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How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 1

How to Configure a Windows

10 Virtual Machine
By: Shawn Delaney
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 2

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1: Installing VirtualBox ..................................................................................................... 5
Downloading Process .................................................................................................................. 5
Validating Checksum .................................................................................................................. 5
Setup Process............................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Creating a Virtual Machine ........................................................................................... 6
Starting a new Virtual Machine .................................................................................................. 6
Memory Size Settings ................................................................................................................. 6
Hard Disk Settings ...................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3: Configuring a Virtual Machine ..................................................................................... 8
Enabling Disk Encryption ........................................................................................................... 8
Recording Settings ...................................................................................................................... 8
Changing Processor Core Count ................................................................................................. 8
Disabling Network Connection ................................................................................................... 8
Configuring a Shared Folder ....................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4: Working in a Virtual Machine .................................................................................... 10
Starting and Stopping a Virtual Machine .................................................................................. 10
Ways to start up your virtual machine ...................................................................................... 10
Ways to stop running a virtual machine.................................................................................... 10
Snapshots................................................................................................................................... 10
How to Set up a Snapshot.......................................................................................................... 10
How to Revert to Snapshot ........................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 5: Installing Windows 10 to the Virtual Machine ........................................................... 11
Choosing the ISO File ............................................................................................................... 11
Installing Windows 10 Pro ........................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 6: Extra Tools .................................................................................................................. 12
How to Install Guest Additions ................................................................................................. 12
How to Install the Extension Pack ............................................................................................ 12
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 13
Index ............................................................................................................................................. 14
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 3


This manual aims to teach beginners how to download, install, configure, and use a
Windows 10 virtual machine on a Dell laptop. This will focus only on beginners and will avoid
using jargon unless said jargon is shown on screen. This is to avoid any confusion and will go
over small details to make it easy to follow. Beginners are in the range of people who have never
used computers before to people that do basic things such as only internet searches and checking
their email.
The purpose is to allow more people to easily create a virtual machine. Virtual machines
are a great way to prevent viruses harming your computer and a way to store information in
separate machines. Millions of dollars are lost due to breaches in computers and virtual machines
can help reduce the time that computers are down due to attacks and even people gaining access
to private files. It also allows people to try certain operating systems while avoiding having to
pay for a new computer entirely.
Virtual machines can be easy to use and to get running. They require knowing how to
operate which will be shown in this manual and how they work. The process should not take
long and will be easy to follow. Certain situations require different requirements and those are
mentioned in this manual for beginners to know where to look. With easy setup and virtual
machines being free, they are beneficial for nearly everyone to use and should be shown to
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 4


• Hardware
Hardware is what allows an operating system to run at all. Hardware is the actual
components of a computer such as the hard drive, processor, and motherboard. Virtual machines
need hardware to run as well so the hardware gets passed along to the virtual machine when in
use. Some operating systems require more hardware resources than other operating systems and
this should be noted when working with virtual machines. Since resources get passed to the
virtual machine, your computer must be able to handle your regular operating system as well as
the operating system in the virtual machine.
Windows 10 (64-bit) requires the following amount of hardware:
o One processor core with a speed of 1 gigahertz
o Two gigabytes of memory
o 20 gigabytes of storage
Due to Windows 10 requiring this hardware, a computer running Windows 10 with a
Windows 10 virtual machine would require double the hardware at least. Better hardware is
recommended though this is the bare-minimum.
• ISO File
An ISO file is a disc image file that typically holds an operating system in it. This is set
so that it can be read during boot and have everything in it. ISO files also store a lot of data in
one folder.
To get a virtual machine running, an ISO file is required. For Windows 10, you must go
to the following link,, and
follow these steps.
1. Download the installation media tool.
2. Open the installation media tool.
3. Read the Applicable notices and license terms.
4. Click accept.
5. Select Create Installation Media.
6. Select next.
7. Click next.
8. Choose ISO File.
9. Click next and choose file path.
10. Click save.
11. Click finish.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 5

Chapter 1: Installing VirtualBox

VirtualBox must first be downloaded. Download it from the website and verify it. This
can be done by validating the checksum of the .exe file that will be downloaded to make sure the
file has not been altered. Setting up VirtualBox will be the final part of this chapter.
Downloading Process

1. Open an internet browser on your computer.

2. Click on a search bar and type in, “” and go to the website.
3. Find and press the download button to be led to another part of the website.
4. Click on which operating system your computer is running.
5. Save the .exe file and choose where to put it.

