevention through Mass Drug antimicrobial resistance.
Administration (MDA) using combination of 2 To strengthen surveillance and research.
anti-filarial drugs (DEC and Albendazole) To reduce the incidence of infection.
and providing Morbidity Management and To optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines.


To ensure sustainable investment in ● Are sold as aids to reduce or quit smoking.

countering antimicrobial resistance. ● It was invented by Hon Lik, a Chinese
Congo fever How they work:
Why in news? Most e-cigarettes have:
Gujarat recently saw a Congo fever case. - a mouthpiece, or cartridge
About Congo fever: - a heating element
○ It’s also called Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic - a rechargeable battery
fever (CCHF). - electronic circuits
○ The virus was first reported in Crimea in 1944,
followed by the Congo in Africa in 1969.
○ The CCHF virus is typically spread by tick
bites or contact with livestock carrying the
○ Those affected are often farmers or work in
○ The virus can also spread between people
via body fluids.
○ The infection-causing tick-borne virus is part
of the Bunyaviridae family.
○ It is considered endemic in the Middle East, As the user sucks on the mouthpiece, a sensor
Africa, the Balkans, and Asia, and is activates a heating element that vaporizes a
commonly known as the Congo fever. flavored, liquid solution held in the mouthpiece.
○ Symptoms include mild viral fevers include The person then "vapes," or inhales, the aerosol
fatigue, back pain, articular pain, stomach solution.
pain, diarrhea, red eyes and high fever. The solution, also known as e-liquid or e-juice,
○ Prevention involves avoiding tick bites. is made by extracting nicotine from tobacco
Though vaccines are not commercially and mixing it with a base, usually propylene
available, treatment is typically with glycol, and flavoring. The nicotine content varies
supportive care. L from zero to "extra-high," or 24 to 36 milligrams
○ A wide variety of preventive measures, such as (mg) per milliliter (ml).
wearing protective long sleeve clothing, Nicotine, what is it?
repellents for the skin, clothing, and ○ Nicotine is an alkaloid plant which contains
quarantining animals before being brought nitrogen and can be grown synthetically on
into killing homes, are proposed by the WHO. various plant types, including the tobacco
E-cigarette or vaping devices ○ Nicotine is both sedative as well as stimulant.
Why in news?
The Union cabinet has approved a total ban on e- BT Cotton
cigarettes and vapes in India. Why in news?
What are these? ○ Recently, a group of farmers was congregated
● An electronic cigarette (also known as in Akola village in Maharashtra in defiance of
electronic nicotine delivery systems, government rules to plant seeds of non-
vaporizer cigarettes, and vape pens) is a approved, genetically modified cotton.
battery-operated device that emits BT Cotton
doses of vaporized nicotine, or non- ○ BT cotton is genetically modified cotton, and
nicotine solutions, for the user to inhale. BT cotton remains the only GM crop to be
● Aims to provide a similar sensation to grown in the country.
inhaling tobacco smoke, without the


