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Who got to Grandma's house before Little Red Riding Hood ?

The wolf got first.

What did the wolf do when he got to Grandma's ?
He knock the door and he pressed the latch and walked in to where the grandmother
lay in bed. He made one jump at her, but she jumped out of bed and into a closet.
Why was Little Red Riding Hood not frightened of the wolf at Grandma's house ?
Because she did not know what a wicked beast the wolf was.
Which of these things did Little Red Riding Hood say to the wolf ?
The location of the grandmother house and what was on the bag.
A policeman helped Little Red Riding Hood when the wolf was chasing her ?
No, it was his dad.
Was Little Red Riding Hood in her mother's house?
A knife was a tool that the woodcutter use to help Little Red Riding Hood with the
No, it was and axe.

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