Validating Checksum

1. Click on SHA256 checksums on the VirtualBox website.

2. Open Windows Powershell on your computer.
3. Type in the following command, “Get-FileHash -Path path to file -Algorithm SHA256”
like in figure 1.
4. Read the hash and look at
the VirtualBox website.
5. Verify that it is the same
o If the checksum is
incorrect, go back to
section 1.1.

Setup Process

1. Click on the .exe file to

start the installing/setup
2. Click next.
3. Verify that the location is Figure 1
o If another location is wanted, click the browse button and select the path.
4. Click next three times.
7. Click install.
8. Click yes on the popup.
9. Click finish to complete the setup.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 6

Chapter 2: Creating a Virtual Machine

You must now create a virtual machine to be able to configure and use it. This process
can take a couple of minutes as the hard drive must make space for the virtual machine. There
are many options as to how your virtual machine may work.

Starting a new Virtual Machine

1. Open VirtualBox.
2. Click “New” in the menu.
3. Create a name for the virtual machine.
4. Choose a machine folder to store your virtual machine.
5. Click on type and choose Microsoft Windows.
6. Click on version and scroll down to choose Windows 10 (64-bit).
7. Click next.

Memory Size Settings

Memory size must be at least 2048 megabytes for Windows 10. You
may add more though it is recommended to keep the bar in the green.

1. Click on the box to the right of the bar.

2. Change the value to 2048 shown in figure 2.
3. Click next.

Hard Disk Settings Figure 2

Hard Disk Settings can be changed though the default settings work perfectly fine.
Windows 10 requires 20 gigabytes though 30 gigabytes will be shown in steps to have extra

1. Click on, “Create a virtual hard disk now.”

2. Click create.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 7

3. Click, “VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)”.

4. Click next.
5. Click on, “Dynamically allocated”.
6. Click next.
7. Click on the box beside the bar.
8. Change the value to 30 as in figure 3.
9. Click create.

Figure 3
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 8

Chapter 3: Configuring a Virtual Machine

Certain hardware might require changing depending on the needs of the virtual machine.
This is important as it can affect how well the virtual machine will run. Certain things are
optional though they are useful to know where they are to activate. Certain things might require
the extension pack. For more information about the extension pack, see
Enabling Disk Encryption

1. Click on the virtual machine.

2. Click on Settings.
3. Go to General and click Disk Encryption.
4. Check the “Enable Disk Encryption” box.
5. Change the Disk Encryption Cipher to AES-XTS256-PLAIN64.
6. Put in a password and confirm it.
7. Click ok to enable encryption.

Recording Settings

VirtualBox allows you to record virtual machine settings. This can be useful if recordings
are required for security or personal reasons.

1. Click on the virtual machine.

2. Click on Settings.
3. Go to Display and click Recording.
4. Enable recording and choose the settings that work best for you.
5. Click ok.

Changing Processor Core Count

It is possible to run the virtual machine off one core. If you have
the hardware though, you may add more cores which can be helpful with
running the virtual machine smoothly.

1. Click on the virtual machine.

2. Click on Settings.
3. Click on System and go to Processor.
4. Move the slider to the right edge of the green bar shown in
figure 4.
5. Click ok.
Figure 4

Disabling Network Connection

How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 9

Some situations require having a virtual machine that is not connected to the internet.
This can be done by disabling Network adapters.

1. Click on the virtual machine.

2. Click on settings.
3. Check the box to disable the network adapter.
4. Click ok.

Configuring a Shared Folder

Some files might require being moved from the virtual machine to the computer or vice
versa. This can be done by creating a shared folder.

1. Click on the virtual machine.

2. Click on settings.
3. Go to Shared Folders.
4. Click on add new shared point shown in figure 5.
5. Choose a file path that works for you. An
example would be C:\Example.
6. Click Select Folder.
6. Create a folder name.
7. Click ok.

Figure 5
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 10

Chapter 4: Working in a Virtual Machine

Starting and Stopping a Virtual Machine

Virtual machines can save machine state and shut down when you no longer want it to
run. Save machine state leaves it like it was never shut down.

Ways to start up your virtual machine

o Double click on the name of your virtual machine.
o Click on the virtual machine and press start.

Ways to stop running a virtual machine

o Click the close button and hit power
off the machine shown in figure 6.
o Press the Windows button in the virtual
machine and hit shut down.
o Click the close button and hit save the
machine state.