○ The insertion into cotton seeds of both genes, ○ Canine Distemper Virus is a viral disease which
viz "Cry1Ab" and "Cry2Bc," is developed by infects, especially carnivores in animals’
the US giant Bayer-Monsanto. gastrointestinal, airborne and central nervous
○ This change codes the plant to make it systems.
resistant to attacks with a protein toxic to ○ The CDV can be transmitted by direct (licking,
Heliothis bollworm (rosé bollwürm). breathing air, etc.) and/or indirect (bedding,
○ In 2002, the government approved the toys, food bowls etc.) touch.
commercial release of this hybrid. ○ Its continuity is demonstrated by its
○ The Environment Ministry of India is predominant inhalation.
responsible for evaluating the safety of a plant ○ No cure is available and by immunization it
that is genetically modified and determining may be prevented.
its suitability for culture by means of the ○ It was also seen in the Gir National Park, which
Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee led to the death of several Lions.
Now what's the issue? Genome India Initiative
○ A herbicide tolerant variety of Bt cotton has Why in news?
been planted by the farmers in Akola. This ○ The Biotechnology Department (DBT) aims to
type of variety (Cp4-Epsps) consists of adding study almost 20,000 Indian genomes in a two-
another gene, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, phase experiment over the next five years to
from another soil bacterium. develop diagnostic tests that can be extended
○ The GEAC does not approve it. The farmers to cancer.
claim that the HtBt species is able to withstand What is this initiative?
glyphosate spray, a herbicide used to remove ○ The first phase involves the sequencing of the
weeds, thus saving de-weeding costs entire genomes of almost 10,000 Indians from
significantly. across the country and capturing India's
○ Genetic modifications made to plants can biological diversity.
cause an insecurity in consumption, adverse ○ DBT will capture data from more than 10,000
human and animal health effects, or cause soil people over the next three years and link them
and neighboring plant problems. to its bio banks and biorepository.
○ The tests and field trials have to be followed ○ The genomes of 10,000 "diseased persons"
by an elaborate process. would be sequenced in the next phase.
○ GM technology critics argue that only after Data on human sequencing would be
many generations some traits of the genes accessible to researchers through a proposed
begin to express themselves, and so we can National Biological Data Centre envisaged in
never be certain of their safety. Biological Data Storage, Access and Sharing
○ It is a legally punishable offense under the Policy.
Environmental Protection Act of 1986 for the ○ Ever since the human genome was first
sale, storage, transport and use of sequenced in 2003, it opened a fresh
unauthorized GM seeds. perspective on the link between disease and
○ The sale of unapproved seeds may also be the unique genetic make-up of each individual.
subject to action pursuant to the 1966 Seed ○ The produced data would be available for
Act and the 1957 Cotton Act. study to researchers everywhere.

Canine distemper Virus

Why in news?
In a recent study published in Threatened Taxa
(TTT), 86% of the dogs had the Canine distemper
virus in their bloodstream. These dogs were from
the Ranthambhore National Park in Rajasthan.
What's the condition?


Technology and Health and Family Welfare

under public-private partnership (PPP).
What is Rota Virus?
○ Rotavirus is the leading cause of extreme
diarrhoea and death of children under the age
of five, up to 10 percent every year of overall
infant mortality.
○ The virus is transmitted by the faecal-oral
○ It infects and damages the cells that line the
small intestine and causes gastroenteritis.
○ Nausea, cramps, cough and cold, running nose,
dehydration are symptoms.
○ In adults there are usually no symptoms and it
is highly contagious in nature.
○ Rotavirus diarrhoea presents in a similar
manner like any other diarrhoea but can
mainly be prevented through rotavirus
○ Other diarrhoea can be prevented through
general measures like good hygiene, frequent
hand washing, safe water and safe food
consumption, exclusive breastfeeding and
vitamin A supplementation.
○ Three doses of Rotavirus vaccine (RV) has been
included in the Universal Immunization
○ As the genetic environment varies throughout
Programme (UIP).
the globe, genetic data must be exchanged to
gain more insights from research and support
the purpose of optimizing patient outcomes. Organoids
○ The initiative will aim to make predictive Why in news?
diagnostic markers available for some ○ Organoids are the so-called 'brains in a bowl’
priority diseases such as cancer and other that neuroscientists produce in laboratories.
rare and genetic disorders What are organoids?
○ Nearly 10,000 diseases - including cystic ○ These are essentially organs developed in a
fibrosis, thalassemia are known to be the laboratory or they are a collection of cells that
result of a single gene malfunctioning. have been produced in laboratories into three-
The initiative will pave the way to classify dimensional, miniature structures that
genes and genetic variations for common replicate the cell structure of the entire organ.
diseases, to treat Mendelian disorders and ○ Although small in size, the maturity of an organ
to allow the precise medicine environment to is reached quite early.
be transformed in India. ○ These only include cells but not other features
such as blood vessels, etc.
Rota virus How are organoids produced in the
Why in news?
○ They are grown in the lab with stem cells,
○ The Ministry of Health drew up an ambitious
which can be one of the specific cells in the
plan with a 100-day agenda to offer each
human body or cells induced to behave like
infant rotavirus vaccine throughout all States
stem cells, scientifically known as induced
and Union Territories by September 2019.
pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), from organ and
○ The Rotavac vaccine has been developed
adult cells.
indigenously by the Ministries of Science,


○ Nutrients and other unique molecules are ○ The limitation of conventional therapeutics,
given for stem cells to grow and become cells which allows the targeting of active agents at
identical to a certain organ. the specific site of illness, is being solved by
○ The developing cells can assemble themselves nanopharmaceutics.
into the cell structures of a given organ and ○ Such nanopharmaceutical precision targets
can partly reproduce the complex functions of minimize toxic systemic side effects which
mature organs via physiological lead to improved patient adherence.
regeneration process. Benefits: It brings a revolution in treatment
○ The laboratory has already developed strategies as drugs and therapeutic molecules are
organoids from the brain, small intestines, delivered specifically. In many conditions of
kidneys, heart, stomach, eyes, liver, pancreas, disease, they offer greater efficacy and less
prostate, salivary glands and interior ears. toxicity. Particularly in cancer treatment they will
How have organoids helped in our be very useful.
understanding of diseases? The guiding principles cover all aspects of testing
○ Researchers have used brain organoids for from identifying and categorizing nano-
research into how the Zika virus affects pharmaceuticals to the current clinical collection
embryo brain development. of pharmacovigilance. It will give new and more
○ Organoids can be used to research the safety affordable innovators and drug manufacturers an
and effectiveness of new medications and also important boost to optimize their research and
to check tissue reaction to current develop medicines.
○ Organoids will bring precision medicine closer Typhoid conjugate vaccine
to reality by developing treatment strategies Why in news?
for individual patients by studying which ○ Bharat Biotech has developed a typhoid
drugs the patient is most susceptible to. (Typbar TCV) vaccine that is better able to
What are the ethical challenges of growing prevent typhoid fever than commonly used
organoids? vaccines.
○ Scientists argue that organoids have no What is typhoid?
sensory inputs and that sensory connections ○ Food and water infected by bacteria
are limited from the brain. Isolated brain Salmonella Typhi (S. typhi) are responsible
regions can not interact or produce motor for typhoid fever.
impulses with other brain regions. Therefore, ○ Fever, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite,
the likelihood of consciousness or other constipation are the symptoms of the disease.
perceptive property of higher order [like the ○ The severity of the illness varies and serious
ability to feel trouble] remains extremely cases can lead to serious complications or even
remote. death.
○ The WHO notes that in children below two
Nano pharmaceuticals years of age a large proportion of cases of
Why in news? severe typhoid fever exist.
○ Evaluation recommendations created by The vaccine
DBT, ICMR and Center Drug Standard Control ○ Typbar TCV vaccine is a type of conjugate
Organization (CDSCO) for nano- vaccine that was pre qualified by the Strategic
pharmaceutics in India have been released. Advisory Group of Immunization Experts
What are Nano-pharmaceuticals? (WHO-SAGE) of the WHO.
○ An area where the sizes of drug particles or
therapeutic delivery systems function in a Traditional medicine
nanoscale is the emergent field of Why in news?
nanopharmaceutics. ○ In today's context, AYUSH indicated the
○ They come from the use of nanotechnology in relevance of this method.
medical therapy. Concept:


○ The system comes from traditional texts and AMBIS (automated multi modal
cultural heritage and presents a healthy
method to cure diseases. biometric identification system)
○ Subject to the growing challenges of Non- Why in news?
communicable Diseases (NCDs), lifestyle ○ Maharashtra became the first state in the
disorders, long term diseases, and multidrug police investigation to implement the AMBIS.
resistant diseases, importance and demand What is AMBIS?
for yoga, ayurveda, homeopathy, siddha and ○ An AMBIS device includes a computer
unani are growing. device, camera and iris, fingerprint and
○ Steps taken by government to restore it palm scanner.
are: ○ It is a facial recognition technology
AYUSH defense wings and train hospitals application.
are being developed. ○ This contains also a handheld device for
Strategy to promote effective cross- scraping residue and collecting fingerprints
learning and equitable interaction from scenes of crime.
between new and conventional programs. ○ AMBIS (with CCTV facial recognition) enables
Provision for the integration of both the police to cross criminals whose
systems at all levels of education, research fingerprints, apart from the fresh crimes, have
and practice. been captured on paper over the decades.
Including training in modern medicine for ○ AMBIS is an up-to-date variant of the AFIS,
AYUSH practitioners through curriculum which Indian law enforcement agencies have
changes and vice versa. been able to use for quest for fingerprints and
Soft loans and funding to set up private palm prints.
clinics and AYUSH hospitals. ○ AFIS has minimal utility and offers one-to - one
Building institutes in teaching and fingerprint matches only in contrast to AMBIS
research excellence in AYUSH which multimodal matches.
would enhance traditional medicine's
credibility and awareness. Penicillin to fight rheumatic fever
12,500 health centers and wellness Why in news?
centers are expected to be built under the ○ The government plans to resurrect penicillin in
Ayushman Bharat Mission. order to combat rheumatic fever.
The relative strengths, weaknesses, and What is rheumatic fever?
function of each system should be ○ It is an endemic disease in India.
delineated. ○ It is a disease that can affect the heart, joints,
AYUSH practices, training quality and brain, and skin.
administrative should be standardized. Specific ○ Rheumatic fever can develop if strep throat
issues related to AYUSH analysis methods should and scarlet fever infections are not treated
be discussed. properly.
India could learn from the example of Chinese ○ Bacteria called group A Streptococcus or
integration with western medicine. A smooth group A strep cause strep throat and scarlet
transition through medium-and long-term fever.
strategy should be expeditiously implemented to ○ Rheumatic fever is thought to be caused by a
take into account significant push which is response of the body’s defense system — the
already underway in the world towards universal immune system.
health care. ○ The immune system responds to the earlier
Through India, the subordinated status of strep throat or scarlet fever infection and
AYUSH can be addressed and its legitimate causes a generalized inflammatory
inclusion in mainstream health services response.
promoted. ○ Though it’s not contagious, people with strep
throat or scarlet fever can spread group A strep


to others, primarily through respiratory National institute for Sowa Rigpa

droplets. Why in news?
○ Common signs and symptoms are Fever, ○ The Union Cabinet has approved the
painful and tender joints (arthritis), most establishment in Leh, Union Territory of
commonly in the knees, ankles, elbows, and Ladakh, the National Institute of Sowa Rigpa
wrists, fatigue and in some cases a red rash. (NISR).
○ It is more common in school-age children (5 What is Sowa Rigpa?
through 15 years old). ○ Sowa-Rigpa (healing science) is a traditional
○ India has a high rheumatic fever burden and medicinal system coming from India's
rheumatic disease, which often goes Himalayan belt, which is still in practice.
undiagnosed and contributes to multiple ○ It was established in Tibet and has been
maternal deaths at birth. practiced popularly in countries such as India,
○ Penicillin tends to reduce the rheumatic fever Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia and Russia.
attack rate by as much as 80%. ○ The father of Sowa Rigpa is said to be Yuthog
Yonten Gonpo from Tibet.
Measles ○ It is practiced in extreme parts of the north east
Why in news? of India, starting from the Ladakh region.
○ After spending three years free from new ○ Sowa-Rigpa's theory and practice is similar to
cases of measles, Sri Lanka has been declared Ayurveda.
Measles free by the WHO. Upcoming institute
What's the problem? ○ In partnership with national and international
○ Measles is a viral disease of contagion which is institutes, it will be under the ministry of
a major cause of death for young children AYUSH.
worldwide despite the availability of a safe ○ It will act as a Sowa-Rigpa framework apex
and effective vaccine. centre.
○ Measles is transmitted via droplets from the ○ This establishes synergies between the
nose, mouth or throat of infected persons. existing institutions of Sowa Rigpa, namely the
○ Initial symptoms, which usually appear 10–12 Central Tibetan Studies University, Varanasi
days after infection, include high fever, a and the central Buddhist studies Institute at
runny nose and tiny white spots on the inside Leh.
of the mouth. ○ Under the Ministry of Culture, current Sowa-
○ Several days later, a rash develops, starting on Rigpa institutions operate.
the face and upper neck and gradually ○ It will also help to revive Sowa-Rigpa and
spreading downwards. associate the Sowa-Rigpa's traditional
○ Severe measles is more likely among poorly knowledge with modern science, technology
nourished young children, especially those and instruments.
with insufficient vitamin A or whose immune
systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or National Genomic Grid(NGG)
other diseases. Why in news?
○ Blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea and ○ The government recently announced that the
corresponding dehydration, and severe national genome grid would be setup.
respiratory infections like pneumonia are all What is this?
serious complications. ○ It will study genomic data from Indian cancer
○ In conjunction with mass immunization patients.
programs in normal low-coverage areas, ○ The project will collect samples from cancer
compulsory infant measles vaccination is a patients with their permission by bringing
vital public health policy for reducing all cancer treatment institutions on board
worldwide measle mortality. through a network of pan-Indian collection