Snapshots save the current state of the virtual
machine. They are useful as virtual machines can go
back to the snapshot when needed in situations like
the virtual operating system becoming corrupt or there Figure 6
being something harmful in the virtual machine.

How to Set up a Snapshot

1. Open the virtual machine.

2. Sign into your virtual machine.
3. Click on machine on the toolbar like in figure/
4. Click snapshot.
5. Change the name and description to what is desired.
6. Click ok.

How to Revert to Snapshot

1. Click the close button.

2. Click, “Restore current snapshot ‘Name’”.
3. Click ok.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 11

Chapter 5: Installing Windows 10 to the Virtual


Choosing the ISO File

1. Start the virtual machine.
2. Click Choose virtual disk option shown in figure 7.
3. Click Add.
4. Find the Windows 10 ISO.
5. Choose the Windows 10 ISO file and click open.
6. Click Choose.
7. Select Start.

Installing Windows 10 Pro Figure 7

The Windows 10 setup is a slower process that requires waiting but some settings are set
for the user when choosing certain information for the ISO.

1. Click Next.
2. Click Install now.
3. Type the product key into the bar and select next.
o If you do not have a product key, you may just select, “I don’t have a product key” to
4. Click Windows 10 Pro and select next.
5. Read the Applicable notices and license terms.
6. Check the box that states, “I accept the license terms” and click next.
7. Click custom.
8. Click next.
o If multiple drives are shown, choose drive 0.
9. Choose your region and select yes.
10. Select your keyboard layout and click yes.
11. Click skip.
12. Select, “Set up for personal use” and click next.
13. Enter your Microsoft account.
o If you do not have an account, select offline account, limited experience, and create your
14. Click accept.
o Remove as many privacy settings as you want. Click accept when you are finished.
15. Choose whether you would like Cortana or not and select the answer.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 12

Chapter 6: Extra Tools

Some things can be downloaded to allow a virtual machine to do more like

accept more USB devices, better support for video streaming, and file transfers. These
tools can give many benefits that could be useful to certain people.

How to Install Guest Additions

Guest additions adds things such as device drivers to help the machine run
faster to things like better support with screen resizing. Installing Guest Additions is a
simple task that is recommended for each virtual machine.
1. Open the virtual machine.
2. Sign in and wait until you see the home screen.
3. Click devices in the toolbar.
4. Click, “Insert Guest Additions CD image…”
o If it states that another cd is in place, Go to Machine> Settings > Storage and remove the
current CD. After this, try step 4 again.
5. Click on File Explorer.
6. Click on This PC.
7. Double-click on the CD Drive.
8. Click on VBoxWindowsAddditions.exe.
9. Click on the Guest Additions setup in the taskbar.
10. Click next.
11. Click next.
12. Click install.
13. Choose to install for device software.
14. Select Reboot now and select finish.
o You can select reboot later to let the guest additions finish installing.

How to Install the Extension Pack

The extension pack can be important for some because it can do certain things
such as allow allowing a webcam to work in the virtual machine as well as disk
encryption. It is recommended to download this as it does not take too long to do.

16. Go to,

17. Click the hyperlink below VirtualBox Extension Pack.
18. Open with VirtualBox Manager.
19. Click Install.
20. Read the Personal Use and Evaluation License.
21. Click I Agree.
22. Click Yes on the popup.
23. Click ok.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 13


At this point, a Windows 10 virtual machine should be created and ready to be used. This manual
taught you how to download, setup, and use a virtual machine from scratch on a Dell laptop. This
manual went over the complete basics and some necessary as well as recommended steps.
How to Create a Windows 10 Virtual Machine 14


checksum ........................................................... 5 installing ...................................................... 5, 12

checksums .......................................................... 5 ISO ................................................................... 11
Cortana ............................................................. 11 ISO File.................................................... 2, 4, 11
download .................................................. 4, 5, 12 Memory ......................................................... 2, 6
encryption ................................................... 8, 12 Network ............................................................. 8
Extension Pack ............................................. 2, 12 Processor ........................................................... 8
Guest additions .............................................. 12 Shared Folder..................................................... 9
Guest Additions ........................................... 2, 12 Snapshots ..................................................... 2, 10
Hard Disk ....................................................... 2, 6 virtual machine ....... 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Hardware ............................................................ 4 VirtualBox ................................... 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12
Install ............................................................... 12 Windows 10 ........................... 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13

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