○ The grid to be developed will be consistent ○ SCGN is currently established as a therapeutic

with the National Cancer Tissue Biobank diabetes functional insulin-binding protein.
(NCTB) established at the Indian Technology ○ SCGN binds and protects insulin against
Institute in Madras. different stresses, enhances its stability and
NCTB increases its action.
○ The Department of Sciences and ○ SCGN is found in lower quantities in the
Technology (DDST), the Government of brains of Alzheimer’s patients.
India and the Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, are joint initiatives for E 2020 initiative
National Cancer Tissue Biobank (NCTB). Why in news?
○ The samples collected will aid in cancer ○ According to the WHO, no endogenous
research, diagnosis, treatment, etc. malaria cases reported in 2018 by four
○ This research is conducted by the genome countries from Asia— China, Iran, Malaysia
sequencing technique. and Timor-Leste — and one from Central
○ The Government aims to improve cancer America— El Salvador.
research and make treatment feasible for ○ Such countries were included in the E-2020
individuals of various economic groups campaign initiated by the WHO in 2016,
through the National Genomic Grid. focusing on efforts to reduce malaria by
○ NGG aims to research cancer-related 2020 in 21 countries spread across five
genetic factors and determines the continents.
appropriate approach to care for the Indian What is the E-2020?
population. ○ This is a new strategy used by the new Global
Order, which was pioneered by the WHO to
Controlled human infection model eradicate malaria in the span of 15 years by
Why in news? monitoring milestones on their path towards
○ The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) success.
proposed to use the Controlled Human ○ The countries were chosen based on three
Infection Model (CHIM) to develop new criteria: (1) trends in cases (2)incidences of a
influenza vaccines. country (3) informed expert opinion in that
What is CHIM? industry.
○ CHIM method is used in volunteers ‘ approach ○ Together these 21 malaria-exterminating
which encourages them to engage in expert countries are part of an effort to eliminate
supervision trials when their volunteers are malaria within ambitious but technically
contaminated. feasible achievable timeframes, known as the
○ The vaccines that are used here are composed E-2020 initiative, supported by the WHO and
of virus-related diseases and injected into the other partners.
body to coax the immune system in the ○ Malaria is India's leading death cause and
preparation of antibodies. recorded 4 lakh deaths in 2017.
○ This concept can help in the development of ○ However, in 2017, India reported success on its
clinical research. cases of malaria with 24 percent decrease in
○ Earlier it was also used for Typhoid. cases from 2016.

Secretagogin AWaRe
Why in news? Why in news?
○ The role of Secretagogin Protein (SCGN) in ○ WHO is releasing a tool called AWaRe for safer
increasing insulin action in diabetes use and resistance to curbing antibiotics.
induced by obesity has been demonstrated What's the new instrument?
recently by scientists. ○ The online tool is intended to direct
What is this? lawmakers and others involved in public


health to use antibiotics safely and

○ This classifies antibiotics into three
different groups, known as ‘AWaRe,' i.e.,
Access, antibiotics that treat the most severe
and serious infections, Watch, antibiotics in
the healthcare system available at all times
and Reserve, antibiotics to use only as a last
resort, sparingly or conservingly.
○ Antimicrobial resistance has become an
"invisible pandemic," as infections that can
not be treated by all types of antibiotics
○ To ensure that we are still able to treat and
prevent serious diseases in the absence of the
development of new medicines, we must
safeguard these precious last-line antibiotics."

Dolutegravir (DTG)
Why in news?
○ WHO has recommended the use of HIV drug
DTG as first and second-line therapy for
people, including pregnant women.
About the drug:
The antiretroviral drug, used together
with other drugs to treat HIV / AIDS is
Dolutegravir (DTG), marketed under the
brand name Tivicay.
Initial study discoveries of a possible link
in infants born to women using the
medicines were made between DTG and
neural tube defects (cerebral and spinal
cord birth defects).
However, new studies have shown that
DTG is more safe, more easy to take and
less of an adverse compound.
The transition to DTG-based care for HIV
in 2019 is recorded in 82 low and middle-
income countries.


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